Answer Key To p15

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1. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. (5pts)


Example Answer
Surname Jones
First names: Louise Cynthia
Address: Apartment 1, 72 (1) _____________ Street, Highbridge
Post code: (2) _____________
Telephone: 9835 6712 (home)
(3) ________________ (work)
Driver's licence number: (4) ________________
Date of birth: Day: 25th Month: (5) _____________ Year: 1977

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........

1. Black 2. 2085 3. 9456 1309 4. 2020 BD 5. July

2. Circle the correct letters A-C. (5pts)

1. These sessions with a counsellor are _____

A compulsory for all students.
B available to any students.
C for science students only.

2. The counsellor says that new students have to _____

A spend more time on the college premises.
B get used to working independently.
C work harder than they did at school.

3. John complains that the resource centre _____

A has limited opening hours.
B has too few resources.
C gets too crowded.

4. The counsellor suggests to John that _____

A most other students can cope.
B he needs to study all the time.
C he should be able to fit in some leisure activities.

5. Before being able to help John the counsellor needs to _____

A talk with some of his lecturers.
B consult his tutor.
C get more information from him.
Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C


1. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (10pts)
1. I’d rather you _______ out tonight.
A. not go B. don’t go C. didn’t go D. not went
2. Anne _______ out some old clothes and gave them to a charity shop.
A. sorted B. selected C. separated D. segregated
3. I regret _______ you that the camping trip has been cancelled.
A. telling B. having told C. to tell D. either A or B
4. We need to _______ a decision about what course to take.
A. do B. make C. take D. work
5. Although we drove non-stop, the play _______ when we got to the theatre.
A. had started B. started C. was starting D. would start
6. Don’t believe his story. He just makes it _______ .
A. of B. by C. out D. up
7. The thought of living in another country has never _______ my mind.
A. crossed B. entered C. occurred to D. come
8. Wine is _______ grapes. Don’t you know that?
A. made of B. made from C. made up of D. made by
9. The accident resulted _______ his lack of experience.
A. from B. in C. by D. for
10. I think we ought to _______ a party for Tom's birthday.
A. drop B. put C. throw D. cast

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........
1. Multiple-choice
1. C. didn’t go 2. A. sorted 3. C. to tell 4. B. make 5. A. had started
6. D. up 7. A. crossed 8. B. made from 9. A. from 10. C. throw

2. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a
word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick () by the number. If a line has a word
which should not be there, write the word in the space provided. (5pts)


0. they Toys are tools that they help children to enjoy that vital activity, play.
1. Play is the means by which children learn about the world and how to
2. ______ use their bodies. Toys also help children develop the ability to use up
3. ______ their imagination. It is not always the most expensive a toy that they
4. ______ find most fascinating. The most best toys for young children include
5. ______ jigsaws and pull-along toys on a string. Balls and climbing frames
6. ______ help children to develop movement skills. The children really like
7. ______ playing in paddling pools or sandpits. They also like to copy after their
8. ______ parents, so they enjoy small versions of kitchen and garage equipment.
9. ______ In the fact, almost anything can be turned into a toy. Children love
10. ______ playing and will use whatever is at their hand.

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........

2. Mistake Correcting
1.  2. up 3. a 4. most 5. 
6. The 7. after 8.  9. the 10. their

3. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition(s) or particle(s). (5pts)

1. They cut _________ our electricity because we hadn't paid the bill.
2. You can always count _________ Peter. He's totally dependable.
3. So you've passed your exam with flying colours. This calls _________ a celebration!
4. His name is Sebastien, but we call him Seb _________ short.
5. I've taken this watch ________ pieces, and now I can't put it together again.
6. My teeth are very sensitive ________ cold things such as ice cream.
7. When I look __________ my childhood, I have some wonderful memories.
8. Jane can't come, I'm afraid. She's gone ___________ the flu.
9. Spain is very popular __________ British holiday makers.
10. There was mass panic when swine flu broke ___________ in the region.

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........

