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15th December 2021

Rota EN2 Project

Systems Analysis

Josette Silva r20170772

Gisela Varela r20191277
Bhavini Vassaramo r20191271

Prof. Pedro Malta

Prof. Vitor Santos
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1 ...............................................................................................................................................................4
Project Description............................................................................................................................................4
Project Requirements .......................................................................................................................................4
Functional Requirements ..............................................................................................................................6
Website Fulfilled Requirements ................................................................................................................6
Application Fulfilled Requirements ...........................................................................................................7
Website Requirements Proposal ..............................................................................................................8
Application Requirements Proposal ...................................................................................................... 12
Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Website Proposals Detailed View .................................................................................................................. 14
Application Proposals Detailed View ............................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Appendices ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Attachments ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Modern computer applications tend to be increasingly flexible, but not prepared to satisfy all the
information needs of its potential users. We often have to be able to define what we want to have in
a computer application, in order to assess whether it is able to respond to these needs or if adaptations
are required. (Nunes & O´Neill, 2003)

It is in this scenario and taking into account the importance that tourism represents for Portugal that
Tourism of Portugal contracted us to document the current Estrada Nacional 2 (EN2) website and
application, as there is a necessity to identify functionalities yet to implement and to improve
marketing strategy. This analysis will also be important to understand if it would be useful to build sites
to other Portuguese routes or not.

In this sense, to fulfill the previously proposed objective we will first present the requirements that the
EN2 website and application currently has, and then present solutions needed to improve both
application and website. Second a detailed description of the new software functionalities will be
presented, and thirdly, an architectural proposal will be presented. To end the report a conclusion
stating the main benefits of the several proposals will be given.

Finally, to facilitate the communication between those who have to deal with computing: current and
potential users who define their needs, managers who assess whether the computer systems meet
these needs and IT systems that develop the intended functionalities, it is necessary to resort to a

It is in this sense that throughout this report we will use the UML - Unified Modeling Language, which
uses a standard notation to specify, build, visualize and document object-oriented information
Chapter 1
In this first chapter of the report, we will present first, a brief project description, that will be followed
by the presentation of the whole project requirements. The requirements will not only incorporate
features and characteristics already existing in the current infrastructures as well as those that need
to be present to increase the project dimension and quality.

Project Description
Estrada Nacional 2 (EN2) is the longest Portuguese road, totaling 739.26 kilometers, and the only one
in Europe that crosses a country along its entire length. It extends from North to South, connecting the
city of Chaves, in Trás-os-Montes, to the city of Faro, in the Algarve.

Established on May 11, 1945 in the Highway Plan by Decree-Law No. 34593, Estrada Nacional 2 has
the presence of Filipino architectural constructions, referring the beginning of its history to past
centuries, where it was created to centrally serve the kingdom Portuguese, calling itself Estrada Real.

Along its route, it passes through 35 municipalities (Chaves, Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Vila Real, Santa Marta
de Penaguião, Peso da Régua, Lamego, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul, Viseu, Tondela, Santa Comba
Dão, Mortágua, Penacova , Vila Nova de Poiares, Lousã, Góis, Pedrogão Grande, Sertã, Vila de Rei,
Sardoal, Abrantes, Ponte de Sor, Avis, Mora, Coruche, Montemor-o-Novo, Viana do Alentejo, Alcácer
do Sal, Ferreira do Alentejo , Aljustrel, Castro Verde, Almodôvar, Loulé, São Brás de Alportel and Faro),
called inland councils. [1]

To promote their diversity and importance, currently EN2 has one responsive website as well as one
application which is just available for the android market.

Project Requirements

The requirement in a system is a functionality or feature considered relevant from the user's point of
view. Normally, represents the expected behavior of the system, which in practice is a service that
must be made available to a user. (Nunes & O´Neill, 2003)

In this case we will define the requirements for the current website and application of EN2, which
means we will define software requirements. Software requirements are those between the system
requirements which concern the software properties.
Briefly, a set of requirements can be defined as a condition or capacity required that the software must
have (1) for the user to solve a problem or achieve a goal or (2) to meet the needs and constraints of
the organization or of other components of the system.

