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Module 1: Laws of Signed Numbers

1. Addition
A. Like signs
To add two numbers having like signs, find the sum of their absolute values (values
regardless of the signs) and prefix the common sign. The absence of a sign before a
number means it is positive.
1. -3 -4 = -7
2. -10 -20 -12 = - 42
3. 10 + 100 + 40 = 150
B. Unlike signs
1. (-3) + (4) = 1
2. (12) + (-3) = 9
3. 12 + 4 + (-5) =11
4. -15 + 12 -7 = -10

II. Subtraction
To subtract two numbers change the sign of the subtrahend, then follow the rules of addition of
signed numbers. (Subtrahend is the number being subtracted). Nos. 1 to 3 examples)

Note that subtraction when done horizontally has its sign of operation outside the parenthesis. Thus, if
the parenthesis is preceded by a negative sign, remove the parenthesis by changing the sign(s) inside
the parenthesis. (nos.4 to 6 examples).

1. (-10) – (-18) = -10 + 18 = 8 4. 10 -(3 +2) = 10 -3 -2 = 5
2. 12 –(-15) = 12 + 15 = 27 5. - (3 -4 + 2) – (3 – 5) = -3 + 4 -2 -3 + 5 = 1
3. 20 – (100) = 20 -100 = - 80 6. -5 – (-10) = -5 + 10 = -5 +10 = 5

III. Multiplication
The product of two numbers having like signs is positive, while the product of two numbers
having unlike signs is negative.

1. (-4)(-6) = 24 3. (-4)(6) = -24
2. (4)(6) = 24 4. (4)(-6) =-24

IV. Division

The quotient of two numbers having the like signs is positive, while the quotient of two numbers
having unlike signs is negative.

1. (-24)÷ (-4) = 6 4. (-24) ÷ (4) = -6
2. (24)÷ (4) = 6 5. (24)÷ (-4) = - 6

Activity 1

Perform the indicated operations. Follow the MDAS rules . ( 2 points each)

1. (-2) + (3) – (5) = 6. -7 + (-10) – (-20) =

2. (2)(-3) – ( -1)2 + 10 = 7. 6 – (3) + (-8) =
3. (-6) ÷ (2) + (-2)(-7) = 8. 9 + (-8) – (-9) + 9 =
4. 16 ÷ (-4) + 2(-6) = 9. 12 ÷ 3 + 2 (-1)2 =
5. -6 (-1)3 + 10 –(-2) = 10. 10 – ( 10 ÷ 2) + (-5)(2) =

Similar and Dissimilar Terms

Terms having same literal coefficient are called similar terms, while terms having different literal
coefficient are known as dissimilar terms.

Only similar terms can be added. The sum of dissimilar terms can only be indicated. To add
similar terms find the algebraic sum of the numerical coefficients and copy the literal parts.

1. 2x + x – 5x = - 2x 3. 5m + 2m2 – 5m2 = 5m – 3 m2
2. 5y + y –a + 2a = 6y + a 4. 2n + 3m – 10n + 8m = - 8n + 11m

Multiplication of Monomials

To multiply monomials, find the product of their numerical coefficient and add the exponents of
the same base.

1. (2x2) (-4 x3) = -8 x5 3. (2a)(-10a2y)(5by) = -100a3by2
2. (3by)(5ab) = 15ab2y 4. (3x)(2x3)(axy2z) = 6ax5y2z

Division of Monomials

To divide monomials, find the quotient of their numerical coefficients and subtract the
exponents of the same base.

1. (-4x5) ÷ (2X3) = -2x2 3. (6my2) ÷ (-3my) = -2y
2. (24am) ÷ 12a = 2m

The Product of a Monomial and a Polynomial

To multiply a monomial by a polynomial, use the distributive property of multiplication.

1. a (x + y) = ax + ay
2. 2x (a – b + c) = 2ax – 2bx + 2cx
3. m2( y -2m + n) = m2y -2m3 + m2n

Activity 2

Simplify each of the following expressions.(2 points each)

1. 4 c – d + 6c + 2d = 6. c – 2(a + b) + 3( a – b) =
2. 3(a +3x2 b) + 8 (a + b) = 7. 2k - k - (2 -2k) =
3. 3a (-b) + 4 (-a)(b) + 7 – (-ab) = 8. –(8cd -4ab) -20cd + 5ab =
4. 8mn – 9n – 10mn = 9. x(x-1) – (-x -2 –x3)- 3x2(x + 5) =
5. 3x2 + 2x – x2 -5x -3x2 = 10. x(x3 + x2 + 1) – (x3 + x2 + 1) =

Activity 3

Find each of the following products. ( 2 points each)

1. (4/5) ( ¾) = 6. (x/a)(a/x2) =
2. (-1/2)( 8/5) = 7. (3y)( 5/6y) =
3. x3 . x 5 = 8. (x5/2)(16/x) =
4. r4 . r 2 = 9. (12/x)(5x/6) =
5. 106 . 109 = 10. a2 ( 1/a) = a2/a =

Activity 4

Find each of the following quotients. ( 2 points each)

1. 9x12÷ 3x6 = 6. 36a2÷( -6a) =

2. -5y5 ÷ (-y2) = 7. 24a4 ÷( -6a4) =
3. (20y4) ÷ (2y4) = 8. (5/8)÷ (-10/6) =
4. (-30x8) ÷ (6x3) = 9. (1/2)÷ (1/4) =
5. (18 b13)÷ (-5b5) = 10. (x/3)÷ (x/6) =

Special Products
1. The product of two binomials (the first and second terms of which are similar respectively) is
called a quadratic trinomial.
A trinomial has three terms. To find the first term in the product, multiply the first two terms; to
find the second term, add the product of the middle terms to the product of the end terms; then
multiply the two second terms of the binomials for the third term in the product.

