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Assignment - 1
Project Charter



Business Project Leader: <name>

Project Manager: <name>


Table of Contents

1 Business Problem Statement...............................................................................................5

2 Project Description and Objectives.......................................................................................5
2.1 Description................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Objectives.................................................................................................................... 5
3 Business Value..................................................................................................................... 6
4 Scope................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Major Deliverables................................................................................................................ 6
6 Approach.............................................................................................................................. 7
7 Success Criteria................................................................................................................... 7
8 Impacted Areas.....................................................................................................................7
9 Key Assumptions..................................................................................................................7
10 Stakeholders.................................................................................................................... 8
11 Project Risks and Mitigation Strategies............................................................................8
11.1 Project Constraints.......................................................................................................8
11.2 Key Risks..................................................................................................................... 8
12 Key Dependencies...........................................................................................................9
13 Project Communication Plan............................................................................................9
14 Project Governance and Oversight (Decision Makers)...................................................10
15 Staffing Model / Resource Plan......................................................................................11
15.1 Organization Chart.....................................................................................................11
16 Team Roles and Responsibilities...................................................................................12
17 Schedule / Milestones....................................................................................................13

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1 Business Problem Statement

(What is the problem that we are trying to solve? Statement of where we are today. “Our
current understanding is that….”)
Describe the problem you are trying to solve.
Context describes the current business environment in terms of competition, market
opportunities, investments, cost savings, legislative changes, etc.
Background describes the business problem you are trying to solve with the project.
Rationale describes how the project will solve the business problem.

2 Project Description and Objectives

2.1 Description
(Provide a brief narrative including project context and background)
Generally a brief description of the project approach, specific solution, customer(s), and

2.2 Objectives
The project objective serves as the marching orders or charge for the project leader and team. It
provides information as to what, where, and when, as well as information about how much
improvement or change needs to occur. At the completion of the project, any person should be
able to refer back to the project objective and determine whether the project was successful.

In a nutshell, project objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.; S = specific: Define exactly what is to be

accomplished; M = measurable: It must be quantifiable; A = actionable and achievable: The
team must be able to act upon what is being asked. It must be realistic; R = relevant: The goal
must be relevant to the problem outlined in the business case; T = time bound: It needs a
timeline. State when it must be accomplished.

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3 Business Value
(How will this contribute to our financial/strategic/operational goals?)
Describe how this project aligns with strategic objectives. Include how the project
outcomes support the accomplishment of the strategic goal.

4 Scope
(What is included and not included?)
Describe what is in scope and what is not. The “In Scope” list does not need to be
exhaustive, but should capture the major scope components. The “Out of Scope” list
should be definitive, so that the team does not pursue alternatives in a later phase that will
be rejected. When it is not known whether an item is in scope, the item is said to be “on
the frame.” This item should be highlighted to decision makers, so they can provide

In Scope Not in Scope

 
 

5 Major Deliverables
Deliverables are the tangible things that the project will produce to enable the objectives
to be achieved. The focus should be on the “real” deliverables (such as new facilities,
paperwork, equipment or materials), not the “internal deliverables” (such as a Project
Definition, a Business Case or a Risk Log). It is these “real deliverables”, when used, that
will deliver the project’s proposed benefits

6 Approach
(What is the approach that will be taken, be sure to highlight work streams and
What is the generally project approach? What are the work streams and stakeholders
involved in each?

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7 Success Criteria
(Where do we want to be? How will we measure our success?)
List the success criteria and how these criteria will be measured. Outline criteria and
components are outcome statements, such as reduced costs, increased customer
satisfaction, and improved efficiency.

8 Impacted Areas
Impacted Area

9 Key Assumptions
(List and describe specific project assumptions associated with project scope)
Describe the Assumptions made about the project in the Project Description.

Key Assumptions

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10 Stakeholders
Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project,
or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion. They
may also exert influence over the project.
Stakeholder Department/Group Impact to Project

11 Project Risks and Mitigation Strategies

11.1 Project Constraints
According to the PMBOK, a constraint is “an applicable restriction or limitation, either internal or
external to the project that will affect the performance of the project.” Example of a
schedule/time constraint: Project must complete by 6/30/2010. Example of a cost constraint:
Project budget is limited to $1M. Example of a resource constraint: There are 3 HealthConnect
resources available to work on this project.

11.2 Key Risks

(Define known and potential risks and strategies that will be taken to mitigate such risk)
List any potential risks and suggest possible strategies or tactics to mitigate their effects.
Issues of concern include capital, resources, timeliness, sponsorship changes, culture,
and expected delays. Consider possible scenarios and include them if they would likely
cause the project to produce less than optimum results.

12 Key Dependencies
(Identify other interdependencies and relationships with other projects)

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List other projects that may impact this work, and how they will be resolved. Indicate
whether this project is a sub-project of a larger initiative.

Key Dependencies

13 Project Communication Plan

(How/when will project updates/information be exchanged with sponsors, stakeholders, &
team members?)
In each row, enter how often the project team plans to distribute these key status reports.
Also describe the communications method. For example, Sponsor Updates: Monthly
sponsor meetings will occur on the first Tuesday of each month. The project team will
review the current status report, including key open issues with proposed resolution

Focus Area Communication Plan, Forums, Vehicles, etc.

Sponsor Updates
Stakeholder Updates
Team Progress/Reports
Communication Plan

14 Project Governance and Oversight (Decision Makers)

(Decision-making and conflict resolution pathway)
Identify the decision rights for this project, outline the escalation process, and describe the
governance structure.

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15 Team Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibilities Name


Project Leads 
(Business) 

Integrated Project

Project Manager

Project Team 
Members 

Other Stakeholders

<more granular

breakdown, as


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16 Schedule / Milestones

Initiation Planning Execution Clsoe-Out

Key Milestones

Key Activities



Enter Significant activities and date ranges.

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