We have two types of requirements: functional and non-functional. Functional requirements describe
what a system does or is expected to do. These are the requirements that initially will be raised,
covering the description of processing to perform by the system, inputs, and outputs of information
on paper or on the screen that derives from the interaction with people and other systems. While on
the other hand, non-functional requirements the non-functional requirements are related to the
qualitative characteristics of the system, describing the quality with which the system should provide
the functional requirements. Covers performance measures such as times response, data volume or
security considerations.

In the next sections of the report we are going to present both types of requirements not only for the
application but also for the website. First, the requirements already present will be included, and then,
since our objective is to improve the marketing strategy, we will propose new requirements.

But before proceeding with the requirements, it is important to refer that as mentioned in the
introduction of the report to facilitate the communication between all the parties involved, we will use
the UML language to support all our proposals. In that sense, we will start to introduce here one of the
elements of UML which is called package.

A package in UML package is a mechanism for grouping elements of UML modeling (diagrams, classes,
components, interfaces, etc.). A package is graphically represented by a folder, containing a name. This
will allow us to split the complexity of the website and applications into smaller parts for better
management and clarity. (Nunes & O´Neill, 2003)

In the figure below we present the package diagram considering the current organization of both
website and application.
Functional Requirements
In this section, we will present the current fulfilled and not fulfilled functional requirements by the
website and application of the EN2. The requirements will be divided according to the organization
used in the package diagram presented above.

Website Fulfilled Requirements

Horizontal Menu
1. The system should allow using the 'N2' menu option so that the website visitor can access the
various associated components.
2. The system should allow using the 'Discover N2' menu option for the website visitor to explore
and learn about the N2 road and its routes.
3. The system should allow using the ‘News’ option on the menu to access recent news related
to the N2 road.
4. The system should allow access, through the 'N2 Products' button, to the various products
associated with national road 2 and which are closed to the public.
5. The system should allow using the 'Agenda' button to access the various events related to the
6. The system should allow the use of the luminosity button so that the website visitor can adapt
the screen environment according to their preference.
7. The system should allow the use of the language button so that the visitor can choose the
language they most prefer.
8. The system should allow the use of the 'Enter' button so that the user can log in/register on
the website.


9. The system must ensure that the slider presented in the body of the website is functional.
10. The system must ensure that the slider presented in the body of the website is functional.
11. The system should allow the user to go over the entire website to explore the contents
presented in its body.


12. The system should allow the visitor to consult the social networks presented.
13. The system should allow the visitor to consult the website development partners.
14. The system should allow the visitor to consult the website's design partner.
15. The system should allow the visitor to consult the website's production partner.
16. The system should allow the visitor to consult the website's terms and services.
17. The system should allow the visitor to access all the website's contacts.

Application Fulfilled Requirements

Personal Area

1. The system must ensure that the register functionality is working properly.
2. The system must ensure that the login functionality is working properly.


3. The system must ensure that the feature ‘Pontos de Interesse’ allows the user to explore the
different interest points of the national road 2.
4. The system must ensure that the feature ‘Feedback’ allows the user to express properly his/her
opinion about the application.
5. The system must ensure that the feature ‘Sobre’ briefly presents the objectives of the
application as well as some information about the national road 2.
6. The system must ensure that the feature ‘Passaporte’ by using the scanning function of the
mobile phone.
7. The system must ensure that the link presented to the EN2 website is redirecting the user to
the correct one.
8. The system must ensure that the search option is able to retrieve the expected results.

Once all the fulfilled requirements are already present its time to present our proposal with the new
requirements that we consider that the EN2 website and application should also accomplish to
improve their whole marketing strategy. Along with the respective requirement we will try to explain
its importance also.

Website Requirements Proposal

We consider that a new organization of the horizontal menu is extremely important since this will allow
the correct targeting of the audience when they visit the N2 route website. Our proposal is as follows:
keep the icon on the main page, however regarding the existing submenus in the upper right corner,
these should undergo a change. The first submenu to be presented can be still the same which is N2,
but then the second submenu should be one titled Tickets and Offers, then the already existing
Discover N2 and Notícias submenu should appear, finally a submenu titled Traveler Information should
be added. The luminosity, login, and language change functionalities should also remain in this
horizontal menu.

Our second proposal consists in the addition of a search bar. A search bar allows users to find quickly
what they want to find; this will increase the retention of the users on the website. It is also important
to underline that the search bar should be properly visible so considering the current website
organization it should be located at the top of the website, more specifically in the left corner of the
horizontal menu.

