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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

School Mindoro State Grade Level 1st Year College

Practice Teacher Denesse S. Pascual Learning Area English
Date & Time October 24, 2022 Quarter Forst Semester

Performance Standards
The student should construct a sentence and determine the adjective used in a
Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding on the importance of knowing the types of
adjectives and its importance to language and grammar learning.

1. The student should be able to define the meaning of adjective.
2. The student should be able to understand the different types of adjective and its
uses in a sentence.
3. The student should be able to arrange the adjectives based on the word order to
complete a sentence.
4. The student should be able to construct an essay using adjective words to
support the idea.

Subject Matter
A. Topic : The 5 Basic Elements Of The Adjectives

B. Reference

C. Materials
1. Laptop
2. Powerpoint Presentation
3. Pictures/Images
4. Google Forms.

D. Subject Integration
E. Values Integration
F. Learning Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routines

(Name of student), please lead the prayer. (The student will lead the
Good morning, class! Good morning ma’am!
How is your day going so far? That is good to hear. It is going pretty well,
3. Classroom Management Ma’am.
Before we begin to our discussion let me introduce
Hello, my name is Denesse S. Pascual, I am a 4th year
BSED major in English and I will be your practice teacher
in this lesson.
Anyway class, do you have an assignment? did you
passed it already? if not please be reminded that you
need to pass your assignment for you to be able to have a

By the class all of your participation will be recorded and

serve as your grade for today’s lesson that’s why I am
encouraging you to be active in class discussion.
Okay let’s start to our discussion.

B. Review/Recall of Past Discussion

Okay, who can still remember the topic on the previous

discussion? can anyone of you share something about it?

Okay thank you so much.

So last time you already discussed the NOUN which is

commonly define as names of a person, place, things and
ideas. We also have two kinds of nouns which are the
count noun and the proper noun. Their difference is that
proper noun is specific and it begins with the capital letter
of the noun while the count noun is not specific and it can
be start at small letter. Next we also have collective noun
so these are the collection of people, things and even
animals and they can be singular or plural. Example is
family, Faculty, troupe and gang.

If we have count noun we also have non-count noun or

mass noun so it cannot be counted but can be quantified
by the use of gallons, killo and a glass of. Other types of
nouns are the abstract noun example is behavior and
feelings. We also have compound noun which made up of
two or more words.

C. Motivation

Okay class, eyes on the PowerPoint.

I will show you some random pictures and all you have to
do is describe it in one word.
Can you follow?
Okay thank you.
The picture is an apple
Can somebody tell me what image is this?
(The student's answer
may vary)
Correct, it is an apple. Can you give one description about
the apple?
(The student's answer
may vary)

(The student's answer

may vary)

Okay very good.

Another answer?

Yes, that's also correct.

How about in this second picture? what can you see in

the picture presented?

Okay very good, you're correct.

(The student's answer

may vary)

(The student's answer

may vary)

Another idea?
Thank you that's correct.
What can you see in the picture?

Okay that's correct

(The student's answer
Who wants to answer in picture number 3 can you give may vary)
me a one-word description in this image?

It is an Apple or Iphone

Okay thank you, another answer?

Okay very good.

How about in this picture? are you familiar in this picture? (The student's answer
may vary)

(The student's answer

may vary)
can somebody tell me what is it?

Okay very good

(The student's answer
Who wants to give some idea in this picture using one may vary)

Thank you, that's right.

For our last picture, can you tell me what is in the picture?

Okay that's correct.

Another one?

Okay thank you.

Very good class. This activity is related to our topic today

which is the Adjectives. Are you familiar in adjectives? Do
you have any idea what adjectives is?
Adjective is a part of speech.
In this lesson I will be discussing to you what are the
adjectives, the definition of it, it's types and how it is used
and important to a sentence.

D. Presentation and Discussion

What is an adjectives?

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

In general, the purpose of an adjective is to describe a
noun or pronoun and provide more information about it.
Adjectives provide answers to questions such as “What
kind?” “Which one?” and “Whose is it?”

