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Climate Change and Wildfires in Russia

Article  in  Contemporary Problems of Ecology · December 2013

DOI: 10.1134/S199542551307010X

136 977

2 authors:

Anatoly Shvidenko Dmitry Schepaschenko

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis


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ISSN 19954255, Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2013, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 683–692. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013.
Original Russian Text © A.Z. Shvidenko, D.G. Schepaschenko, 2013, published in Lesovedenie, 2013, No. 5, pp. 50–61.

Climate Change and Wildfires in Russia

A. Z. Shvidenkoa, b and D. G. Schepaschenkoa, c
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Schlossplatz 1, Laxenburg A2361, Austria
Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Akademgorodok 50, str. 28, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia
Moscow State Forest University, Institutskaya 1, Mytishchi, Moscow oblast, 141005 Russia
Received March 31, 2013

Abstract—The effect of climate change on the distribution, intensity, and transforming role of wild fires is
considered. A general overview of the current wild fire regimes (WRs) and impacts on forest ecosystems and
environment is provided. One distinctive feature of WRs is the increasing frequency of disastrous wild fires.
The application of various remote sensing instruments has shown that the average vegetation wild fire area in
Russia for 1998–2010 accounted for 8.2 ± 0.8 × 106 ha, with about twothirds of wildfires occurring on forest
lands and half on the forested lands. The average annual fire carbon balance during the above period was
121 ± 28 Tg C yr–1, including 92 ± 18 Tg C yr–1 emitted from the forested land. The forecasts based on the
General Circulation Models suggest the dramatic acceleration of fire regimes by the end of the 21st century.
Taking into account the increase in the dryness of the climate and the thawing of permafrost, this will likely
lead to a dramatic loss of forested area and the impoverishment of the forest cover over a major part of the
forest zone. A transition to adaptive forestry would allow a substantial decrease of the expected losses. This
paper takes a brief look at the general principals of adapting forest fire protection system to climate change,
which is considered an integral part of the transition to sustainable forest management in Russia.

Keywords: climate change, forest fires, current and expected fire regimes, adaptation of Russian forests to cli
mate change
DOI: 10.1134/S199542551307010X

INTRODUCTION that prevents a decrease in forest productivity, water

logging, and green desertification [10, 11]. However,
Vegetation fires (wildfires) have various impacts on on the largest part of the forest area, fires cause the
the environment and on the climate system of the most harmful natural disturbances that determine the
earth, i.e., emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, successional dynamics of forests, mosaicity and the
changes in evapotranspiration and surface heat structure of forest fund, and quantitative and qualita
regime, the course of the main ecological processes tive characteristics of forest stand; they can also lead to
(productivity and soil respiration), postfire changes of considerable ecological, economic, and social losses.
albedo on the burned areas and due to the black car Wildfires represent the main factor that determines the
bon deposition on snow and sea ice, and many other dynamics of carbon pools in the ecosystems of boreal
effects. An integral assessment of the impact of wild forests [29]. WRs (regionally conditioned stable com
fires depends on the duration of evaluation period. binations of types, diversity, frequency, and intensity of
The comprehensive impact of the abovementioned forest wildfires determining the degree of devastation
agents and others throughout the year of fire and the of forest biogeocenoses and the postfire dynamics of
initial period of restoration of the ecosystems leads to forest regeneration) depend on four crucial factors,
a pronounced greenhouse effect, whereas the long i.e., seasonal weather (climate), quantity and state of
standing postfire augmentation of albedo considerably combustible vegetation materials (CVMs), availability
declines the net effect [39]. of fire sources, and human activities. Consequently,
Forest wildfires are an integral part of the evolution climate change associated with current social and eco
of forest ecosystems and the current state of forest nomic processes constitutes an important factor for
cover in Russia. The twofaced role of forest wildfires forest wildfires and developing a strategy to abate
is evident all over the country. In the unmanaged high them. The present paper endeavors to analyze the
latitude forests, in particular, located on the perennial impact of current and expected climate change on for
permafrost area, the ground fires that occur according ests and wildfire regimes (WRs) in the country and dis
to the historically formed fire cycles (50–80 to 150– cuss the main measures aimed at adapting forests to
300 years) constitute part of the natural mechanism climate changes expected in the 21st century.


