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ISSN 0963-8288 print/ISSN 1464-5165 online

Disabil Rehabil, 2014; 36(2): 105–116

! 2014 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.777807


Goal Management Training for rehabilitation of executive functions:

a systematic review of effectivness in patients with acquired brain injury
Agata Krasny-Pacini1,2,3, Mathilde Chevignard3,4, and Jonathan Evans5
University Rehabilitation Center Clemenceau, Strasbourg, France, 2Pediatrics and Pediatric Orthopedics Departments, University Hospital
Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France, 3Laboratoire ER 6-UPMC – Eq 4, Clinical Research in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie,
Paris, France, 4Rehabilitation Department for Children with Acquired Brain Injury, Hopitaux de Saint Maurice, Saint Maurice, France, and 5Mental
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Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Abstract Keywords
Purpose: To determine if Goal Management Training (GMT) is effective for the rehabilitation Brain injury, cognitive rehabilitation, cueing,
of executive functions following brain injury when administered alone or in combination with dysexecutive syndrome, executive
other interventions. Method: Systematic review, with quality appraisal specific to executive functions, frontal functions, generalization,
functions research and calculation of effect sizes. Results: Twelve studies were included. Four goal neglect, memory, problem-solving
studies were ‘‘Proof-of-principle’’ studies, testing the potential effectiveness of GMT and eight
were rehabilitation studies. Effectiveness was greater when GMT was combined with other History
interventions. The most effective interventions appeared to be those combing GMT with:
For personal use only.

Problem Solving Therapy; personal goal setting; external cueing or prompting apply GMT to Received 18 September 2012
the current task; personal homework to increase patients’ commitment and training intensity; Revised 9 February 2013
ecological and daily life training activities rather than paper-and-pencil, office-type tasks. Accepted 15 February 2013
Level of support for GMT was higher for studies measuring outcome in terms of increases in Published online 18 April 2013
participation in everyday activities rather than on measures of executive impairment.
Conclusion: Comprehensive rehabilitation programs incorporating GMT, but integrating other
approaches, are effective in executive function rehabilitation following brain injury in adults.
There is insufficient evidence to support use of GMT as a stand-alone intervention.

ä Implications for Rehabilitation

 Goal Management Training (GMT) is a well-studied metacognitive intervention for executive
 Comprehensive rehabilitation programs relying partly on GMT and integrating other
approaches are effective in executive function rehabilitation following brain injury in adults.
 GMT alone does not have sufficient evidence to support it as a training on its own.

Introduction The challenge for cognitive rehabilitation and particularly

for EF interventions is to improve the ability to participate in
The inability to be organized and to develop efficient strategies
meaningful activities through transfer and generalization. For
for completing everyday tasks is one of the most common and
example, if a stepwise strategy was trained in multitasking
persistent sequela following acquired brain injury. Such difficul-
involving paper-and-pencil exercises at the rehabilitation center,
ties impede patients’ ability to function independently in daily
it is hoped that the patient will use it in daily life tasks such as
life. They relate to executive functioning (EF) impairment, arising
preparing a meal (generalization) at home (transfer).
from damage to the frontal lobes or to circuits that include frontal
Presently, metacognitive approaches appear to have the
structures [1]. The term EF refers to those integrative cognitive
best level of evidence in relation to improving EF [3–5].
processes that support goal-directed and purposeful behavior and
Metacognition (or ‘‘thinking about your thinking’’) includes
that are necessary to the orderly execution of daily life activities
self-awareness, self-monitoring and self-control of cognition
[2]. These integrative functions include the ability to formulate
while performing an activity [5]. Metacognitive approaches
goals; to initiate behavior; to anticipate the consequences of
have negligible effect on underlying impairments compared to
actions; to plan and organize behavior and to monitor and to adapt
control interventions, but when activities and participation are
behavior to fit a particular task or context.
the primary outcome measures, patients receiving metacogni-
tive training improve significantly more than controls [5].
Rehabilitation teams are therefore eager to administer metacog-
Address for correspondence: Dr Agata Krasny-Pacini, Institut Universi-
nitive training and face the question of how and which form of
taire de Réadaptation Clemenceau-Strasbourg, 45 bd Clemenceau, 67082 metacognitive training to use.
Strasbourg, France. Tel: 0033671284152. E-mail: agatakrasny@yahoo.- One of the best-known and most extensively studied metacog-
com nitive approaches is Goal Management Training (GMT). GMT is
106 A. Krasny-Pacini et al. Disabil Rehabil, 2014; 36(2): 105–116

a theoretically derived intervention for executive dysfunction and it seems timely to review that research to determine whether
intended to promote a mindful approach to completing complex GMT is useful and if so, in what form and for whom. Finally,
everyday activities by raising awareness of attentional lapses and there is no review to our knowledge that focuses on participation
reinstating cognitive control when behavior becomes incompat- and ecological outcome measures as criteria for intervention
ible with intended goals [6]. GMT rehabilitation comprises effectiveness.
self-instruction strategies, self-monitoring exercises, cognitive The primary aim of this paper was, therefore, to review the
techniques aimed at improving planning, prospective memory and evidence relating to the effectiveness of interventions using GMT.
cognitive control, mindfulness practice exercises, stories promot- The question as to whether GMT improves executive function
ing discussion about executive dysfunction in daily life and impairments and/or increases participation in everyday activities
homework assignments to practice GMT (see [6] for more in patients with a DEX syndrome following acquired brain injury
detailed description). was examined. Secondary aims were to determine the best
Levine et al. [7] note that GMT was initially based on treatment dose, best candidates for treatment and best delivery
Duncan’s theory of ‘‘goal neglect’’ [8–10], which suggests that format, comparing evidence relating to the effectiveness of GMT
much of human behavior is controlled by goal lists and subgoals. delivered alone with GMT delivered in combination with other
Dysexecutive (DEX) patients are impaired in the construction training methods/principles.
and use of such goal lists, resulting in disorganized behavior.
Later, authors [6] developed this theory further and referred to Methods
‘‘sustained and vigilant attention theory’’ [11] as the theoretical
Studies published up to December 2011 were sought from: Ovid
model of GMT. Ongoing activation of the right frontal-thalamic-
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parietal sustained attention system is required to actively,
by searching the following items: (1) (brain inj* OR head inj*
endogenously maintain higher order goal states in working
OR traumatic head inj* OR traumatic brain inj* OR stroke
memory. When the sustained attention system is compromised,
OR encephalitis), (2) (intervention* OR rehabilit* OR train* OR
habits or environmental triggers may oppose and displace higher
therapy), (3) (executive OR prospective memory OR metacogni-
order goals, resulting in cue-dependent or distracted behavior.
tive OR cognitive) and (4) (GMT OR goal neglect OR problem
In GMT, easy-to-grasp analogies are used to help patients
solving). The symbol * denotes database operators, which include
understand these models, such as ‘‘checking main goal in the
truncations or possible extra letters in the term to be included
mental blackboard’’ to avoid ‘‘automatic pilot behavior’’ [12].
within the search. These four searches were then combined
GMT was one of the first EF interventions tested in a
using ‘‘AND’’.
randomized controlled trial (RCT) [7]. However, the intervention
Inclusion criteria were (1) interventions using any version
consisted of a single hour of instructions, which limits the
For personal use only.

