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Terrane assembly and geodynamic evolution of central-western Hoggar: A


Article  in  Journal of African Earth Sciences · October 2003

DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2003.05.003


285 519

1 author:

Renaud Caby
Geosciences Montpellier, CNRS


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Geological mapping at 1/200 000 of Panafrican terrains of Adrar des Iforas (Mali) View project

Evolution through time of the Tuareg Shield View project

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Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

Terrane assembly and geodynamic evolution of central–western

Hoggar: a synthesis
Renaud Caby
Laboratoire de Tectonophysique UMR 5568, Universit
e de Montpellier 2, 34095 Montpellier II,
Place Eug
ene Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, France
Received 18 November 2001; accepted 27 May 2003

After a review of the rock sequences and evolution of the eastern and central terranes of Hoggar, this paper focusses on the
Neoproterozoic subduction-related evolution and collision stages in the central–western part of the Tuareg shield. Rock sequences
are described and compared with their counterparts identified in the western and the eastern terranes exposed in Hoggar and
northern Mali. The Pharusian terrane that is described in detail, is floored in the east by the Iskel basement, a Mesoproterozoic arc-
type terrane cratonized around 840 Ma and in the southeast by Late Paleoproterozoic rock sequences (1.85–1.75 Ga) similar to
those from northwestern Hoggar. Unconformable Late Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary formations that mainly encompass
volcanic greywackes were deposited in troughs adjacent to subduction-related andesitic volcanic ridges during the c. 690–650 Ma
period. Abundant arc-related pre-collisional calc-alkaline batholiths (650–635 Ma) intruded the volcanic and volcaniclastic units at
rather shallow crustal levels prior to collisional processes. The main E–W shortening in the Pharusian arc-type crust occurred
through several stages of transpression and produced overall greenschist facies regional metamorphism and upright folding, thus
precluding significant crustal thickening. It was accompanied by the shallow emplacement of calc-alkaline batholiths and plutons.
Ages of syn-collisional granitoids range from 620 Ma in the western terranes, to 580 Ma in the Pharusian terrane, thus indicating a
severe diachronism. After infill of molassic basins unconformable above the Pan-African greenschists, renewed dextral transpression
took place in longitudinal domains such as the Adrar fault. The lithology, volcanic and plutonic suites, deep greenschist facies
metamorphism, structures and kinematics from the Adrar fault molassic belt previously considered as Neoproterozoic are described
in detail. The younger late-kinematic plutons emplaced in the Pharusian terrane at 523 Ma [Lithos 45 (1998) 245] relate to a
Cambrian tectonic pulse that post-dates molasse deposition. The new geodynamic scenario presented considers several paleosub-
ductions. The major east-dipping subduction, corresponding to the closure of a large Pan-African oceanic domain in the west (680–
620 Ma) post-dates an older west-dipping ‘‘Pharusian’’ subduction (690–650 Ma?) to the east of the eastern Pharusian terrane. Such
a diachronism is suggested by the 690 Ma old eclogites of the western part of the LATEA terrane of central Hoggar [J. African Earth
Sci. this volume (2003)] that are nearly synchronous with the building up of the Pharusian terrane, thus suggesting that the 4°500
lithospheric fault represents a reactivated cryptic suture.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Terrane; Geodynamic evolution; Pan-African; Hoggar; Tuareg shield

1. Introduction in northern Mali (Bayer and Lesquer, 1978), Togo,

Benin and Ghana (Caby, 1989). Since pioneering works
Western–central Africa is floored in the west by the it has been argued that two major orogenic cycles are
West African craton stable since 2 Ga and in the east by represented in Hoggar: the ‘‘Suggarian’’, mainly formed
the Neoproterozoic Trans-Saharan orogenic segment by older high-grade gneisses, and the younger ‘‘Pharu-
which is part of a >3000 km long linear Pan-African belt sian’’ of mainly sedimentary and volcanic nature (Le-
(Fig. 1, inset). East of the P 2 Ga old West African lubre, 1952, and references therein). Trans-continental
craton, the main Pan-African suture is buried under N–S shear zones that delimit elongate crustal blocks of
Phanerozoic cover in southwest Algeria but is exposed variable nature, age and evolution are characteristic of
the entire Tuareg shield. These structures were consid-
ered as old structures active prior and during basin in-
E-mail address: (R. Caby). fill of the ‘‘Pharusian’’ rock units. The geochemical

0899-5362/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
134 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

B el Mas
200 km

Iskel terrane

? Oum 8˚30 sz


Western Dj


Oceanic Se Ed

Tilemsi terranes Iss

island arc Tis Eastern terranes
(730 Ma)
Central terranes
Ass Ba


4˚ 50' fau
Adrar fault

Tim trine Raghane sz

sutu r e

Kidal ..

620 Ma

n app
Gourma es
Tuareg Arabian
Mauritanides Roc

shield Nubian

Pan-African Congo craton


Fig. 1. Schematic map of the Trans-Saharan belt in the Tuareg shield and adjacent areas. Localities cited in text in abbreviation: Ah ¼ Ahnet;
Ao ¼ Aouzegueur; Ass ¼ Assode; Ba ¼ Barghot; Ed ¼ Edembo; Dj ¼ Djanet; Iss ¼ Issalane; Oum: Gour Oumelalen; Tas ¼ Tassendjanet;
Taz ¼ Tazat; Se ¼ Serouenout (Tertiary basalts not represented).

signature of pre-metamorphic rock units and the syn- granulite facies metamorphism (Peucat et al., 1996). The
and late-collisional magmatism in several parts of the Pharusian terrane essentially consists of Neoproterozoic
Tuareg shield (Liegeois et al., 1987) has proven their volcanic/volcaniclastic assemblages. The central terranes
subduction-related character. These results coupled with are mainly formed by reworked pre-Pan-African base-
the tectonometamorphic characteristics of the crustal ment. LATEA (Laouni, Azrou-n-Fad, Tefedest, Egere-
blocks and available geochronological data led to the Aleksod) includes mainly Archaean, Paleoproterozoic
distinction of several terranes in the Tuareg shield. gneisses, anatexites and high-grade metasedimentary
Twenty-three displaced terranes distinguished and de- rocks that may possibly in part, represent Neoprotero-
fined by Black et al. (1994) are shown in Fig. 1. The zoic cover sequences. The eastern part of the Pan-Afri-
main Pan-African suture delineated by slices of an can belt ss (post 700 Ma in age) that is formed by the
oceanic terranes separates deformed passive margin Serouenout, Issalane, Assode and Barghot terranes is
assemblages of the West African craton only exposed in delineated by the strike-slip Raghane-8°300 shear zone
northern Mali (Timetrine and Gourma areas) from the considered as an early suture zone (Liegeois et al., 2000,
Western terranes rooted by older continental crust and references therein; Liegeois et al., 2003, this issue).
(Tassendjanet, Kidal and the IOGU/IGU terranes) For these authors, east-dipping subduction under the
representing active continental palaeomargin assem- eastern terranes (Djanet, Edembo, Aouzegueur) that
blages in the east. The IOGU/IGU terrane represents were cratonized prior to 700 Ma took place between 645
two slices of a microcontinent with Paleoproterozoic and 580 Ma, and c. 1000 km of dextral motion of crustal
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 135

blocks along this lithospheric fault may have taken domains of the Nubian-Arabian shield. Then this-
place. Considering the entire Trans-Saharan belt and its neocratonic block was covered by the flat-lying Proche
relationships with northeast Brazil, a considerable dex- Tenere molasse derived from the erosion of these terr-
tral strike-slip movement took place also along the 4°500 anes and deposited before the 660 Ma age rhyolite to
fault (Caby, 1989). Indeed south of the Sahara desert, andesite and coeval plutonic rocks (Bertrand et al.,
the Pharusian terrane has disappeared completely and in 1978; Caby and Andreopoulos-Renaud, 1987). The
Nigeria and Benin, where the southern extension of the eastern terranes behaved rigidly during the Late Neo-
central terranes is juxtaposed against mafic rocks of the proterozoic collisional events, except along the 8°300
main Pan-African suture at deep crustal level. So both shear zone where the western part of the Aouzegueur
the Pharusian and the western terranes are not repre- terrane was involved in the Tiririne belt (Bertrand et al.,
sented in the south Saharan regions. The shear zone 1978). Geochemical and isotopic data on synorogenic
system of the Trans-Saharan belt thus suggests differ- granitoids suggest that Archaean continental crust may
ential ‘‘run’’ of terranes east of the rigid west-African form the root to these terranes that may belong to the
craton, a situation that compares well to the motion of ‘‘East Saharan Ghost Craton’’ of Liegeois et al. (2000).
terranes in the Laramide orogen (Maxson and Tikoff,
1996). However, an apparent major difference with 2.2. Assod
e and Issalane terranes
Phanerozoic belts is the lack of well-identified remnants
of oceanic lithosphere in the shield, at variance with the West of the Raghane shear zone, the Assode and Is-
Nubian-Arabian shield where several Neoproterozoic salane terranes are characterized by high-grade gneisses
ophiolitic assemblages are preserved mostly at shallow considered as thoroughly reworked and anatectic
crustal levels (Stern, 1994). Paleoproterozoic and/or Archaean basement, and su-
Following the syntheses of Caby and Andreopoulos- pracrustal cover sequences including fuchsite bearing
Renaud (1987) and Boullier (1991, and references quartzites of possible Paleoproterozoic or Archaean age,
therein), this paper focusses on the lithostratigraphy and interlayered with banded sub-alkaline gneisses.
pre-collisional evolution of the western part of the According to Liegeois et al. (1994), the terranes had
Tuareg shield west of the 4°500 shear zone, with some already been affected by the 730–700 Ma orogeny, but at
references and comparisons with rock units from the variance with the rigid eastern terranes, they were af-
central terranes and the Nigerian shield. The main fected by the younger Pan-African event at 670 Ma.
geological, structural and petrological features of several The high-pressure affinity of the Pan-African regional
terranes are described and time constraints concerning metamorphism in the Iassalane terrane is indicated by
the Neoproterozoic subduction- and collision-related the overall presence of early kyanite in anatectic
tectonometamorphic events recognized in the western metapelites and of garnet-rutile amphibolites that are
part of the shield are discussed. A new geodynamic closely associated with calc-silicate gneisses and marbles.
scenario is then proposed for the central/eastern part of This early metamorphism was followed by low-pressure
the Tuareg shield that suggests several stages of conditions portrayed by cordierite–sillimanite assem-
migrating subductions and diachronous collisions end- blages developed in metapelites during the intrusion of
ing in the Cambrian. late-kinematic plutonism during the 645–580 Ma time
span (Liegeois et al., 2000). The Raghane shear zone
flattens northward and may represent a lateral ramp of
2. Brief summary of the nature and evolution of the the northward moving Issalane nappe system with flat-
eastern and central terranes lying foliation, that was thrust above the Proche Tenere
molasse (Bertrand et al., 1978). In the north the
2.1. Eastern terranes quartzites of the Tazat area (Bertrand et al., 1968) allow
possible stratigraphic correlations with the western
The four terranes (Djanet, Edembo, Aouzegueur, terranes as described below and may represent the de-
Barghot) were juxtaposed prior to 700 Ma and are part formed foreland of the Issalane nappe system.
of the assumed ‘‘East Saharan craton’’ according to
Liegeois et al. (1994) and Liegeois et al. (2000). Mono- 2.3. Serouenout terrane
cyclic post-Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks,
various volcanic and plutonic assemblages not much This elongate terrane includes both polymetamorphic
older than 730 Ma according to U–Pb zircon dating metasediments of unknown age, sub-alkaline orthog-
(Caby and Andreopoulos-Renaud, 1987, and unpub- neisses and amphibolites, all affected by kyanite-zone
lished results), and potential ophiolites (Boullier et al., metamorphism coeval with recumbent folding and
1991) were involved in an early Pan-African event. overall flat-lying foliation. Preserved prismatic rutile
Collision-related regional metamorphism and magma- in almandine garnet from non-anatectic white mica-
tism indeed took place prior to c. 700 Ma, as in several bearing metapelites indicates initial high pressures.
136 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

