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Precambrian Research, 65 (1994) 155-166 155

Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam

Evolution of the Precambrian In-Ouzzal block (Central Sahara,


H. Haddoum”, P. Choukroune**b and J.J. Peucatb

Vnstitut des Sciences de la Terre U.S. T.H.B., B.P. 32 El Alia, Alger, Algkrie
bGkosciences-Rennes, CNRS, Universitkde Rennes 1. 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Received October 27, 1992; revised version accepted March 3 1, 1993


New structural and geochronological data are used to constrain the evolution of the Precambrian In-Ouzzal block situ-
ated on the eastern side of the West African Craton. The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
(i) The block can be subdivided into two series; one is mainly composed of Archaean granitic gneisses (3.2-2.5 Ga
old), while the other contains metasedimentary and basic to ultrabasic rocks which can be compared with those described
in Archaean supracrustal terrains.
(ii) The entire block is affected by very high temperature granulite-facies metamorphism.
(iii) The metamorphism is associated with two main deformational phases, the first of which is responsible for a re-
gional foliation refolded during the second phase.
(iv) The major tectono-metamorphic event in the area is related to a 2.0 Ga-old (Ebumian) orogeny which ended with
carbonatite emplacement. Nearly all evidence of the earliest crustal evolution events (i.e. the initial emplacement and
deformation of the granitic and supracrustal materials) has been erased by the Eburnian event.

1. Introduction Farther south, this is not the case in the brother

unit of Iforas (Lelubre, 1952) where a strong
The In-Ouzzal granulitic block is isolated Pan-African overprint has been reported
between two branches of the Pan-African belt (Boullier and Barbey, 1988) in Eburnian
(620-580 Ma) (Boullier, 1991) which out- granulites (Boullier, 1979).
crops in Central Sahara, east of the West Afii- Two other nuclei of West Africa (Amsaga,
can Craton (Fig. 1) . The basement unit is now Man) are part of the West African Craton (Fig.
bordered by major vertical shears (Boullier, I), isolated by juvenile crust 2.2-2.1 Ga-old
1979; Bertrand et al., 1983) and is thought to (Boher et al., 1992). Both were affected by
be composed of Archaean material affected by Late Archaean granulite facies metamorphism
Eburnian granulite facies metamorphism. Ra- (Rocci et al., 1991).
diametric ages have been obtained (Ferrara The observed lithologies of the In-Ouzzal
and Gravelle, 1966; All&e and Caby, 1968, block are all of granulite facies grade (Giraud,
1972; Lancelot et al., 1976) which show that 1961; Le Fur, 1966; Kienast and Ouzegane,
no reworking occurred during the Pan-African 1987; Bertrand et al., 1992). They can be
orogeny, with the exception of the intrusion of grouped into two main series: the first contains
some hypovolcanic granitic rocks dated N 530 granitic and gneissic rock-types, the second is
Ma (All&e and Caby, 1968, 1972) (Fig. 2). composed of metasediments and basic to ul-
trabasic rocks. Both series are intruded by
*Corresponding author. younger granitic bodies and carbonatites

0301-9268/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


BEL- r/

AflLlllf!C Ocean

Fig. 1. Location of the In-Ouzzal block in the structural

setting of northwest Africa. 3=Archaean domain,
2= Birrimian domain, I = Neoproterozoic to Hercynian

(Ouzegane et al., 1988 ) . The carbonatites have

been dated at N 2 Ga (Bernard-Grifflths et al.,
1988). All the sequences are highly deformed
Indifferentiated Proterozoic
and broken into discontinuous shreds, except
the late intrusions which clearly post-date the Pan African ~3 granites
main tectonic event. The purpose of this study
is to define the structural relationships be-
tween the different rock units, to describe the
Fig. 2. Sketch-map of the In-Ouzzal massif: the general
geometrical characteristics of the deformation attitude of regional foliation is indicated in the Archaean
and, using new geochronogical data, to pro- material (modified after Caby, 1970); double-headed ar-
pose a model for the structural evolution of this row indicates the cross-section of Fig. 3. Areas of detailed
isolated segment of Archaean crust. investigation in the northern part of the block (Figs. 4-
6) are also shown.