of GMT, entirely or partly, alone or in combination with another

translation of its findings in terms of clinical application
intervention OR Interventions acknowledging their link with
and effectiveness [13]. GMT was then developed further, different
Duncan’s theoretical model of goal neglect, (2) interventions
versions were published, ranging from a single session [7] to a
conducted with brain injury patients, irrespective of type of injury
14 h GMT program ready for group rehabilitation in clinical
or age, (3) group studies and single-case experimental design
settings [6]. Cueing became a key feature of GMT to remind
(SCED) studies or single case reports, (4) peer-reviewed journals
patients of their goals [14–16] and trigger GMT strategy use [17].
and (5) articles written in English, French or Polish. Exclusion
It is not clear what defines GMT precisely as the GMT
criteria were (1) Theoretical articles or description of programs
theoretical model has evolved and many different GMT interven-
with no specific intervention, (2) feasibility studies not including
tions have been published, each using different outcome meas-
effectiveness data on EF, (3) review articles and (4) articles that
ures:attention impairment [6], prospective memory performance
did not include participants with brain lesions.
[15], multitasking ability [14] and daily life activities such as
Four-hundred-and-twenty-nine papers were obtained from the
cooking [7]. GMT use has even extended to non-brain injured
computerized database searches. 359 were excluded on title alone,
patients [18–21]. This makes it more difficult to specify the
leaving 70 abstracts. Further, 33 were excluded based on
‘‘active ingredients’’ [22] of GMT programs and to summarize
abstracts, and 18 on reading the intervention content in the full
on what it is effective and for whom.
paper, leaving 19 articles referrring to GMT in their description of
Nevertheless, GMT is manualized [12] and uses detailed
the intervention studied. On reading the full 19 original papers,
PowerPoint slides supporting group sessions, workbooks and
a further seven were excluded for the following reasons: four
easy-to-find materials. It is therefore easy to use and easily
papers used GMT in non brain injury samples: drug addicts,
reproducible for clinicians who have little experience in meta-
elderly, healthy adults [19,21,26,27]. McPherson’s feasability
cognitive training. As such rehabilitation teams may want use it to
study [28] used GMT for goal setting, without including
satisfy Cicerone’s practice standard of metacognitive training
effectiveness data on EF. Two studies of metacomponential
for EF rehabilitation [3]. However, there is limited evidence of
approach [29,30] for problem-solving in adults [31] and children
superior effectiveness of GMT compared to other metacognitive
[32] with ABI, referred once to Duncan’s goal neglect model
training formats [5]. Recent literature suggest that interventions
but as a very minor part of the program, without sufficient
using GMT combined with other training methods are more
explanantion of its use. Twelve articles published up to December
effective than GMT-alone interventions [23–25]. Furthermore,
2011 remained for review.
it remains unclear if interventions using GMT aim at improv-
ing impairments (like the diminution of attentional lapses as
Classifying studies: GMT proof-of-principle study versus
suggested by GMT authors [6]) or participation. Finally, not much
GMT rehabilitation study
is known about the best dose of treatment and for which patients
GMT is more effective. Included studies were classified according to the initial aims
Kennedy [5] provided a very complete review of metacognitive of the study:
rehabilitation studies through 2004, including two early GMT – Four ‘‘proof-of-principle studies’’ aimed at testing the
papers [7,14] but did not conclude as to how and which form potential effectiveness of a GMT principle or model.
of metacognitive training to use. Since the period covered by These studies typically used a single session of the GMT
Kennedy’s review, GMT has been the subject of ongoing research component being tested, without extensive training and
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.777807 Goal Management Training: a review 107
without examining the long-term effects or effects on that may have occurred at baseline) and replication of the findings
participation in everday activities. on another patient.
– Eight ‘‘rehabilitation studies’’ aimed at testing GMT as a As a result, nine questions based on CONSORT and 10
full multi-session rehabilitation intervention, assessing long- cognitive and EF rehabilitation-specific questions were applied to
term outcomes, measuring effects on participation in all studies (Table 1). Additional questions were applied according
everday activities, generalization and potential maintainance to study methodology: six SCED-specific questions were applied
of effects. only to single-case studies and six additional CONSORT ques-
tions were applied only to group studies. Finally, each study was
Methodological appraisal of included studies assessed on 25 questions, reported in Table 1. With this rating
method, well designed SCEDs could receive good ratings
The criteria for the appraisal of articles were based primarily on
regardless of small number of patients.
the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)
Each item was awarded a score of 1 (if the criterion was met)
guidelines [33] but extended, similarly to the methodology
and 0 if not met or if it was not possible to determine from
of Ross’s [34] systematic review on children’s cognitive rehabili-
information given in the article. Papers that met 75% of the
tation. Items that are important in cognitive rehabilitation
methodological criteria were considered ‘‘high’’ quality; those
were added (e.g. evidence of generalization of effects to untrained
that were rated 50–74% were considered ‘‘moderate’’ quality and
tasks, provision of data on brain injury severity, evidence
those achieving less than 50% were ‘‘lower’’ quality. When a
of controlling for intervention duration). Furthermore, the
single study was published in two papers [23,37], it was assessed
nature of outcome measures used in each study was appraised
only once, conversely when a paper included two distinct studies
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with greater weight being given to studies that examined

it was assessed twice [7]. Two reviewers rated the final 13 papers.
the impact of interventions on novel and ecologically relevant
Individual disagreements were resolved by discussion between the
The other six CONSORT items were applicable only for group
studies (exclusion criteria, power calculation, intention-to-treat
Calculation of effect size
analysis) whereas the review also included single-case studies,
describing interesting GMT variations [17]. Therefore, the six ES were calculated as a standard difference between means,
CONSORT items that were not applicable to single-case studies using Hedge’s g [38] adapted by Morris & Deshon [39]. Their
were replaced by items from the SCED rating scale [35] approach has been used in important cognitive intervention
( The SCED scale is used for methodological reviews [4,34] and was used here as the preferred procedure
appraisal of papers reporting interventions with single, or small N for ES calculation. Where scores were reported as Z-scores,
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methods [35,36]. In SCED, causality is obtained by sufficient without raw data from pre to post intervention [7,23], effect
sampling at baseline (minimum three baseline assessments prior size (ES) was calculated by subtracting control Z from
to intervention) and during intervention (sufficient sampling to intervention group Z, assuming pretest standard deviation
differentiate a treatment response from fluctuations in behavior were used for Z-scores.