Liegeois et al. (2000) also recognized remnants of po- 2.4. LATEA superterrane
tential ophiolitic assemblages in this terrane. Then these
units were thoroughly affected by regionally developed LATEA includes a large volume of polycyclic mig-
greenschist facies retrogression coeval with the prograde matitic gneisses of assumed Paleoproterozoic and/or
evolution in an adjacent monocyclic metasedimentary Archaean age and abundant late-kinematic Pan-African
schist belt (Neoproterozoic cover?) only affected by open granitoids (Liegeois et al., 2003, this issue). At variance
N-S upright folding. Ages of deposition of all sequences with the regions south of Sahara where reworked Ar-
in these terranes are still unknown. chaean basement underlies the whole of northwestern


Ahnet Aleksod


IOGU Aghefsa
Tirek erouelt Timgaouine T.Begane
Ti Immezzarene



100 km shear zone

a Major syn-collisional (a) and post-collisional granitoids

b Late Neoproterozoic volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks (a)
a and arc batholiths (b) (Pharusianterraneand LATEA basins)

a b Late Mesoproterozoic(?)supracrustalformations (a)

and Early Neoproterozoic batholiths (b) (Iskel terrane)

Undif ferentiatedpolycyclic gneisses(a) and assumed

a b
Neoproterozoic rocks from the LATEA terrane

Fig. 2. Simplified geological sketch map of the Pharusian terrane and connection with the LATEA terrane (Tertiary basalts are not represented).
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 137

Nigeria (Bruguier et al., 1994; Dada, 1998; Caby and both the anatectic granite and the country granulites
Boesse, 2001, and references therein), Archaean rocks (Bertrand et al., 1986a,b) show their high-temperature
have only been recognized in one area, the Gour Ou- character. Sillimanite is indeed present both as fresh
melalen granulite unit (Latouche, 1978), whose granulite porphyroclasts, fresh tiny euhedral prisms (20–300 l
facies metamorphism is dated around 1.9 Ga according long) and fibrolite grown synkinematically in ultramyl-
to U–Pb zircon and Sm–Nd whole rock geochronology onite bands formed by P95vol.% of microcrystalline
(Peucat et al., 2003, this issue). However, mafic granu- biotite-rich aluminous matrix of restitic haracter. The
lites were in part recrystalized into garnet amphibolites gradual transition from ultramylonite to pseudotachyl-
and eclogites during a subsequent event (Latouche, lite bands is in agreement with continuous deformation
1978, 1985). Fresh granulites are also widely exposed in at decreasing temperature during exhumation from
the Tamanrasset area (Bertrand et al., 1986b), the T P 600 °C to shallow depths. At variance with the
Tefedest (Vitel, 1979) and in the badly known north- conclusions of Bertrand et al. (1986b) and in agreement
eastern part of the terrane covered by abundant Ceno- with the conclusions of Barbey et al. (1989), the gran-
zoic volcanism. Early kyanite–garnet assemblages in the ulite facies is therefore better interpreted as Pan-African.
Tefedest indicate initial high pressures, followed by low- Moreover, it is suggested that this major mylonite band
pressure conditions up to granulite facies coeval with the may have formed under an extensional setting, as al-
emplacement of two-pyroxene mafic intrusives. The pre- ready alternatively suggested by Bertrand et al. (1986b).
Pan-African Arechchoum orthogneisses (Aleksod area, Such an extensional detachment may delineate the roof
Fig. 2) have given ages around 2.2 Ga by the Rb/Sr of anatectic domes that host the Tin Beggane eclog-
method (Bertrand and Lasserre, 1976). The main folia- itic boudins farther south, from shallower crustal levels
tion in this reworked basement was regarded as ‘‘early’’ exposed in the Laouni area, the latter comprising
Pan-African in age by Boullier and Bertrand (1981). A monocyclic metasedimentary rocks of assumed Neo-
different lithotectonic group considered as allochtho- proterozoic age that will be briefly described in the
nous on the basement by Liegeois et al. (2003, this issue) Neoproterozoic section.
mainly comprises aluminous metaquartzites and metap-
elites, marbles and calc-silicates gneisses intermingled
with other paragneisses and migmatitic orthogneisses, 3. Lithology and pre-collisional magmatism in the Pharu-
thus comparable with the Aleksod gneisses of Bertrand sian and the western terranes
et al. (1986b). Eclogitic metamorphism (T ¼ 750 °C,
P ¼ 1:5 GPa, Sautter, 1986) is well identified in mafic 3.1. The IOGU/IGU terrane: an Archaean/Palaeoprote-
boudins from the assumed sole thrust from the al- rozoic microcontinent
lochthonous supracrustal sequence, but not in the
Arechchoum basement that was only subjected to garnet- Granulites of the In Ouzzal and Iforas granulite units
amphibolite facies conditions at temperatures around (respectively IOGU and IGU, Fig. 3a) represent two
600–650 °C (Sautter, 1986). Possible similar high pres- slices of the same Paleoproterozoic granulite facies
sures may have also affected the entire Aleksod supra- basement (Caby, 1996). Other narrow slices of similar
crustal sequence, as suggested by early anatectic granulite facies rocks occur in the northwestern part of
conditions in the kyanite stability field at c. 1.3 GPa of both units. The generally steeply dipping tectonometa-
pressure (Barbey et al., 1989). U–Pb zircon data on morphic banding in both units is sharply cut by up to
granodioritic migmatites from the latter area point to 500 m thick mylonitic zones to the west and the east.
the crystallization of the precursor igneous granodiorite The granulite facies metasedimentary rocks include
at 2131 Ma, whereas the high-pressure anatexis is dated quartzites, magnetite quartzites, marbles, calc-silicate
by the same method at 607 Ma by the lower intercept of gneisses, metadolomites (wollastonitites), graphitic
zircon (Barbey et al., 1989). Eclogitic assemblages first metapelites (kinzigites) and other gneisses possibly de-
described by Latouche (1985) also occur in the southern rived from greywackes, others of clear igneous origin,
LATEA (Fig. 2). Metamorphic conditions of T ¼ 800 such as syenitic gneisses. Haddoum et al. (1994) consider
°C and P P 1:7 GPa have been calculated by Boughrara that this supracrustal package was deposited upon a
(1999). Sm–Nd ages of 685 Ma for the decompression high-grade metamorphic basement of TTG affinity, in
stage are reported by Liegeois et al. (2003, this issue). agreement with the classical greenstone belt/gneiss
Granulite facies metamorphism in the southwestern model for Archaean terrains. Zircons from metasedi-
LATEA was earlier considered by Bertrand et al. mentary rocks have maintained diversely reset Archaean
(1986b) to be of Paleoproterozoic age, as suggested by ages, though the granulite facies metamorphism well
the 2075 Ma upper intercept of zircons from an ana- identified in the metasedimentary rocks took place at
tectic pyrigarnite included in a cordierite diatexite cut by 2002 Ma (Peucat et al., 1996). Mapping of elements of
a cordierite granite in the Tin Amzi area (Fig. 2). Per- an older basement (now charnockitic grey gneisses) and
sonal observations on the aluminous mylonites that cut the syn- to late-granulitic charnockitic intrusions has to
138 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

2˚E 3˚E
22˚N 22
Ouallen 20 km Ti Missao

T assendjanet

Pharusian IOGU Recent volcanoes
100 km sandstones
21˚ Amesmessa 21˚

* Adr. Emedji

Tisanguenine Felsic-
Fig. 9 Volcanic rocks

Ourdjan Molasse
Algeria tiated meta-
Oumassene Morphic rocks
Adr. Denat
Kidal Granulites
terrane Mali
Tafeliant Tin Essako
20˚ Tin Zaouatene 20˚ Main thrust

Fault (b)
2˚ 3˚
Fig. 3. (a) Sketch map of the IOGU/IGU terrane (Cretaceous cover is omitted) (after Boullier, 1982). (b) Simplified map of the southern tip of the
IOGU and the Adrar fault molassic belt.

be done. Late-kinematic charnockites and granitoids overprinted most granulites in its southern tip and in the
were emplaced around 2 Ga (Haddoum et al., 1994, and IGU (Boullier, 1979, 1982). Local high-temperature
references therein). Temperatures as high as 1000 °C Pan-African recrystallization up to granulite facies
were reached during regional metamorphism in the (Boullier and Barbey, 1988) may be connected with
IOGU (Ouzegane and Boumaza, 1996). Numerous lay- thermal aureoles of plutons. The IGU was cut by
ers and dykes of noritic rocks devoid of granulitic voluminous calc-alkaline Pan-African plutons ranging
mineral assemblages were emplaced during decompres- from gabbro to diorite and granodiorite (Liegeois et al.,
sion. One outlier of undetached Mesoproterozoic sedi- 1987). The IGU has been interpreted as a giant nappe
mentary cover with low-temperature greenschist facies (Boullier, 1979, 1982), whereas the IOGU may represent
(quartzites, siltstones and shales with incipient slaty a microcratonic block floored by its old lithospheric
cleavage) has been identified in the IGU (Boullier, 1982; mantle (Caby, 1996). Caby and Monie (2003, this issue)
Fabre et al., 1982), whereas Late Neoproterozoic consider that the western and northeastern tectonic
andesitic flows with only zeolite facies metamorphism contacts of the IOGU along which eclogites and blues-
directly overlie the northern part of the IOGU (Chi- chist facies rocks are identified, represents possible su-
khaoui et al., 1980). The Pan-African tectonometamor- tures. The eastern tectonic contact is a major dextral
phic imprint is negligible in the IOGU as shown by the vertical shear zone that is defined by ultramylonites and
1775 Ma 39 Ar/40 Ar plateau age of granulite facies biotite dyke complexes which hosts two major goldfields
included in pyrope-rich garnet (Maluski et al., 1990). In around Tirek and Amesmessa (Ferkous and Monie,
contrast, ubiquitous growth of Pan-African biotite 2002). In the Tirek area, the retrogressed granulites are
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 139

