Problem and Solutions of Unemployment

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Problem Solution

H. Hà Trang +) Reducing the raising of people by

+) Due to the increase in residents take an effort of family planning
lead to a wide range of people who are

+) Youths who just graduated from +) Students be allowed to the

school are inexperience to catch up internship in companies which capable
with the needs of the job nowadays to improve their potential to adapt to
Ex: In the second quarter of 2022, the the demands of the job
youth unemployment rate was 7.63
percent, down 0.30 percentage points
compared to the previous quarter.
+) Adults are likely to be unemployed
because of their physical and mental
- L. Hà Trang
+) Unemployment is a situation in +) Effective career guidance and
which people of working age who are improving the quality of education and
able to work but do not have a job training of labor resources
+) In the context of globalization and +)Unemployed people actively looking
the development of science and for work
technology, people with low
professional qualifications are often +)Open free vocational training
unemployed programs

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