2. Structural data
clearly cut by undeformed Pan-African gran-
The most pronounced structures in the In- ites (73 ). These folds, which generally have
Ouzzal massif are NE-SW- and NW-SE- steeply plunging axes, affect a pre-existing fol-
trending folds on the scale of mapping (Figs. iation (S 1) and lineation (Ll ). Metasedimen-
2, 3). On a general cross-section of the area tary bodies, highly foliated granulitic gneisses
studied (Fig. 3)) they appear to be one of the (y0) and more isotropic lenses of granitic
major structural features affecting both gneis- gneiss (71) are strongly flattened and (or)
sic and metasedimentary material. They are elongated. These geometrical and structural


0 IOOkm.
i--- p-1 $4p supra crustal I 1
! ‘ii ‘nhp, 2 B Y Carbonatites

I +:+z+z+z+l 2 B.Y;y: granites


Fig. 3. Diagrammatic cross-section of the In-Ouzzal block: late-stage folding is well pronounced, affecting the regional
foliation. ~0, yl, y2 and y3 are granitic rock-types used as markers of the structural evolution (see text for explanation).
Vertical exaggeration ( x 4) in order to represent more clearly the observed relationships between the different lithologies.

relationships can be studied at two sites that trusive carbonatite body dated at 2 Ga (Ber-
have been mapped in detail. nard-Griffiths et al., 1988). Here, what is
The first site (Ihouhaouene ), situated near termed the “supracrustal series” is formed of a
the northeastern limit of the In-Ouzzal massif discontinuous and highly foliated layer of white
(Fig. 4)) displays a large volume of metasedi- quartzo-feldspathic material (leptynite ) at the
mentary and metabasic-ultramafic material base, overlain by pyroxenites mainly com-
within the gneissic basement, as well as an in- posed of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spi-


Late mylonites
m Pm=;;tse$ ;$:a’itic [*I Marbles ” [-TqZ:

Fig. 4. Detailed cross-section in the Ihouhaouene area showing the structural relationships between the supracrustal rocks
and the gneissic basement (see text). The 2 Ga-old late-stage carbonatites are schematically represented.
1.58 H. HAI~DCXJM EI 241

nel, phlogopite and plagioclase. Above these after the main tectonic event, probably during
members, quartzites, marbles and Fe (sideri- the late folding phase. Taking into account
tic) marbles occupy higher levels of the pile these structural data, the Archaean ages of the
that appears to be folded into a very tight sync- infracrustal basement (Ferrara and Gravelle,
line (Fig. 4); the regional foliation is parallel 1966; Allegre and Caby, 1972)) the 3.2-2.0 Ga
to the axial plane of the syncline and follows ages recorded by detrital zircon (Lancelot et
the gneiss-metasediment interface. Along al., 1976) and the 2 Ga age of the carbonatites
strike, the supracrustal series is not continuous (Bernard-Griffiths et al., 1988), it is possible
but disappears progressively, so the entire to infer that the main structural evolution of
syncline can be considered as a mega-boudin the In-Ouzzal massif occurred between 3.2 and
in the gneisses. Moreover, the foliation here is 2 Ga.
clearly affected by a late phase of folding; the The second site studied is in the central part
post-foliation folds (P2) are present on all of the In-Ouzzal unit (Tekhammalt-Tan
scales with NE-SW trending axial planes and Afella), where the exposed terrains are com-
steeply dipping axes generally plunging toward posed largely of granitic gneisses (~1) and
the NE (Fig. 5 ). The “supracrustal series”are highly foliated gneisses (70)) with only small
considered as a former cover deposited on a relicts of supracrustal rocks, all being affected
gneissic basement. by granulitic metamorphism (Fig. 6). Here, the
The field relations of the intrusive carbona- main foliation is folded into a large P2 antic-
tites can be observed in this same area: they line slightly overturned towards the NW,
are unfoliated, and are seen to cross-cut the marked out by lOO-m-scale boudins of mar-
main foliation. They occupy the core of a late bles and ultrabasic rocks. In the basement,
anticline which exposes gneissic material (Fig. granitic gneisses (~1) can be observed which
4) affected by metasomatic transformations are progressively affected by the main folia-
(what was called syenitic gneisses by Giraud, tion moulded around the better preserved len-
196 1 and Le Fur, 1966) linked to the carbon- ses. Foliation trajectories support the hypoth-
atite emplacement ( fenitisation ) (Bernard- esis of their strong competence during P2
Grifliths et al., 1988). From this evidence, we folding (Fig. 6). We consider that these in-
consider that the carbonatites were emplaced completely foliated lenses represent magmatic

+ 3 poles
0 Pz Fold Axis
Fig. 5. Stereographic projection of Sl foliation pole planes used to reconstruct the P2 fold axes in the Ihouaouene area
(Schmidt net, lower hemisphere).