MATERIALS AND METHODS than the global one: 0.43 and 0.17°C/10 years, respec
tively. In high latitudes, the trend reached 0.61°C
While performing the present study, we used both within 10 years. These trends remain stable: two (2007
original and other available information sources. To and 2008) out of three warmest years over the entire
estimate the total area of vegetation fires (wildfires) documented history of evaluating climate indices in
that occurred in 1998–2010, we carried out by pixel Russia fall within the last decade [5]. The average
temporal control and reanalysis of the data obtained annual amount of precipitation is increasing, however
by the Sukachev Institute of Forest [17]. The initial insignificantly (+7.2 mm/10 years during 1976–2008
data array, represented the results of processing signals compared to 1961–1990). The change in the amount
of the 1–5 NOAA AVHRR channels of 1 km2 resolu of precipitation varies considerably over different
tion based on an algorithm whose details are given in areas. It is close to zero on a considerable part of the
[42, 44]. The usual overestimation of the wildfire area country, negative in the eastern part of Russia through
by lowresolution images was adjusted based on out the whole year, and also negative in European
regressions developed by a Siberian scientists using Russia in summer. The indices of climate dryness have
ground evaluations and Landsat images of 30m reso been increasing for almost entire boreal zone follow
lution (1). Then, we compared the areas affected by ing the trend of the past 50 years. Weather has become
wildfires to data on the longest observations obtained much more instable. The severe and prolonged
by MODIS satellite devices aboard the Terra and Aqua droughts (up to 100–120 days) on the vast areas
satellites and available in the Global Fire Emissions become more frequent and are often accompanied by
Database GFED3 [46] and SPOTVegetation [2]. abnormally high temperatures.
The distribution of wildfire areas by vegetation
types and the evaluation of wildfire emissions were This climate trend gave rise to an increasing fre
based on the data of the Integrated Land Information quency of disastrous fires that sweep over tens and
System of Russia (ILIS) developed by the Interna hundreds thousand hectares within large geographic
tional Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [40]. It regions, leading to the degradation of forest ecosys
includes a hybrid land cover in the form of a multilayer tems, the depletion of biodiversity, the disturbance and
geographic information system and multiple attribute destruction of the raw materials base of forest industry,
databases. The representation and parameterization of and the development of specific weather conditions on
land cover was carried out using 12 satellite instru the vast areas that adversely affect the economy and
ments, as well as the available in situ ground measure infrastructure, aggravate the living conditions and
ments and data from inventories and surveys (forest health of the population within the regions of their dis
state account, land state account, etc). The hierarchi tribution, and cause the irreversible transformation of
cal classification of vegetation included several tens of the forest environment for the period that exceeds the
classes for agricultural lands and ~80 thousand classes life cycle of major forestforming species [1, 17, 19,
for forests. ILIS offers a comprehensive description of 47, etc.]. In the area of disastrous fires, the composite
landscapes and ecosystems (including live biomass, humidity index sometimes reaches about 12000–
net primary production, heterotrophic respiration, 14000; the average area of individual fires increases by
etc.) and is coupled with the climatic data of the last 5–10 times, the smoke spreading over tens of millions
four decades. The base spatial resolution of ILIS is of hectares. The distribution of fires by types is chang
1 km2. ILIS constitutes, apparently, the most informa ing. Summarizing the available information on wild
tive georeferenced quantitative description of land fire regimes of the second half of the 20th century,
cover and vegetation in Russia. G.N. Korovin [33] classified 77% of fires as ground,
22% as crown, and 1% as underground fires. Disas
A wildfire carbon balance was estimated as part of trous fires of the last decade have led to a 1.5 to 2time
the full verified terrestrial ecosystems carbon balance increase in the share of crown and underground fires.
[41]. While evaluating emissions, five types of fire were The types of fire regimes are changing, with most fires
analyzed (crown, superficial ground, steady and stable lasting for a long time during summer and also falling
ground, peat, and underground fires). The monthly in early autumn. The fires spread over swamps, which
carbon emissions for every type of fire were assessed are normally nonflammable; the composition of fire
using longterm average regional data. CVMs were emissions is changing with an increase in CO, CH4,
classified by 12 types. The average longterm fire and NOx due to the deep soil burning. Postfire dieback
intensity (the share of consumed CVMs) was adjusted in the area of disastrous fires exceeds 50% and may
based on the regional weather conditions of individual reach 90% of forest stand under stable ground fires.
fire seasons [17, 41]. Longterm, generally unfavorable transformations of
hydrothermal regime occur within the burnt areas,
CURRENT WILDFIRE REGIMES IN RUSSIA with the forest bioproductivity potential decreasing by
approximately one third; further restoration is usually
In Russia, climatic change over the last decades is followed by the replacement of the dominant tree spe
quite obvious. The increasing temperature trend in cies. Forest fragmentation, its transformation into
Russia for 1976–2012 was almost three times higher debrisstrewn burnt areas, and the increase in the