in sharp contact with assumed Late Paleoproterozoic to thogneisses representing hypovolcanic intrusives have
Mesoproterozoic rocks affected by horizontal foliation been dated by the U–Pb zircon method at 1837 and 1755
coeval with Pan-African low-pressure, high-temperature Ma in Adrar des Iforas and western Hoggar, respec-
metamorphic assemblages. tively (Caby and Andreopoulos-Renaud, 1983). This
magmatism records a Late Paleoproterozoic rift stage
3.2. Reworked Paleoproterozoic basement inliers well known in other parts of western Gondwana, espe-
cially in eastern Brazil: the Espinhacßo Supergroup
In the Pharusian terrane, reconnaissance work has (Trompette, 1994, and references therein). No basement
allowed to identify several small exposures of pre-Pan- related to this supergroup has been documented. Non-
African gneisses and granitoids directly caped by the metamorphic quartzites of the Ahnet region represent a
undetached basal quartzites of the Stromatolites series P 3500 m accumulation in a deltaic (?) to passive margin
described later. setting possibly related to the IOGU basement (Mous-
In the Kidal terrane, large areas are floored by mig- sine-Pouchkine et al., 1988). Basalts, trachytes, potassic
matitic gneisses in which the distinction between cover rhyolites, and various hypovolcanic rocks, all with a
and basement is difficult (Champenois et al., 1987). The negligible Pan-African metamorphic imprint, have been
detailed study of non-migmatitic areas has however al- identified in an adjacent area west of the Ahnet ridge.
lowed to trace the unconformity between a monometa- This sequence is correlated with the metamorphic
morphic cover and a polymetamorphic non-granulitic equivalents described above. The post-rift unconformity
gneissic basement, the migmatitic foliation of which observed southwest of the Ahnet ridge (Moussine-
predates the deposition of the unconformable basal Pouchkine et al., 1988) is devoid of penetrative defor-
quartzite (Fig. 3a): Tissangenine (Caby, 1974); Ourdian mation and recrystallization, except close to granitic
(Fabre et al., 1982); Tafeliant (Caby and Andreopoulos- plutons. It is a coarser grained, non-aluminous sand-
Renaud, 1985). stone to quartzite formation up to 1000 m thick. This
Tassendjanet terrane. Remnants of a pre 2.150 Ma second sandy formation was deposited after a strong
Paleoproterozoic basinal sequence has been identified in erosion of the underlying lavas and associated hypo-
the Tassendjanet basement nappe in NW Hoggar (Caby, volcanic igneous rocks, all reworked in pebbles from the
1970; Caby and Monie, 2003, this issue). The supra- basal fluviatile conglomerates. Similar conglomeratic
crustal group comprises aluminous quartzites, micas- channels directly overlie the altered Tassendjanet granite
chists and marbles cut by amphibolitised mafic sill and a c. 50 km to the southwest. However, in the northeastern
metavolcanic formation of felsic lavas and volcanic part of the Tassendjanet nappe, the conglomerates also
breccias of rhyodacitic composition cut by K-rich hypo- rest on K-rich metarhyolites (Caby, 1970). Where peb-
volcanic granites. The group was intruded by syn- to bly beds are missing, a uniform cross-bedded beach
late-kinematic granitoids among which the two-micas sandstones represents the base of the upside-down
Tassendjanet granite dated at 2.15 Ga (Allegre and Stromatolite series all along the southern front of the
Caby, 1972). An unconformable red arkosic formation Tassendjanet nappe (Caby, 1970).
of molassic character predating the deposition of the Similar quartzitic units are well known in central
quartzitic cover directly overlies the granite. No corre- Hoggar for example at the base of the Edgere series and
lations can be made between the IOGU/IGU rocks and in the Tazat region (Bertrand et al., 1968, and references
the above described basement units. therein; Fig. 1). In the latter area, P 2000 m of silli-
manite bearing quartzites with highly deformed oblique
3.3. Late Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary units and bedding (Fig. 4a–c), and layers enriched in quartz
rift-related magmatism gravels and pebbles, are recognized despite lower
amphibolite facies regional metamorphism. This for-
Monocyclic Late Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary mation also rests above a granitic basement but was in
rocks are best identified in NW Hoggar (Caby and An- turn intruded by pink non-porphyritic sub-alkaline in-
dreopoulos-Renaud, 1983; Moussine-Pouchkine et al., trusives converted into banded orthogneisses.
1988; Bertrand-Sarfati et al., 1987) and in the Tirek The Edgere region in the LATEA terrane (Latouche,
area. The very characteristic oldest unit is a thick for- 1978, and references therein) is conspicuous by the large
mation of aluminous metaquartzites with some inter- development of shelf-type metasedimentary formations
calated pebbly layers (almost quartz and quartzite that encompass mainly marbles, calc-silicates, quartzites
pebbles) and a overlying aluminous metapelitic forma- and metapelitic gneisses in lower amphibolite facies
tion, both units being affected by kyanite-grade meta- conditions. Up to several hundreds of metres of meta-
morphism in most areas (Caby and Monie, 2003, this quartzite with rarely preserved pebbly layers in which
issue). The assumed deposition age is roughly coeval only quartz and quartzite pebbles could be recognized,
with interlayered felsic metavolcanic rocks. Metarhyo- overlie the assumed Arechchoum-type basement gneis-
lites, metaporphyries and associated sub-alkaline or- ses. The marbles, metadolomitic and metapelitic units
140 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

Fig. 4. (a) Oblique stratification of probable fluviatile origin defined by darker minerals in the Tazat sillimanite quartzites. The too high angles
reaching 70° record a strong shortening nearly perpendicular to bedding. The sillimanite foliation (S1 ) is indicated. (b) Extremely deformed oblique
bedding, same locality. (c) Possible original geometry of oblique bedding from (a) restaured using simple retroshear (c ¼ 1:27). (d) Basaltic breccia
interlayered in marble overlain by metacherty layers, Mesoproterozoic (?) platform series, Silet area. (e) Deformed stromatolites of the Conophyton
type (hammer is about 35 cm long). (f) Undeformed pyroxenite with relict euhedral olivine (ol) enclosed in clinopyroxenite (cpx), core of a
pyroxenite sill, Silet area. (g) Multicolored marbles of the Stromatolite series cut by voluminous mafic–ultramafic sills in black, east of the ‘‘Petite

have been tentatively correlated with the Stromatolitic 3.4. Mesoproterozoic (?) ‘‘Stromatolite series’’
series (Caby, 1969, and references therein). As in the
western terranes, sub-alkaline gneisses interlayered Limestones and dolomites rich in stromatolitic hori-
with metaquartzites were observed, whereas garnet zons very similar to those deposited on the West African
amphibolites (enclosing the eclogitic lenses mentioned craton (Bertrand-Sarfati et al., 1987) overlie the Late
above) represent former mafic sills emplaced in the Paleoproterozoic quartzites south of the Ahnet ridge
marbles. No geochronological data are available for (Moussine-Pouchkine et al., 1988). These limestone–
these units. dolomite series recognized in several localities of wes-
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 141

tern–central Hoggar and northern Mali were deposited Ourdian (Fabre et al., 1982). Stromatolitic marbles with
both in cratonic to pericratonic areas and in subsiding Conophyton (Fig. 4e) deposited above a 6 10 m thick
non-volcanic passive paleomargin environment. In the regular remnants were described from several localities
Tassendjanet area, the carbonate series reaches up to in the Iskel terrane (Silet and Timgaouine, Figs. 2 and 5)
P 6000 m, with several stromatolitic biostromes, and by Gravelle (1969), Haddoum (1984), Lapierre et al.
intercalated shales and quartzites. It accumulated in a (1986), Boukhalfa (1987, 2002) and Bouchachi (1993).
subsident pericratonic area floored by the 2.1 Ga gra- Amard (1983) described the Ourdjan stromatolitic car-
nitic Tassendjanet basement (Bertrand-Sarfati et al., bonates in northern Mali hosting abundant microfossils
1987). Very similar carbonates with stromatolite relics suggesting a Paleoproterozoic age. This estimate is at
occur in Adrar des Iforas: Tisangenine (Caby, 1974); variance with a Pb–Pb age of 1100–1145 Ma obtained
Tafeliant (Caby and Andreopoulos-Renaud, 1985); on a galena from a stratabound lead occurrence in

shear zone 5
22 22
Immezzarene Bourzekkal

Fig.10 Abankor


21 21


50 km

Late Neoproterozoic metagreywackes

Molasse and volcanicr ocks
Iskel terrane: undifferentiated supracrustal
syn- to late-kinematic a formations (a) mafic rocks (b), pre-
granitoids Collisional batholiths (868-849 Ma)
b c
Late Neoproterozoic terrigeneous LATEA: undifferentiated high-grader ocks (a),
Metasedimentary rocks anatectic Paleoproterozoic (?) basement (b)
a b
Fig. 5. Simplified geological map of part of the southern zone of the Iskel terrane (see Fig. 1 for location).
142 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

marbles of the Tirek area (Fariss, 2000). These marbles ing and mineral lineations rather suggest vertically ex-
are considered as a high-grade metamorphic equivalent truded slices of mafic rocks than obducted ophiolites.
of the ‘‘stromatolite series’’. Moreover, the low Cr content of ultramafic rocks and the
occurrence of some magmatic biotites in samples from
3.5. Early Neoproterozoic rifting to oceanisation mafic dykes seem to preclude a purely oceanic setting.

Rifting is shown the by widespread basalts volcanism 3.6. Early Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline rocks
on top of the stromatolite series.
In the Silet area, detailed observations show that the The extensional setting and/or the assumed sub-oce-
top of the carbonates grades to carbonate breccias anic and/or intraoceanic setting etablished in parts of
coeval with the onset of basaltic volcanism (Fig. 4d). the Iskel terrane was followed by calc-alkaline volca-
Basaltic breccias alternate with pink marble layers and nism represented by several hundreds of metres of
metasilts displaying haematitic cherty layers that are andesites, dacites and lesser associated volcaniclastic
directly overlain by pillow metabasalts and associated sediments among which conglomerates containing peb-
basaltic breccias about 150 m thick. The basalts display bles of metaandesite and dacite. These metavolcanic
the geochemical signature of transitional basalts (Du- rocks are cut by 868 Ma old diorite-tonalite plutons,
pont et al., 1985). thus allowing to distinguish them from the younger
In the Ahnet massif, pillow metabasalts of tholeiitic unconformable calc-alkaline volcanic and volcaniclastic
affinity also overlie deep sea limestones and cherts that rocks described later (Fig. 6b). This calc-alkaline igne-
represent the top of the immersed carbonate platform ous suite is labeled here the Iskel magmatic arc. The
exposed southwest of the Ahnet ridge (Moussine- occurrence of slices of pre-Pan-African basement di-
Pouchkine et al., 1988). rectly overlain by shelf sediments and capped by arc
Numerous sills of olivine gabbro, pyroxenite, and volcanic rocks in several localities allows to conclude
serpentinized dunite and their sheared equivalents that the Iskel magmatic arc was built on attenuated
(tremolite-actinolite carbonate Mg-chlorite schists and continental crust adjacent to possible slices of oceanic
soapstones) intruded the carbonates prior to the intru- lithosphere (Lapierre et al., 1986).
sion of the older batholiths. In the Tassendjanet area,
the tholeiitic sills reach a thickness of several hundreds 3.7. Early Neoproterozoic regional metamorphism, defor-
of metres, and encompass different types of clinopy- mation and cratonization in the Iskel terrane
roxene gabbro, troctolite, two-pyroxene gabbro and
leucogabbro (‘‘basified areas of Caby, 1970). The Ougda Ductile syn-metamorphic deformation under deep
mafic complex that encompass ultramafic cumulates greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions affected
crystallized at high pressures (Dostal et al., 1996) has many areas of the Iskel terrane prior to the deposition of
been dated at 676 Ma (Caby and Monie, 2003, this the Late Neoproterozoic cover (Gravelle, 1969; Bois-
issue). In metamorphic domains of the Iskel terrane, a sonnas, 1973). Stretching and mineral lineations asso-
randomly preserved magmatic fabric in the cores of ciated with recumbent folds trend NS in the Silet area.
boudins enclosed in tectonized marbles undoubtly This fabric predates or was associated with (?) the older
points to a cumulate (Fig. 4f) for ultramafic lenses that calc-alkaline plutons described below. E-W to NW-SE
represent wherlite and dunite sills. West of Timgaouine oriented lineations were documented in the southern
are exposed domains where the volume of mafic/ultra- part of the Iskel terrane (Lapique et al., 1986). The 868
mafic sills may equal that of the remnant marbles (Fig. Ma-old plutons mainly include amphibole granodiorite
4g). The marbles commonly contain high-temperature mingled with diorite to tonalite in the Silet area (Caby
silicates among which altered forsterite possibly grown et al., 1982). Hectometre- to kilometre-size pendants of
during contact metamorphism related to the sills or the gabbro, serpentinite and metasedimentary rocks dis-
older plutons, as described below. Geochemical char- playing retrogressed high-temperature assemblages oc-
acters and REE patterns suggest that the sills were cur within the plutons. The large batholith (Gravelle,
coeval with the extrusion of the transitional pillowed 1969) produced a kilometre-wide, in part synkinematic
basalts (Boukhalfa, 1987), thus suggesting an overall thermal aureole. This igneous suite, dated at 849 Ma in
intracontinental rifting. the Silet area (Caby et al., 1982), includes also large
Possible oceanic assemblages. Close to Silet are ex- plutons of pink sub-alkaline granite. Several batholiths
posed slices of serpentinite spatially associated with such as exposed southeast of Silet along the 4°500 shear
tectonized slices of MOR-type metagabbro, plagiogra- zone are in fact composite since they contain plurikilo-
nite and diabases, possibly representing a former dyke metre-sized dioritic and tonalitic units (either pendants
complex (Fig. 6a). Such a mafic–ultramafic association or co-magmatic units?). Two c. 200 km long NNE-
has been interpreted as ophiolites from major elements trending batholiths of this family form the southern part
chemistry (Abed, 1983). Overall steeply dipping stretch- of the Iskel terrane. The Timgaouine batholith (Fig. 5)
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 143