Table 1. Methodological Quality appraisal of papers.

Score 1 if met, 0 if unmet or unable to determine

CONSORT questions applied to all included studies Cognitive and EF rehabilitation-specific questions applied to all included studies
1. Were specific hypotheses and/or objectives 1. Did the article specify the severity of brain injury and was the method of diagnosis
stated? appropriate?
2. Were the settings and locations where data was 2. Did the injury occur at least 6 month ago (to ensure that effects were not a reflection
collected stated? of the recovery process)?
3. Was there completely defined pre-specified pri- 3. Was there some kind of control for program intensity (to see if effect is specific of
mary and secondary outcome measures? therapy or rather due to due to general cognitive stimulation)?
4. Were those assessing outcome blind to the 4. Were main outcome measures untrained tasks (i.e. a testing tasks not having the same
treatment? structure as tasks used during training)?
5. Was the intervention described in detail? 5. Was generalization evaluated (to see if EF intervention effect generalize to other
6. Were the characteristics of the patients clearly cognitive functions)?
described? 6. Were outcome measures ecologically valid (i.e. ecological tests like ‘‘multiple
7. Did the results relate to the initial hypotheses? errands’’ tasks rather than improved neuropsychological paper and pencil tests)?
8. Was statistical analysis appropriate? 7. Were effects observed in daily life activities (improved participation)?
9. Were data adequately described (mean, range)? 8. Did at least one of the EF tasks administered post intervention bear a novelty aspect
challenging patient’s EF in a non routine situation (i.e. not the same task as pre-
intervention as practice effect may decrease pressure on EF)?
9. Were at least some of the measures standardized assessment tools?
10. Were follow-up data collected at least 3 months after intervention (to see if effects were
maintained post intervention)?
CONSORT question applied only to group studies SCED [43] questions applied only to single case studies
1. Was a power or sample size justified? 1. Was there a clearly defined target behavior that reflected the cognitive function the
2. Were the inclusion/exclusion criteria clearly intervention aimed at improving?
stated? 2. Were sufficient baseline assessments conducted to ensure stability prior to intervention?
3. Was there a control or comparison group used? 3. Was there sufficient sampling during intervention to differentiate a treatment response
4. Were patients randomly allocated to groups? from fluctuations in behavior that may have occurred at baseline?
(1 also for well designed pseudo-random alloca- 4. Was replication performed: (study on two patients at least)?
tions) 5. Was Inter-rater reliability of the target behavior used in baseline and intervention
5. Were all patients included in the analysis? assessed?
6. Was intention-to-treat analysis used if rando- 6. Did the design allow examination of cause and effect?
mized (0 for nonrandomized)?
108 A. Krasny-Pacini et al. Disabil Rehabil, 2014; 36(2): 105–116

Equation (1) is the formula used for calculating ES in single Are GMT principles effective?
group pretest–posttest designs:
The ‘‘STOP-STATE your goal-SPLIT task into sub-goals-
ES ¼ ðMpost, exp  Mpre, exp Þ=SDpre, exp CHECK’’ cycle was tested after a 1 h training in Levine et al.’s
RCT [7]. The ‘‘everyday tasks’’ used as outcome measures were
Equation (2) is the formula used for calculating ES in paper-and-pencil tests: for example, proofreading consisted of
independent group pretest–posttest designs: underlining, circling and crossing out words that met certain
  criteria (e.g. circle all numbers). The intervention group
ES ¼ ðMpost, exp  Mpre, exp Þ=SDpre, exp
  made fewer errors in two out of the three ‘‘everyday tasks’’
 ðMpost, com  Mpre, com Þ=SDpre, com , after intervention, but needed more time to finish the tasks.
The outcome was examined just 1 h after the session, so that
where M is the mean, exp is the experimental group, com is the
effectiveness and generalizability to daily life activities of this
comparison group, post is the posttests, pre is the pretest and SD
GMT principle cannot be affirmed. Furthermore, patients
is the standard deviation.
practiced two of these tasks during the intervention session.
ES was interpreted subjectively by Cohen’s rating [40]:
The Content-free cueing principle has been tested in three
g50.20 is a small ES; g ¼ 0.20–0.50 is a medium ES; g40.80
studies. In two studies [14,16], auditory alerts during a complex
is a large ES.
multi tasking activity reminded patients about their current goal.
In Manly et al.’s Hotel task [14], patients had to do some of each
of five ‘‘hotel employee’’ tasks (sorting conference badges,
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The review included 12 studies. Four studies were ‘‘proof- compiling bills, looking up telephone numbers . . .) as well as a
of-principle’’, testing the potential effectiveness of a GMT time-related prospective memory task (opening and closing
principle or model and nine were rehabilitation studies. One garage door). Sweeney used a virtual reality ‘‘Removal task’’
proof-of-principle study [7] tested GMT’s ‘‘STOP-STATE your [16], where the patient had to move around a storage unit
goal-SPLIT goal into subtasks-CHECK’’ cycle. Two proof- selecting furniture as well as performing prospective memory
of-principle studies [14,16] tested the effect of content-free tasks (visit the front door every five minutes, shut a particular
cueing on goal management and one study [15] examined both door each time, label some furniture as ‘‘fragile’’). In both
approaches (content-free cueing triggering GMT use in a daily life studies, periodic alerts were introduced to the patients as a
context). Eight studies were rehabilitation studies: one group possibly useful way to remind them their overall goals but there
study [6] and three case studies [7,17,41] tested GMT alone, was no training to ensure that patients linked the auditory cue with
whereas the other four studies [23–25,37,42] tested comprehen- reviewing their goal. Conversely, Fish et al. [15] combined
For personal use only.