To facilitate the perception of the proposals made, we present below a use case that clearly illustrates
the requirements that the horizontal menu of the website should incorporate.

Use case diagrams are one type of UML diagrams that are used for the presentation of requirements
and to ensure that both the end user and the expert in a particular field or the IT specialist, have a
common understanding of the requirements. Its aim it is to show what a system should do, not how it
is going to do it.

Now we will propose and explain which features should be included or excluded in each of the
submenus presented in the first proposal.(Nunes & O´Neill, 2003)

First, for the submenu N2 and Notícias we consider that they should remain the same they were.
However, the same does not happen with the new submenu Tickets and Offers, here we consider that
not only those products that were used to be presented in a separated menu should be included, but
we consider also that tickets for events that might occur in any of those regions of the N2 road should
also be available in this section. Another important thing is that currently when presenting products,
the website just refers to the proper locations, or the website links where the users can buy those
products, but what we consider that would engage more people is the opportunity to buy those
products/tickets directly from the website. When we refer to products, we should not forget that the
main product of the EN2 is its passport so including in this section the opportunity to buy it directly
from the website is something very important. For a better understanding we present next a sub use
case illustrating the features/requirements proposed for the submenu Tickets and Offers.
Now moving to the Discover N2 menu, here we also consider that some changes should be made. First,
we consider that the feature Onde Carimbar should be removed from this submenu to be allocated in
another one that we will present next. And once its main objective is to better explore the N2 route
we consider that the submenus Rotas and Descubra a N2 that are already present should remain the
same. However, we think that those functionalities are not enough, so we propose to include here a
calendar with the events that will be going to take place, and also the inclusion of free and cheap ideas
that people can experiment while travelling through the N2 route. When we consider including a
calendar to show the events, we also consider that another important feature that could enhance the
website experience and marketing strategy is the possibility of adding new events directly from the
website. The current version of the website considers a separated submenu for the events calendar
but we consider that it should be incorporated in the submenu Discover N2. Again, for a better
understanding we present next a sub use case illustrating the features/requirements proposed for the
submenu Discover N2.
Finally, we will present our last proposed submenu titled Traveler Information. Here is where we
consider to be important to add the option Onde Carimbar presented above, as well as an second
option where another extra traveler information considered relevant should be included, for example
more detailed maps and guides or even any other important information that traveler should consider
while passing through the road. For a better understanding of the features that need to be included in
this submenu a sub use case is also presented below.
Application Requirements Proposal
Regarding the application, we believe that it should function as a good complement to the website,
however, instead of including the most informative component, it should be a means that can increase
the visitor's experience when crossing the N2 route. So, for that, we present next a list of new
requirements that we considered to be extremely important to be included in the application.

1. The possibility for the user to create his own trip along the N2 route.
2. The possibility for the user to track services, such as accommodations, restaurants, emergency
or other services while travelling.
3. The possibility to see trip reviews from other travelers, and to share our own experiences.
4. As presented for the website, the calendar of events as well as the possibility to create new
events should also be added to the application this would be extremely good, especially for those one
that already initiated a trip and don’t know what to do more.
5. It should also include the whole Discover N2 feature that we have already on the website so
that the user can explore while travelling what he/she can explore while passing through the N2 route.
6. We also believe that the application should also incorporate a section where updated
notifications should be displayed so that drivers can be aware on the current roadway conditions—
including delays, incidents, weather-related messages, travel times, emergency alerts, and alternate
7. Finally, we also believe that while scanning the QR code using the digital passport it should be
possible to save which users scanned a particular QR code.

Non-Functional Requirements
In this section we will present a set of non-functional requirements that we consider that should be
fulfilled by the website and/or the application.