Fig. 6. (a) Potential ophiolites with sheared mafic dykes from the Tin-Rhales complex, south of Silet. (b) Metaconglomerate with mainly volcanic
pebbles from the Iskel volcanic sequence. Note the severe horizontal stretching of the pebbles (N-SE elongation) related to the Early Neoproterozoic
(pre- or syn- 869 Ma?) deformation. (c) Polygenic metaconglomerate with abundant marble boulders, NVVG, north of Abankor. (d) Olistoliths of
dolomitic marble enclosed in a silty matrix, NVVG around Silet. (e) Serpentinite boulders in a conglomeratic layer with ultramafic matrix, same area
than (d). (f) Syenite boulders in a white clayly matrix, basal unconformity of the NVVG around Abankor.

includes porphyritic pink K-rich granite, syenogranite brown biotite, plagioclase, muscovite, magnetite and
and syenite. Post-magmatic N-S fractures filled by red monazite has been observed at several localities in
jasper host epigenetic U mineralisations around Tim- metapelites, attesting for low-pressure conditions during
gaouine. However immediately east of the Abankor base magma emplacement. Unusual coarse-grained diatexites
is exposed a different sheared peralkaline pluton made with coarse-grained platy quartz and containing deeply
up by 100% dikes of aegyrine and riebeckite granite and chloritised garnet up to one cm in diameter, cordierite,
microgranite, a dyke complex that compares well with sillimanite, plagioclase and monazite were also observed
other shear zone-related intrusions from the western adjacent to veins of highly sheared muscovite granite.
terrane (Hadj-Kaddour et al., 1998). Marbles occasionally still displaying stromatolite relics
Characters of the low-pressure thermal aureoles. At of the Conophyton type (Timgaouine, Fig. 4e) con-
P 1 km away of the plutons around Silet occur remnants tain serpentinized forsterite and are associated to calc-
of spotted textures in metapelites, whereas detrital silicate layers containing diopside, grossular, amphibole,
quartz grains are preserved in arenaceous rocks, thus titanite and epidotes. Metagabbros and porphyritic
suggesting that regional greenschist facies regional metabasalts around Abankor were invariably meta-
metamorphism, at most, was present before the morphosed into green and brown amphibole, plagio-
emplacement of plutons. Over some tens of metres from clase-bearing lineated rocks. 849 Ma may roughly
magmatic contacts, country rocks display a strong syn- represent the age of the early cratonization of the
kinematic fabric. The strongly altered mineral assem- Iskel basement. Strong greenschist facies retrogres-
blage andalusite, pinitised cordierite, sillimanite, Ti-rich sion affected all these high-temperature metamorphic
144 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

assemblages and the igneous rocks. This retrogression the nearby adjacent basement, overlain by a 2–10 m
was coeval with the prograde greenschist facies imprint thick dolomitic layer grading to pebbly dolomite
affecting the unconformable Late Neoproterozoic (Gravelle, 1969; Caby et al., 1982; Lapierre et al., 1986).
group. Upright incipient slaty cleavage coeval with low-tem-
perature greenschist facies is observed in overlying silty
3.8. Late Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary formations layers, greywackes and metabasalts. Overlying grey to
and arc magmatism in the Pharusian terrane blackish shales and alternating siltstones, sandstones
and greywackes, about 1000 m-thick, display frequent
Metavolcanic and associated volcaniclastic rocks and fine-scale graded bedding, slumped layers and convolute
metagreywackes here labeled the Neoproterozoic Vol- bedding. However no detailed sedimentological obser-
canic-Volcaniclastic Group (NVVG) form the ubiqui- vations allow to document the assumed turbiditic
tous rock association encountered in the northwestern character of this formation that, alternatively, could
part of the Tuareg shield. The NVVG corresponds to represent low-energy deposits as reported from other
the ‘‘Pharusian’’, the ‘‘Upper Pharusian’’ of Bertrand monotonous greywacke formations exposed along the
et al. (1986a) and Gravelle (1969), the Green series of main Pan-African suture c. 500 km to the north (Dostal
Caby (1970) and Caby et al. (1977). The NVVG was also et al., 2002). Greywackes, tuffs and debris flows origi-
intruded by voluminous pre-tectonic calc-alkaline plu- nating from basaltic volcanoes occur on top, possible
tons and batholiths, their with the Early Neoproterozoic pillowed metabasalts being also present. Conformable
Iskel magmatic suite described above being not always andesite and rhyodacites flows, and pyroclastic rocks
possible in strongly tectonized areas. (the Irrelouchem volcanic unit, Gravelle, 1969; Caby
In the eastern part of the Pharusian terrane, the base et al., 1982; Dupont et al., 1985) make up a c.1500 m
of the NVVG rests unconformably on various plutons thick accumulation preserved in an open syncline cut by
and metamorphic country rocks of the Iskel basement hypovolcanic andesite dykes and microdiorite stocks.
(Fig. 7a). The base of the series around Silet is defined The geochemical characters (major, trace elements and
by polygenic conglomeratic layers with an arkosic ma- REE) of volcanic rocks are those of active margin set-
trix displaying angular blocks up to 50 cm in size from tings (Dupont et al., 1985). Elsewhere in the western



E transitional olistoliths Serpentinite

protrusion? W

S1 S2
S2 S2

rhyolite-dacite Pyroxenite
dyke complex sill 250 m


molassic basin


(b) 100 m

Fig. 7. (a) Geological profile southwest of Silet showing the relationships between the Iskel basement and the NVVG. S1 is the older deep greenschist
facies cleavage from the basement. D2 is the unconformity observed at the base of the NVVG and S2 is the regional Pan-African cleavage. (b)
Geological profile showing the northwest-verging folds developed in the NVVG. D2 is the stratigraphic unconformity of the NVVG and S2 the
regional Neoproterozoic slaty cleavage. Note that S1 and S2 may be hardly distinguished in the Iskel basement. D3 is the unconformity at the base of
the molassic basin affected by open folding with incipient upright fracture cleavage (S3 ).
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 145

part of the Pharusian terrane, polymict conglomerates Gravelle (1969) reports the occurrence of metavolcanic
form unstratified masses that do not necessarily delin- rocks and polygenetic conglomerates containing granite,
eate the base of the series. Typically the elements are free andesite and greenschist pebbles and angular elements
of chemical alteration and they are easily recognized to with only a fracture cleavage c. 40 km north of Ti
derive from nearby rock units from both the Iskel Missao at In Temerouelt (Fig. 2). These rocks rest above
basement and roughly synchronous volcanic units (Fig. higher grade rocks including quartzites, amphibolites,
6c). Several fault-bounded residual basins of greywackes calc-silicates and syenitic gneisses as metamorphosed
and subordinate pebbly greywackes, NNE-trending and prior to the Pan-African according to this author.
flanked on both sides by plutons of the basement, were However this unretrogressed unit formed by protoliths
mapped by Gravelle (1969). When not sheared, the identical to those of the Late Paleoproterozoic group is
unconformity is steeply dipping, allowing to consider part of the Tirek gneisses with Pan-African metamor-
that such overall vertical geometry may be inherited phism. Thus the slightly deformed conglomerates and
from early block faulting. This possibility may explain volcanics of the In Temerouelt area may belong to
the very local occurrence of coarse conglomerates that the Adrar fault molassic belt described later. The as-
could represent alluvial fans adjacent to growing reliefs. sumed stratigraphic unconformity of strongly deformed
In the same area was also observed above the grey- amphibolite facies metaconglomerates of the NVVG on
wackes a polygenetic chaotic formation displaying sillimanite metaquartzites and alkaline gneisses of the
olistoliths of limestones and dolomites (Fig. 6d). The Tirek terrane has been however observed c. 25 km west
associated matrix-supported breccias and conglomerates of Ti Missao and no metamorphic discontinuity is
include both rounded and angular blocks of limestone, demonstrated between the two lithostratigraphic
dolomite, red jasper, pyroxenite and serpentinized peri- groups. Such is also the case in eastern Iforas massif
dotite. Fine–grained metaarenites of mafic to ultramafic (Davison, 1980). It is concluded that the NVVG that
composition, and layers enriched in serpentinite boul- forms the major part of the Pharusian terrane overlies
ders were also identified (Fig. 6e). Decametre- to two different basements: the c. 900–850 Ma old Iskel
hectometre-sized serpentinite slices and masses inserted basement in the east, and the Tirek (Late Paleoprote-
in slightly deformed metapelites and fine-grained quartz- rozoic ?) units in the west, that compare well with sub-
rich metagreywackes possibly represent olistoliths. Some ducted units in the southern part of the Tassendjanet
of these kilometre-sized serpentinite slices (Gravelle, terrane (Caby and Monie, this volume).
1969) may however represent cold diapirs or protrusions Our personal short traverses in the northwestern part
bounded by rather sheared contacts (Caby et al., 1982). of the Pharusian terrane allow recognizing that thick
Around Abankor, the basal unconformity is outlined by metagreywacke units with subordinate pebbly layers are
a 5–10 m thick chaotic formation made up of rounded the dominant rock types in most areas. Metagreywac-
blocks up to 5 m of diameter embedded in a poorly kes, some of which representing potential distal turbi-
exposed non-stratified white clayly matrix (Fig. 6f). dites, are intercalated with felsic metavolcanics (mainly
Such an uncommon formation may represent arenised dacites and rhyolites), associated epiclastites, monogenic
syenite and syenite blocks possibly deposited in glacial or polygenic volcanic breccias, and volcanic–plutonic-
conditions, or a in situ palaeoblock field directly over- pebble conglomerates with both rounded and angular
lying the Timgaouine syenite. This strange basal for- clasts. Belts of vesicular spilitic metabasalt and thick
mation is overlain by about 250 m of thinly layered mafic sills occur also within the greywackes. A strong
metasilts and sandstones deposited in a quiet environ- steeply dipping greenschist facies cleavage and the
ment, followed by felsic tuffs. The c. 2000 m thick numerous pre-metamorphic intrusive bodies make
overlying volcanic pile comprises massive basalt to stratigraphic studies difficult.
andesite flows, and younger dacite to rhyodacite flows
overlain by volcaniclastic conglomerates, pelites and 3.9. Pre-kinematic batholiths
sandstones (Haddoum, 1984). In other areas conglo-
merates with predominant doleritic, gabbroic and car- Numerous N-S oriented granitoid plutons and
bonate elements form thick lenses at the top of the batholiths of mainly granodiorite to diorite composition
series. The above described sequence suggests initial intruded the NVVC prior to regional deformation and
quiet deposits above the cratonized Iskel basement. metamorphism. The 300 km long Arak-Tan Chaffao
How these quiet deposits pass to a turbidites and composite batholith (Fig. 2) displays syn-plutonic dyke
olistoliths bearing deposits to which are associated swarms and suffered very faint subsequent deformation.
ultramafite-derived sediments requires further field Massive granodiorite in the north was only affected by
work. It is likely that active reliefs were erected during discrete brittle Pan-African deformation coeval with
the onset of terrestrial andesitic volcanism. low-temperature greenschist facies, during which most
Few detailed observations were done in the poorly mafic igneous minerals were chloritised. Protomylonitic
known western parts of the Pharusian terrane (Fig. 2). to mylonitic structures occur along steep chlorite-bearing
146 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