sive EF interventions that relied heavily on GMT but that content-free cueing with a 30 min GMT to help patients associate
also included other approaches described in the literature for EF the word ‘‘STOP’’ with reviewing goals. Text messages reading
rehabilitation, which are not addressed by GMT. These include ‘‘STOP’’ were sent to participants eight times throughout the day
Problem Solving Therapy (PST), Mindfulness practice, personal to remind them of their prospective memory goal (to make a
goal training and ecological activities. Table 2 gives a description phone call at a certain time). In all three studies, the cues were not
of the interventions, of the methodology used and the methodo- specific cues to trigger task switch (i.e. changing to another task
logical quality rating. Most samples included mixed injuries, or making the phone call immediately) as cues never occurred at a
mainly traumatic brain injuries, frontal tumors and strokes. time when task switch would produce an optimal performance.
Severity of injury was reported for most TBI patients and Content-free cueing was effective on reminding patients of their
ranged from mild to extremely severe, but using different severity goal and increasing task performance in Manly et al. [14], but not
classifications. No classification could be used for severity in Sweeney et al. [16]. Fish et al. [15], who combined text alerts
classification of other types of ABI. with brief GMT found evidence that the intervention was effective
with a moderate to large ES. Overall, evidence is contradictory
How are GMT interventions administered? (no effect to large effect).
Interventions testing GMT component principles were either
Is GMT rehabilitation alone effective?
as short as a single sentence before starting the test [14,16]
(‘‘you might find these periodic beeps useful in reminding you Levine et al. [6] report some positive results after a 7 week GMT
to think about what you are currently doing and your overall training on the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) test
aims during the session’’) or of short durations such as 1 h [7] or (a go/no go test consisting of withholding of key press to one
30 min [15]. of nine targets) [43]. However, this test is very close in format to
Interventions testing rehabilitation ranged from 5 h [7] to 43 h one of the GMT training exercises that involves clapping to all
training [23] and were administered between once [6,24] and 2–3 targets (fruit) apart from one (pears) and thus reflects a near
times a week [23,25]. Most studies were administered as individ- transfer of a learned skill rather than an effect on EF in daily life.
ual sessions [7,15,17]. Apart from three studies [6,24,41], There was a positive effect of GMT on the ‘‘Tower Test’’ which
all interventions included some individual sessions [23,37] or measures visual spatial planning: disks must be placed on dowels
some adjustment of the program to the personal needs of each to match models of increasing complexity, with «rules» con-
patient [25]. straining the movement of the disk. The GMT group made
Personal between-sessions homework is a key component significantly less rule violations on the tower test compared to
of GMT rehabilitation and was used in most rehabilitation studies the control group. However, there was no effect on self-rated DEX
using GMT. Patients were instructed to apply at home the Questionnaires relating to executive complaints in daily life in
goal management strategies they had learned during the session the GMT group and a statistically significant decrease in
[6,17,23,25]. Homework included monitoring EF failures in daily performance for the GMT group on the Hotel Task immediately
life called ‘‘Slips’’ [6], identifying factors that helped or not in after intervention when compared to controls. Proxy-rated DEX
everyday goal management performance [7,25], listing occasions questionnaires were not obtained in this study and the authors
on which participants used GMT strategies during the week [6], suggested that stability on the DEX may reflect an increase of
mindfulness practice assisted by an audio CD [23,37]. patients’ insight.
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Table 2. Description, methodological ratings and main findings of included studies (by type and by chronological order of publication).

Author GMT alone or GMT

Study type (group/single combined with other Description of experimental
case) rehabilitation methods intervention and of control ESs according to Cohen’s Maintenance
Quality rating Method Sample intervention Outcome measures Findings rating of effects

Proof-of-principle studies
Levine et al. [7] – study 1 GMT alone 30 patients with mild to 1 h of individual GMT present- Paper-and-pencil tasks GMT participants made g ¼ 0.9 for proofreading Not evaluated
Group study RCT severe TBI ing goal management pro- called ‘‘everyday less errors in proof- (large)
56%, moderate 3–4 years post TBI cesses, examples of goal tasks’’ including reading and grouping g ¼ 0.95 for grouping
management failure, teaching proofreading, and tasks but took more (large)
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.777807

the ‘‘STOP-STATE your room layout grid time for task comple-
goal-SPLIT task into sub- tion that MST group
goals-Check’’ cycle. Practice
activities including searching
letters and numbers in a grid
with an increasing level of
difficulty (room layout grid)
and proofreading tasks
Control group: motor skill train-
ing (MST)
Manly et al. [14] GMT alone þ cueing 10 patients: one suspected A ‘‘beep’’ during task to remind Hotel task with parallel With auditory alerts, g ¼ 0.795 for cueing effect –
Group study Comparison of perform- ischemic stroke and patients about their goal was version of subtasks and patients performed on patients (pretest–
80%, high ance in two conditions nine TBI (seven were used as a content-free cueing. six elements task from better (time allocation posttest) (large)
(with and without severe to very severe No specific training. the BADS to different tasks more
auditory alerts) on Teasdale’s system) Healthy controls to determine if optimal) and close to
24 controls both version of the test used controls
are parallel.
Fish et al. [15] GMT alone þ cueing 20 patients with ABI, One 30 min individual GMT Number of phone calls Significant effect of g ¼ 0.508 for time accur- –
Group study Comparison intra subjects including 14 TBI session to associate the con- made and timing cueing with more acy (taking uncued
64%, moderate with/without GMT cue (severe to extremely tent-free cue (text message accuracy of phone phone calls and better days as controls)
severe on Bigler’s ‘‘STOP’’) with reviewing calls time accuracy on cued (medium)
classification). goals days
Sweeney et al. [16] GMT alone þ cueing 17 patients with ABI 41 A ‘‘beep’’ during task to remind The Removals Task No effect. No effect –
Group study year post-injury, patients about their goal. No A trend that less impaired
76%, high unknown severity 17 specific training. patients would benefit
healthy controls more
Rehabilitation studies
Levine et al. [7] –study 2 GMT alone Female, 35 years, Two sessions of GMT similar to Observation of problem- Less problematic behav- – Maintenance of effects on
Single case Single-subject 5 months post Levine study 1 þ 3 sessions atic behaviour during iour during meal prep- cooking at 6 month
52%, moderate encephalitis of GMT applied to cooking meal preparation aration observation
task Self-report cooking errors Less self-reported diffi-
dairy, paper-and-pencil culties in meal prepar-
tasks including proof- ation
reading, room layout Less errors on the
grid. ‘‘everyday tasks’’
Pachalska et al. [42] GMT combined 24 patients with TBI, – ‘‘Executive function training’’ WAIS-R Qualitative data showing No data for ES calculation Not evaluated
Group study Controlled unknown severity based on GMT, included in a WMS-R large success for
36%, low larger holistic Polish pro- Polish battery of ‘‘Clinical MARSZ program
gram ‘‘MARSZ’’. The pro- test of Executive func- Comparative data between
gram was applied to tions’’ groups not reported
activities of increasing diffi- ‘‘Cracow test of right
culty, including real life hemisphere’’
activities (from making a
sandwich to performing
one’s own professional
Duration: 4 weeks, intensity not
Goal Management Training: a review

– Control group: standard

rehabilitation while waiting
for inclusion in MARSZ


(continued )
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Table 2. Continued

Author GMT alone or GMT

Study type (group/single combined with other Description of experimental
case) rehabilitation methods intervention and of control ESs according to Cohen’s Maintenance
Quality rating Method Sample intervention Outcome measures Findings rating of effects
A. Krasny-Pacini et al.

