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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal.

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

An iterative optimization approach for routing,

modulation, and categorical spatial bandwidth block
allocation to improve network performance for
dynamic traffic in elastic optical networks
Akhtar Nawaz Khan?,1 , Hassan Yousif Ahmed2 , Abdellah Chehri?,3 , Medien Zeghid4 ,
Zawar H. Khan5 , Abid Iqbal5
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Jalozai
Campus, Pakistan.
Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering at Wadi Aldwaseer,
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, KSA.
Electronics and Micro-Electronics Laboratory (E. µ. E. L), Faculty of Sciences,
University of Monastir, Tunisia.
Department of Applied Sciences, University of Quebec in Chicoutimi (UQAC), Chicoutimi, QC G7H
2B1, Canada.

Abstract— In this work, we have proposed an iterative I. I NTRODUCTION

optimization model for allocating spectral resources in
optical networks. The proposed model gives spatial routes Dense wavelength division multiplexing
and spatial bandwidth allocations in optical networks with (DWDM) based systems with a capacity of
variable data-rates, modulation schemes, and optical reach
adaptation. We have also proposed an algorithm which
40 Gbps were earlier deployed in optical networks
allocates continuous and contiguous block of frequency before 2012 to support high data rate traffic [1]. It
slots (FS) between transponders which forms bandwidth was extended to 100 Gbps with QPSK deployment
partitions. The primary objective of the bandwidth par- in 2013 and was again extended to 200 Gbps with
tition is to reduce spatial fragmentation. The integrated 16QAM, 150 Gbps with 8QAM, and 100 Gbps
approach includes the routing information from using the with QPSK in 2015 [1]. Since 2020, network
optimization model and the categorical spectrum alloca-
interfaces are available to support network traffic
tion from using the proposed algorithm. The integrated
approach has been used for dynamic traffic to improve at 400 Gbps with 16QAM, 300 Gbps with 8QAM,
network performance in terms of bandwidth blocking, link and 200 Gbps with QPSK [2]–[4]. However, the
utilization, and fragmentation metrics. It has been shown behavior of network traffic is rapidly changing
that the FS utilization (FSU) and link utilization (LU) and it is becoming more dynamic [5]. Networks
largely increase in the proposed integrated scheme with are facing new challenges with an objective to
80% LU compared to shortest path first (SPF) routing
achieving high efficiency, more flexibility to
with LU as low as 20%. Similarly, the standard deviation
between FSU in the proposed scheme is approximately 5% adapt with dynamic data rates, and scalability to
compared to 25% in other schemes which shows that the maintain network performance [6]. Elastic optical
FSU sufficiently increases in the integrated approach. networking (EON) is becoming the most favorable
candidate to address the network challenges with
Index Terms - Resource allocation, elastic op- its ability to allocate heterogeneous bandwidths to
tical networks, spatial fragmentation, network par- lightpath demands.
tition, iterative optimization. In EON, the entire spectrum is divided into a
large number of narrow bandwidth channels with
bandwidths equal to 12.5 GHz [7]–[9] which are
Manuscript received June 6, 2022. Corresponding
authors: 1,3 Akhtar Nawaz Khan, Abdellah Chehri (Email: called frequency slots (FS). In EON, multiple FS’s; abdellah may be allocated to establish a ligthpath between

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

the two end nodes. However, these FS’s must be between transponders using link-state information
closed neighbors with each other which is called and using all possible routes between transponders.
contiguity [10]. EON utilizes optical orthogonal fre- Therefore, it provides lower bandwidth blocking
quency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) in which probability compared to k SPF routing at the cost of
the frequency bands are orthogonal to each other. lightpaths set up times. These algorithms are highly
It is flexible to adapt signal modulations including time consuming and require extensive support to
quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), 8/16/32/64 continuously update information of routing tables at
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and bi- the transponders. Finally, adaptive routing suits well
nary PSK (BPSK) [6]. A higher modulation scheme centralized implementation with common network
has more number of bits and requires smaller band- information compared to the distributed approach.
widths to transmit information signal. However, Spectrum (i.e., FS) allocation (SA) subproblems
the optical reach of a higher modulation scheme in EON are mostly dynamic and are utilized for
is lower due to lower optical signal-to-noise ratio online traffic. A continuous and contiguous band
(OSNR) and higher bit-error-rate (BER) [11]. This of FS’s are allocated using SA algorithms to light-
means that the higher order modulation schemes path requests after finding suitable routes between
will provide faster data rates at the cost of higher transponders. These SA algorithms include first-fit,
BER, lower OSNR, and lower optical reach. In last-fit, random-fit, first-last-fit, and exact-fit algo-
EON, optical interfaces can dynamically adapt data rithms [18]–[20]. In the first-fit, a contiguous band
rates according to the modulation format, optical of slots with minimum possible indexes and satisfy-
reach, and the amount of data to be transmitted ing the continuity constraint are allocated to a light-
between end nodes. path request. The number of allocated slots depends
Routing and spectrum allocation (RSA) is a on the adapted modulation scheme. The last-fit is a
popular research area in EON to allocate limited reversal to the first-fit scheme or algorithm in which
resources in an optimal way [12], [13]. In RSA, a a contiguous band of slots with maximum possible
lightpath is established between the two transpon- indexes and satisfying the continuity constraint are
ders through a selected route and allocating contigu- allocated to a lightpath request. First-last-fit is a
ous and continuous FS’s to support traffic demand. mix strategy in which the spectrum is divided into
The later is termed as the continuity constraint two subgroups. The sub-grouping is performed in
such that similar indexed FS’s must be assigned several ways. In [21], this sub-grouping is based
during lightpath establishment on all links along the on disjoint path routing and non-disjointed path
fiber path. The other is termed as the contiguity routing. In [21], lightpaths are established using
constraint such that allocated FS’s along the path disjointed path routing with first-fit SA scheme and
must be closed neighbors with each other. RSA is non-disjointed path routing is followed by last-fit
mostly categorized in to the routing subproblem and SA scheme to establish lightpaths. Similarly, in
spectrum allocation subproblem. random-fit algorithm, in case of multiple available
Routing subproblem may either be static or dy- contiguous band of slots, one contiguous band of
namic to support static or dynamic lightpath re- FS’s are randomly selected which also satisfies the
quests respectively. For dynamic traffic and net- continuity constraint. Finally in exact-fit algorithm,
work operation, shortest path first routing with k the spectrum is searched to find availability of the
paths using the Dijkstra’s algorithm are mostly exact number of FS’s for lightpath establishment.
utilized. However, these paths are computed offline In conclusion, the objective of a best possible SA
which are utilized for dynamic network operation. algorithm is to allocate resources with minimize
Hence, k SPF routing may over-utilize resources possible spectrum fragmentation.
on some links while under-utilize other resources. In EON, sufficient number of FS may be available
Therefore, it degrades network performance for dy- on a link or path with combined bandwidth equal
namic traffic. There are algorithms [14], [15] which to or more than the requested bandwidth for a
are adaptive in nature and compute paths between lightpath establishment. However, these FS’s may
transponders at the time of lightpath establish- not be contiguous or closed neighbors with each
ment to support dynamic network operation. Adap- other. Hence, these dispersed FS’s without shared
tive routing [16], [17] tries to establish lightpaths boundaries cause fragmentation in a fiber link which