3. Phrasal verbs and Prepositions
1. off 2. on 3. for 4. for 5. to
6. to 7. back on 8. down with 9. with 10. out

4. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the
space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). (5pts)


Research shows that more than half of our (0) conversations end in CONVERSE
some sort of (1)____________ . While it's easy to blame the listener UNDERSTAND
for the problem, we are also to blame if we don 't (2)__________ what CLEAR
we mean in the first place. Accurate listening requires (3)__________ CONCENTRATE
and effort, and if you try to do something else at the same time,
you won't listen (4)__________ . There's a EFFECT
(5)__________ for people to think they know what a speaker is going TEND
to say, instead of hearing them out, or to criticise too (6)_________ before READY
a person has (7)__________ made their point. It's when people feel they FULL
are being undervalued and are not being treated with (8)__________ POLITE
that problems begin and (9)___________ can break down. Treating others RELATION
as you want to be treated is an (10)_________ rule for good communication. ESSENCE

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........

4. Word Formation
1. misunderstanding 2. clarify 3. concentration 4. effectively 5. tendency
6. readily 7. fully 8. politeness 9. relationships 10. essential

5. Choose the word that best fits each space. (10pts)

The Great Outdoors

Climbing Everest and walking up a mountain in Scotland may seem (0) like completely different
activities, but both require (1)______ preparation. Serious injury and even death can occur, even on an
apparently easy route if a few basic guidelines are not followed. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly,
(2)______ the weather forecast before you (3)______ . If you have any doubts at all, (4)______ your trip until
conditions improve. Ensure that you have the (5)______ equipment. Your list should (6)______ a good pair of
walking boots, a thick jumper and a good quality waterproof jacket. Be (7)______ to take food supplies in
case you (8)______ against problems on the mountainside and end up having to spend the night there. An
emergency first aid kit, a torch and a whistle are also (9)______ . As long as you are (10)______ , the great
outdoors has a lot to offer.

0. A. if B. as C. like D. so
1. A. exact B. carefree C. careful D. cautious
2. A. hear B. check C. listen D. examine
3. A. set up B. set to C. set off D. set down
4. A. put off B. put down C. put up D. put on
5 A. needed B. accurate C. specific D. proper
6. A. involve B. include C. entail D. insert
7. A. definite B. sure C. able D. clever
8. A. come on B. come down C. come up D. come through
9. A. essential B. needy C. wanted D. in need
10. A. senseless B. sensitive C. sensual D. sensible

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........

5. Multiple-choice Cloze
1. C. careful 2. B. check 3. C. set off 4. A. put off 5. D. proper
6. B. include 7. B. sure 8. C. come up 9. A. essential 10. D. sensible
6. Read the text below and think of the word which best tits each space. Use only one word in each space.


At school, Sarah Biggs says she was very bad (0)_____at____ languages. Now she speaks English, Spanish
and Italian and works (1)____________ a bilingual secretary in a travel company in England. (2)____________
several foreign languages at work is not easy, but for Sarah, and other multi-lingual secretaries like her, it
is all standard practice.

Sarah comes from Spain, (3)____________ she attended school and college. But it was time spent abroad after
college that encouraged her interest in languages.

In her job, Sarah has a great deal more responsibility than the title of secretary would suggest. She
stresses the importance of (4)____________ fluent in Spanish because part of her job is dealing (5)____________
customers from Latin America. (6)____________ such clients come from abroad, she has to translate
everything they say into English. She is given (7)____________ time for preparation at all, so this aspect of
her job is one of the (8)____________ difficult.

It is important for Sarah to be up-to-date with changes (9)____________ her own language, so she reads
Spanish newspapers and books looking for new additions to her vocabulary. Sarah says she
(10)____________ not give up this job even if they offered her a better salary in another company.

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........

6. Open Cloze
1. as 2. Using / Speaking 3. where 4. being 5. with
6. When 7. no 8. most 9. in 10. would


1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 10.(10pts)