Miotto et al. [24] GMT combined Patients with right – Group 1: Attention and Extensive executive func- Intervention effect on g ¼ 1.08 for MMET Effect maintained at 6
Group study Pseudo-randomized, con- (n ¼ 14) or left Problem Solving based on tions paper-and-pencil MMET and carers (large) month follow up
76%, high trolled trial with cross- (n ¼ 16) frontal lobe GMT and PST: 10 weekly assessment DEX when group 1 g ¼ 2.14 for carers DEX
over lesions (23 tumors and 1.5 h group sessions Modified Multiple compared to groups 2 (large)
seven mild TBI) – Group 2: Information and Errands Task (MMET) and 3.
education through a booklet Virtual Planning test Some improvement on
to read that suggested cogni- DEX questionnaire paper-and-pencil
tive exercises and presenting executive tests after
problem-solving frame-work APS
– Group 3: usual care
Schweitzer et al. [41] GMT alone Male, 41 years, cerebel- Seven weekly 2 h sessions of Questionnaires: DEX, Reduced commission and – Effects maintained at 4
Case study Single-subject lum hemorrhage GMT CFQ omission errors on month follow-up
56%, quality rating case report 4.5 months post injury SART SART
not applicable* Hotel Task Increased awareness of
R-SAT difficulties
D-KEFS Tower Test and Less complaints of the
TMT patient’s spouse on the
Patient returned to work
Spikman et al. [25] GMT combined 75 patients with ABI – Multifaceted Treatment of Primary outcome Both groups resumed their g ¼ 0.49 for RRL at 6 Further improvement on
Group study Multicenter single-blinded (mainly stroke and Executive dysfunction, rely- measure ¼ Role previous roles signifi- month follow-up RRL at 6 month for
92% high RCT TBI, unknown sever- ing heavily on GMT and PST Resumption List cantly more than pre- (medium) experimental group,
ity), living at home, but tailored to patients ‘spe- (RRL) Interview treatment (RRL) but while control group
43 months post injury cific goals. Other outcome measures: experimental group to non significantly wor-
– Control Group: CogPack Treatment Goal a larger and statistic- sened on RRL com-
(computerized cognitive Attainment (TGA) ally significant extent pared to post
training with repetitive exer- Questionnaires: DEX, Statistically more intervention
cises) QOLIBRI improvement in
Both interventions were admin- Executive Observational experimental group on
istered in 20–24 1-h sessions, Scale (EOS) rated by EOS
2/week, for 3 months therapist Both groups showed less
Neuropsychological tests: complaints on DEX,
BADS, TMT, Stroop, better quality of life
Tower of London, 15 (QOLIBRI) and pro-
word test gress on personal goals
Executive Secretarial Task (TGA)
(EST) administered Significant group effect
only after intervention when three measures
to ensure novelty of daily EF combined
component (EST, RRL and TGA)
Metzler-Baddeley et al. [17] GMT alone þ cueing Female, 40 years, 3  1.5 h of GMT with auditory Telephone Directory and Statistically improved – No follow-up
Case study Single-Subject case report Craniopharyngioma cues similar to Manly et al. Map search from TEA errors and speed on
52%, moderate treated by surgery and [22] to trigger GMT. telephone directory
radiotherapy 4 years In a second phase, patient was task.
previously. taught to use naturally The patient reported sub-
Remaining suprasellar occurring distractions to jective improvement in
mass. trigger goal management her ability to complete
Disabil Rehabil, 2014; 36(2): 105–116
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 05/22/15
For personal use only.

tasks and deal with

distractions at work.
Levine et al. [6] GMT alone 20 patients with ABI, – GMT group: GMT long ver- SART Less omission errors for g ¼ 0.43 on omissions At 4 month follow-up,
Group study Controlled trial, partially mainly stroke with sion presented on PowerPoint D-KEFS Tower Test GMT group on SART errors on SART effect remained on
72%, moderate randomized (12 frontal lobe lesions Slides Hotel Task Less rule violations for (medium) omission errors on
patients randomized) – Control group: ‘‘Brain health DEX Questionnaire GMT group on Tower g ¼ 0.95 for rule violation SART and rule viola-
workshop’’ (BHW): educa- CFQ Test but no group  in the Tower Test tion on Tower test
tion on BI, matched for time session interaction for (large) Hotel Task time allocation
Both intervention were adminis- achievement score did not differ from
tered 7  2 h, in group Paradoxically less optimal controls at follow-up.
sessions þ between-sessions per-task time alloca-
homework tion in the GMT group
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.777807

on Hotel Task imme-

diately post interven-
No effect on
Novakovic-Agopian et al. [23] GMT combined 15 patients with ABI 46 – ‘‘Goals Training’’: Neuropsychological tests:- Significant difference g ¼ 0.81 for the Attention At 10 weeks, effects
Chen et al. [37] Pseudo-random months post-injury, GMT þ PST þ other problem EF and attention aver- between groups in the and Executive remained in the group
Group study cross-over RCT design unknown severity solving, mindfulness and aged to an overall ‘‘Attention and Function domain that received Goals
68%, moderate attention interventions ‘‘Attention and Executive Function (group difference) Training first when
10  2 h of small group train- Executive Function domain’’ (large) assessed after educa-
ing þ 3  1 h individual domain’’ Transfer to memory and g ¼ 0.55 for memory tion control interven-
training þ 20 h of home – Memory and learning learning domain tion (cross-over).
practice for 5 weeks. – Processing speed No statistical difference (medium) Further improvement on
Focus on practice in daily life Multiple Errands Tasks between control and No raw data reported to the overall attention
and self-generated complex þ fMRI on a selective intervention group on calculate MET ES and executive domain
goals (individual and group attention task MET and working memory.
projects). fMRI: enhanced modula-
– Control group:2 h of education tion of neural process-
about brain injury ing in extrastriate