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

greatly degrades the performance of EONs with in the recent past with higher traffic growth driven
heterogeneous data rates and their adapted modu- by dynamic cloud, video, and IoT applications.
lation schemes. Generally speaking, there are two Optimization models are formulated with an objec-
categories of fragmentation in a network which are tive to establish maximum static lightpaths between
called vertical and horizontal fragmentation. Vertical transponders which are constrained by the network
fragmentation is called spectral fragmentation which resources. There are few optimization models [12],
occurs in a single fiber link. Horizontal fragmen- [13], [27], [28] which are formulated with static
tation is called spatial fragmentation which occurs traffic and their results are utilized for routing
along a selected path between transponders [22]. purpose for dynamic traffic. However, the routing
The spectral and spatial fragmentation in an EON information changes in these models with changes
is demonstrated in [23]. Furthermore, it is reported in network traffic load (Erlang) as the lightpath
in [24] that partitioning may improve lightpath establishments are subject to traffic loads (Erlang).
establishment probability and hence, will reduce For higher traffic loads (Erlang), resources must be
the amount of bandwidth blocking in a network. increased to make the models feasible to support
However, the number of partitions should be mini- higher traffic [29]. However, increasing network
mized to improve the performance [22]. There are capacity with associated hardware and software
different fragmentation measurement metrics which deployment is a costly and time consuming pro-
include external fragmentation metric (EFM) and cess. Furthermore, it will require sufficient time
access blocking probability metric (ABPM). The to deploy new capacity and associated resources.
time complexity of EFM is lowest as it focuses on Therefore, the incremental approach for scaling net-
the maximum size of contiguous slots in spectral works with deploying more resources with pace of
fragmentation and spatial fragmentation. However, increasingly traffic demand will lead to unnecessary
the time complexity of ABPM is higher and it will infrastructure and cost. It is a network challenge
find whether the spectrum is completely fragmented to optimize the available network resources before
or not. Both metrics will return values between 0 the next network upgrade subject to the elastic
and 1. A 0 indicates no fragmentation in a link characteristics of the network, technology used in
(spectral fragmentation) or a path (spatial fragmen- EON, optimizing modulation schemes for adapting
tation) which shows the initial condition of a link higher data-rates based on transponders locations,
or a path. Similarly, a 1 indicates that a link or path and the distance/hops between the transponders. We
is completely fragmented which will highly reduce therefore, proposed an iterative based optimization
network performance. model which is further explained in Section II.
Spectral and spatial fragmentation management In this work,
schemes in a network include reactive fragmenta- 1) we have considered network partitioning
tion as well as proactive fragmentation [25], [26]. problem to optimize the network performance.
These are also called defragmentation approaches. We have design an iterative based optimiza-
Reactive fragmentation schemes are used after light- tion problem for network partitioning and
paths are established using hitless methods. Hop re- routing. According to our latest information,
turning, push-pull returning, and make-before-break there is no work available in the literature
schemes are all hitless methods which are briefly related to the application of iterative optimiza-
explained in [26]. Proactive defragmentation meth- tion in EON.
ods are utilized during lightpath establishment time 2) Furthermore, proactive defragmentation ap-
for dynamic traffic by taking into account resources proach is used in this work such that routes
information on different paths between transpon- between transponders are precomputed with
ders. The information is processed before lightpath adapted modulation scheme in the optimiza-
admission and establishment on a path subject to tion model. Therefore, different bandwidths
different constraints including EFM, ABPM, and are allocated to end pairs which are based
contiguity ratio. on the adapted modulation scheme and their
Optimization problems are generally formulated optical reach.
in literature for static lightpath establishment in 3) The outcome of the proposed optimization
EON. However, traffic nature has highly changed model is to minimize link loading by adapt-

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

ing higher modulation scheme with higher nodes.