(Teacher’s explanation)
It said here that an adjective are the words that describe a
noun or a pronoun. It means that if you have a noun in a
sentence, you can add an adjective to describe or add
information on the given noun.

For example
Without adjective 1. Tina bought a dress at the store.
With adjective 2. Tina bought new dress at the store.

As you can see in the given example, the sentence 1 is a

simple sentence while the sentence number 2 is a
sentence with adjective. In sentence number 2 we have
an adjective word new and it modifies what kind of dress
that Tina had bought. Based on the meaning of the
adjective, the purpose of the adjective is to add
information by putting a word that will modify a noun in a Yes.

Can you follow guys? do you understand? Okay thank


Let's proceed to the functions of adjectives.

There are two ways that adjectives are used in sentences

and clauses:

1.  The adjective is right next to the noun/pronoun that it


Most of the time, adjectives come before the

nouns/pronouns they modify, but they can sometimes
come after them:

For example
-The blue birds built a nest. (The adjective blue modifies
the noun birds.)

-I was looking for someone else. (The

adjective else modifies the pronoun someone.)

Next function is, the adjective follows a linking verb and

functions as a subject complement.

-The house is old. (The adjective old follows the linking
verb is. Old modifies the noun house as the subject
complement of the sentence.)

Examples of Linking verbs:

Is, are, was, am, were, being, been

Do you understand? Do you have andy question?

If none, let's proceed to the next slide.

Again, the adjectives are the words that describe or

modify a noun or a pronoun. An adjective can be
classified through color, shape, size, taste, odor, texture,
sound, number, weather and many more.

Can you give me an example of adjective?

Next we have the types of adjectives

These are the:
Descriptive Adjectives
Quantitative Adjectives
Comparative Adjectives
Superlative Adjectives

Let's see this one by one. We will begin at descriptive


This kind of adjective is used to define the features and

quality of a noun. If you ask questions- ‘of what kind’, ‘of
what nature’.
This kind of adjective is used to define the features and
quality of a noun. If you ask questions- ‘of what kind’, ‘of
what nature’.

1.The fluffy dog rolled on the green grass.
The descriptive adjective in a sentence is the word fluffy
because it describes what kind of dog it is. A fluffy dog.
next example
2.Calapan is a big city.
Instead of Calapan is a city, we can put descriptive
adjective big to specify what kind of city is calapan.
Is it big or small? Something like that.
Can you understand class?
okay thank you.

Let's move on to the next types which is quantitative

Quantitative adjectives are used to define an amount or
quantity of a noun. These adjectives can either define a
particular amount or an estimation. For example- some,
many, much, few, one, two pesos.

Definitive Adjectives
As you can figure out from the name, these adjectives
indicate a particular number of amounts of a noun. 
For example:
I have two apples in my bag.
She has three pens.

Under quantitative adjective we have also indefinite

adjective. This adjective fall in the quantitative section but
are unable to define a proper amount or quantity of a
noun. For example, few, much, many, some, etc.

Some of my friends were absent today.
A few of us fell sick on the way.

Definite and indefinite adjectives are different to each

other in a way that definite adjectives are particular in
estimation and amounts while indefinite adjectives are
words that can't define an exact amount or quantity of a

Next, we have a comparative adjective.

When you heard the word comparative, what idea or
insight that comes into your mind?

Yes, very good a comparison of 2 things.

A comparative adjective is an adjective used to compare

two people or things. We use comparative adjectives to
say that one person or thing demonstrates a high degree
of a quality or is a better example of a quality than the
Words like taller, smarter, and slower are examples of
comparative adjectives.

Examples :
Chris is smarter than John.

In this sentence it means that Chris have a higher level of

intelligence than what John have. Maybe Chris always
get a higher score in exams than John that's why it is said
that Chris is smarter than John.

Jaguars run faster than a lion.

In this sentence, it is said that Jaguars are faster in
running compare to the lions and yes, it is a fact that
jaguar is a fast animal.

Can you still follow class?