35 18
30 16
Area, 106 ha

Area, 106 ha
20 10
15 8
5 2
0 0
20 0

20 2
20 3
20 4
20 5

20 7
20 8

20 0


20 3
20 4
20 5
20 6
20 7

20 9
19 8
20 9

20 1

19 8
20 9

20 0
20 1

20 0

20 1











Year Year
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Fig. 1. Dynamics of total area of wildfires according to dif Fig. 2. Dynamics of fires of the forest lands according to
ferent sources: (1) GFDE3 (44), (2) Refined data provided different sources: (1) Rosleshoz (Federal Forestry
by the Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences Agency), areas of the protected part of forest fund; (2)
(1), (3) Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences (1), for
Sciences (average value of (2, 8), (4) (4). ested lands; (3) Space Research Institute, Russian Acad
emy of Sciences (average value of (2, 8), forested lands; (4)
(4), forested lands.
quantity of CVMs enhances the danger of further
disastrous fires [3, 14, 15, 18, 19, 47].
able lands in the Far Eastern Federal District by 8 × 106
Another new trait of wildfire regimes is the influ ha (47). On the whole, wildfires similar to those having
ence of disastrous fires on seasonal weather of the occurred in various regions of the country in 1998,
areas comparable to the area of a pressure system 2003, 2010, and 2012 are planetaryscale natural
(about 30 million hectares and more). This causes the catastrophes.
formation of stable tropospheric ridges fed by hot There are no official statistics on the entire area of
smoke and aerosols of multiple intense fires. Frontal wildfires in Russia. The Forestry Agency offers infor
precipitation approaching the Far East regions from mation on the “forest area affected by fires on the pro
the southeast and Eastern Siberia from the northwest tected part of forest fund,” assessing it at 2 × 106 ha on
bypass the areas of massively spreading wildfires or average, which is several times lower than the data of
collapse as a result of interaction with convective flows satellite evaluations of the forest area. This informa
and do not reach the wildfire area [1, 12, 13, 47]. tion, with some modifications, is repeated by the Fed
These fires persist over several months and terminate eral State Statistics Service (Goskomstat). Satellite
only upon the coming of cold autumn weather. These evaluations of wildfire areas differ and depend on the
meteorological and fire conditions were observed in technical specifications of different remote sensing
eastern Siberia in 1979, 1985, 1996, 2006, and 2012; in devices, the reliability of the available information on
the center of European Russia in 2010; in the Sakha land cover, the relevance of assessment algorithms, the
Republic in 1985–1986, 1996, 2001, 2002, and 2012; use of various definitions of forests and other classes of
in Primorsky and Khabarovsky Krai in 1954, 1968, land cover, the noncoincidence of boundaries of the
1976, 1979, 1981, 1986, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, and assessed regions, numerous modifications of former
in other years [1, 17, 19, 29, 31, etc.]. Disastrous fire evaluations by their authors, etc. One typical feature
conditions have been observed on multiple occasions and the major defect of most satellite evaluations is the
earlier on the enormous territories of sparsely popu almost complete lack of verifying them using ground
lated areas. However, they occurred rarely, in particu data.
lar, before the development of vast taiga regions, nor
mally once a century, though much more frequently The mean values of the main satellite evaluations of
during warm and dry climatic periods [19, 28]. wildfire areas in Russia that cover periods of about 10
years are quite close, though some values may exceed
In the last two decades, disastrous fires have others by two times. The assessment made based on
occurred in various regions of Russia with increasing the spatiotemporal reanalysis of data from the Sukachev
frequency [1, 17]. A considerable part of lands devas Institute of Forest showed the mean area of wildfires in
tated by such fires, especially the northern part of the the country for 1998–2010 as 8.2 × 106 ha yr–1, varying
taiga zone, suffer from green desertification, which from 4.0 (in 2004) to 17.3 × 106 ha yr–1 (in 2003) [17].
converts forested lands into areas unsuitable for forest Fires on the forest lands accounted for 5.9 × 106 ha yr–1
vegetation (marshes, shrubland, stone fields, etc). and 4.9 × 106 ha yr–1 on the forested lands. The accu
According to experts, disastrous wildfires of the last racy of annual wildfire area assessment was ±9% (con
two decades have increased the area of forestunsuit fidence interval 0.9). GFED3 assesses the wildfire area