data-rate transmission and allocating mini- S: Set of all possible source-destination (s-d)
mum numbers of FS’s between transponders. pairs in a network with a number equal to
The outcome of the proposed optimization N (N − 1).
model includes the routing information and cl : The cost c of using a FS channel on a
the amount of bandwidth allocation between link l. In the hop based routing, it has a value
transponders. setted equal to 1. In the distance based routing,
4) The proposed algorithm processes the data- this represents the actual distance of a fiber
sets from the optimization model and categor- link l.
ically allocates spatial contiguous FS blocks.
This also specifies the indexes of the contigu- • Path parameters:
ous band of FS’s according to the allocated length of SPFs : Represents the distance of an
bandwidths along the optimized routes. s-d pair s which are pre-computed using k = 1
5) We utilize the set of integrated output infor- shortest path routing (SPF) with Dijkstra’s
mation from the optimization model and the algorithm.
algorithm for dynamic traffic and networking P: Set of all possible paths which are
to improve efficiency of EON in terms of precomputed using k = 3 SPF routing with
average bandwidth blocking probability, av- Dijkstra’s algorithm.
erage EFM, average ABPM, and link and FS P s : Set of paths ∀s ∈ S. However, we consider
utilization. k = 3 shortest paths which are arranged in an
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section ascending order for each s-d pair s in the set.
II include the proposed iterative based optimization Pl : Set of paths which utilizes link l ∀l ∈ L.
model along with all traffic, network, and decision k s : Set of modulation indexes for each s ∈ S
variables. It also include the proposed algorithm such that k s = 1 for BPSK modulation,
which arranges the optimization results into a set k s = 2 for QPSK, k s = 3 for 8QAM, and
of paths and contiguous band of FS’s to be utilized k s = 4 for 16QAM. k s is precomputed using
for dynamic networking. In Section II, we have also length of SPFs . Number of bits required
discussed the performance parameters. In Section for each scheme is 2k . Therefore, BPSK
III, we have carried out extensive simulations and use 2 bits, QPSK use 4 bits, and 8QAM
presented the findings of this work. Finally, section use 8 bits to carry information between end
IV concludes this work. pairs. However, QPSK requires twice power
compared to BPSK and 8QAM requires twice
II. O PTIMIZATION MODELS power compared to QPSK to achieve similar
bit-error probability. If transmission power
A. Stage 1: Preparing parameters for the optimiza- remains same, then the optical reach of QPSK
tion model should be reduced to half compared to BPSK
The network, traffic, and path parameters as well and the optical reach of 8QAM should be
as different variables are given below. reduced to half compared to QPSK to achieve
• Network parameters: similar bit-error probabilities. In this work,
N : Represents a set of wavelength selective we consider similar transmission power for all
switch (WSS) nodes geographically located in lightpaths.
a network.
C: Set of frequency slots (FS) per fiber such • Variables:
that C = (1, 2, 3, · · · , C). An FS represents a ∆f s : Numbers of FS allocation to an s-d pair
frequency channel having bandwidth equal to s.
δchannel = 12.5 GHz. |C| represents the size of Λl : Total number of FS allocated on link l.
the set C in which C is the maximum index
of a FS. • Decision variables:
L: Set of directed fiber links which carry αp : Represents bandwidth allocation in num-
traffic in one direction between neighbor bers of FS’s to an s-d pair s

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

∆fi : An iterative integer value with a lower adapting higher modulation scheme with more bits
bound equal to 1 and an upper bound equal to carry information and to allocate minimum FS’s
to |C|. The proposed optimization problem it- to each s-d pair s. This is explained as follows.
eratively starts with the lower bound. It stops Equation (2) gives the link cost in terms of
when the proposed integer linear problem (ILP) bandwidth allocation in numbers of FS’s. These
becomes feasible and gives an optimal solution. FS’s are allocated to an s-d pair s along a path p.
We have observed that its value, which makes Therefore, the link cost includes the sum of FS’s
the problem feasible, remains unchanged for allocation on all paths which is utilizing a link l.
the same network. Noting its value will reduce Equation (3) shows that the sum of FS allocation
the numbers of iterations to only one time on any link l must not exceed the available numbers
execution for the same network. of FS’s on that link. Moreover, it is important to note
that path based FS allocation is considered in Eq.
B. Stage 2: Programming the optimization model (3) so that same band of FS’s will be allocated to
each s-d pair s on all links along the path which
Objective function: satisfies the continuity.
Equation (4) represents numbers FS allocation to
minimize cl Λ l + ∆f (1)
∀l∈L ∀s∈S
an s-d pair s. For a demand request equal to 100G,
BPSK with modulation index k s = 1 will require
Subject to: only 2 bits and 4 FS with δchannel = 12.5 GHz
for transmission. Similarly, QPSK with k s = 2 will
Λl = α , ∀l ∈ L (2)
require 4 bits and 2 FS to carry the information
X between end nodes. Finally, 8QAM with k s = 3
αp ≤ |C|, ∀l ∈ L (3) will require 8 bits and only 1 FS to carry the
∀p∈Pl information between end nodes. However, in case of
giving preference to the lightpath distance instead
of number of hops in the shortest path calcu-

 4, if 2k = 2bits
∆f = s
2, if 2 = 4bits , ∀s ∈ S (4) lation/consideration/computation, the constraint in
 s
1, if 2k = 8bits Eq. (5) will be considered instead of the constraint
in Eq. (4) which will give similar information of
 allocating FS’s for each modulation scheme. In Eq.
 1, if length of SPFs ≤ 1000km
(5), if length of SPFs <= 1000km, then 8QAM
∆f s = 2, if length of SPFs ≤ 2000km , ∀s ∈ S
 4, if length of SPFs ≤ 4000km with 8 bits and 1 FS will be adapted by an s-d pair s.
Similarly, if 1000km < length of SPFs ≤ 2000km,
then QPSK with 4 bits and requiring 2 FS’s will be
adapted by an s-d pair s. Finally, for a transmission
X |C|
α =d e∆f , ∀s ∈ S (6) distance between 2000 km and 4000 km, BPSK with

∀p∈P s
∆f i δchannel 2 bits and 8 FS’s will be adapted by an s-d pair s
to satisfy the bandwidth demand.
Finally, the integer constraints are given in Eq. The constraint in Eq. (6) is explained as follows.
(7)- Eq. (9). We have considered s-d pairs with uniform demand
αp ∈ Z+ , ∀p ∈ P (7) requests equal to 100G. Therefore, BPSK with 2
bits will require more FS compared to QPSK with
∆f s ∈ Z+ , ∀s ∈ S (8) 4 bits and 8QAM with 8 bits. In other words, for
Λl ∈ Z+ , ∀l ∈ L (9) 100 Gbps bandwidth demand, BPSK will require
4 FS, i.e., 4 FS × 12.5GHz (channel width) × 2
The objective function of the optimization prob- bits = 100 Gbps. Similarly, QPSK will require 2
lem in Eq. (1) is to minimize the cost of using FS’s FS, i.e., 2 FS × 12.5 GHz (channel width) × 4
on all links in a network as well as to optimize bits = 100 Gbps. Finally, 8QAM will require 1 FS,
FS allocation to each s-d pair s. This will help i.e., 1 FS × 12.5 GHz (channel width) × 8 bits
in optimizing a route between end WSS nodes by = 100 Gbps. In all cases, 12.5 GHz represents the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