spar, biotite and hypersthene. Field relation-

ships clearly demonstrate the link between the
partial melting, the intrusive y2 granites and the
second episode of deformation.
Finally, the youngest generation of granites
(~3 ) , which are mainly located along the bor-
der of the massif, can be easily distinguished
from the older ones. The y3 granites are gen-
erally isotropic, pink, fine-grained hypovol-
canic intrusions of late Pan-African to Cam-
brian ages (Caby, 1970); some of these bodies
contain two micas; they cross-cut the P2 struc-
tures and are only affected by transcurrent
ductile shearing along the margins of the In-
Ouzzal block. C-S structures (Berthe et al.,
Archean supracrustal
1979) provide evidence of dextral shearing
Archean gneiss along the eastern border, whereas they are
and granites ( Y, ) r\
compatible with sinistral shearing along the
western border. These granites, which were
clearly intruded after the granulite facies meta-
morphism, show the restricted influence of
Pan-African events in the structural develop-
ment of the block: this is a major difference
with the more southern Iforas block (Boullier,
Fig. 7 summarizes the structural features and
the relative emplacement history of the recog-
nized magmatic units: oldest gneisses (yO),
Fig. 6. Structural map and cross-section showing the geo-
metrical and tectonic relationships between the ~1-72 granitic gneisses ( y 1)) leucocratic opx-bearing
granite bodies and the surrounding y0 gneisses (in Tek- granites (~2) with associated local migmatisa-
hamalt-Tan Affela area) tion, carbonatites and late granites (~3 ). For

bodies that have intruded the assumed base-

ment and undergone all the structural and ISW 600-550M+ d3 NE
metamorphic history of the massif.
Another interesting field observation in this
area concerns the second generation of gran-
ites (72) which are mainly located at the hinge
of the P2 fold. At this location, the gneissic
material is particularly affected by late-stage
partial melting and by the intrusion of y2 bod-
ies and veinlets which clearly cut the foliation
but which are locally affected by P2 folding.
These granites are internally weakly deformed Fig 7. Sketch section showing the relative timing of mag-
and more leucocratic than the yl bodies. They matic emplacement based on constraints from the in-
contain quartz, plagioclase, perthitic K-feld- ferred structural history.
. mean concentration of St planes, + Sl Poles
0 fold axis (P2), x lineation ( LI 1, 8 LI before Pz
Fig. 8. Geometry of late-stage P2 folding (on the left) and reconstruction of Ll attitude before folding (on the right): Ll
is north-south trending, which is probably the direction of intense tangential shearing linked to Sl formation (Schmidt
net, lower hemisphere).

this central part of the massif, an attempt is correlate the appearance of sapphirine (stage
made to define the initial strike of Ll before 2) with the main foliation development. The
P2 folding. On the outcrop scale, the P2 folds presence of garnets with sigmoidal inclusions
in some places have a steeply plunging axis to- and orthopyroxene-sillimanite in pressure
ward the SE. Assuming that the late folding af- shadows at their extremities demonstrate the
fected an initial horizontal S 1, the direction of synkinematic character of the mineral growth.
L 1 can be reconstructed around the N-S direc- Thus, development of the main foliation cor-
tion (Fig. 8 ). responds to the highest P-T conditions (Fig.
9). Field observations suggest that the late-
3. Deformation and metamorphism stage unoriented granulitic assemblage (stage
3) is contemporaneous with P2 folding as well
In recent studies, Ouzegane ( 1987 ), Kienast as with the partial melting of gneissic base-
and Ouzegane (1987) and Bertrand et al. ment and the emplacement of y2 granites. We
( 1992) have described three stages for the could only correlate the metamorphic stages 2
granulite-facies metamorphism. Using rocks of and 3 to the proposed deformation history. The
hyperaluminous composition in the supra- first paragenesis could represent either a dis-
crustal series, they defined an early assemblage tinct relictual event or the early stage of a sim-
(stage 1) with corundum, orthopyroxene, spi- ilar event.
nel and garnet, corresponding to pressure con-
ditions around 10 kbar at temperatures of 4. New geochronological data
N 900°C. This first assemblage was destabi-
lized (stage 2) at the expense of sapphirine co- The second aim of this work is to determine,
existing with quartz, indicating an increase of in relation to the deformation history, the var-
temperature to 1000°C. Lastly (stage 3), a ious stages of evolution from the igneous pro-
symplectic association of sapphirine, cordier- toliths to the granulite-facies metamorphism.
ite and orthopyroxene grew during a general Results are here restricted to three key rock-
drop in pressure to 5 kbar. The early parage- types: the granulitic gneisses ( yO), the granitic
nesis is only present as relicts. It is possible to gneisses ( yl ) and the syn-metamorphic grani-

Fig. 9. Photomicrograph (magn. x 20) of syn-kinematic fibrous sillimanite in pressure-shadows between stretched siilli-
manite laths.