for this period at 9.2 × 106 ha yr–1 [46]. The average organic carbon 1.2%, and elemental carbon 0.1%.
value of several assessments published by Space Solid particles accounted for 3.5%, with those with a
Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, was fraction of less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) reaching 1.2%.
8.5 × 106 ha yr–1 in 2000–2010 [2]. To accurately com Wildfire carbon emissions on the forest lands reached
pare the data, we did not apply the institute’s assessments 92 ± 18 Yg C yr–1 in 1998–2010 (76% of total
of areas for 2011 (11.5 × 106 ha) and 2012 (18.0 × 106 ha). amount). Our data almost coincided with that of
There are also quite different assessments generally GFED3 by specific emissions per area unit: the differ
made within shorter periods of time or during individ ence was less than 1%.
ual years. Thus, the mean wildfire area in (4) The amount of carbon flow associated with the
accounted for 18.1 × 106 ha yr–1 in 2000–2008. decomposition of wood dead due to wildfires is some
According to literature data, the average value of ten what higher than the amount of direct emissions and
assessments of wildfire area in 2003 was 20.1 ± 6.1 × less defined, since it is impossible to accurately distin
106 ha yr–1 (mean square deviation ±1), ranging from guish the postfire dieback from other types of tree
13.1 to 33.3 × 106 ha [2, 4, 17, 24, 40, 44, 46]. The most mortality (pathological or natural). The number of
of the outlying assessments demonstrate obvious such estimates is quite limited. Using the regional
errors of methods applied. models of decomposition of coarse woody debris
On the whole, the mean area of wildfire distribu (snags, logs, and dry branches of living trees), we
tion in Russia was assessed quite accurately and assessed the carbon emissions related to the postfire
reached (8–9) × 106 ha yr–1, with about twothirds dieback at 90–100 Tg C yr–1 [41]. This estimate is
accounting for the forest lands and half for forested quite rough. The total carbon emissions related to the
lands. This value is probably somewhat underesti forest wildfires are assessed at 180–200 Tg C yr–1. Some
mated because of the tundra and northern taiga eco models yield a considerably higher level of carbon
systems, as well as due to the burning of the southern emissions (for example, [22]), though the accuracy of
agricultural lands, where underestimation is possible these estimates is unknown and they do not fit into the
due to lowtemperature burning, frequent clouds, and full carbon balance of forest ecosystems. The emis
considerable smoke. Russia has the highest level of sions of nitrogen were assessed at 0.9 Tg N yr–1. They
forest burning in the boreal zone, with the wildfire area are mainly represented by NOx, N2O, and NH3 [41].
being 3–4 times higher than in Canada, the second
largest country in the world in respect to the area of