channel width of a FS. Similarly, BPSK has highest the optimization problem will be used for dynamic
optical reach compared to other schemes. Therefore, network operation.
100G bandwidth demand requires 1 FS using 100G
8QAM (i.e., 8 bits) transmission with lowest optical Input: link-optimal-values;
reach. A similar bandwidth demand requires 2 FS optimal-set-of-paths
using 50G QPSK (i.e., 4 bits) transmission with Output: path-slot-info
an optical reach up to 2000 km. Finally, 100G /* [ ] → list, {} → set */
bandwidth demand requires 4 FS using 25G BPSK sd-path-used = [ ]
(i.e., 2 bits) transmission with an optical reach up link-path-cluster-size = link-optimal-values
to 4000 km. sd-path-values = [((sd,path),value(αp )),
∀s ∈ S, ∀path ∈ optimal-set-of-paths[s]]
C. Stage 3: Programing an algorithm to extract/sort paths-through-links = {c : [ ∀l ∈ L | link-
useful information optimal-values[l] = c ], ∀c ∈
In this Section, we have proposed an algorithm link-path-cluster-size }
which takes into account the information from the links-from-opt-problem = {l : [path transiting
optimization model and allocates contiguous blocks link l; ∀ path ∈ optimal-set-of-paths | l ∈
of FS’s with continuity constraint. The procedure to path ] ∀ l ∈ L }
extract the necessary information and allocation of for link-size in link-path-cluster-size do
FS bands is given in Algorithm (1). In Algorithm for link in paths-through-links[link-size]
(1), sd-path-used is a list which will keep track do
of sd-paths such that resources will be allocated dbr-path-sort =
only once to the path in the list. link-optimal-values links-from-opt-problem[link]
represents numbers of FS slots allocation to optical for path in dbr-path-sort do
links from the optimization problem. This list will if path not in sd-path-used then
be sorted in descending order without repetition. sd-path-used.append(path)
The sorted list will be used to group links according Find continuous-FS-slots
to FS numbers. The set sd-path-values keeps the list Find sd =
of all tuples of sd pair ∀s ∈ S and a path for sd pair. (path[0][0],path[len(path)-
The value of α is obtained from the optimization 1][1])
problem which shows the number of FS’s allocated
on route p according to the modulation used. Find contiguous-FS-slots in
In the set paths-through-links, paths are grouped continuous-FS-slots with
according to the link-path-cluster-size. The links- values
from-opt-problem represents a set of lists of tuples ≥ sd-path-values[(sd,path)]
including link l ∀ l ∈ L and paths from the // Numbers of
optimization problem which are utilizing link l. The contiguous-FS-slots
dbr-path-sort keeps list of paths utilizing link l. will be equal to
The paths in the list are sorted in descending order numbers of FS
according to the number of hops. This will ensure slots allocated
allocating FS slots first to the longest routes to min- from the
imize contiguity and continuity issues of FS slots optimization
allocation due to horizontal or spatial fragmentation. problem.
Shortest routes with higher modulation formats, end
better data rates, and minimum FS requirements will path-slots-info =
face minimum horizontal fragmentation. Therefore, {(path, contiguous-FS-slots)}
FS contiguity requirement will be addressed more end
efficiently. Finally, path-slots-info is a set of tuples end
with path information and list of contiguous FS slots end
allocated along the path. The resources in the path- Algorithm 1: Algorithm
slots-info as well as the routing information from

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

D. Stage 4: Performance parameters

In this Section, we have discussed several per-
formance measurement metrics for evaluating the
performance of EON for dynamic traffic in this
work. These metrics include average network exter-
nal fragmentation metric (EFM), average network
ABPM, average network contiguity, average net-
work bandwidth blocking probability (BBP), av-
erage standard deviation of FS utilization for the
EON, and network link utilization. These are ex-
plained as follows.
1) Average network EFM: This parameters gives
the information about maximum available spatial
FS block size along a route [30]. It is given in
Figure 1. Spectral fragmentation in links L1,2 ,L2,3 , and L3,4
Eq. (10) in which xi and yi represent available block
of maximum contiguous spatial FS’s and available
number of all spatial FS’s along a route for arrival
i. ABPM as follows.
b 22 c + b 42 c
∀ i∈arrivals 1 − yi path1,3
EFM = (10) ABPM =1−
total arrivals b 12
2) Average network ABPM: Average network 1,3 3
ABPM can be used to estimate spatial fragmentation ABPMpath = 1 − = 0.5
for dynamic traffic in a network. It is given by a
mathematical expression in Eq. (11) [12], [30]. The Similarly,
value of average network ABPM ranges from 0 to 1 b2c + b4c
and shows spatial fragmentation. A 0 indicates the ABPMpath = 1 − 4 12 4
initial condition of FS along a route between the b4c
transponders. Similarly, a 1 indicates that the FS’s
1,4 0+1
along a route between the transponders is mostly ABPMpath = 1 − = 0.667
fragmented and not available for the demanded band 3
of FS’s. This means that the ABPM values on the spatial
fragmented optical paths path1,3 and path1,4 are

P block sizei

∀available FS blocks b demanded slots c 
50% and 66.7% for a demand of 2 FS and 4
1 −
FS using QPSK and BPSK modulation schemes