shear zones. In its northern part around Arak, the plete Bouma sequences (Moussine-Pouchkine, unpub-
country rocks are represented by thinly layered green lished observation, written communication, 1994).
metasilts with regular rythmic bedding and lack a re- These are interpreted as distal turbidites very compa-
gional Pan-African cleavage. These silty layers were rable to those exposed in the Bled el Mas and Adrar
converted into cherty hornfelses over only a few metres inliers, 200–500 km to the north (Moussine-Pouchkine,
close to igneous bodies contacts. These shallow-depth unpublished observations). The greywackes contain
plutons may represent the magmatic reservoirs of the ubiquitous angular volcanic clasts (basaltic, andesitic,
widespread rhyo-dacitic volcanism such as exposed dacitic) and minerals (altered pyroxenes and amphibo-
northeast of the Ahnet massif. The pre-kinematic les?, plagioclase, blue volcanic quartz) and possible
Aouilene monzo-granitic batholith exposed c. 70 km glass fragments, as well as granitoids, mostly of hypo-
southeast of Silet (Figs. 2 and 5) intruded NVVC rocks volcanic origin. The major elements of the greywackes
prior to regional deformation (Lapique et al., 1986). It indicate an essentially low-K andesitic chemistry (Caby
forms a plurikilometre-sized elongate dome along the et al., 1977). Interlayered volcanic–plutonic-pebble
4°500 shear zone. As the metavolcanic country rocks, it conglomerates are interpreted as mass flows originated
displays a strong post-magmatic foliation better devel- from the erosion of volcanic/plutonic ridges and also
oped along the 4°500 shear zone (Gravelle, 1969). The reworking the Late Paleoproterozoic quartzites. Violet
structure was interpreted as a refolded recumbent foli- Cu-bearing, Al-poor shaly layers displaying constant
ation by Lapique et al. (1986). This pluton has given a convolute bedding and slump structure may repre-
slightly discordant U–Pb zircon + titanite age of 629 Ma sent hemipelagic deposits of similar bulk chemistry.
(Bertrand et al., 1986a). Recalculated without the tita- Lenses of monogenic dacitic breccias may represent
nite that shows evidences of post-magmatic alteration, explosive volcanic rocks that originated from nearby
an age of 651 Ma is obtained (Bertrand, unpublished, volcanic islands. Numerous hectometre- to kilometre-
written communication, 1994). Another pluton con- sized intrusive stocks of various hypovolcanic rocks
nected to the same batholitic belt in the south has given (K-rich granophyric microgranite, trondjhemite,
by the same method an age of 630 Ma (Boukhalfa, granodiorite, diorite, dolerite and gabbro) occur at
1987). If the concordant points are only considered, an lower levels in the series. In the western part of the Kidal
age of 652 ± 10 Ma is obtained (Bertrand, unpublished terrane, the Tafeliant Group (Fabre et al., 1982) in-
report SONAREM and written communication, 1994). cludes an older sequence of pillowed basalts, andesites,
In the southwestern part of the terrane (Immezzarene dacites, volcanic greywackes and continent-derived
area, Figs. 2 and 5) is exposed a different formation of material with an horizon of matrix-supported meta-
carbonaceous shales to siltstones and sandstones, with conglomerate containing blocks of several metres
layers of polymict conglomerates (the Greso-pelitic across, a formation of assumed glacial origin. Its
series of Gravelle, 1969). No available sedimentological deposition occurred after 693 Ma, a nearly concordant
observations were done on this unit. Based on regional U–Pb zircon age of a metadiorite from the related
mapping in the northern part of the Immezzarene basement that is reworked as plurimetre-sized rounded
massif, the greenish greywackes and the black terrige- blocks in the basal conglomerate (Ball and Caby, 1984;
neous formation are considered as two synchronous Caby and Andreopoulos-Renaud, 1985). The Tassen-
facies by Gravelle (1969). It is indeed possible that the djanet turbiditic greywackes are younger than 676 Ma
Pharusian trough was fed by two different sources: a (Caby and Monie, this volume).
mainly volcanic input derived from the erosion of
adjacent calc-alkaline volcanoes and hypovolcanic plu- 3.11. Monocyclic schist belts in the LATEA terrane
tons in the northeast, and mature material of assumed
continental origin in the southwest. Low-grade metasedimentary rocks of clearly mono-
metamorphic character are preserved both in synforms
3.10. The NVVG in the western terranes delimited from surrounding anatectic gneisses by steep
to inclined strike-slip mylonitic zones, and as pendants
South of the Tassendjanet nappe (Caby and Monie, within batholiths. These sequences are lithologically
this volume), the Neoproterozoic rocks rest directly similar to the NVVG of the Pharusian terrane described
above marbles overlying the Late Paleoproterozoic above.
metaquartzites. Here, a 6 50 m thick basal polymict The Aghefsa volcanosedimentary belt (Fig. 2) has
metaconglomeratic formation generally delineates the always been correlated with Neoproterozoic (‘‘Pharu-
basal stratigraphic unconformity. Unpublished sedi- sian’’) sequences of western Hoggar. It is only slightly
mentological observations on the slightly deformed deformed in the north and comprises metapelites,
rythmic greenish greywackes that form the P 3000 m metagreywackes and metaconglomerates with common
thick parautochthons of the Tassendjanet nappe show granite and gneiss pebbles, metaandesites, and tholeiitic
ubiquitous graded bedding, slump structure and incom- metabasalts (Briedj, 1993). This author pointed out that
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 147

Fig. 8. (a) Polygenic metaconglomerate preserved as pendants from the roof of the Tefedest batholith, Dehine area, LATEA terranes. Aspect of the
post-molasse granitoids of the Adrar fault molassic belt (b) layered to veined mesocratic alkaline granite displaying contorted mafic schlieren cut by
undeformed aplitic leucogranite, west of Adrar Emedji. (c) layered granodiorite pluton displaying alternating leucocratic bands and mesocratic
porphyritic granodiorite with some flattened mafic enclaves, same locality.

rocks of the Aghefsa volcanosedimentary belt and the chist facies cleavage is ubiquitous in the NVVG. This
high-grade gneisses suffered the same kinematic history regional deformation is thus younger than 629 (or 651)
characterized by an early recumbent cleavage formed Ma, as stated above. Domains with only incipient slaty
during top to the north tectonic transport, and later E- cleavage and free of ductile deformation form a longi-
W shortening. The Aghefsa greenschists progressively tudinal band some tens of km west of the Iskel base-
grade to two-mica-garnet-staurolite schists (Briedj, ment. The various generations of pre-metamorphic
1993), and steep ductile tectonic contacts always separate plutonic rocks of this domain behaved rigid or semi-
them from the higher grade anatectic domains with rigid and did not experience regional temperatures
gently folded recumbent foliation. The intrusion of late- above 350 °C far from the syn-collisional plutons, as
kinematic Pan-African calc-alkaline plutons was accom- indicated by the complete lack of biotite in pelitic schists
panied by low-pressure thermal aureoles (Bertrand, and by only chlorite–albite–epidote assemblages in mafic
1974). Undeformed rhyolites to dacites representing rocks. Ductilely deformed areas towards the center of the
dykes and sills cutting the cleavage of greenschists are terrane mostly display a steep cleavage and low-plunging
connected with stocks of red K-rich granites and mi- stretching lineations that indicate a general transpressive
crogranites. This family has given a Rb–Sr whole rock component synchronous with ductile strike-slip faults
isochron date of 583 Ma interpreted as the age of the observed in pre-kinematic batholiths. Northwest verging
volcanism (Briedj, 1993). folds predating molasse deposition occur southeast of
Other remnants of monocyclic metasediment rocks Silet (Fig. 7b). A distinct tectonic style characterized by
including stretched metaconglomerates with a biotite- flat-lying amphibolite facies foliation and NW-verging
rich matrix (Fig. 8a) have also been observed as pen- folds has been described by Lapique et al. (1986) in a
dants within batholiths in the Tefedest area (Vitel, longitudinal domain immediately exposed west of the
1979). The poorly studied country rocks of the Laouni 4°500 shear zone. These authors concluded to a conti-
area (Figs. 2 and 5) are represented by weakly deformed nuous deformation leading to refolding of the earlier
semi-pelitic schists and metaconglomerates affected by stage recumbent cleavage coeval with sinistral strike-slip
very low-pressure metamorphism in part coeval with the movement along a steep NNW trending shear zone that
emplacement of the Laouni gabbro-ultramafic intru- merges into the dextral 4°500 shear zone. As pointed out
sions at <10 km depth in an extensional setting (Cottin by Lapique et al. (1986), this domain provides a possible
et al., 1990). These intrusions are synchronous or structural link with the LATEA terrane affected by
younger than the stocks of aluminous leucogranite to much higher temperature and by a recumbent Pan-
which W-Sn mineralisation are associated (Cheilletz African foliation, as it will be discussed in the conclu-
et al., 1992). The possible relationships between this low- sions.
pressure province and the eclogitized units exposed Syn- to late-kinematic calc-alkaline plutons and
around Tin Beggane are discussed in the conclusions. batholiths form a c. 800 km long magmatic belt cutting
obliquely the Pharusian terrane (Fig. 2). Boissonnas
(1973) has studied in detail the northern part of this
4. Late Neoproterozoic deformation and plutonism in the magmatic belt that intruded the low-temperature
Pharusian terrane greenschist facies rocks of the NVVG and the related
Iskel basement. Individual batholiths 100–200 km long,
Several reconnaissance traverses across the northern frequently fringed by leucogranite, host younger discor-
part of the Pharusian terrane have shown that N-S open dant stocks and plutons. Synmagmatic deformation
to tight folding associated with almost vertical greens- was identified in part of the batholiths. Syn-kinematic
148 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

