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Seed of Excellence Bursaries: Bursaries: 1. Ivy Mitchell and Carl Taylor Community Bursaries -S50,000.

2. Seed of Excellence S25,000.00 x 2 To be eligible, students must: 1. Complete a 650-word essay on one
of the following topics: • Using Matthew 5:14, What role can you play as a Christian in a moral decaying
world? +OR • Using Matthew 17:20 and any other relevant scripture(s), explain how the Church can
increase in faith and perseverance during the post covid era. Essays must be written in Times New
Roman, size 12pt font, and double-spaced. 2. Be currently enrolled in High School (4 th , 5 th or 6 th
form), College or University. 3. Be a member of the church, or have an immediate family member
(parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle) who is a member of the church. 4. Provide a complete application
form, including a letter of recommendation from their principal, or youth leader, as well as a copy of
your report/transcript. 5. Provide a Statement of Support completed by their pastor. 6. Submit the
completed application package to by Sunday, September 25, 2022
SEED OF EXCELLENCE BURSARY APPLICATION 2021 1. Last Name First Name: Daniel Middle Initial: A 2.
Mailing Address: City: Parish: MAnchester 3. Phone number: 18768946310 Email 4. Date of birth: Month 5 Day 6 Year 2006 5. Name and location of
high school or University or College: Belair High School Mandeville Manchester _ B. List your
hobbies/interests, extracurricular and volunteer activities: Reading and programing 7. Name of Church:
Chantilly New Testament Church of God Indicate the number of years of membership: 5: 10 years 8. List
the departments you are involved in at church: Youth department 9. Name, address and contact
information for your parent(s) or legal guardian(s): (Include address if dif erent from your own listed in
question 2) Name(s): Kerryann Tomlin Damion Wright Street:Chantilly Parish: Manchester Phone#: 1876
5710190 Alternate Phone#: 18768946310 STATEMENT OF ACCURACY FOR STUDENTS I hereby affirm
that all the above stated information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I
also consent, that if chosen as an awardee, my picture may be taken and used to promote the bursary
programme. (Winner may waive photo due to unusual or compelling circumstances) I hereby
understand that I will not submit this application without all the required supporting documents and
information, as incomplete applications or applications that do not meet eligibility criteria will not be
considered for this bursary. Signature of applicant: D.Orridge Date: September 22 2022 STATEMENT OF
SUPPORT BY CHURCH PASTOR I hereby affirm that I have reviewed the application for (student’s name),
and support its submission to the Seed of Excellence Bursaries. Name of Pastor: Church: _______
Contact information (email and phone): Signature of Pastor Date

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