*As Schweitzer’s patient was in the acute phase of ABI, and no controls were used, causality cannot be affirmed by this study: as such quality rating was not applicable.
Sample description: TBI ¼ Traumatic Brain Injury, ABI ¼ Acquired Brain Injury.
Methods: RCT ¼ Randomized Controlled Trial, SCED ¼ Single-Case Experimental Design.
Intervention description: EFT ¼ Executive function training, GMT ¼ Goal Management Training, MARSZ ¼ polish abbreviation for ‘‘Active Socio-professional rehabilitation model’’, PST ¼ Problem Solving
Outcome measures: EF ¼ executive functions.
– Paper-and-pencil tests: CVLT-II ¼ California Verbal Learning Test, D-KEFS ¼ Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System, R-SAT ¼ Revised-strategy application test, SART ¼ Sustained Attention to Response Task
(Commission error ¼ responding to no-go stimuli; Omission Error ¼ not responding to go stimuli, TMT ¼ Trail Making Test, WAIS-R ¼ Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, WMS-R ¼ Wechsler Memory
Scale Revised,
– Paper-and-pencil tests with some ecological validity: BADS ¼ Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome, TEA ¼ Test of Everyday Attention.
– Truly ecological tests: EST ¼ Executive Secretarial Task, M(modified)-MET ¼ Multiple Errands Test.
– Questionnaires: CFQ ¼ Cognitive Failures Questionnaires, DEX ¼ Dysexecutive Questionnaire, QOLIBRI ¼ Quality of Life after Brain Injury, TGA ¼ Treatment Goal Attainment.
Goal Management Training: a review
112 A. Krasny-Pacini et al. Disabil Rehabil, 2014; 36(2): 105–116

Two case-studies of low quality [7,41] make it difficult to GMT as a tool of informed goal setting and goal attainment in
examine cause-effect of GMT, as patients started the GMT patients with TBI. GMT appeared ‘‘particularly helpful in
rehabilitation 5 and 4.5 month after their brain injury (enceph- providing a structured framework for error prevention in
alitis and cerebellum hemorrhage) and there was no multiple attempting goal performance’’ [28], and all patients progressed
baseline collected to ensure that the results observed were not towards their goals; however no effectiveness data relating to
due to spontaneous recovery. EF was collected as the aim of the study was to assess
acceptability of GMT.
Initiation facilitation was used in Miotto [24] and Spikman
What are the ingredients of effective comprehensive
[25] to help patients who have difficulty in translating intention
EF interventions using GMT?
into action or initiative problems. They were instructed to link
Comprehensive EF interventions appeared to use one or more plans to an external device (mobile phone, alarm) or to a routine
of the following elements in addition to GMT: (1) Problem activity (lunch, morning hygiene) to prompt the first step of GMT
Solving Therapy; (2) Ecological activities to promote transfer; (3) strategy.
Goal Setting and (4) Initiation facilitation.
PST was developed by Von Cramon for enabling patients to be
Are comprehensive EF interventions incorporating GMT
more effective in breaking down problems, adopting a slowed
down, controlled and stepwise processing approach in contrast
to more impulsive approaches. The therapy was effective in Four papers report that complex interventions including GMT are
office-set problem solving but there was no evidence on effective, with medium to large ESs. These interventions
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 05/22/15

generalization to everyday functioning [44,45]. Nevertheless, were tested in randomized [25] or pseudo-randomized-controlled
PST principles are easy to integrate to the GMT ‘‘STOP-STATE trials [23,24,37].
the goal-SPLIT into subgoals cycle’’. Before planning steps, Miotto et al. [24] investigated an Attention and Problem
patients are instructed to engage in the problem solving process Solving (APS) Program, focusing on problem awareness and
of brainstorming for potential other solutions or means to achieve monitoring of actions, that teaches the patients to develop, initiate
a current goal. PST was used in three studies [23,24,37,46] with and implement a plan. The authors report significant effects of the
good results. intervention on the carer-rated DEX questionnaire and on the
The necessity to include ecological and meaningful activities ‘‘Modified Multiple Errands Task’’ in which patients were asked
when training EF has been outlined and tested by many authors to carry out a series of activities requiring planning, strategy,
[47–50]. In the articles reviewed, cooking activities were used sequencing and monitoring in a shopping center with a given
by Levine [7] and Pachalska [42] as cooking is a complex, open- amount of money.
For personal use only.