1. Security – The website/app must guarantee the security of user data, namely during
registration/login. Tight rules should also be applied when creating the password. Considering the
current version of the website and application we considered that the level of security is too low. The
password system rules used are not very secure, when the user wants to register is just presents the
option of registering by form but while doing the login it also presents the option of making the login
by Google or Facebook, and when a user without account makes a login his/her Google or Facebook
account the website/application considers it as a registration.
2. Reliability – One of the main features of the N2 website is the redirection of users to the
purchase pages of the respective products, and when the process is done, the website must ensure
that the redirection is done correctly to the corresponding vendors.
3. Availability – The website/app must run in real time as long as the user has access to the
4. Scalability – The website/app must ensure compatibility between the number of users and the
applications performance in real time.
5. Usability – The features presented in the website/app must be as simple and straightforward.
Through an architecture that privileges the coherence between the various pages, as well as the
presentation of icons that present a direct relationship with the real world.
6. Responsiveness – The website/app must ensure a response time that does not exceed one
second, ensuring that the user’s line of thought is not interrupted during the operations it performs.
7. Responsive design - The system should be designed to use responsive design to adapt the
website/app to desktop / laptop / tablet or smartphone devices
8. Privacy - All the information must be processed in conformity with the European General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR).
9. Survivability - The website must always try to ensure that the system continues to function and
that it can recover after any failure it has suffered.
Chapter 2
In this second chapter of the report, we will detail each requirement we will detail each of the
requirements proposed in the previous chapter for both the application and the website. As we did in
the previous chapter we will always resort to using UML diagrams. In this specific section we will
specifically use two diagrams: Activity Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams.

The activity diagram constitutes a modeling element, simple but effective way to describe workflows
in a organization or to detail operations of a class, including behaviors that have parallel processing.

In the context of management information systems, it is defined business process as an integrated set
of activities of an organization, which seeks to satisfy a certain objective and in which one or more
actors participate, as already as mentioned earlier, a use case can be used to identify an organization's
business process. The Activity diagram is thus particularly useful when intends to detail a use case
associated with a business process. (Nunes & O´Neill, 2003)

On the other hand, sequence diagrams serve to represent interactions between objects in a scene that
are carried out through operations or methods (procedures or functions). It is usually built from Uses
Case Diagram. First it is defined which system (Use Cases), then, it is defined as the software work
(Sequence of Operations). The sequence diagram emphasizes the time ordering where messages are
exchanged between the objects of a system. Means for messages the services requested by an object
to another, and the answers to the requests. (Nunes & O´Neill, 2003)

Website Proposals Detailed View

As mentioned before, one of our first proposals is the creation of a page where tickets for tourist
entertainment events, or exhibitions in museums and castles, which are taking place at the time in one
of the municipalities belonging to the national road route 2, can be presented. To better understand
how the activities under this requirement flow we present below an activity diagram associated with
this requirement.
Our second proposal is related with the first one, and it consists in giving the opportunity to a user to
be able to purchase products and tickets directly through the national route 2 website. Once this
requirement involves the interaction between several objects (website, server, database) next we
present a sequence diagram to better explain how they interact with each other in order to successfully
fulfill this requirement.
Our third proposal was the creation of two new options for the submenu called Discover N2. This as
we considered above should include an option to see the calendar of events happening in the several
municipalities of the route as well as a second option that offers free and cheap ideas to do while
passing through the route. We believe that this proposal can greatly help to boost the local economies
of the regions involved in the route, as sometimes small events do not lack a good marketing strategy
and so the event is not known by everyone, especially those who do not belong to the respective
region. With the addition of this page everyone interested in traveling or traveling on route N2 will
have up-to-date knowledge of events taking place. We consider that the creation of a page for the
presentation of free and cheap ideas is equally important, as these allow for cheaper alternatives to
be presented for visitors who do not have such a large budget.

Our fourth proposal is related to the previous proposal, more precisely, we consider that it should be
given the possibility of inserting events that may take place in some of the municipalities on the N2
route. However, it is important to emphasize that the events entered must require verification of their
veracity before their effective publication so that false events cannot be published on the website.
Once this requirement involves again the interaction between different objects, we present below a
sequence diagram that illustrates how the proposal of adding events should be processed.
As a last proposal for the website, we considered to be important the creation of a page with some
traveler information that could be important for those interested to visit the N2 route. In our opinion,
more maps and guides should be important to present, once the google maps that are included in the
Discover N2 submenu are not functioning properly and the rest of information presented through the
whole website is not detailed as much as it should be.

Considering all the new proposals made, we present next our new proposal for the class diagram of
the N2 route website.

The UML has also adopted the class diagram, one of the techniques most used in object-oriented
development. This one diagram is a formal description of the structure of objects in a system. For each
object it describes its identity, its relationships with other objects, their attributes and their operations.