thermal aureoles include two-mica-andalusite–stauro- The younger plutons best represented north of 22° N
lite–cordierite schists (Boissonnas, 1973). For this au- in the eastern part of the terrane are K-rich calc-alkaline
thor, the silicates formed in the S2 cleavage or even in a to sub-alkaline plutons with common zoned structure
subsidiary S3 syn-emplacement cleavage. Fibrolite and (the ‘‘Taourirt’’ plutons, Boissonnas, 1973; Azzouni-
K-feldspar assemblages occur only at a few metres away Sekkal and Boissonnas, 1993). This is a composite
of the igneous body contacts that are obscured by de- family of potassic calc-alkaline plutons to which are
formed granitic veins of both anatectic and intrusive associated rare more potassic varieties and quartz-
character. The same mineral assemblage was documented syenites, and that commonly display concentric
very close to the discordant plutons, garnet being only arrangement of rock types. The blastesis of andalusite–
observed in xenoliths and pendants incorporated in cordierite assemblages in schistose pelitic hornfelses
dioritic rocks. However, most Al silicates were thor- around the plutons is syn-kinematic in respect to the
oughly replaced by white mica aggregates. The vertical regionally developed cleavage in the NVVG. This
stretching lineations commonly observed in thermal paragenesis points out to a very shallow emplacement
aureoles may have formed during upward magma ( 6 5–7 km) in a dextral strike-slip context (Djouadi
emplacement. However, several ‘‘corridors’’ displaying et al., 1997). The Tioueine pluton which is one of the
nearly horizontal lineations may relate to strike-slip best representatives of this family has given a U–Pb
movement in part coeval with post-solidus deformation zircon age of 523 ± 1 Ma (Paquette et al., 1998), sug-
of the pluton margins (Boissonnas, 1973). In pelitic gesting that the regional cleavage and folding in the
hornfelses formed very close to discordant plutons, eastern edge of the Pharusian terrane did not form be-
fibrolite overgrowing andalusite and orthoclase indicate fore the Cambrian. Such surprising conclusion further
typical low-pressure isobaric heating (0.2.5–0.3 GPa) points out to the very shallow crustal level of many parts
up to c.700 °C according to the petrogenetic grid of Xu of the Pharusian terrane prior to the deposition of the
et al. (1994). unconformable molasse.
The regional deformation and metamorphism in the
southwestern part of the Pharusian terrane was essen-
tially connected with the emplacement of the anatectic 5. Molasses, related magmatism and Cambrian deforma-
Immezzarene batholith dated at 583 Ma by the U–Pb tion
zircon method (Bertrand et al., 1986a). Regional low-
temperature greenschists far from the batholith pro- Classical molassic formations known from pioneering
gressively grade to a km-scale low-pressure thermal works (for a stratigraphic synthesis, see Fabre et al.,
aureole. In the northern part of the batholith, metapel- 1988) are best represented in the western part of the
ites display white mica ± andalusite assemblages at P 1 shield. Available geochronology and stratigraphic cor-
km distance from igneous body contacts, the geometry relations (Bertrand-Sarfati et al., 1987) allow to stress
of which defines hectometre to plurikilometre-sized their Cambrian age, as suggested by scarce and incom-
bulbes clearly discordant on sedimentary layering. Two- plete geochronological data (see Allegre and Caby,
mica, K-feldspar-cordierite anatectic hornfelses appear 1972).
at some tens of metres from the pluton and in hecto-
metre in size pendants. Prograde andalusite and stau- 5.1. The molassic cycle and related magmatism in the
rolite are frequently included in cordierite, and western terranes
sillimanite forms typical spheroliths. Sillimanite horn-
felses, cut by numerous anatectic veins, grade to di- Red-type continental clastic successions are the pre-
atexite and metatexite at distance 6 a few decimetres dominant deposits that filled residual molassic basins up
from igneous body contacts, late muscovitisation being to P 6 km thick (Caby and Moussu, 1967; Fabre et al.,
associated with the emplacement of younger aluminous 1988). The older unconformable unit above Pan-African
pegmatites. Spinel inclusions are observed in cordierite metamorphic complexes is represented west of Ouallen
from restites, and monazite is ubiquitous in the neo- by a coarse-grained arkosic to greywacke formation
somes. The lack of garnet in aluminous metapelites with intercalated andesites, dacites and associated epi-
suggests near isobaric heating from 550 to P 700°C at clastites that are free of greenschist facies overprint. The
0.25–0.3 GPa according to the petrogenetic grid of unconformable Tagengant formation preserved in a
Xu et al. (1994). The occurrence of weakly deformed subsiding basin includes reddish rythmic siltites and
polygenic conglomerates containing abundant quartzo- sandstones intermingled with dolomite and limestone
feldspathic pebbles, and of horizontal, non-folded thinly layers in which stromatolites of Cambrian affinity have
bedded cordierite–sillimanite metapelites may suggest been found. Cinerite layers of rhyolitic composition are
that no significant regional deformation affected locally associated with the limestones. Glacial to glacio-marine
these metasedimentary rocks prior to magma intrusion environments (varves, dropstones, erratic blocs) were
at 583 Ma. identified in the P 1500 m thick Ouallen formation
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 149

(Caby and Moussu, 1967), as well as aeolian facies (A€ıt apparently in part built above the retrogressed high-
Kaci Ahmed and Moussine-Pouchkine, 1987). A syn- grade metamorphic complexes from the Tirek area.
sedimentary volcanic centre comprising alkaline basalts During a short N-S reconnaissance between Ti-Missao
and trachytes cut by syenitic stocks has been mapped and 20° 300 (Fig. 3b), several alkaline and calc-alkaline
(Caby, 1970). Flat-lying red beds, and P 1500 m of high-level plutons emplaced prior to deformation and
rhyolitic ignimbrites accumulated in cauldrons and cut regional metamorphism have been recognized. Defor-
by alkaline and peralkaline granites characterize the mation in the molassic sedimentary rocks consist of
molassic cycle in the IOGU, allowing tentative correla- open to tight folds with steeply dipping fold axes and
tions with the subsiding basins in which more than 6000 steep axial planar cleavage bearing well-marked
m of sediments were accumulated. N-S open folding stretching lineations with very variable dips. Predomi-
deformed the basins during the reactivation of major nant shallow plunges of lineations, however, indicate an
shear zones. The metamorphic minerals chlorite, epidote overall strike-slip component all across the belt. The
and zeolites are observed in the deeper parts of the basin higher grade syn-kinematic mineral assemblage in
affected by incipient slaty cleavage, suggesting maximum metapelites around the Adrar Emedji comprises white
temperatures around 250 °C. mica, green biotite and minute garnet ( 6 0,5 mm).
These latter rocks display vertical stretching lineation,
indicating that they represent a vertically extruded slice
5.2. Syn-molassic volcanism and plutonism along the
from the deeper part of the squeezed molassic basin. The
strongly deformed Adrar fault molassic belt
nearby eastern basement includes slightly retrogressed
garnet-free cordierite–sillimanite assemblages in meta-
Along the Adrar fault (Figs. 2 and 3b) a 1–5 km wide
pelites similar to those around the Immezzarene bath-
belt of ductilely deformed molassic series affected by
olith described above. West of the belt in contrast, a
syn-kinematic greenschist facies metamorphism por-
strong penetrative greenschist facies retrogression coeval
trayed by green biotite and actinolite is continuously
with the prograde metamorphism in the molasse is
exposed from Ti Missao to northern Mali. This series
responsible for the complete pinitisation of cordierite,
previously considered to delineate the unconformity of
sericitisation of sillimanite and chloritisation of nearly
NVVG, was first recognized south of the Malian border
all biotite over a width of c. 10 km west of the molassic
by Caby et al. (1985). Immediately west of the fault, its
belt. The core of the fault zone is delineated by some
non-metamorphic counterpart free of penetrative
tens of metres of phyllonitic rocks and gouges of
deformation and only affected by tilting, crops out as
Phanerozoic age. Phanerozoic reactivation is indeed
outliers in unconformity above the Pan-African gneis-
documented by open folds and reverse faults affecting
ses. Coarse conglomerates and rhyolitic ignimbrites
the Ordovician sandstones. Incipient ductile deforma-
form the lowermost part of the molasse farther south
tion is even recorded in basal Ordovician silty sand-
(Boullier, 1982). Both the metamorphic and the non-
stones over some tens of metres close to the fault plane.
metamorphic units contain conglomeratic layers with
Younger volcanoes and rings of dolerites cutting the Ti
abundant pebbles of retrogressed and mylonitised
Missao sandstone plateau also documents a Quaternary
granulites from the nearby IOGU mylonitic tail (Fig.
(?) reactivation of this major fault zone delineated by
3b). Greenschist facies mylonisation along the west
recent scarps and depressions.
mylonite zone of the IGU has been dated at 535 Ma by
the Ar40 /Ar39 method on K-feldspar clasts (Lancelot
et al., 1983). However, along the east IOGU shear zone 5.2.2. Subalkaline to peralkaline granites
ages of 611 and 575 Ma have been obtained on Plutons of sub-alkaline granite surrounded by strongly
white micas by the same method (Ferkous and Monie, layered granitoids involved in flow structures (Fig. 8b)
2002). represent several kilometre-scale deformed ring com-
plexes. Alternating leucocratic and mesocratic layers
5.2.1. Lithology and metamorphism of the Adrar fault displaying classical features of mixing–mingling pro-
molassic belt between Ti-Missao and northeastern Mali cesses are cut by aplitic veins. Perthitic K-feldspar re-
The metasedimentary rocks of this narrow strip lo- crystalized into microcline, albite, clinopyroxene of the
cated along the Adrar Fault include greenschist facies ferro-augite to hedenbergite family, green to pale-brown
purple to green metasilts, pink to greenish meta-arenites, amphiboles and altered Fe-rich biotite are observed in
volcanic greywackes and pebbly layers displaying the fresher samples. In other types euhedral albitic pla-
abundant volcanic fragments of trachy-andesitic meta- gioclase is included in K-feldspar that is rimmed by
volcanic rocks. Mafic sills and dykes cutting obliquely abundant myrmekite and sealed by micropegmatites, a
the bedding planes were converted into actinolite schists. feature symptomatic of hypovolcanic intrusions. Mafic
Metarhyolite, metadacite and andesite flows form a layers occasionally incorporated in agmatites and cut by
nearly continuous ridge to the west of the molassic belt, K-feldspar-rich leucocratic veins contain up to 10 vol.%
150 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