Fire severity is a crucial indicator defining the REGIMES
quantity of the consumed CVMs, the amount of wild The models used by the Intergovernmental Panel
fire emissions, the degree of biogeocenose destruc on Climate Change (IPCC) predict a rather consistent
tion, and the nature of postfire restoration. Numerous and considerable acceleration of the current climate
studies have proven attempts to assess fire severity by trends during the 21st century for almost all the
satellite methods by applying fire susceptibility indices regions of the country, especially the boreal area,
such as color change (optical and intermediate infra though the forecasts differ considerably depending on
red band), soil structure (intermediate infrared), soil the applied scenarios and models. According to three
moisture, and chlorophyll (near infrared) ineffective. scenarios developed by IPCC, i.e., A2 (extreme warm
The use of additional in situ measurements and spec ing), A1B (average value of different scenarios), and
tral Landsat data TM/ETM+ allows one to consider B1 (minimal warming), the possible increase in the
ably improve the results (23, 24). The method of satel mean annual temperature in various regions of Russia
lite assessment of fire radiative power (for example will reach +4 to +12°C by the end of the century [32,
[30]) seems quite promising. However, complex 37, 38]. Such warming has not been observed in many
ground studies are required to make the use of this millennia. According to the modern science of global
method in Russia reliable. warming, an increase in global temperature by more
The quantity and composition of wildfire emissions than 2°C will create numerous risks for the earth’s for
depend on types of wildfires and fire season; the forest ests. However, the rising level of greenhouse gas emis
composition and other biometric indicators; the sions due to the burning of fuel and the possible sce
quantity, composition, and state of CVMs; meteoro narios of development of world economy and energy
logical conditions; ratio of combustion phases (smol industry lead researchers to assume that global warm
dering and flaming); and some other factors. We ing will reach 3.5–4°C by the end of the century. In
assessed the carbon fire balance (the total amount of Russia, this will mean an increase in the mean annual
carbon in burnt materials) due to the wildfires that temperature from 6 to 12°C for various regions, the
occurred in Russia in 1998–2010 at 121 ± 28 Tg C yr–1, maximum value hitting the high latitudes of the Asian
with the annual variation reaching 50 (in 2000) to part of the country.
231 (in 2003) Tg C yr–1. Combustion products The expected mean annual increase in the amount
included CCO2 reaching 84.6%, CCO 8.2%, CCH4 of precipitation is assessed at 11.3 ± 3.1% (B1) to
1.1%, CNMHC (nonmethane hydrocarbons) 1.2%, 17.7 ± 3.7% (A2). All scenarios predict an increase in