The creation of a class model results from a process of abstraction through which objects are identified
(entities and concepts) relevant in the context to be modeled and seek to describe common features
in terms of properties (attributes) and behavior (operations). to that generic description is called a
class. So the classes describe objects with common attributes and operations, and serve two purposes:
allow you to understand the real world in what it is relevant to the intended information system,
develop and provide a practical basis for implementation in computer (Rumbaugh et al, 1991).
Application Proposals Detailed View

In this section we will present a detailed view for the application proposals. Our first proposal is the
possibility for the user to create his own trip along the N2 route. The creation of the trip should be
based in the following factors: date and time when the user wants to make the trip, the part of the
road from where the user wants to start the trip, which places the user wants to explore, with whom
the user wants to go, the type of food the user likes, as well as the type of travel attractions the user
wants to explore. In the figure below we present an activity diagram that better explains the flow of
the first proposal for the application.
The second proposal is to give the possibility for the user to track services, such as accommodations,
restaurants, emergency or other services while travelling. The proposal consists in giving the
opportunity to track services based on the current localization of the user. This is an important feature
for the users who are already travelling through the N2 road and didn´t had the opportunity to search
for the services that exist in those places. In order to better understand how the several objects,
interact with each other to track services based on the user localization.
Our third proposal consists in the possibility to see trip reviews from other travelers, as well as to give
users to share their own experiences. This will help create awareness and help hotels, cafes and other
businesses services to have a better quality. For a better visualization of the flow of this proposal we
present below an activity diagram.
Our fourth proposal is as we mentioned above is to add the calendar of events as well as the possibility
to create new events in the application, as already proposed for the website, this would be extremely
good, especially for those one that already initiated a trip and don’t know what to do more.
Our fifth proposal is that the whole Discover N2 feature that we have already for the website should
also be included for the application, this will allow the user to explore while travelling what he/she can
explore while passing through the N2 route. It is important to highlight that this feature should be able
to access without the internet, so that all travelers can use without restrictions. For a better
visualization of the flow of this requirement we include an activity diagram below.
Our fifth proposal is that the application should also incorporate a section where updated notifications
should be displayed so that drivers can be aware on the current roadway conditions— including delays,
incidents, weather-related messages, travel times, emergency alerts, and alternate routes.
Our final proposal for the application is that while scanning the QR code using the digital passport it
should be possible to save which users scanned a particular QR code. This is something extremely
important once it will give the possibility to understand which users visited which municipalities so that
personalized suggestions and offers could be considered for them.
Considering all the new proposals presented for the application we propose a new class diagram for
the application. Considering the last proposal, it is important to highlight that in the class Place we
added an extra attribute called IDPassport so that we can see which users scanned a particular place.
A deployment diagram is a UML diagram type that shows the execution architecture of a system,

including nodes such as hardware or software execution environments, and the middleware

connecting them. Considering all the proposals defined till now we present bellow a deployment

diagram that helps to visualize the physical hardware and software of a system.
Chapter 3
In this third chapter of the report, we will present our software integration proposal. The integration
that we want to propose is between the EN2 website and Turismo de Portugal website. We consider
that the connection element between them can be the Agenda, in other words events that will occur
in any of those municipalities of the N2 road should be incorporated in the agenda of the Turismo de
Portugal website. To better understand how our integration proposal can be built successfully we
present below a system architecture.
A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of
a system, not just in terms of the software but also in terms of the hardware. While, on the other hand
we have also the technology architecture that only involves the hardware infrastructure. For a better
visualization we present below the technology infrastructure. [2]
Concluding, we can say that there are still a lot of things to improve as it was possible to see from the
proposals we made, not just in terms of the website but also in terms of the application, and also in
terms of the whole integration of the website with other organizations such as Turismo de Portugal.

Through the report we always tried to emphasize the importance that each proposal presents for the
whole marketing strategy for the N2 road. We also consider that the website should be more
informative than the application. While the application should be something more interactive as well
as more helpful for the travelers while traveling through the N2 road.

We also consider that another important point that should be discussed is that if the integration
proposal we presented would it be useful or not to build websites to other Portuguese routes. From
the several analyses that we made till now, we considered that integrating the several roads of Portugal
with an organization such as Turismo de Portugal would be an amazing idea to enhance the Portuguese

However, we should not forget that to take those advantages of integrating all the routes will require
some prior investment first, as well as a proper implementation plan.


Nunes, M., & O´Neill, H. (sem data). Fundamental de UML (2a Edição). FCA-EDITORA DE

1 – UML Diagrams for Website before proposal
2 – UML Diagrams for Application before proposal

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