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The First World War had a profound impact on the global economy, causing

widespread damage and disruption. Some of the key effects include:

High go The First World War had a profound impact on the global economy, causing
widespread damage and disruption. Some of the key effects include:

1. High government spending on war effort led to inflation and devaluation of

2. Shortage of labor and resources caused by mobilization of men and materials
for war
3. Disruptions in international trade and commerce
4. Destruction of infrastructure, factories and cities
5. Decline in investment and economic activity

In many countries, the war led to a shift from a free market to a command economy,
with governments assuming greater control over resources and production. The
aftermath of the war also contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s, as the
global economy struggled to recover from the devastating impact of the conflict.
1. vernment spending on war effort led to inflation and devaluation of currencies
2. Shortage of labor and resources caused by mobilization of men and materials
for war
3. Disruptions in international trade and commerce
4. Destruction of infrastructure, factories and cities
5. Decline in investment and economic activity

In many countries, the war led to a shift from a free market to a command economy,
with governments assuming greater control over resources and production. The
aftermath of the war also contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s, as the
global economy struggled to recover from the devastating impact of the conflict.

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