∀ i∈arrivals  0
FS s on pathi

b c
demanded slotsi
total arrivals
respectively. In the second case, we split the spectral
bandwidth into two categories which is shown in
Consider three links L1,2 ,L2,3 , and L3,4 between
Figure 2 with different colors. FS1 to FS4 are
nodes n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . The spectral fragmen-
allocated on L1,2 and L2,3 to carry the information
tation in each link is given in Figure 1. Let we
over the path path1,3 using QPSK. Similarly, FS5
consider two incremental lightpath requests s1 and
to FS12 are allocated on L1,2 , L2,3 , and L3,4 to carry
s2 between n1 and n3 and between n1 and n4 respec-
the information over the path path1,4 using BPSK
tively. Let s1 use QPSK modulation and requires 2
scheme. In this case, we calculated the values of
FS’s. Similarly, let s2 use BPSK modulation and
ABPM as follows.
requires 4 FS’s to setup lightpath betweeen the end
nodes. The spatial fragmentation over the path for path1,3 b 22 c
s1 is represented by path . Similarly, the spatial ABPM =1− 4
fragmentation over the path for s is represented
by path1,4 . In the first case, we consider the whole 1,3 1
bandwidth of fiber links to calculate the values of ABPMpath = 1 − = 0.5

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

indicates that a FS is busy. The value of spatial

route contiguity ranges from 0 to 1. A value 1
indicates that all available FS’s are contiguous and
close neighbors with each other. Alternatively, a
value 0 indicates that the available FS’s on a spatial
route (if any) are not contiguous and close neighbors
with each other.
4) Average network BBP: The statement of av-
erage network BBP is adapted from the work in
[15]. It is given in Eq. (13) as a ratio between the
bandwidth of lightpath requests which could not be
established successfully to the total bandwidth of
lightpath requests. The later includes the bandwidths
of successfully established and blocked lightpath
Figure 2. Spectrum is divided into two categories with contiguous
FS’s on each link for s-d pairs (1, 3) and (1, 4) using QPSK and
BPSK modulation respectively. i∈ [Lightpaths blocked] ∆f
BBP = P i
i∈[All lightpath requests] ∆f

5) Average standard deviation of FS utilization:
1,4 b 44 c An average value of standard deviation of FS uti-
ABPMpath =1− 8
b4c lization δ(FSU) in a network is given in Eq. (14).
maxF SIl

ABPMpath =1−
= 0.5 δ(FSU) = δ ∀l∈L (14)
2 Λl
This means that the ABPM values on the spatial
fragmented optical paths path1,3 and path1,4 are In Eq. (14), FSI denotes the maximum index of
50% each for a demand of 2 FS and 4 FS using a FS which is utilized on a link l. Similarly, Λl
QPSK and BPSK modulation schemes respectively. represents the numbers of all FS’s on a link l.
This means that splitting the bandwidth of the Finally, δ(−) represents the standard deviation of
fiber links into different categories improve ABPM a list of values which has a value in the range from
values. This is due to the fact that FS’s are allocated 0 to 1. A value δ(−) = 0 indicates that all values
and released in pairs in the same category. Hence, of FS on links in a network are same. Similarly,
the probability of availability of contiguous FS’s a value δ(−) = 1 indicates that FS utilization on
is good compared to allocating different sizes of some links is extremely low while on other links,
FS’s in a shared category. Therefore, resources in FS utilization is extremely high. Finally, the value
a shared category makes the spatial band of FS’s δ(−) = 0.5 indicates that some links in a network
more fragmented. are frequently utilized compared to others.
3) Average network contiguity: The mathemat- 6) Network link utilization: The value of network
ical formulation for finding the average network link utilization (LU) in a network for link l is given
contiguity (ANC) is adapted from the work in in Eq. (15). In Eq. (15), (l, maxF
) is a tuple with
[31] which is given in Eq. (12). SFFSp means link l and its utilized value. LU is a ratio of the
spatial fragmented FS along a route p between the maximum index of a FS which is utilized on a link
transponders during lightpath establishment. l to the maximum value of FS’s on that link. The
P PC p p
i=2 (SFFS [i]×SFFS [i−1])
values of LU are in the range 0 to 1. A value =
1 indicates maximum utilization and a value = 0
j∈ arrivals SFFSp [i]−1
ANC = (12)
indicates minimum utilization of a link l.
j∈arrivals j
SFFSp has two states which is either 1 or 0. A maxF SIl
LU = ∀l∈L {(l, )} (15)
1 indicates the availability of a free FS and a 0 Λl

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412


In this section, we have analyzed the performance

of the proposed integrated model for dynamic net-
working. The integrated model includes the results
from the optimization model which is followed
by the proposed algorithm to allocate resources
between transponders in groups. The integrated
approach will give routing information, spectral
capacity allocation on each link in terms of FS’s,
and spatial capacity allocation between transponders
along the route with their modulation schemes. In
simulations, we have used first-fit spectrum allo-
cation scheme for FS allocation with the routing
information from the optimization model. We have
also considered lightpaths with variable data rates
and bandwidth requirement arriving to a network
with Poisson’s distribution. However, traffic is con-
sidered to be uniformly distributed. The mean hold-
ing time of lightpaths to stay in the network follows
exponential distribution with the mean holding time
equal to 1 time unit. In general, we have simulated Figure 3. COST 239 network topology (net1)
different scenarios in two different networks for 1
million lightpath requests to get steady state results.
We have used two networks (net1 and net2) to
evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.
Networks net1 and net2 have 11 and 14 nodes
each which are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4
respectively. Moreover, net1 has 50 directed links 1
while net2 have 64 directed links.
2 3
In the first stage, we get all related information
sets from the optimization problem using GLPK
solver with Python Linear Program Module (PuLP) 5
7 8
[32]. Let us consider network net1 with all input
parameters for the optimization model which are 6
given in section II. After solving the optimization 9
model, we extracted the information related to the 10
link cost for the link l = (1, 9) in net1, paths 11
utilizing the link l, and capacity allocation on routes
utilizing link l. These values of different parameters
are given in Table I which are extracted using the 12
programming syntax in algorithm 2, algorithm 3,
and algorithm 4. Similarly, we use the proposed
algorithm to allocate block of contiguous spatial 13
FS’s along the optimized routes and using all other
information from the optimization problem. The Figure 4. Radnomly generated network topology with 14 switching
nodes (net2)
contiguous FS allocation on different routes in Table
I are given in Table II using the proposed algorithm

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412



Link Link Capacity LINK l = (1, 9) USING THE PROPOSED ALGORITHM .