One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a monument of wisdom
and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 BC. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its
construction make it one of the truly great wonders of the world. The thirteen - acre structure near the Nile
River is the solid mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are the number of hidden passageways
and the burial chamber for the pharaoh. It is the largest single structure in the world. The four sides of the
pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east and west – an incredible engineering feat. The
ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were
based on astronomical observations.
Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many interesting lines.
Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of timeline of events – past, present, and future.
Many of the events have been interpreted and found to coincide with known facts of the past. Others are
prophesied for future generations and are currently under investigation. Many believe that pyramids have
supernatural powers and this one is no exception. Some researchers even associate it with extraterrestrial
beings of the ancient past.
Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far superior to any known
Question 1: What has research of the base revealed?
A. The lines represent important events.
B. Tomb robbers have stolen the pharaoh’s body.
C. There are cracks in the foundation.
D. A superior race of people built it.
Question 2: Extraterrestrial beings are
A. astronomers in the ancient times.
B. very strong wonders.
C. living beings from other planets.
D. research in Egyptology.
Question 3: What was the most probable reason for providing so many hidden passages?
A. to allow the weight of the pyramid to settle evenly.
B. to keep grave robbers from finding the tomb and the treasure buried with the pharaoh.
C. to enable the pharaoh’s family to bring food for the journey after life.
D. to permit the high priests to pray at night.
Question 4: What is the best title for the passage?
A. Symbolism of the Great Pyramid.
B. Problems with the construction of the Great Pyramid.
C. Explorations of the Burial Chamber of Cheops.
D. Wonders of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Question 5: On what did the ancient Egyptians base their calculation?
A. Advanced technology
B. Advanced tools of measurement.
C. Observation of the celestial bodies.
D. Knowledge of the earth’s surface.
Question 6: Why was the Great Pyramid constructed?
A. As a tomb for the pharaoh
B. As a religious temple
C. As a solar observatory
D. As an engineering feat
Question 7: Why was the Great Pyramid of Giza considered one of the seven wonders of the world?
A. It was selected as a tomb of Pharaoh Cheops.
B. It is perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass and contains many prophecies.
C. It was built by a super race.
D. It is very old.
Question 8: What do the interesting lines in the base symbolize?
A. Architect’s plans for the hidden passage.
B. Date of important events taking place throughout time.
C. Astrological computations.
D. Pathways of the great solar bodies.
Question 9: The word “feat” is closest in meaning to
A. structure B. appendage C. accomplishment D. festivity
Question 10: The word “prophesied” is closest in meaning to
A. precipitated B. terminated C. foretold D. affiliated

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ........... 9. ........... 10. ...........
Reading 1
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C

2. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7)
of the passage. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.One example has been done
for you. (7pts)

A. Repetitive flights
B. Thoughts at the top of the mountain
C. Discovering the secret
D. A nervous landing
E. Floating above
F. Some personal attention
G. Heading for the take-off side
H. Obeying the command
I. An interest in a new sport


0. I
A number of years ago, I’d seen bright-coloured wings in the air while on a skiing holiday in Chamonix, France. I
soon found out what they were and how to go about learning this new mountain sport of “paragliding”. When I went
to there a year later, I rolled on the first available course at the local school.
The first of the five days of instruction is spent in a field learning the characteristics of the wing and everything
which goes with it. Having spent some time untangling lines and preparing to take off, you are then ready to puff
out the wing. You soon find out that forcing it does not work and that there is a technique to putting air into the
cells, allowing the wing to rise above your head. This launch technique is practised again and again to teach you the
importance of a clean take-off, as this is where the majority of accidents occur.
The following day is again spent practising blowing up the wing, but this time on a small hill. Applying the
techniques, you take off and fly about 100 metres, then land gently below. Flying, landing, collecting the wing over
your shoulder and walking back up the hill become exhausting, but eventually everything starts to come together.
Your ability and confidence rise until you are informed that all the course students are ready to make their first
major flight.
After a restless night, you rise to peer up at the mountain, knowing that today you are going to launch yourself off it.
You feel sick as you take the lift up. With a dry mouth you mentally rehearse all that you’ve been taught. You don’t
want to admit it, but you’re scared. However, you also know that you have got this far and there is no way that you
are going to back out.
At 1,000 metres above the town, which now looks very small below, you certainly have doubts about why you are
here. No-one in your group is pushing to go first; everyone takes their time laying out their wings and preparing to
fly. Having checked and rechecked everything, you put your helmet on, switch on the radio and strap yourself in.
Your turn comes and your instructor does a final check that all the lines are in the correct positions. Then he calmly
informs you that he will stand directly in front, with his back to the wind, and when everything is right he will count
to three and you are to run directly at him.
‘OK, on me, 1...2...3... go!!!’ This is the last instruction you hear with your feet still on the ground. You run
forward, you feel the lines tighten and the pull of the wind as it rises above your head. You correct its balance and
keep running off the side of the mountain. The wing lifts you and the mountain drops dramatically away.
On the first flight, you don’t seem to get a chance to take in the view. You dare not move, but you do realise
the expanse of air between you and the ground over 1,000 metres below. And everything is silent except for
the wonderful sound of the air rushing through your helmet.