toids (72 ) . These results are part of a larger in- Zircons from sample Inz 9 1 yields an upper
vestigation of the Pb-Sr-Nd isotope behav- intercept with concordia at 3055 ? 10 Ma, a re-
iour involved in very high temperature sult which is in agreement with previous Rb-
metamorphism. In the present study, the sin- Sr data (Ferrara and Gravelle, 1966; Allbgre
gle zircon grain evaporation technique is ap- and Caby, 1972) and with single grain ages
plied following the procedure of Kober ( 1986); ranging between 3.0 and 3.14 Ga (Table 1 and
the results are discussed along with some un- Fig. 1Oc).The older dates may represent an in-
published Sr, Nd and U-Pb data. herited grain population, or may approach the
The highly foliated granulitic gneisses (JJO) age of the protolith, if the present upper inter-
and granitic gneisses ( yl ) were investigated in cept age of 3055 Ma results from slight reset-
the Tin Chik Chik and Tekhammalt areas (see ting of the U-Pb system during the high-grade
location on Fig. 3 ) . These units correspond to metamorphism. The ages close to 3.1 Ga are
the two magmatic events which are recognized also in agreement with TDM Nd model ages of
as occurring prior to granulite-facies 3.2 Ga calculated from the same rocks, indi-
metamorphism. cating that the magmas were derived from the
mantle shortly before protolith emplacement.
4.1. The y0 gneisses
4.2. The yl gneisses
The mineralogical composition of the ana-
lysed material is: quartz, K perthitic feldspar, The mineralogical composition of the yl is
plagioclase, orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene, similar to the previous one ( JJO).
biotite, apatite and opaques From sample Inz 73, the zircon provides an

207Pb/206Pb single zircon data (two grains by sample) from the In-Ouzzal granulite facies gneisses and granites (rock-types: ,?!I_
;‘I and ~2)
Sample Heat 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/206Pb Error ‘07Pb / =06Pb Age 207Pb/206Pb Error
step measured measured 2 onl corrected Ma 2 O”,

Granulitic gneiss
Inz91 (y0) 1 50000 est. 0.2221 4 0.2229 3002 s
2+3 50000 est. 0.2340 5 0.2352 3088 6
lnz91 (y0) 1 49878 0.2438 3 0.2435 3143 2

Granitic gneiss
lnz 87 (~1) 1 35421 0.1542 1 0.1537 2388 I
2+3 35000 est. 0.1558 0.1555 2407 3
lnz 87 (yl) 1 41134 0.1682 2 0.1678 2536 1

Opx granite
lnz 12 (~2) 1 20000 est. 0.1225 2 0.1224 1992 5
2 20000 est. 0.1230 4 0.1230 2000 12
lnz 12 (~2) 1+2 26082 0.1234 4 0.1230 2000 12

Heatsteps: 1=1200+20”C;2=1270+20”c;3=137o+2o”c.

Single zircon In2 12 I

Pb?@Pb Single zircon ilzo7
Pb?Pb Single zircon
ages In2 91(2)

In2 87 (2)
9- (f2om)
Y 1 Y 0
n 2536+ 1 Ma 1 (f 2um)
27. 24 1
Time (Ma)
960 2000 2040 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400

a b C
Fig. 10. Single zircon ages: (a, 1 and 2) from y2 granite in the Alouki area; (b) from yl granite and (c) y0 granite in the
Tin Chik Chik area.