ended, ill-structured multi-tasking activity requiring EF perform- Spikman et al.’s ‘‘multifaceted treatment of executive dys-
ance [51–53]. Levine’s patient reported fewer difficulties in function’’ [25] used GMT and PST, tailoring the intervention to
cooking and examiners observed less problematic behavior during patients’ specific goals. It was tested in a high quality multicentre
meal preparation but generalization to other tasks was not reliably single-blind RCT. The multifaceted treatment of executive
assessed. Other ecological activities included bringing refresh- dysfunction comprises three phases. First, improving awareness
ments for the rest of the group following a budget and practicing of executive deficits is enhanced by continually monitoring and
stepwise goal management strategies to functional tasks of their evaluating performance during training, predicting performance
choice [23,37]. GMT principles [7,14] were combined ecologic- and analyzing factors that did or did not help. Then goal setting
ally and applied with success in a rehabilitation case-study by and planning are trained, based on Ylvisaker’s work [47] and
Metzler-Baddley [17]: a female with a craniopharyngioma was Sirigu’s scripts [55]. Intended activities are formulated in terms of
trained to use naturally occurring distractions at work (instead goals and steps, explicitly and concretely verbalized, put in the
of the auditory alerts she was first trained on) as triggers to right order on worksheets, eventually leading the patients to apply
use GMT and refocus on present goal through the GMT ‘‘STOP- the same strategy to real life goals, relying on GMT for execution
STATE-SPLIT’’ cycle. The patient successfully returned to work and monitoring. Finally, PST is introduced to address problems
using this technique. Similarly, in Pachalska’s study [42], that might arise during task execution. The primary outcome
applying the learned strategies to one’s own professional activity measure was the Role Resumption List, a validated Dutch
was the final stage of a holistic program involving GMT. interview, which assesses changes in amount and quality of
Goal-setting is a well-known approach to increasing goal activities compared with premorbid levels in four daily life
achievement in rehabilitation and other settings [54]. Although domains: vocational functioning, social interaction with proxies,
causality cannot be determined, in the interventions showing the leisure activity and mobility. The experimental group showed
best results on participation assessment tools, participants were larger improvement than the control group, who received
asked to choose personal goals to be achieved by the end of the computerized cognitive training.
intervention. Patients were trained to set goals realistically by ‘‘Goals training’’ is a 43 h training in goal-oriented attentional
practicing short-term goal setting in individual projects [7,25] self-regulation. It relies on GMT, Problem Solving therapies,
(planning a meal, learning to use an organizer) and group projects ‘‘Mindfulness’’ and attention interventions for accomplishing
[23,37]. In Spikman’s study [25], control patients also had to set individually salient, self-generated and complex goals. Novakovic
realistic goals for themselves even though the control intervention [23] reports that the intervention group improved more on EF and
provided no specific training to achieve them (repeated computer attention tests than a control group receiving 2 h of education.
exercises from CogPack). Controls progressed significantly A transfer to memory and learning tests was present. However, the
towards their goals so that no significant effect was detected difference between the two groups on an ecological assessment
between intervention and control groups on Goal Attainment. (the ‘‘Multiple Errands Test’’) was not significant. Chen [37]
This shows perhaps how powerful goal setting can be for reports the fMRI results of this intervention on a cognitive task
enhancing motivation in rehabilitation and boosting effectiveness presenting images relevant or irrelevant to a goal: modulation of
of an intervention on personal goals, irrespective of the interven- neural processing in extrastriate cortex was significantly enhanced
tion. It is worth mentioning McPherson study, although it did not in ‘‘goals training’’ whereas training effects within pre-frontal
meet the inclusion criteria of this review: McPherson [28] used cortex depended on an individual’s baseline state.
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.777807 Goal Management Training: a review 113
Overall, GMT combined programs were effective on partici- interventions, often prior to GMT, as a key step before engaging
pation with medium-large ESs on participation questionnaires the patient in the metacognitive training [24,25]. The first few
(g ¼ 0.49–2.14) when these were included, whereas GMT alone GMT modules emphasize awareness of ‘‘slips’’ during daily
did not have a significant effect on questionnaires. life and encourage patients to monitor them throughout the day.
Monitoring EF performance ‘‘on task’’ and recognizing errors
Does GMT rehabilitation improve EF at the level of or even predicting them could trigger metacognitive strategies
impairments? use [51,57].
All studies that found an intervention effect on measures of Discussion
participation failed to detect statistically significant intervention
effect on impairments assessed by classical neuropsychological GMT training effectiveness and validity of goal-neglect
tests. In Miotto’s [24] and Spikman’s [25] studies, patients showed theory in interventions
some progress on some neuropsychological impairments, but not At the present time there is insufficient evidence to support the
significantly more after GMT than after the control intervention. application of GMT as a stand-alone intervention in patients
This suggests that improvement on tests measuring impairment is with brain injury. Studies reporting effectiveness of GMT alone
not specifically due to the GMT intervention. This is consistent were either GMT proof-of-principle-studies [7,14,16] assessing
with Kennedy’s conclusions [5] regarding metacognitive strategy the immediate effect of a cognitive strategy but not the
training. Conversely, in four articles [6,23,37,41] relating to two effectiveness of use of that strategy in everyday contexts, or low
studies, patients receiving the intervention improved on paper- quality case studies [7,17,41]. Levine’s RCT [6] is not sufficient to
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and-pencil neuropsychological tests, but not on more ecologically affirm that GMT administered alone is effective as a rehabilitation
relevant tests of EF (Hotel Task [6] and Multiple Errands Task program because no effects were observed on EF daily life
[23,37]) and the effects on measures of participation were either complaints and because two out of three outcome measures used
not detected [6] or not assessed objectively [23,37]. However, were similar to tasks used during GMT training.
patients generally reported using GMT strategies more than GMT’s theoretical model of goal-neglect was supported by
before the intervention [23]. Manly’s periodic alerts [14] study but not confirmed in Levine’s
[6] that used the same outcome measure nor in Sweeney’s study
Do GMT effects generalize to untrained tasks and does [16] that used a novel virtual task. In the Fish et al. study [15], on
GMT rehabilitation improve participation? days where patients received content-free cues on their mobile
Novakovic-Agopian et al. [23] reported an improvement on EF phones, prospective memory performance was better, emphasiz-
ing the important role of alerting in GMT effectiveness.
For personal use only.

that generalized to tests of memory and learning, but this result

must be interpreted with caution as the intervention groups was No published studies have yet proven the generalizability of
highly stimulated by a 43 hour program whereas the control group such cueing on patient-set goals and daily life tasks.
had 2 h education on brain injury.
Carers [24,41] and patients [25] reported improvement on Measuring outcome in EF intervention studies
questionnaires of EF, on interview of role resumption [25] or The issue of novelty
reported subjective improvement in daily life [7,17,41] in most
studies (except [6,23,37]). Improvement on questionnaires An outcome measure needs to be novel to make significant
[24,25,41] can be considered as a generalization effect and demands on EF [8,58–61]. Multi element tasks (requiring a
transfer to home-context activities but questionnaires are known patient to do at least some of each of n tasks included in the test
to be influenced by many confounding factors other than in a set amount of time) are sensitive to executive dysfunction
intervention effectiveness [56]. This was addressed in the studies [62,63] and have a higher veridicality than classical neuropsy-
of Miotto [24] and Spikman [25] as questionnaires of active group chological EF assessments. However, their test–retest reliability
patients were compared to questionnaires of active control tends to be low [64,65] perhaps because a patient who was
patients who received a time-matched control intervention with overrun by time on first testing may remember to do some of each
participants being blind to which treatment was active. In both of task the next time. In GMT training, patients are explicitly trained
these studies significant effects of the intervention were reported. during GMT modules to manage multitasking in the same
GMT had a positive effect on EF ‘‘ecological’’ real-life tasks conditions as the tests used to evaluate their progress. When
like the Multiple errands Task [24], the Executive Secretarial the trained task is repeated after intervention, its familiarity may
Task [25] or test that are supposed to be close to daily life make it less demanding on EF as it is likely to require the
complex tasks, like the Hotel Task [14] and the Everyday tasks application of learned knowledge and task-specific procedures
[7,17] although the truly ecological value of these tests is which may have become automatic, rather than more general
uncertain. problem solving and goal management processes [61,66]. As the
whole purpose of EF tests is to prevent lapses into automaticity
and promote conscious, novel and effortful processing [59,61],
Who can benefit? EF dysfunction severity and
apparent progress after EF interventions may not necessarily
reflect changes in underlying executive processes. Even parallel
GMT is often said to be more suited to less severely impaired forms of the same test [65] may not overcome the novelty
patients. Heterogeneity of interventions, and of types of brain problem. The content may be new but the format is not [66].
injuries in the reviewed studies does not allow any conclusion on With the exception of one study [25], all rehabilitation studies
which population is the best target for GMT. Most studies did not used the same task pre- and post-intervention. This limits the
report on the severity of the DEX syndrome and some did opportunity to draw conclusions regarding the EF component in
not report on TBI severity [23,37]. There is some, albeit limited, task success as a result of the intervention. Although it is natural
evidence that more severely impaired patients would benefit to use the same test before and after the intervention, this may not
less [16]. be the best methodological solution for EF research [61].
Awareness of impairments is thought to be essential for GMT Spikman et al. [25] overcome these issues in their trial as they
success. Problem awareness was specifically trained in most administrated an ecological EF task (Executive Secretarial Task)
114 A. Krasny-Pacini et al. Disabil Rehabil, 2014; 36(2): 105–116

