Assessment 1 (Sol.)

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Solution 1 (Apricot Pakistan Limited) Rs.

in million
Book value 610
Recoverable amount is higher of:
Fair value less cost to sell (570 - 45 - 10) 515
Value in use (W-1) 537 537
Impairment loss 73
Depreciation expense for the year ended 30.6.19 [(537 - 100) / 3] 146

Costs to re-organize the production process after disposal of plant is not a cost to sell

W-1 Value in use 30.6.2019 30.6.2020 30.6.2021

Inflows from sale of product 250
Operational cost (25)
Depreciation -
Payment of 2018 accruals -
Cost of increasing capacity -
Additional inflows of upgrade -
Interest on finance lease -
Maintenance cost (15)
Tax payment on profits -
Sale proceeds after 3 years - - 100
Net cash flows 210 179 252
PV factor @ 9% 0.917 0.841 0.772
Present value (Value in use) 193 150 194 537

Solution 2(MCQS)
1. c&d
2. d
3. c
Solution 3
Ninja Enterprises
Rent expense – 2016 (2 Marks)
Date Description Rs. in '000 Date Description Rs. in '000
1-Apr-16 Cash - B1 1,200 31-Dec-16 Expense - P&L – B1 1,800
1-Sep-16 Cash - B2 225 31-Dec-16 Expense - P&L – B2 300
1-Oct-16 Cash - B1 1,200 31-Dec-16 Closing prepaid– B1 600
1-Dec-16 Cash - B2 225 31-Dec-16 Closing prepaid– B2 150
2,850 2,850
Rent expense – 2017 (3 Marks)
Date Description Rs. in '000 Date Description Rs. in '000

1-Jan-17 Opening prepaid - B1 600 31-Dec- Expense - P&L – B1 2,520

1-Jan-17 Opening prepaid - B2 150 31-Dec- Expense - P&L – B2 900
1-Mar-17 Cash - B2 225 31-Dec- Closing prepaid – 720
17 B1(1,440/6×3)
1-Apr-17 Cash - B1 1,200
1-Jun-17 Cash - B2 225
1-Sep-17 Cash - B2 225
1-Oct-17 Cash - 1,440
31-Dec- Closing accrued -
17 B2(225/3×1)
4,140 4,140
Impairment test (as on 31-12-2021)
Rs. In million
(1) Book value (W-1) 58
(2) Recoverable amount is higher of: 53
Fair value – CTS 48
V.I.U (W-02) 53
(3) Impairment loss (Balance) 5

Working -1:
Date Description Plant
1-1-18 Cost (130 + 10) 140
31-12-18 Depreciation (140 x 20%) (28)
31-12-19 Depreciation (112 x 20%) (22)
Balance value 90
31-12-20 Depreciation (18)
Balance value 72
31-12-21 Depreciation (14)
31-12-21 Balance value 58
31-12-22 Depreciation (58 x 20%) (12)
Balance value 46
31-12-23 Depreciation (9)
Balance value 37
31-12-24 Depreciation (7)
Balance value 30
31-12-24 Depreciation (6)
Balance value 24
Working -2
value in use

22 23 24 25
Net cash inflows 11 7 3 1
Add: Depreciation 12 9 7 6
Add: Tax payment 2 2 2 2
Less: Inventory (3)
Add: Net depreciation process 4
Net cash flows (A) 22 18 12 13
PV factor (B) 1.1-1 1.1-2 1.1-3 1.1-4
PV (A x B) (20+15+9+9) 20 15 9 9 53

Manther Limited
Notes to the financial statement
For the year ended 31 December 2018
N-1: Property, plant and equipment:
Office building Equipment Plant
----------------- Rs. in million ----------------
Gross carrying amount
Opening 240.00 190.00 -
Addition - 96.00 699.25
Transfer (48) - -
Revaluation (14) - -
- Disposal - (40.00) -

Closing 178.00 246.00 699.25

- - -
Accumulated Depreciation

Opening 36.00 60.00 -

Depreciation for the year 12 30.48 7.77
Transfer (48) - -
Disposal - (15.04) -
Closing - 75.44 7.77
Net carrying amount – closing 178.00 170.56 691.48

Net carrying amount – opening 204.00 130.00 -

Office building Equipment Plant

Measurement base Revaluation Cost model Cost model
Useful life (years)/depreciation rate % 20 years 20% 15 years
Depreciation method Straight line Reducing Straight line
N-1.1: The last revaluation was performed on 31 December 2018 by Precise Valuers, an independent firm
of valuers.
Carrying value of building, had the cost model been used instead Xxx
Asset Building R/S P/L
1-1-18 Cost/Revalued Amount 240 - -
1-1-18 Acc Dep (36) - -
1-1-18 WDV 204 8.5 -
31-12-18 Dep 204/17*; 8.5/17* (12) (0.5) -
31-12-18 WDV 192 8.0 -
31-12-18 Revaluation Loss (P/L) (14) (8.0) (6.0)
31-12-18 Revalued Amount 178 - (6.0)

* Remaining life = Original life – Life passed till 31.12.17

Remaining life = 20 – 3** = 17
**Accumulated depreciation = Depreciation of one year x Life passed till 31.12.17
36 = (240 / 20) x Life passed till 31.12.17
Life passed till 31.12.17 = 3 years

W-2 Depreciation on equipment

Depreciation on Opening excluding disposal 20.24
{WDV all – WDV Disposal}Rate {130 - 28.8}20%
Depreciation on addition {960.24/12} 6.4
Depreciation on disposal
WDV opening  rate {W-3.2} 3.84
Total 30.48
W-3 Exchange of Assets – Journal Entry
Dr. Cr.
Asset-New (W.3.1) 96
Acc Dep-Old (40-24.96) (W-3.2) 15.04
Loss on Disposal 3.96
Asset-Old 40
Cash (70 + 5 installation) 75

W.3.1 Asset-New Cost

FV Old + Cash Paid 21 + 70 91
Installation cost 5
Total 96
W-3.2 Accumulated depreciation
Rs. in million
Cost 40.00
Depreciation 40  0.2  (4.00)
WDV 36.00
Depreciation (7.20)
WDV 28.80
Depreciation 28.8  0.2  (3.84)
Accumulated depreciation (40 – 24.96) 15.04
W-4 Cost of plant
Rs. in million
Payments 660.00
Borrowing cost:
Interest cost 500×18%×7.5÷12 56.25
Investment income (17.00)

W-4.1 Depreciation or plant

699.25 2
 = 7.77
15 12

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