1. (a + 2b)( 2a + b) = 2a2 + 5ab + 2b2
2. (x – 3y)( 2x + y) = 2x2 -5xy – 3y2
II. The Square of Binomial

The square of a binomial is a perfect square trinomial.

To find the square of a binomial:

a. Square the first term

b. Find twice the product of the first and second terms
c. Square the second term

1. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
2. (a – b)2 = a2-2ab + b2
3. (x -2y)2 = x2 - 4xy + 4y2

III. Product of Sum and difference of Two Terms

The product of the sum and difference of two terms is the difference of two squares.
1. Let a and b be the two terms a – b is their difference, while a + b is their sum. So the product is
indicated as (a + b)(a –b) which is equal to a 2 – b2, since the middle term ab – ab is zero.
2. ( m- 9)(m + 9) = m2 – 81

Factoring Polynomials

Factors are numbers that are being multiplied.

1. Common Factors:
To factor polynomial by finding the common factor, divide each term in the polynomial by the
greatest common factor, then write the quotients inside a parenthesis.

1. ax + bx = x (a +b)
2. am –bm +cm = m (a – b + c)
3. 25 – 50 a2 = 25 (1 – 2a2)
4. 2ax – 4 = 2(ax -2)
5. 5. a(b+ y) –x(b + y) = (b + y)(a – x)

II. Factoring Quadratic Trinomials

To factor quadratic trinomial:

1. Factor the first term.
2. Factor the last term such that the algebraic sum of the products of the middle terms and end
terms in the binomial, is equal to the middle term in the trinomial.

1. a2 + 3ab + 2b2 = (a + 2b)( a + b)
2. a2 + ab -2b2) = ( a + 2b)( a – b)
3. 2x2 – xy – 3y2 = (2x – 3y)(x + y)

III. Factoring the difference of Two Squares

The factors of a difference of two squares are two binomials which are sum and difference of
their square roots.
1. a2 – b2 = (a + b)( a – b)
2. x2 – 9 = ( x +3)(x – 3)
3. 1 – 100y2 = (1 + 10y)(1 – 10y)
4. y4 – 1 = (Y2 + 1)( Y2 – 1), but note that y2 – 1 is still factorable, hence, (y2 + 1)(y2 -1) =
(y2 +1)(y+ 1)(y – 1)
IV Factoring by Grouping:

1. Group the terms with a common factor in one parenthesis
2. Put out the common factor of each group
3. Factor further by finding the common factors

1. ax + bx + ay + by = (ax + bx) + (ay + by) = x (a + b) + y ( a + b) = ( (a + b)(x + y)
2. am + an - ay – bm - bn -+ by = (am + an - ay) – (bm + bn - by) = a (m + n - y) – b( m + n – y)
= (m + n – y)(a – b)

Activity 5

Find each of the following products. ( 3 points each)

1. (3 -2x)( 2 + 5x)= 11. (1.2y -1)( 1.2y + 5)=

2. (10 –x)(10 + x) = 12. (1/5 + y)( 1/5 + y) =
3. (x2 -3 )( x2 + 3)= 13.(y – ¾)( y + ¾) =
4. (x – 10)2 = 14. (1 -2)(1 + 2) =
x x
5. (3x + 10y)(3x – 10y)= 15. (3 -5)(3 + 5) =
6. (1/2 – x)(1/2 + x) = x x
7. (x + 5)( x – 9) =
8. (2x + 3)( 5x + 7) =
9. (y -9)( y – 3)=
10. (1.2y + 9)( 1.2y – 9) =

Activity 6

Find the factors of the following. (3 points each)

1. 2x + x2 = 11. 8x2y2 -40xy + 80 x2 =
3 2
2. 3x + 6x + 16 = 12. X2 + 3x + 2 =
3. 25x2+ 60 x + 36 = 13. 100 – b2y2 =
4. y + 10y + 25 = 14. 9x2 + 6x + 1 =
5. 9 + 24 x + 16x2 = 15. 16 – 8x +x2 =
6. 4a2 – 121 =
7. 9y2 – 16 =
8. 1.44 a4 - .01 =
9. 9ax – 6x2ay + 3 ax3 =
10. 7bx2 – 21 xy + 49 x =

Activity 7
Factor each expression by grouping. (3 points each)

1. ax – ay – by + bx = 6. x3 + 3 x2 + 9 x – 27 =
2. x3 -2x2 + 4x – 8 = 7. xy3 + 2y2 –xy – 2 =
3. y3 -2y2 + 5y – 10 = 8. x2 -2x + 1 – y2 =
4. ab – 2ay – 6by + 3b2 = 9. 4x2 –y2 + 4y -4 =
5. 2a – 6 – ab2 + 3b2= 10. x2+ 2xy + y2 – z2 + 2zw – w2

Activity 8
Factor completely. ( 5 points each)
1. 8x2 – 72 = 7. 81y6 – 1 =
2. 12y2 + 60y + 75 = 8. 2x2 + 10x – 48 =
3. 2y3 – 242 y = 9. 5x2 -20x – 160 =
4. 500 n3 + 100n4 + 5n5 = 10. X16 – 81 =
5. 3(x + y)2 – 3( y + z)2 =
6. 40(x – 2)2 + 80 (x -2)(y + 4) -210( y + 4)2 =

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