Last type of adjective is superlative adjectives

A superlative adjective is an adjective used in

comparisons to describe something as being of the
highest degree or extreme. We use superlative adjectives
when making comparisons of three or more people or

List of superlative adjectives:

Angriest, most boring, coolest, darkest, least entertaining,
fattest, goofiest, hungriest, iciest, jolliest, laziest, most
miserable, nicest, most overrated.

Out of the movies I have seen, that one was the scariest.
In this sentence it says that from all the movie that she
has been that particular movie is the scariest one.

Next example
Becky is the most beautiful student in the class.

This sentence explains that among all the students in the

class, Becky is the most beautiful. There are lots of
beautiful students inside the class but no one will beat on
Becky's beauty.

Next let's have the Royal Order of Adjectives

Adjectives fall into different categories, and it is those

categories that have been given a particular order. So
once you know the categories, it’s much easier to decide
on word order
Determiner—articles (a, an, the), possessives (your, his,
her, my, their, our), number (ten, several, some),
demonstratives (this, that, those, these)

Observation or Opinion—cold, ugly, tasty, heroic, retired,

carefree, enthusiastic, soft, opinionated, priceless

Size—huge, minuscule, petite

Shape—square, oblong, circular

Age—ancient, old, young

Color—green, gray, yellow

Origin—British, Albanian, Hawaiian

Material—wooden, velvet, plastic, aluminum

Qualifier—typically a noun used as an adjective to identify

the type of the noun—hound dog, evening gown, bumper
crop—or an adjective ending in -ing that describes a
noun’s purpose—adding machine, walking stick, marching

Here are some of the examples of Royal Order of


Kindly read

1. An expensive antique leather umbrella stand.
2. Her long black silk gown.
3. Our unexpected doubtful result.
4. Twelve shiny round green apples

E. Application

Let's see if you really understand the lesson.

Here are some examples sentences and you will think of
any descriptive adjective to complete a sentence.

1. My suitor is a ____ guy.

2. Roli is a ____ basketball player.

Direction: Identify if the sentence is definite adjective or

in-definitive adjective.

1. He passed all the tests in his third attempt.

2. Remo has many books that are issued from the library.

Direction: Think of any comparative adjective to complete

a sentence.
1. My house is ____ than yours.
2. Your grade is _____ mine.
3. The Pacific Ocean is _____ than the Arctic Ocean.

Direction: Think of any superlative adjective to complete a

1. I am the _____ in my family.
2. Mount Everest is the _____ mountain in the world.
3. She is the _____ girl in our class.

Okay very good

F. Generalization
Okay the discussion for this topic is done but I want to (The student will share
assess you of what you have learned in this lesson by their learnings about
sharing to the class what you learned and remember from adjectives)
the discussion earlier. (answer will based on the
You can volunteer or I will call somebody to share what
he/she learned.

Thank you, again an adjective is a word that modifies a

noun or a pronoun. In general, the purpose of an adjective
is to describe a noun or pronoun and provide more
information about it.

There are four common types of adjectives and they are

descriptive, quantitative and under this are definite and
indefinite adjectives, next we have comparative and last is
the superlative adjective.

The Importance of Adjectives in the English Language

An adjective is a word that changes meaning so
that the noun or pronoun makes it more expressive. For
example, with the increase of adjectives, the word “man”
becomes “a tall, attractive man” or “a short, stocky man.”

G. Evaluation
I have prepared an activity for you to answer. I will give
you 1 hour and 30 minutes submit. I will give you the link
of your activity at 3:00 P.M.

H. Assignment

15 pts.
Using adjective words, create a short paragraph that
describes your favorite teacher.

Criteria Excellent 5 Good Needs
3 improvement
Quality Very Somewhat Gives some
of informative informative information
Writing and well- and but poorly
organized organized organized
Use of 10 or more 6-10 1-5
adjective adjectives adjectives adjectives
are used are used are used
Accurac No spelling, Few spelling So many
y punctuation and spelling,
or punctuation punctuation
grammatica errors, and
l errors minor grammatical
grammatical errors 

Prepared by:

Prepared By: Pascual Denesse S.

Submitted to: Ma’am Mary Rheane Ghe A. Maralit

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