Tirek Pharusian
Domain Terrane




2k m

Diorite Undifferentiated
Rhyolite dyke
dykes Metamorphic rocks
& gabbro
Peralkaline Conglomerate (a)
granite and Rhyolite (b) Major fractures
microgranite a b

Fig. 9. Geological map of the Adrar Denat alkaline ring complex and the Adrar Tisoukam diotitic massif (modified after Byramjee, 1958). Note the
sigmoidal shape of the two plutons.

of opaques (ilmenite and magnetite), biotite, titanite, 5.2.3. Mafic to calc-alkaline magmatism
apatite and zircon. Post-magmatic alteration and Many stocks and plutons cut the molassic series.
recrystallization is significant but less important than in Around Tirek, a gabbroic mass is formed by 100% dikes
the calc-alkaline rocks. The peralkaline Denat ring and stocks with agmatitic texture, with finer grained
complex comprises coarse-grained riebeckite monzo- dioritic margins. This body developed a zone of dark
granite, microgranite grading to felsic rhyolites, cone- hornfelses with retrogressed cryptic mineralogy (former
sheets of porphyries, dyke swarms and volcanic breccias andalusite?) in metasilts. Fresh gabbro samples with
preserved towards the core of the massif (Byramjee, sub-ophitic microstructure contain clinopyroxene and
1958). The ring complex (not revisited) has an elliptical brown amphibole rimmed by tremolite, serpentinized
shape and displays asymmetric tails of metarhyolites olivine, grey calcic plagioclase being best preserved.
(Fig. 9). Such geometry is consistent with syn-kinematic Tremolite, Mg chlorite and epidote are present in vein-
magma emplacement under sinistral strike-slip regime. lets. Microgabbros contain brown amphibole and
However, the ubiquitous replacement of the perthitic K- strongly zoned plagioclase. Gabbros from the more
feldspar by microcline (Byramjee, 1958) suggests that sheared domains show nearly complete greenschist fa-
solid-state deformation and severe recrystallization of cies imprint (albite, calcite, epidotes, chlorites, tremolite,
the pluton has occurred as a result of regional greens- prehnite, pumpellyite). Quartz-diorites sampled close to
chist facies metamorphism. gabbro dykes are cataclastic, the brown amphibole
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 151

40 Rhyolite sill
Siltstone, arkose& conglomerate( dots)
A 10 20 Timgaouine batholith
20 05 20
30 30 10
20 Undifferentiated gneissesa nd
40 70 40 Metasedimentary rocks
10 S1 cleavage planes

Stretching lineation
Fig. 10. (a) Structural sketch map of the ‘‘Petite Afrique ’’ molassic basin and; (b) related cross-section parallel to stretching lineations showing the
post-molasse thrust tectonics. Note the flat-lying slaty cleavage and the recumbent folds of several tens of metres wavelengths beneath the two
rhyolitic sills.

being almost replaced by actinolite and the plagioclase around Bourzekal (Fig. 5): a lower green silty unit dis-
being cloudy. Microdiorite are commonly cataclastic, playing common varves and associated conglomeratic
acicular clinopyroxene and euhedral plagioclase being lenses, hosting reworked pebbles from the greenschists of
affected by a dense system of microcracks filled by epi- the NVVG; and a unconformable coarse-grained red
dote. The layered dioritic pluton exposed southeast of arkosic formation essentially derived from the reworking
Adrar Denat (Fig. 9) forms a mega-boudin within the of K-rich subalkaline granites and rhyolites.
N-S trending metamorphic rocks from the Pharusian The ‘‘Petite Afrique’’ outlier (Figs. 5 and 10a) com-
terrane. This massif also displays asymmetric tails of prises both siltstone to sandstone layers and conglo-
metamorphosed mafic sills and stocks. meratic layers similar to the Bourzekal lower and upper
unit, but it was intruded by plugs and sills of red rhyo-
5.2.4. Calc-alkaline plutons litic porphyry. All rocks were ductilely deformed and
Granodiorite to quartz diorite plutons display len- display a well-marked recumbent slaty cleavage
ticular flat-lying igneous layering marked by leucocratic increasing in intensity upward and cutting the strata
bands (Fig. 8c). They contain minor K-feldspar pheno- with variable dips due to high-angle refractions resulting
crysts with brown amphibole inclusions, altered pla- from strong ductility contrasts. Moderate nearly hori-
gioclase, chloritised biotite, euhedral plagioclase and zontal stretching is well marked in the matrix-supported
cataclastic quartz. The larger plutons were thoroughly conglomerates, the pebbles of which display a moderate
affected by greenschist facies recrystallisation coeval regular nearly horizontal NW-SE elongation coeval with
with brittle deformation. No preserved Al silicate could a deep greenschist facies mineralogy (chlorite, green
be observed in related microcrystalline spotted hornfel- biotite, epidote) consistent with a regional temperature
sic metasilts that were completely overprinted during of about 400 °C. Though a short reconnaissance was
greenschist facies retrogression. only done in this deformed molassic basin, and in spite
of the bad exposures of the northern tectonic contact,
5.3. Post-molasse thrusting in the Timgaouine area the structural map, interpretative section, and field
observations imply that the northern contact is a low-
Some outliers of molasse are preserved in the Pharu- angle NW-dipping thrust. Such southestward low-angle
sian terrane. They rest in unconformity above greens- thrusting of orthogneisses and granitoids above the
chists of the NVVG. Two rather different lithologies molasse (Fig. 10b) may delineate the eastern boundary
affected by tilting and free of penetrative deformation of the Immezzarene domain. Alternatively, the thrust
were studied in detail by Gravelle and Thebault (1965) contact identified may represent a relay between the two
152 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

steep N-S strike-slip faults that bound this residual Cratonic and passive margin conditions identified in
basin. The high-temperature aureole and related anatex- different terrranes were followed by at least two exten-
ites associated with the Immezzarene pluton are remark- sional periods, the younger leading to crustal fragmen-
ably free of retrogression, at variance with the strong tation and opening of an early oceanic domain around
retrogression of the high-grade assemblages along the 900 Ma, some fragments being possibly preserved in the
western tip of the Adrar fault molassic basin. Further Iskel terrane. Early Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline vol-
geochronological data are however required to better canism and plutonism (c. 870 Ma in the Iskel magmatic
constrain both the age of deposition and the age of arc) was followed by regional deformation and craton-
deformation of the molasses described above. ization around 840 Ma. These events were in part syn-
chronous with similar events in the Nubian-Arabian
shield (Stern, 1994) and are not longer discussed here.
From isotopic constraints, Liegeois et al. (2000) postu-
6. Discussion and conclusion: episodic subduction- and late the existence of reworked Archaean crust under-
collision-related deformation and metamorphism during neath the eastern terranes that were amalgamed and
the 700–520 Ma period cratonized around 700 Ma. Subduction-related volca-
nism and deposition of the NVVG is younger than
6.1. Summary of chronological events 696 ± 6 Ma in the Kidal terrane (Caby et al., 1989)
and younger than 676 Ma in the Tassendjanet terrane
This discussion relies on the U–Pb zircon, titanite, (Caby and Monie, this volume). At 665 Ma felsic calc-
Sm–Nd and 40 Ar/39 Ar ages listed in Table 1, and mainly alkaline volcanism and plutons intruded the Proche
concerns the Neoproterozoic events. Tenere molasse that had sealed the eastern terranes after

Table 1
Compilation of radiometric dates from western/central Hoggar and northern Mali
Terrane, area Rock type Method Age (Ma) Event/interpretation References
Iskel Tonalite U–Pb zircon 868 Magmatic Caby et al. (1982)
Iskel Monzogranite U–Pb zircon 849 Magmatic Caby et al. (1982)
Tilemsi arc Metatonalite U–Pb zircon 730 Magmatic Caby et al. (1989)
Kidal Metatonalite U–Pb zircon 696 Magmatic Caby and Andreopou-
crystallization los-Renaud (1985)
Tassendjanet/Ougda Metagabbro Ar/39 Ar amphibole 676 Magmatic cooling Caby and Monie (2003)
LATEA Eclogite Sm–Nd 685 Decompression Liegeois et al. (2003)
Iskel/Pharusian Pre-kinematic granite U–Pb zircon 651/629 Magmatic Bertrand et al. (1986a)
Tessalit/Tilemsi arc Pre-kinematic grano- U–Pb zircon 635 Magmatic Caby et al. (1989)
diorite crystallization
East Tirek Syn-kinematic gabbro Ar/39 Ar amph, bi 627/613 Magmatic cooling Ferkous and Monie
Kidal/Tafeliant Syn-kinematic tonalite U–Pb zircon 620 Magmatic Caby and Andreopou-
crystallization los-Renaud (1989)
South Tassendjanet High-pressure Ar/39 Ar phengite 615–600 Cooling/exhumation Caby and Monie (2003)
LATEA Early Granite U–Pb zircon 615/623 Magmatic Bertrand et al. (1986b)
South Tassendjanet Low-Pressure diatexite U–Pb monazite 603 Anatexis Bosch et al. (2002)
West IOGU dyke Alk-peralkaline Rb–Sr WR isochron 592 Magmatic Hadj-Kaddour et al.
complex granites crystallization (1998)
South Tirek Granodiorite U–Pb zircon 587 Magmatic Caby et al. (1985)
Immezzarene Anatectic granite U–Pb zircon 583 Magmatic Bertrand et al. (1986a)
Kidal Peralkaline granite Rb–Sr 560-540 Magmatic Liegeois et al. (1987)
West IGU Ultramylonite Ar/39 Ar white mica 535 End of mylonitisation Lancelot et al. (1983)
Pharusian ‘‘Taourirt’’ Late-kinematic U–Pb zircon 523 Magmatic Paquette et al. (1998)
granodiorite crystallization
Ouallen molassic basin Green silty shale Rb–Sr fine clay <2 l 487 Diagenesis Clauer et al. (1982)
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 153

