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Directions: From the following list of topics, think of issues that can be the subject of a
position paper (2 pts. each).

Topic Issue
Recyclable bags Some reusable carry bags aren't exactly
Tablets and Smartphones Smartphones and tablets are causing
mental health problems, according to
Biofuel Deforestation of mature trees on a large
Freedom of Information Ensuring each individual's privacy and
Local Tourism COVID-19's negative influence on local
tourism in the Philippines
Directions: Do you agree or disagree that old jeepneys should be phased out and be
replaced byelectric jeepneys instead? Why or why not? State your stand on the issue of
Public Utility Vehicle
Modernization (PUVM) Program of the Philippines using a position paper. Do this on a
separate sheet of paper (30 pts.).

Road accidents, air pollution, and passenger discomfort are all addressed by
modernizing public utility jeepneys. It is expensive, and the change will have an impact
on a variety of industries. The PUJ modernization program's goals are unquestionably
lofty, and they will benefit both current and future generations. For my opinion we need
to modernize the transportation to avoid further problems cause by old jeepneys with
accurate replacement procedure and considering the jeepney drivers wants and
demands to avoid more conflict and increase rate of unemployment. We can’t deny the
negative effect of old jeepneys which is more cause of pollution. It causes traffic
congestion and pollution, primarily in Metro Manila. Its filthy smoke pollutes the air and
even harms our health. Lung diseases might be caused by the poor smoke coming from
their pipe. It is sometimes the primary cause of accidents such as hit-and-run or
colliding with another car.
Modernization (PUVM) Program of the Philippines using a position paper.

Instead of burdening small drivers and operators with expensive alternatives and
financing plans, the government can assist them by replacing their cars at minimum or
no cost to them. However, the PUV Modernization Program, which tries to "modernize"
jeepneys through the Omnibus Franchising Guidelines (OFG), forces drivers to replace
them with new ones by shifting the weight of the exorbitant cost onto the drivers,
resulting in corporate takeover of the PUV system. The government has failed us by
failing to provide public-sector railroads or mass transportation, and now it is using the
OFG to punish jeepney drivers. It is not bad to wish to reform the transportation of the
coutry have but as a part of this country e should consider each individual situation and
make a decision that will benefit most of us. The modernization of the jeepney has
advantage and disadvantage and government should study it very well in different
aspects before implementing it. People should be involved in the development and
management of the transportation system, traffic governance, and determining
transportation fares, according to the government. This can only be accomplished if a
national industrialisation program focused on domestic requirements is implemented,
paving the way for the creation of a safe, efficient, environmentally sustainable, and
mass-oriented public transportation system.
I. Directions: Identify the correct answer for each statement.
1. This is a type of essay that presents the writer’s stand on an issue.
 Position paper
2. This part of the position paper presents the restatement of the thesis statement.
 Conclusion
3. This part is where the counterclaims are refuted using evidence.
 Summary of Counterclaims
4. This part presents the writer’s position towards an issue.
 Introduction
5. These are proofs that are used to strengthen the author’s claims.

 Evidence
II. Directions: Explain the difference between topic and issue in your own words
(5 pts.).
 The important item to talk about is the topic, whereas the key difficulty to talk
about is the issue.

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