precipitation during winter. A slight increase in pre namely, a sudden and sharp response of ecosystems
cipitation in summer is expected in the northern and beyond the threshold of resilience [35]. The mecha
eastern regions, whereas it will decrease in the south nism that governs the increased mortality of trees is
west of Russia and in the central and southern conti based on the direct impact of accelerating water stress
nental regions of the Asian part of the country. None and the high peak temperatures, as well as on the indi
of the scenarios foresees a summer increase in precip rect influence of forest diseases, insects, and escala
itation by more than 8%, which falls within the limits tion of WRs that increase the vulnerability of boreal
of the forecast accuracy. Therefore, the increase in cli forest ecosystems. It is highly probable that the
mate dryness shall be expected on the largest part of expected climate change will lead to an escalation of
the forest area. The increasing weather instability will biotic disturbances in Russia by the end of the century,
aggravate the water stress of trees. which will have a synergetic impact on the frequency,
The impact of climate change on forests depends area, and severity of fires and involve obvious conse
on both the degree of warming and the buffer capacity quences for forests.
of forest ecosystems. Throughout evolution, Russian In Russia, a large part of forests grows in the per
forests have for the most part adapted to a stable cold mafrost areas. Models suggest a reduction in the per
climate, which creates additional risks related to mafrost total area by about onethird and the continu
warming. Researchers assume that the expected cli ous permafrost area by 25–50% by 2080 in the case of
mate change will considerably affect the structural and moderate climate warming. This territory is generally
functional characteristics of forest cover in the country located in an area with a moderate amount of precipi
[16, 20, 45, 47, etc.], which may lead to the dramatic tation (about 200–300 mm yr–1). The expected
escalation of WRs in forests, though there is a pro increase in precipitation by 10–20% will not make any
nounced gap between longterm and the shortterm difference. Therefore, one should expect an irrevers
estimates. ible change in the hydrological regime of vast territo
Climate trends and an increase in the CO2 concen ries underlain by permafrost, a considerable decline of
tration and nitrogen deposition will in theory contrib water table, and a decrease in the available water in
ute to the enhancement of productivity in Russian for soil. The adverse effect of thermokarst, solifluction,
ests. More favorable growing conditions will be gullying, and other processes is obvious, but, appar
observed for deciduous species. However, the impact ently, it will not be as dramatic as the crucial change in
of growing instability and the imbalance of climate, as growing conditions. The landscape aridization of high
well as the increase in the frequency of draughts and latitudes and the intensification of disturbances will
heat waves, particularly in the southern part of the for cause the degradation and death of coniferous (espe
est area, will significantly slow down the enhancement cially dark coniferous) forests, as well as wide distribu
of foreststand productivity. Scientists expect an tion of green desertification.
increase in the concentration of ozone, which acceler Largescale drying out of forests, generally accom
ates water stress in trees, as well as an intensification of panied by massive insect outbreaks, have already been
biotic disturbances, chiefly, massive outbreaks of registered in the dark coniferous forests of the Far
insects. All this will lead to an increase in the amount East, on the south of Siberian forest area, and the
of CVMs and the intensification of the fire danger by northeast of European Russia [9]. Upcoming decades
weather conditions. will probably be marked by new “waves” of drying out
One should expect considerably higher risks by the of spruce–fir forests in the Far East and European
end of the century if the warming surpasses certain North, an intensive dieback in Siberian cedar forests,
limits. The change in the amount of precipitation in and a decline in the viability and increase in the fall of
summer will not offset the temperature increase, the forest–steppe ecotone forests. There is evidence of
which will accelerate water stress for trees on the larger a systematic increase in forest dieback on the entire
part of Russia. In this case, the most probable scenario circumpolar boreal area [20].
for boreal forests would consist in the nonlinear Particular risks are also expected to hit the forests of
response of forest ecosystems, which may lead to the foreststeppe ecotone, since this region possesses the
creation of new ecosystems and the disappearance of following characteristics: (1) considerably high fore
species with limited adaptation capacity. According to cast uncertainty, (2) exceptionally high forest vulnera
the models and expert assessments, the regional bility, (3) high probability of ecologically dangerous
warming by 6–7°C will mean the critical limits in processes (forest ecosystem degradation and soil car
functioning of boreal forest ecosystems will be bon oxidation), and (4) unsatisfactory structure of
reached. If these limits are surpassed, this will result in land cover and low quality of agricultural lands of the
a massive dieback of trees. If the threshold values of large part of the territory.
resilience are overpassed, this process will be rather Climate forecasts and an increase in the quantity of
quick and a considerable transformation of boreal for CVMs predict a considerable enhancement of fire
ests may take place in 50 years. The experts consider danger in Russian forests that will keep rising toward
the expected massive dieback of boreal forests to be the end of the century. Current model estimations of
one of the nine global potential “tipping elements,” future wildfire regimes on the largest part of Russia