730–700 Ma, the age of a tectonic event which may be assumed west-dipping subduction in the Iskel terrane,
defined as an ‘‘early Pan-African’’ orogeny best identi- followed by its early cratonization around 849 Ma.
fied in the eastern terranes. Pre-kinematic calc-alkaline
plutons intruded the Kidal terrane at 635 and 629 Ma 6.2.2. Stage B (c. 700–620 Ma)
and 652 Ma in the eastern edge of the Pharusian terrane. East-dipping subduction (the western subduction) of
Eclogitic metamorphism in the LATEA terrane dated Early Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere (the western
around 685 Ma (Boughrara, 1999; Liegeois et al., 2003, paleo-oceanic domain) was occurring east of the West
this isuue) was thus in part synchronous with calc- African craton under a composite continental mass now
alkaline magmatism throughout the western terranes. represented in part by the western terranes. A 730 Ma
635 Ma is the age of docking of the intraoceanic arc old intraoceanic arc was formed. The building up of
terrane in northern Mali (Caby et al., 1989). Cooling magmatic arcs on the active continental paleomargin
and exhumation of the high-pressure to ultrahigh-pres- and the opening of a large turbiditic trough above
sure metamorphic rocks took place at 620 Ma along the thinned crust may have been possibly connected with
main Pan-African suture in Mali (Jahn et al., 2001) and the generation of back arc oceanic crust west and east of
at 615–600 Ma along the west IOGU suture (Caby and the IOGU. 635–630 Ma corresponds to docking of the
Monie, this volume). 620 Ma is also the age of the oldest Tilemsi intraoceanic arc along the active continental
collision-related plutons in the Kidal terrane (Caby and paleomargin. After complete ocean closure of a large
Andreopoulos-Renaud, 1989). 615 ± 5 Ma is the best oceanic domain located east of the West African craton,
obtained age for a syn-kinematic granite intruding in the continental subduction of the innermost portions from
western part of LATEA (Bertrand et al., 1986b). Syn- its passive paleomargin down to 100 km depth produced
kinematic plutons along the western edge of the eastern the high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic
terranes were emplaced at 600–594 Ma in the Tiririne belt from northern Mali (Caby, 1994) that was exhumed
belt (Bertrand et al., 1978). At 587 and 583 Ma anatectic at 620 Ma (Jahn et al., 2001). The two high-pressure
granites were emplaced in the western part of the metamorphic belts with eclogites identified in North-
Pharusian terrane. Greenschist facies along the Adrar west Hoggar imply other subduction of continental units
fault and in the ‘‘Petite Afrique’’ molassic basin oc- to P 45–60 km depth on both sides of the IOGU slightly
curred after 583 Ma. In the Kidal terrane continuous before 615–610 Ma (Caby and Monie, this volume).
magmatic activity may have taken place between 620 The new data presented in the previous sections
and 540 Ma to form the composite batholith including suggest that the opening of the Late Neoproterozoic
alkaline–peralkaline ring complexes, dyke swarms and trough and building up of magmatic arcs that constitute
plateau lavas according to Rb–Sr data (Liegeois et al., the Pharusian terrane occurred roughly during the same
1987). A significant diachronism apparently exists period (690 ?–650 ? Ma). At variance with all models
within the Pharusian terrane where the late-kinematic which consider for this period one single paleosubduc-
plutons (the Taourirt family) intruded at 523 ± 1 Ma. tion in the Tuareg shield, it is proposed that the gener-
Aluminous leucogranites and ultramafic intrusions in ation of the juvenile Late Neoproterozoic crust of the
the Laouni area (LATEA) were emplaced at 530 Ma Pharusian terrane was connected with a main west-
(Cheilletz et al., 1992) and relate to late orogenic crustal dipping subduction to the east: the Pharusian subduc-
thinning (Cottin et al., 1990). tion. Such west-dipping subduction indeed best explains
why large portions of the continental units of LATEA
6.2. Paleogeodynamic scenario for the western Tuareg were eclogitized at about 685 Ma (Liegeois et al., this
shield during the Neoproterozoic volume), i.e. before the intrusion of pre-kinematic
monzonitic and calc-alkaline plutons in the Pharusian
The well-dated subduction- and collision-related terrane. Eclogites formed at P 60 km depth under a
events are summarized in Table 1. The compilation of palaeogeotherm of c. 12–13°/km are indeed best inter-
these data indicates that some major events can be preted as formed in a subduction setting characterized
correlated between several terranes across the 1000 km by cold geotherms, rather than in collision settings
wide Tuareg shield. We distinguish three major stages at (Peacock, 1992), in spite of the overall near isothermal
the scale of the central and western terranes of the decompression of adjacent polymetamorphic rocks of
Tuareg shield that may overlap in time and space (Fig. continental origin. The northeastern tectonic transport
11). reported for the eclogitic units (Liegeois et al., 2000;
Liegeois et al., 2003, this issue) is indeed in agreement
6.2.1. Stage A (900–850 Ma) with exhumation kinematics from underneath the
After a platform type evolution during the Meso- Pharusian terrane through a mechanism of extrusion, as
proterozoic (?) or very beginning of the Neoproterozoic proposed by Chemenda et al. (1995). The 4°500 shear
period (?), a magmatic arc rooted by stretched Paleo- zone is therefore considered as a cryptic suture that
proterozoic continental crust may have formed above an juxtaposes rather different crustal levels. The reworked
154 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

(c. 900 Ma)

(A) 100 km

(c. 680-610 Ma)
(680-620 Ma) east UGI
Pharusian terrane
subduction (c. 690-650?Ma)
subduction (juvenile crust)
Late Paleoproterozoic Iskel basement
Sedimentary rocks


Western suture UGI sutures

Adrar Eastern suture =
west African fault future 4 50' shear zone
craton ISKEL



(c. 620-520?Ma)

Fig. 11. Sketch showing the proposed geodynamic evolution of western–central Hoggar between 900 and 520 Ma. Explanations in text.

pre-Pan-African basement to the east, is a Ôdecratonized’ of the ultrahigh-pressure rocks from the western suture.
Archaean to Paleoproterozoic crust with high-grade Thus exhumation and collision tectonics clearly over-
metamorphism of Pan-African age as in northern lapped in space and time. The oldest syn-kinematic
Nigeria (Ferre et al., 2002) and southern Nigeria (Caby plutons in the LATEA terrane are of sub-alkaline
and Boesse, 2001). Following Liegeois et al. (2000, 2003, affinity. They were emplaced between 615 and 576 Ma
this issue) this reworked basement was overthrust by (Bertrand et al., 1986b; Cheilletz et al., 1992), the older
allochtonous eclogitized supracrustal units. To the west, age recalculated at 623 Ma by Bertrand (written com-
the Pharusian terrane is preserved at a rather shallow munication, 1998).
crustal level. Paleogeothermal regimes indeed differ to- The period 615–605 Ma corresponds to cooling and
tally on both sides of this line, along which considerable differential exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic
strike-slip movement of unknown amplitude took place units in the southern Tassendjanet terrane (Caby and
later. Monie, this volume), whereas the age of the high-tem-
perature, low-pressure metamorphism constrained by
the U–Pb age of monazite occurred at 603 Ma (Bosch
6.2.3. Stage C (620–580 Ma) collision and syn-collision et al., 2002). Note that in the Pharusian terrane, this age
exhumation range corresponds to the onset of granite emplacement.
It is significant that the emplacement of the oldest Only moderate crustal thickening may have taken place
calc-alkaline syn-kinematic plutons (620 Ma) in the in this terrane, since present-day exposed rocks are at
western terranes was synchronous with the exhumation most in low-temperature greenschist facies (complete
R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159 155

lack of biotite, T 6 400 °C in many areas) and display a agreement with the Rb/Sr age of 485 Ma obtained on
moderate upright cleavage. Batholiths and plutons are the anchizonal molasse of the Tassendjanet basin
all fringed by low-pressure thermal aureoles (andalusite– (Clauer, 1976). It should be also recalled that both
cordierite assemblages, P 6 0:3 GPa), as described Cambrian and Lower Ordovician glacials with extended
around the 583 Ma Immezzarene batholith. From iso- ice sheets may have been responsible for initial pene-
topic and petrological considerations, Liegeois et al. planation of the western Hoggar.
(1987) and Boullier et al. (1986) documented in northern
Mali a rapid shift from subduction- and collision-related
plutons older than 600–580 Ma, to A-type magmatism 6.3. Comparison with Phanerozoic and recent subduction
(560–540 Ma). Apparent alternation of compressional settings
and extensional settings are reconciled if the global
stress field was transpression along sinuous and bran- 6.3.1. Southern Ural
ched shear zones. This is shown by numerous shear The anatomy and evolution of the 500 km wide, N-
zone-related dyke complexes, some of which are rooted S trending Southern Urals is first dependent from the
in the mantle (Hadj-Kaddour et al., 1998). eastward subduction of the East-European Palaeozoic
passive margin below the Devonian island arc (Matte,
2002). The paleontological age of the non-metamorphic
6.2.4. Uplift and molassic stage (580–520 Ma) arc sequences preserved at rather shallow crustal level
An early (?) volcanic molasse cut by at least two east of the Uralian fault is equal to the age of high-
different magmatic suites is best represented along the pressure metamorphism that affected the subducted
Adrar fault. The age of the molasse deposition is yet continental material below the arc (380 Ma). The
imprecise, but younger than 585 Ma. Rb–Sr ages of ophiolites related to the vanished ocean form klippen in
alkaline granites (560–540 Ma, Liegeois et al., 1987) that the west above the Late Devonian turbiditic basin that
were comagmatic with rhyolitic lavas synchronous with represents a former accretionary prism. Subduction
basin infill are the best estimate in northern Mali. ended with terrane collage and was followed by collision
Geochemical data are required to stress if the calc- with other outboard arcs and microcontinents from the
alkaline plutons reported from the Adrar fault molassic east. The main Uralian fault inherited from the sub-
belt may relate to renewed Cambrian subduction. Burial duction has been reactivated as a normal fault during
to c. 10 km depth of the deeper part of the Adrar fault the exhumation of the high-pressure rocks. In the east,
molassic basin generated regional greenschist facies other rectilinear strike-slip faults compare well within
conditions with temperatures of about 400 °C during the Trans-Saharan shear zones. They are interpreted
transpression. This transpressive stage was coeval with as the result of oblique convergence and subduction
NW-SE horizontal shortening of the ‘‘Petite Afrique’’ rather than the result of intracontinental deformation
residual molassic basin tectonically buried to P 5–7 km (Matte, 2002). The major thrusting events are of Car-
depth in agreement with its deep greenschist facies im- boniferous age and thus younger than the foreland
print. This may suggest that this final compressional molasses (c. 300 Ma). West-directed thrustings contin-
tectonic event was coeval with the emplacement of the ued until the Late Permian (c. 120 Ma after the sub-
younger syn- to late-kinematic plutons of the Taourirt duction stage).
family. Still younger ductile deformation under contin-
uous greenschist facies conditions is well recorded all
along the western side of the 4°500 shear zone. This 6.3.2. Philippine Sea subducting slabs
strike-slip deformation was coeval with magma consol- The genetic relations between collision at 8–9 Ma
idation of some plutons that display a dextral gneissic between continental terranes, trenches, and building up
tail (Boissonnas, 1973), but was retrogressive with re- of arc volcanism at 5–4 Ma allows an interpretative
spect to the adjacent high-temperature metamorphism lithospheric cross-section marked by subductions in
with granulite facies occurrences in units of the LATEA opposite directions (Lallemand et al., 1998). According
terrane (Vitel, 1979). Andalusite and cordierite from the to Lallemand et al. (2001), mountain building in Taiwan
syn-kinematic low-pressure thermal aureoles around the is a direct consequence of continental subduction be-
‘‘Taourirts’’ in the Pharusian terrane were invariably tween 5 and 3 Ma, followed by flip in subduction
affected by severe low-temperature retrogression, while polarity in northeastern Taiwan after 1 Ma. This rather
solid-state dextral shear affected the margins of the 523 complex scenario is reported here only to recall the ra-
Ma Tioueine pluton (Paquette et al., 1998). The com- ther rapid evolution of subduction settings, and to recall
plete lack of pebbles of high-grade metamorphic rocks that the scenario for subducting slabs proposed for the
elsewhere in the molassic basins further points out that Tuareg shield is nothing but a rough approach of what
high-grade terrains were not exposed in central and actually may have happened during the Neoproterozoic
western Hoggar prior to the Late Cambrian. This is in in the future Hoggar.
156 R. Caby / Journal of African Earth Sciences 37 (2003) 133–159

Acknowledgements pan-africaine dans le rameau oriental de la cha^ıne Pharusienne

(region de Timgaouine, Hoggar, Algerie). Comptes Rendus de
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