(1,9) 160 FS’s s-d Modulation
path FS allocation on Path
Link path through link pair
(1,9) ((1, 9), (9, 8)) (1,11) BPSK ((1, 9), (9, [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [1, 2, · · · , 60]]
(1,9) ((1, 9),) 8), (8, 11))
(1,9) ((1, 9), (9, 8), (8, 11)) (1,11) BPSK ((1, 3), (3, [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [1, 2, · · · , 20]]
(1,9) ((3, 1), (1, 9)) 6), (6, 11))
(1,9) ((6, 2), (2, 1), (1, 9)) (6,9) BPSK ((6, 2), (2, [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [61, 62, · · · , 80]]
path capacity of path and 1), (1, 9))
adapted modulation (6,9) BPSK ((6, 7), (7, [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [1, 2, · · · , 60]]
((1, 9), (9, 8)) 40 FS’s / QPSK 8), (8, 9))
((1, 9),) 20 FS’s / 8QAM (1,8) QPSK ((1, 9), (9, [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [81, 82, · · · , 120]]
((1, 9), (9, 8), (8, 11)) 60 FS’s / BPSK 8))
((1, 3), (3, 6), (6, 11)) 20 FS’s / BPSK (3,9) QPSK ((3, 1), (1, [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [121, 122, · · · , 140]]
((3, 1), (1, 9)) 20 FS’s / QPSK 9))
((6, 2), (2, 1), (1, 9)) 20 FS’s / BPSK (1,9) 8QAM ((1, 9),) [FSindex ∀ index ∈ [141, 142, · · · , 160]]
((6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9)) 60 FS’s / BPSK

blocking probabilities (BBP) for different network

Algorithm 2 using Python Programming for ex-
traffic loads (Erlang) in net1 and net2 using the
tracting information of paths through link
proposed scheme. The BBP values are compared
[1]: paths-through-link = {}
with the existing SPF (k=1) routing and the alternate
[2]: ∀l ∈ L:
routing schemes. We have integrated the optimiza-
[3]: temp-link = []
tion information with the first-fit spectrum alloca-
[4]: for sd in sd-pairs:
tion subproblem for FS allocation in network. We
[5]: for path in optimized-paths[sd]:
adapted integration of the same spectrum allocation
[6]: if l ∈ path :
subproblem with the existing routing schemes also.
[7]: temp-link.append(path)
However, in both SPF (k=1) routing and alternate
[8]: paths-through-link[l] = temp-link
(k=2) routing, the complete spectrum is shared by
Algorithm 3 using Python Programming for ex- all s-d pairs in a network. It has been observed that
tracting information of bandwidth (capacity) over the proposed scheme highly reduces the amount of
a path: value(αpath ) is Python syntax using PuLP BBP values compared to the existing SPF routing
to give cost of a variable. and alternate routing. It should be noted that the
[1]: sd-path-value = dict(((s,path),value(αpath )) integrated approach is using approximately equal
∀s ∈ S and ∀ path ∈ optimized-paths[s]) number of routes compared to SPF routing and
half number of routes compared to alternate routing.
Algorithm 4 using Python Programming for ex- Similarly, the total link cost in the proposed scheme
tracting information of link cost values is minimum in both net1 and net2 compared to
[1]: link-cost = dict((l,[ ]) ∀l ∈ L) the existing schemes. The routing and s-d pair
[2]: ∀l ∈ L: informations for both net1 and net2 are compared
[3]: for temppath in paths-through-link[l]: in Table III and Table IV respectively.
[4]: link-cost[l].append(sd-path-value[((temp- In Figure 6, we have calculated the average
path[0][0],temp-path[len(temp-path)-1][1]),temp- ABPM values for different traffic loads (Erlang) in
path)]) both networks. The proposed integrated approach
[5]: link-values = dict((l, sum(link-cost[l])) ∀l ∈ has lower average ABPM values compared to SPF
L) routing and alternate routing. This shows that the
After getting related information from the op- spatial fragmentation decreases in splitting the avail-
timization model and the proposed algorithm, we able spectrum into a number of limited subgroups.
utilize these sets of information for dynamic traffic This increases the availability of idle spatial FS
in different networks. Figure 5 shows the bandwidth along a route. Therefore, reduces the amount of

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412


S - D PAIR AND ROUTING INFORMATION IN NET 1 SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
Algorithm s-d pairs Number of Network link 0.10 SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
routes cost (in num-
bers of FS) 0.08
SPF routing 110 110 8000
Alternate 110 220 8000

routing 0.06
proposed 110 123 6440
scheme 0.04

Algorithm s-d pairs Number of Network link 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
routes cost (in num- traffic load (Erlang)
bers of FS) 0.12
SPF routing 182 182 10204 proposed
Alternate 182 364 10204 SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
0.10 SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
proposed 182 204 8368
scheme 0.08
SPF (k=1) routing (existing) 0.04
0.10 SPF (k=2) routing (existing)

Bandwidth blocking

600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
0.06 traffic load (Erlang)

Figure 6. ABPM verses traffic load (Erlang) using different routing
schemes in net1 and net2

600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
traffic load (Erlang)
BBP values compared to SPF routing and alternate
routing. In both SPF routing and alternate rout-
proposed ing, the complete spectral FS on links are shared
SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
among the s-d pairs which sufficiently increases
0.08 the values of ABPM. Therefore, it also increases
spatial fragmentation along the routes. In Figure
Bandwidth blocking

0.06 6, the values of average ABPM increases with the

network traffic load (Erlang) in all cases. Hence,
spatial fragmentation increases with an increase in
the network traffic load (Erlang).
In Figure 7, we have calculated the average EFM
values for different traffic loads (Erlang) in both net-
works. We have observed that the external fragmen-
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 tation in the proposed scheme is also less compared
traffic load (Erlang) to the existing schemes. It can be observed that the
EFM values in alternate routing is more compared
Figure 5. Bandwidth blocking probability verses traffic load (Erlang) to SPF routing and the proposed scheme. This is
using different routing schemes in net1 and net2
due to the fact that traffic will be diverted to the