suggest the doubling of the amount of fires by the end a dramatic image. The model was used for forecasts in
of the century, an increase in the number of disastrous the transitional area between the middle and southern
fires getting beyond control, a considerable rise in taiga of central Siberia [26, 27]. The same HadCm3
wildfire severity, and an increase in the amount of climatic model and A2 scenario were used. The most
wildfire gas emissions and the change of their compo interesting result of this study showed that the major
sition due to the intensification of soil burning (for parameters of the future forest cover (in 100 years and
example [24, 25, 36]. Many regions will suffer from an more) appeared to be more dependent on forest man
increasing number of lightning fires. agement regimes and harmful insect outbreaks
The major fire risks are located in the Asian part of (mainly Dendrolimus sibiricus) caused by new climate
the country and in the south of European Russia. The conditions than on climate change itself. No drastic
estimation of future WRs in European Russia by the WR escalation was revealed. At the same time, the
end of the century based on the regional model using model predicts a substantial change in the composi
the index of fire danger developed by Nesterov and the tion of forest species (the increase in the share of
B2 moderate scenario of IPCC demonstrates a con deciduous species), enhancement of fragmentation of
siderable spatial variation of the firedanger index; the Siberian forests, and a decline in their capacity to
substantial increase of fire danger on the southern accumulate carbon.
boundary of the forest area, especially the steppe; and Nearly every model predicts a considerable
the decrease of fire danger in the northern area, which increase in the wildfire carbon emissions (by 3–
corresponds to the expected change in the tempera 4 times compared to the modern values) and the pos
ture–humidity regime [38]. Another study for the sible transition of Russian forest ecosystems from the
entire boreal area [36] carried out using the correlation sequestration of carbon to its emission into the atmo
of Selianinov’s hydrothermal coefficient with various sphere along with the climatic inhibition of forest pro
firedanger indices showed that the areas suffering ductivity and vitality [21, 22].
from maximal fire danger would double by the end of In Russia, there is a high probability of a consider
the century; however, their spatial distribution will be able positive feedback between the warming and the
quite heterogeneous. escalation of wildfire regimes: the increase in CO2
An integrated effect of climate change and hydro concentration in the atmosphere will extend the pro
logical regime, acceleration of WRs, and the outbreaks longed dry periods that will cause the enhancement of
of harmful insects will likely lead to considerable and the fire area and fire severity and lead to a considerable
mainly unfavorable changes in the forest cover in Rus increase in greenhouse gas emissions. In turn, the
sia. However, model forecasts are quite different. Let increase in carbon emissions destabilizes the climate
us look at two contrasting examples. The SibCliM bio system, which will potentially enhance the fire danger.
geography model, which uses one of the most popular
(average level of change) atmospheric general circula
tion models (AGCM), the HadCM3, and A2 scenario WILDFIRES AND ADAPTATION OF FORESTS
developed by the IPCC, suggests a decrease in the AND FOREST COVER TO CLIMATE CHANGE
share of tundra, forest tundra, and taiga climatic areas Forests are especially vulnerable to climatic
from 81.5 to 30% and an increase in the area of forest changes, since the long life cycle of trees does not
steppe, steppe, and semidesert by 67% in Siberia. The allow them to quickly adapt to environmental
moderate B1 scenario predicts a respective decline in changes. The forests are obliged to not only adapt to
the total area of the northern part of the region from the changing of the mean climatic indices, but also to
81.5 to 50%. According to the estimate, the bound an increasing variability of climate conditions and the
aries of bioclimatic zones will shift towards the north constantly growing risks related to extreme weather
by approximately 600 km. A considerable increase in events, i.e., prolonged droughts, hurricane winds, or
fire danger is expected to hit the largest part of the for floods. The adaptive potential of forests includes the
est area. The model is based on a limited number of historically developed adaptive properties of trees and
climate indicators [45]. Taking into account the fact forest ecosystems, as well as social and economic fac
that the speed of migration of the boreal tree species tors that determine the feasibility of measures aimed at
does not exceed 300–500 m per year under most the planned adaptation. The adaptation potential and
favorable conditions, this estimate means the death of vulnerability of Russian forests to climate change have
the forests and their replacement by steppe and semi been quite insufficiently studied so far.
deserts on the enormous territories located in the The problem of forests adapting to climate change
southern part of the Siberian forest area. is an urgent issue for Russian forestry. Even today, the
At the same time, LANDISII, the detailed Land forest protection services of developed countries bal
scape Disturbance and Succession model (resolution ance between satisfactory protection during moderate
100 m) combined with the PnET ecophysiological fire seasons and huge losses in years of high fire danger.
model, allows us to examine the integrated effect on Leading forest countries have become aware of the
forests (climate change, various forest exploitation importance of adaptive forestry and now consider it an
regimes, insects, diseases, etc.) and does not yield such essential prerequisite for transitioning to sustainable



