Intasc Standard 1 1

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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #1 Learner Development

Course Competency: EDU 210 5.1 Identify various instructional strategies

used to achieve an optimal learning environment for all students.

DMACC Essential Learning Outcome: Discipline Knowledge: Students will

be able to understand and apply discipline knowledge foundational to study
within a single course or an entire program.

Course: EDU 210

Date of Implementation: September 2022

Title of Artifact: Learning Styles Profile and Multiple Intelligence Survey
In 2-3 sentences for EACH bullet point, reflect on how this assignment apples to each of
these areas:
 InTasc standard #1
 Course Competency 5.1

(Explain what YOU gained from completing this assignment/artifact. For example: How
might it help you to become a better teacher? How might this help your future students?
How will you use this information in the future. Will this help you to be a better teacher?

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