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

0.8 1.0
proposed proposed
SPF (k=1) routing (existing) SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
0.7 SPF (k=2) routing (existing) SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
External Fragmentation


Average Contiguity



0.1 0.4
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
traffic load (Erlang) traffic load (Erlang)
0.8 1.0
proposed proposed
SPF (k=1) routing (existing) SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
0.7 SPF (k=2) routing (existing) SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
External Fragmentation


Average Contiguity



0.1 0.4
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
traffic load (Erlang) traffic load (Erlang)

Figure 7. External fragmentation verses traffic load (Erlang) using Figure 8. Average contiguity verses traffic load (Erlang) using
different routing schemes in net1 and net2 different routing schemes in net1 and net2

underutilized links on the second route between the it is lowly utilized. This trend continues for SPF
transponders to use the idle resources. Therefore, it (k=1) routing for all traffic load (Erlang) values as
will reduce the availability of a block of maximum BBP will increase sufficiently in the highly utilized
contiguous spatial FS’s to utilize idle resources on links for higher traffic. This will make a bottleneck
these routes. for other links to carry higher traffic. Hence, these
In Figure 8, the average contiguity in the pro- under-utilized links will not carry traffic to increase
posed scheme is less compared to other schemes. FSU. The proposed scheme has the lowest values
This is due to the fact that the complete spectrum of δ(FSU) for all traffic values compared to SPF
is divided into a number of limited subgroups. (k=1) routing and alternate (k=2) routing. This trend
Therefore, the availability of a maximum block shows that FSU on all links is approximately equal
of spatial FS’s along the network routes is lower as the standard deviation of FSU in both networks
compared to spectral bandwidth without partitions. for all traffic values remains within the range 5%.
In Figure 9, the values of δ(FSU) are shown for This further shows that link utilization in both net-
different traffic load (Erlang) values in net1 and works are balanced. For alternate (k=2) routing with
net2. It has been observed that for lower values lower traffic, the value of δ(FSU) is approximately
of network traffic load (Erlang), δ(FSU) is higher equal to the value of δ(FSU) for SPF (k=1) routing.
in SPF (k=1) routing which shows that FS’s on This is due to the fact that alternate routing may
some links are highly utilized and on other links, use only one route due to lower traffic. However,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

0.30 compared to the others in a shared spectrum. Sim-

SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
ilarly, the FS with maximum indexes are utilized
0.25 SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
lowly. The high and low utilization of few bins in
SPF routing and alternate routing are reduced in the
STD of FS Utilization

proposed scheme in which the complete spectrum is
divided into limited numbers of spatial bandwidths.
These spatial categories of FS blocks are dedicated
on each path for each s-d pair. Therefore, first-fit
scheme will utilize the starting minimum index of
each subgroup. It is also increasing the frequency
of utilization of FS with higher indexes.
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
In Figure 12 and Figure 13, network links with
traffic load (Erlang) similar utilization are grouped together into bins.
0.30 It has been observed that the proposed scheme has
the highest link utilization. The lower bound of link
0.25 utilization in the proposed scheme is greater than
65% and 80% for net1 and net2 respectively. The
STD of FS Utilization

0.20 SPF routing has the lowest link utilization with few
proposed links under utilized. Alternate routing increases link
0.15 SPF (k=1) routing (existing) utilization compared to SPF routing. However, the
SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
highly utilized links in this case also becomes a
0.10 bottleneck for carrying additional traffic on other
0.05 Finally, we have plotted the simulation time in
Figure 14 in both networks for different traffic
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 values in all cases. It has been found that the
traffic load (Erlang)
proposed scheme has an improved lightpath setup
time compared to other schemes. This is due to
Figure 9. Standard deviation of FS utilization verses traffic load
(Erlang) using different routing schemes in net1 and net2
the dedicated bounded spatial blocks with fewer FS
compared to searching for idle FS in a completely
shared set of resources. It is expected that the pro-
posed scheme will also improve bandwidth blocking
as the network traffic increases, alternate routing due to delayed information sharing and signaling
utilizes the available resources on second route in between the network nodes.
case of unavailability of idle resources on primary
route. Therefore, δ(FSU) decreases slightly and
approaches to the values obtained in the proposed IV. C ONCLUSION
scheme. Hence, δ(FSU) decreases in alternate rout- In this work, we have proposed an integrated
ing for higher traffic loads (Erlang) due to increase scheme for dynamic traffic which works in three
in (FSU) over all links in the network. phases. In the first phase, an optimization formu-
In Figure 10 and Figure 11, FS with same lation is programmed which is solved using an
utilization in net1 and net2 are grouped together iterative procedure to minimize the network cost.
in different subgroups. These subgroups are called The optimization model gives routing information
bins. It has been observed in both SPF routing and according to the adapted modulation schemes. The
alternate routing that few groups are utilized very adapted modulation schemes between transponders
often compared to others. Similarly, few bins are are optimized according to optical reaches. The
utilized least frequently. This is possible as we have objective of the optimization problem is to reduce
integrated SPF routing and alternate routing with the network cost by adapting to higher modula-
first-fit spectrum allocation scheme. Therefore, the tion schemes with higher data-rates and minimum
FS with minimum indexes will be highly utilized bandwidth requirements between transponders. The

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

Bins (with listed sizes) of FS with different index

Bins (with listed sizes) of FS with different index

proposed 20.0 proposed

10 15.0

8 12.5


0 0.0
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Number of times FS utilized Number of times FS utilized
Bins (with listed sizes) of FS with different index

SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
Bins (with listed sizes) of FS with different index SPF (k=1) routing (existing)


12.5 20

10.0 15


0.0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Number of times FS utilized Number of times FS utilized
Bins (with listed sizes) of FS with different index

Bins (with listed sizes) of FS with different index

SPF (k=2) routing (existing) 25 SPF (k=2) routing (existing)


14 20

10 15



0 0
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Number of times FS utilized Number of times FS utilized