forest management. Forest adaptation and mitigation local levels; the creation of special remote sensing groups
by efforts of the entire forest sector are closely inter for the online monitoring of small fires (<0.1 ha), with
connected, though there are considerable differences high frequency and spatial resolution of no more than
between these two types of activity. 200 m under the high level of fire danger; the improve
The necessary improvement of the forest fire pro ment and adaptation of appropriate techniques of pre
tection system is not only an important component of scribed burnings in order to decrease the amount of
the strategy of adaptation and an instrument for miti CVMs; the implementation of improved operational
gation, but also an urgent state matter of today. A sat methods of forecasting the weather and fire spread, as
isfactory solution to this problem will have a consider well as organizational and technical schemes of fire
able impact on the state and protection of Russian for suppression, etc.; the adaptation of appropriate sys
ests. This complex problem includes (1) a system tem of satisfactory and timely financing of measures
analysis of present and future regional WR and for forestfire protection [1, 14, 15, 47]. It is clear
requirements for an efficient forestfire protection sys that this program may be efficiently implemented
tem under the conditions of climate change; (2) the only with the continuous and successful raising of
development of a new concept of forest fire protec people’s awareness.
tion; (3) the development and implementation of a
strategy for preventing largescale disturbances in for
ests, namely the adaptation of forest landscapes to CONCLUSIONS
future climate conditions, including the appropriate
structure of forest cover, the development of the nec The assessment of consequences for the direct and
essary firefighting facilities on site, the composition indirect effect of climate change on the Russian forests
and structure of forests stands, control over CVM, etc; and the WRs depend both on the reliability of current
(4) the implementation of an efficient system of forest forecasts and the regimes of forest management, espe
monitoring as part of the integral observation system; cially on improving the forestprotection system.
(5) the creation of a mobile system of fire suppression Forecasts based on the Atmospheric General Circula
capable of meeting the challenges of a changing world, tion Models suggest that the negative influence of cli
provided the allocation of the required human, finan mate change on forest ecosystems in Russia will signif
cial, and technical resources; (6) drawing up new and icantly outweigh the positive impact on a national
improving existing legislation and institutional struc scale. Apparently, from the second half of the present
tures of forest management; (7) and sufficient interna century onwards, a considerable part of forests in Rus
tional cooperation (see also [1, 14, 15, 18, 47]). It is sia will remain in critical condition, unless a scientifi
clear today that the efficient implementation of these cally proven largescale program aimed at adapting
tasks may be achieved only in the future. A number of Russian forests to climate change is developed and
administrative and institutional decisions of the past implemented.
years have caused barely reparable damage to the The creation of an efficient system of forest fire
former system of forest fire protection. protection represents a crucial component of adaptive
The essential prerequisite for creating an efficient forestry and, therefore, constitutes an essential pre
system of forestfire protection consists of finding a requisite for transition towards a sustainable forest
solution to the problem of preventing and extinguish management in Russia. Clearly, the implementation
ing disastrous fires. This requires carrying out urgent of this system is closely intertwined with other sectoral
institutional, organizational, and technical measures, and crosssectoral administrative, social, economic,
i.e., the restoration of the state forest protection sys and ecological problems related to the transition of the
tem that was practically abolished by the last Forest Russian forest sector to sustainable development, as
Code (2007); the concentration of all informational, well as with other issues of national and global levels.
organizational, technical, and other functions within The problem of Russian forests on permafrost is one of
the centralized federal agency, namely the Aerial For a global importance. If the expected warming becomes
est Protection Service; the development of an efficient a reality, the carbon emissions in this area will be
vertical structure of the Aerial Forest Protection Ser almost three times as much as the current emissions
vice, i.e., number, allocation, and capacity of regional from tropical deforestation by the end of the century.
centers and creation of special personnel training cen A considerable part of these emissions will be repre
ters struggling against disastrous fires; the creation of sented by methane, which will significantly affect the
effective and mobile regional firefighting centers in earth’s climate system. At the same time, it is quite dif
federal districts, primarily in the Far East, Yakutia, and ficult to find a radical solution for controlling the pro
Eastern Siberia; the creation of an integral observation cess of permafrost thawing. Adapting special regimes
system, which would detect fire danger and offer a of forest management on permafrost areas is one pos
forecast that would include characteristics of vegeta sible solution. Larch forests that represent a major for
tion, weather, and anthropogenic impact; ensuring a est formation on the areas underlain by permafrost
complete and quick correspondence of both forecast possess a more efficient permafrost protection func
ing and current fire information to the regional and tion than other classes of land cover in high latitudes, but



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