upper intercept with concordia at 2568 220 Thirdly, this major tectonic event is also
Ma, which is in agreement with the Rb-Sr is- characterized by granulitic metamorphism
ochron age of 2596 +_163 Ma obtained by Peu- with progressively decreasing P-T conditions
cat et al. ( 199 1) . Single grain ages clearly ex- (second and third stage of Ouzegane, 1987)
hibit resetting during the granulite-facies and syntectonic magmatism (y2), the age of
metamorphism, ranging between 2.0 Ga and which has been determined at N 2.O.Ga. This
2.54 Ga (Table 1 and Fig. lob). The oldest result is in accordance with data obtained from
date is in agreement with Rb-Sr and U-Pb re- carbonatites (Bernard-Griffiths et al., 1988)
sults, and is interpreted here as the magmatic which intruded the whole massif after (or dur-
age of the y 1 gneisses. TDM Nd model ages are ing) late-stage folding. It also confirms the data
older than 3.0 Ga, indicating a crustal origin of Lancelot et al. ( 1976) obtained on detrital
for these granites which is probably related to zircons. The first granulitic stage of Ouzegane
the melting of fl gneisses. ( 1987) can be considered either as an Ar-
chaean relictual event or as part of the same
4.3. The opx-bearing y2 granites metamorphic Eburnian history.
Lastly, the high-level y3 Pan-African to
The mineralogical composition of the ana- Cambrian granites within the block are not de-
lysed sample is: quartz, K-feldspar, orthopy- formed but are affected by Pan-African shears
roxene, apatite 2 clinopyroxene, plagioclase, at its margins. Moreover, the structural and
biotite and amphibole. geochronological data presented here clearly
In sample Inz 12, the zircon provides a sim- show that the In-Ouzzal block is a segment of
ilar result from both grains analysed close to Archaean crust largely reworked during the
2.0 Ga (Table 1, Fig. 10a). This age corre- Eburnian events.
sponds to an episode of high-temperature This tectono-metamorphic history differs
metamorphism, according to the structural re- from, but can be compared to, that of the West
lations and metamorphic assemblages dis- African Craton, where Archaean tectonic
cussed in the previous section. events are thought to have occurred prior to
the Ebumian orogeny (Rocci et al., 199 1). In-
5. Discussion and conclusions deed, In-Ouzzal protoliths are similar to those
of Sierra Leone, Liberia and the Ivory Coast,
In order to propose a consistent structural and are mainly composed of greenstone belt
evolution for the In-Ouzzal massif, we have to rocks dated -2.8 Ga and TTG series dated
take into account the following points. N 3.1 Ga, which were affected by 2.7 to 2.5 tec-
Firstly, on the basis of the observed litholo- tono-metamorphic events before being slightly
gies and radiometric ages, the protoliths could reworked during the Ebumian orogeny 2.0 Ga
represent a typical Archaean association of ago (Caen-Vachette, 1988; Abouchami and
greenstone belt and T.T.G. igneous rocks; yl Boher, 1990; Feybesse et al., 1990; Liegeois et
represent a major Late Archaean magmatic al., 1991;Roccietal., 1991;Auvrayetal., 1992;
event. Boher et al., 1992; Taylor et al., 1992).
Secondly, the initial material was largely The above considerations lead to the model
disrupted by a major tectonic event responsi- proposed in Fig. 11, in which the Archaean ini-
ble for the development of a flat-lying folia- tial geometry is not constrained. As a working
tion, tight folds (and probable thrusts), which hypothesis, this model assumes the classical
were later refolded. The $I and yl granites are basement/cover relationships as seen between
affected by the main regional foliation, but y2 infra- and supra-crustal rocks; we infer that the
is only affected by the refolding phase. initial geometry was affected by one or more
164 H. HADDOUM E’I 41

\ 2. By

2 BY
Fig. 11. Model for structural evolution of the In-Ouzzal block: Archaean history is unconstrained by structural data, but
is indicated as a working hypothesis which brings together available data from the West-African Craton.

tectono-metamorphic Archaean events, the chaean crust with similar protoliths to those
records of which could only be preserved as re- found in the West African Craton and now iso-
licts of older destabilized granulitic assem- lated within the Pan-African belt. The main
blages (Ouzegane, 1987). difference is that compared to the Liberian and
The main Ebumian tectonic event is repre- Amsaga nuclei, it was buried in a deeper crus-
sented as an episode of major tangential move- tal level of the Ebumian belt. Equivalents of
ments; this is consistent with the deformation this deep Ebumian crustal domain are not
style described elsewhere in the West African present at surface outcrops in the West African
Craton (Bertrand and Jardim de Sa, 1990; Craton, where only 2.0 Ga-old greenschist to
Feybesse et al., 1990; Milesi et al., 1992; Rocci amphibolite facies transformations are ob-
et al., 199 1) . The shearing direction is approx- served in Birrimian rocks.
imately trending N-S, but the sense of dis-
placement cannot be determined. The end of Acknowledgements
the Ebumian orogeny is associated with re-
folding of the regional foliation and the em- The authors are indebted to the ORGM
placement of y2 granites and carbonatites. This (Office National de la Recherche Geologique
part of the structural evolution was acquired in et Mini&e) for logistic support during the field
granulitic metamorphic context. As has been work. The work was carried out in the frame-
recognized for many years, y3 granites are the work of a cooperative programme between the
only manifestation of the Pan-African events Universities of Algiers and Rennes, financially
in the In-Ouzzal block. This block, separated supported in part by CNRS-INSU (Pro-
from the other Archaean nuclei by the Pan-Af- gramme Dynamique et Bilan de la Terre). K.
rican suture zone and by Birrimian juvenile Ouzegane and J.R. Kienast were involved in
material, can be considered as remnants of Ar- field works and in numerous and fruitful dis-

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