Figure 10. Bins (of similar sizes) of FS with different indexes verses Figure 11. Bins (of similar sizes) of FS with different indexes verses
number of times FS is utilized using different routing schemes in net1 number of times FS is utilized using different routing schemes in net2

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

proposed proposed

Bins (with listed sizes) of different links

Bins (with listed sizes) of different links

20 40

15 30

10 20

5 10

0 0
0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 0.800 0.825 0.850 0.875 0.900 0.925 0.950 0.975 1.000
link utilization link utilization

SPF (k=1) routing (existing) 25 SPF (k=1) routing (existing)

Bins (with listed sizes) of different links

Bins (with listed sizes) of different links

15.0 20


7.5 10


0.0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
link utilization link utilization
SPF (k=2) routing (existing) SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
Bins (with listed sizes) of different links

Bins (with listed sizes) of different links



7.5 15

5.0 10

2.5 5

0.0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Link utilization Link utilization

Figure 12. Bins (with similar utilization) of different links verses Figure 13. Bins (with similar utilization) of different links verses
link utilization using different routing schemes in net1 link utilization using different routing schemes in net2

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

300 Proposed (k = 1) routing. For alternate routing, the standard

SPF routing
alternate routing deviation of FS utilization is 25% to 30% initially
250 for lower network traffic. However, as the network
Simulation Time (in seconds)

traffic load (Erlang) increases, the FS utilization

200 approaches to the level of the proposed scheme
which shows that the alternate routing diverts traffic
to the under-utilized links to improve link and FS
In practice, online routing is more time consum-
ing in searching a feasible or optimal route between
pair nodes with bounded constraints. Moreover, the
time utilization in practical networks will increase
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Traffic load (Erlang) with taking more number of routes. There are
studies available on RSA/RMSA in dynamic EON
SPF routing which allocates routes between end pairs during the
300 alternate routing lightpath setup [33]. However, in network operation,
Simulation Time (in seconds)

the existing dynamic models will take more setup

time to search a route with given constraints during
lightpath establishment compared to the proposed
approach in this work. A comparison of simulation
time between the existing SPF routing, alternate
routing, and the proposed scheme in this work
is shown in Figure 14. The routing tables are
computed offline in all cases which are utilized
for lightpath establishment in network operation
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 stage. This means that the setup time will further
Traffic load (Erlang)
increased to search for an optimal route in online
routing compared to the reported schemes during
Figure 14. Simulation time (in seconds) verses traffic load (Erlang)
using different routing schemes in net1 and net2
a lightpath establishment. Therefore, the existing
dynamic models are available and have been studied
in the literature. However, there may be practical
complications in implementing them for the dy-
second phase utilizes the routing and spectral band- namic network operation.
width allocation such that spatial blocks of FS Furthermore, it is a known fact that the blocking
are allocated between transponders with continuity will also occur due to signaling protocols / outdated
and contiguity constraints. These spatial FS blocks information in online routing by utilizing shared
along with the routing information are utilized for pool of network resources. Hence, the blocking does
dynamic traffic in the third phase. It has been not happens only due to unavailability of resources
shown with the support of simulation results that to establish a lightpath. It also occurs due to out-
the spatial partitions improves the network perfor- dated signaling between end pairs while utilizing
mance in EON. Average ABPM and EPM decreases shared network resources. The matter is out of scope
in the integrated proposed scheme compared to k of this work and we have not studied it. However,
SPF routing in different networks which shows the the proposed scheme with dedicated resources allo-
availability of FS blocks to support further traffic. cation between end pairs will further eliminate the
Therefore, the FS utilization and the link utilization blocking probability with outdated signaling issue.
in different networks increase to support dynamic Unlike the proposed scheme, existing online routing
traffic in the proposed scheme. The standard devi- schemes will consider additional signaling proto-
ation of FS utilization in different networks is ap- cols in network operation at the cost of additional
proximately 5% compared to the existing schemes. connection establishment time. Alternatively, it may
FS utilization is approximately 25% to 30% in SPF not consider the signaling protocols in network

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

operation at the cost of additional network blocking proposed (modified)
probability due to outdated signaling information SPF (k=1) routing (existing)
SPF (k=2) routing (existing)
between end pairs in a network. This shows the 0.08
novelty and uniqueness of our proposed work.

Bandwidth blocking
It is to note that a network may be operated under
2% to 5% blocking threshold level. In our case,
our proposed scheme maintains the threshold level
compared to the SPF blocking. However, unlike the
first case (COST239 network – net1), the proposed
scheme does not reduce the amount of bandwidth 0.00
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
blocking probability in net2 in Figure 5 further to traffic load (Erlang)
achieve lower values compared to alternate routing
scheme. However, it achieves other gains in terms of Figure 15. Bandwidth blocking probability comparison of different
network cost, link blocking probabilities, fragmen- routing schemes in net2 with symmetric link capacities and equal
network cost in all cases
tation gain, and execution time compared to the ex-
isting SPF routing and alternate routing schemes. To
demonstrate this statement, we consider equal link Proposed
Proposed (modified)
costs to evaluate the performance of all algorithms. 300 SPF routing
alternate routing
This means that the number of FS’s on each link
Simulation Time (in seconds)

is symmetric and fixed to 160 FS’s in each case so 250

that the network cost becomes equal in all three
scenarios. Further more, the proposed algorithm 200
is modified such that it first uses the integrated
approach as explained in Section III. However, if 150
a lightpath fails to establish using the integrated
approach, it further utilizes the routing information 100

with first-fit heuristic to utilize the unused resources.

This means that the resources outside the established 50
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
tunnels are also utilized between end pairs. The Traffic load (Erlang)
scenario is simulated with 1 Million connection
requests. This reduces the amount of bandwidth Figure 16. Comparison of simulation time (in seconds) of different
blocking probability at the price of network cost routing schemes in net2 with equal link capacity in all cases
as shown in Figure 15. Further, we also plotted
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posed algorithm remains largely below the existing Mottaleb, A Somia, An efficient algorithm to provide
triple play services in passive optical network (PON)-
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vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 1-21, 2022.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3205412

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