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Both texts contain information about techniques related to different styles of

acting. The first mentions the use of physicality as a vital factor in work on
stage and contrasts this with work in a movie frame. The second expressed the
idea of the importance of voice expression in acting.

The first text assumes that physicality, gestures and movements are the pillars
of theater acting. It claims that on stage it is necessary to use techniques to the
fullest, while on the screen everything is achieved through effects and suitable
frames. The second text asserts that vocal expression is one of the most
significant aspects of acting in both theater and cinema. It emphasizes that the
voice requires a lot of effort for the voiceover of films and for the stage.

In my opinion, the first text gives unconvincing arguments. It makes certain

mentions of the excellence of acting on stage. However, it completely devalues
movie actors, highlighting the fact that everything on the screen is created by
special effects and the right camera angle. I agree that theater and film actors
use different acting techniques, but this does not detract from the work of both.
The second text makes a better case. It recognizes that voice expression is
absolutely important for any acting, and this involves working on your skills in
any case. I absolutely support this idea, because the way a person speaks always
evokes certain emotions.

In conclusion, I believe that acting techniques are definitely important in any

industry related to this. No matter what field of acting you work in, you have to
develop your skills and abilities.

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