Crack! 3 Monsters!

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+ #10

By Sofia Ramos
Art: Evlyn Moreau

1 - Mimic
dAC12 (scurrying), HP 4d6 (14), +7 bite
(1d6, 1d6 poison every turn), +6 to attack
and damage when mistaken for an object,
S 12, ML 6
A vicious beast of trickery, making an
horrid clattering and chirping sound as
though mocking your pain, wants to hurt
you and watch you bleed.

2 - Basilisk
dAC 16 (thick scales), HP 8d10 (44),
+8 hundred tongues (2d8, petrification),
+5 constriction (1d6 damage every turn,
SAVE or be devoured), S 10, ML 7
Immortal, hungry and ever-growing, not
used to prey fighting back, wants to grow
and to be worshipped.

3 - Bone Collector
dAC14 (putrid flesh), HP 8d8 (36),
+10 sharp bone claws (1d10, 1d10, infection),
S 10, ML 7
Heals 1d6 when consuming corpses, an
abomination of old raised and unborn,
wants to steal your bones and stuff them
on their exposed gullet for some nefarious

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