only once, after the intervention and compared the results of the applied to all studies, inevitably studies that were designed as
experimental group with controls that had a time-matched control ‘‘proof-of-principle’’ studies scored lower than more substantial
intervention. This single administration made the task genuinely rehabilitation studies. Thus, studies that might be considered to be
novel, though of course there was no direct comparison of equally strong as far as the individual aims of each study were
pre-intervention performance. concerned scored differently. Nevertheless, the primary focus of
this review was to address the question of where the evidence is at
The issue of ecological validity just now, in terms of whether GMT is useful for improving
functioning in the everyday lives of people with brain injury.
As the primary aim of any cognitive rehabilitation intervention In this case, using consistent appraisal system for all studies
is to improve functioning in everyday life, the ideal is to use seems appropriate.
outcome measures that reflect everyday functioning. A second limitation was the lack of objective criteria to
Some studies use measures that are clearly not similar to decide which outcome measures are truly ecological and not
everyday life tasks but have been shown to correlate with only called as such by authors. This issue was been emphasized
performance on activities of daily living. For example, the SART in a recent review [69] and our review followed the same
task used by Levine et al. [6], is a computerized sustained approach
attention task that consists of withholding key press to one of nine For as many studies as possible ESs were calculated. The
single-digit numbers targets. Although the SART has proven to possibility of a meta-analysis was considered, but given the
have a good correlation with reported everyday attentional failures heterogeneity of specific interventions and outcome measures,
and performance [43], it has never been demonstrated that and the level of variability in ESs, it was considered that
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improvement on the SART is correlated with improvement an average ES (even a weighted ES) had the potential to be
in everyday functioning. Indeed, Levine et al. [6] found no misleading. However, this does mean that at this stage in the
improvement on a questionnaire on everyday cognitive failures development of GMT interventions it is not feasible to estimate an
after GMT while patients had significantly improved on overall average ES.
the SART. Finally, the main difficulty in analyzing the results comes from
Tests designed to be more ecologically valid such as the the fact that in several studies, especially those who were most
‘‘multiple errands’’ format tasks [67,68] offer a challenging, effective, GMT was only a part of a larger therapeutic program
novel, open-ended, multiple goal context and require multiple, and so it is impossible to state to what extent GMT contributed to
innovative and higher level strategies. As such, they have the the observed effect. Multiple baseline single case experimental
strongest verisimilitude to daily EF requirements and offer a good designs, in which GMT and the other components of compre-
approach to providing evidence for intervention effectiveness hensive programs are introduced sequentially, might give some
For personal use only.

in daily life (for a review of useful tests assessing EF in insight into the respective effectiveness of each compound.
intervention studies see Lewis et al. [56]). A controlled trial with cross-over with three groups similar to
Another way of assessing EF in novel and challenging Miotto’s methodology, for example, would give valuable know-
situations is to ask proxies how patients function in daily life ledge about the respective effectiveness of different compounds of
with a specific focus on aspects of daily life that require EFs. This GMT combined interventions by comparing a group receiving
has been done through questionnaires or structured interviews general cognitive stimulation, a GMT group and a group receiving
such as Dysexecitive Questionnaire [6,24,41], Cognitive Failures Spikman’s multifaceted treatment of executive dysfunction. In any
Questionnaire [6,41] or Role Resumption List [25]. A disadvan- case, research on GMT should use ecologically valid outcome
tage is subjectivity in responses, especially when a patient and measures targeting participation rather than impairments, and
his/her family engage in a long, demanding rehabilitation where possible use objective, ecologically valid tests with parallel
protocol, something which might account for the progress seen versions that ensure task novelty. More reflection is needed as to
in control patients’ questionnaires [25] when the control inter- what constitutes a parallel version of an EF task: tasks that have
vention is active and duration-matched. the same format but differ in content may not be sufficient, but
designing tasks that draw on the same EF processes but use quite
Measuring impact on neural processes different presentation formats is challenging.
Another approach to examining the impact of GMT is to
investigate impact on brain processes associated with goal Implications and recommendations
management. To date few paradigms are available to do this,
but one example of an attempt to do this was that of Chen et al. GMT is a clearly defined, structured and manualized training
[37] who used a visual selective attention task in which only goal- which makes it attractive as an intervention for people with DEX
relevant stimuli had to be selected for further processing (1-back problems. To date, the evidence is insufficient to justify a
matches within the relevant category in a series of images recommendation that GMT should be delivered as a stand-alone
composed of faces or scenes categories, with varying instructions intervention. However, evidence is stronger that GMT may be a
as to which category is relevant). However, what is also needed is useful component of a more comprehensive intervention that
evidence that measures of EF or specific measures of processes includes (1) using PST, (2) focusing on patients’ own personal
related to goal management that can be used in the scanner goals as part of the GMT program, (3) including use of daily life
environment also have validity in terms of measuring processes tasks as part of the training program and with use of between
that impact on everyday functioning. session homework to encourage generalization, (4) using external
cueing or prompting to remind support application of GMT
strategies in everyday situations and (5) an intensity of training
Limitations and future research
sessions that is greater than weekly and a duration of more than
One limitation of this review is that the quality appraisal method 15 h. When patients are unaware of their impairments, awareness
used has not been independently validated. The appraisal system intervention seems useful before beginning a GMT-based
was developed to capture important aspects of research investi- rehabilitation.
gating interventions for EF, with a clear focus on impact on Other approaches seem very promising but there is no enough
improving EF in everyday life. As the same quality rating was evidence to support their use yet: using naturally-occurring daily
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.777807 Goal Management Training: a review 115
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