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ...........
Reading 2
1. C 2. A 3. G 4. B 5. F 6. H 7. E

3. You are going to read a newspaper article about a man who teaches survival techniques. Eight
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each
space (1-8). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.(8pts)


Ray Mears tells Graham Hadley how learning survival skills can help us rediscover nature.
Armed with little more than a hunting knife and a cooking pot, Ray Mears can survive anywhere. He loves
nothing more than spending days, weeks or even months alone in the wild, and he will talk passionately
about any aspect of natural world, from his favourite trees to endangered species of animals.

1. ........................... . Those who sign up for the courses range from children to grandparents, with a large
number of twenty to thirty-year-olds looking for a taste of adventure.

‘People might see it as survival skills,’ he says, ‘but I aim to teach a little more than that. I try to show people
how to reconnect with nature, how to see it in a different light. 2. ........................... . They develop a greater
awareness of nature. They return to the cities and notice the seasons change for the first time. 3. ...........................
. The city and their life in it are transformed.

The Woodlore courses take participants to experience tribal life with the native people of Namibia, or to
shiver through an Artic survival course in Lapland. 4. ........................... . These are the places to fulfill the
schoolboy dream of lighting fires with just a couple of sticks.

5. ........................... . ‘There are lots of simple survival tips, like it’s often better to avoid anything which is green.
More energy is used up eating it than you get out of it. Roots are best because you need carbohydrates.’

There is a very serious purpose to what Mears does. ‘All around the world cultures are losing ancient skills as
the latest generation is attracted away from the land to an easy life through technology,’ he explains. ‘We live
in a world where we can have whatever we want, but along the way we lost contact with the natural world. 6.
........................... . Without them, there’s a danger we could lose sight of where we’ve come from.’
‘The area around London is particularly threatened. 7. ........................... . People need places where they can get
close to nature.’

But Mears is not again the latest technological developments and is well aware of the benefits.
8. ........................... . ‘In this way people can become part of a global tribe, one which lives both for and from the
natural world.’

A Mears even takes groups to visit a highly-protected nature reserve in Canada to watch bear cubs being
born and raised.
B He has just hired an internet consultancy firm to design a website which will give people all over the
globe access to his knowledge.
C This experience, the others like it, led Mears to write The Survival Handbook, which was published in
D. The ancient Woodlands should be left alone, and areas not needed for agriculture should be planted with
trees and allowed to grow wild.
E They see the geese, the pigeons, the edible plants growing between the cracks in the pavement.
F These ancient skills help to put us back in touch with nature, and to understand our place in the world.
G He also teaches how to identify edible plants for food.
H His passions are reflected in Woodlore, a series of courses in which he passes on survival techniques to
people of all ages.
I Some who have participated on the course have experienced a very profound change in their life.

Your answer:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
6. ........... 7. ........... 8. ...........
Reading 3
1. H 2. I 3. E 4. A 5. G 6. F 7. D 8. B


1. Sentence transformation (10pts)

A. For each of the following sentences, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the
origin sentence, but using the word given in capital letters. These words must not be altered in any

1. Our experiments cannot continue because of the serious problems we have encountered.
............................................................................................. AGAINST
2. In her new job, Alison determined to impress everyone from the start.
............................................................................................. MARK
3. Is it possible to walk from the hotel to the city centre?
............................................................................................. WITHIN
4. I firmly believe him to be the rudest person I know.
............................................................................................. WITHOUT
5. What really depresses me is this continual wet weather.
........................................................................................... GETS
Sentence transformation A
1. Our experiments cannot continue because of the serious problems we have come up against.
2. In her new job, Alison determined to make her mark from the start.
3. Is the city centre within walking distance of the hotel?
4. He is without doubt the rudest person I know.
5. What really gets me down is this continual wet weather.

B. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence printed before it. (5pts)
1. He warned them against using the mountain road.
'I wouldn't............................................................................. .'
2. It is extremely unfair that no witnesses were questioned.
The fact.................................................................................. .
3. His behaviour is beginning to annoy me more and more.
I am beginning to ...................................................................... .
4. She took extra night classes, so as not to have to repeat the course.
She avoided......................................................................... .
5. Julia soon calmed down and explained her problem.
Julia soon pulled ......................................................................... .
Sentence transformation B
1. 'I wouldn't use the mountain road if I were you.' he warned.
2. The fact that no witnesses were questioned is extremely unfair.
3. I am beginning to get more and more annoyed by his behaviour.
4. She avoided having to repeat the course by taking extra night classes.
5. Julia soon pulled herself together and explained her problem.

------------------------- THE END ---------------------------

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