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Nature and Scope of Religion

Submitted To-
Dr. Annie Kunnath

Submitted By-
Akhil Kumar Dogra
(Student ID- 202203602)
Jamia Millia Islamia

‘‘The nature of religion and the nature

of secular worldview’’ ~ Smart, Ninian
- By Akhil Kumar Dogra, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Summary covers the explanation of the mentioned article written in two parts, Part[A] and
Part[B] written by Roderick Ninina Smart in his book The World’s Religion: Old Traditions
and Modern Transformation.

1. To Understand the different dimensions of religion.
2. Discussion on what the author wants to say by going deep in the meaning behind

Author has divided the article into two parts. In one he talks about the nature of religion in
terms of its dimensions and second is the opposite of the first one which is to look at the
nature of secular worldviews.

Part- A[Nature of Religion]

➔ Author is raising a question that what does religion mean in its true sense? Is it a
system of worshipping a transcendent being (something that is beyond human
capabilities and experience) or to find/meet the goal which is salvation from re-birth
➔ After raising the question the author also states that any specific answer to this
question is unknown.
➔ Before answering the question of what religion is in terms of its nature
➔ He coined the fact of diversity in every religion. For example if we look at the
denominations of Christanity we can find many diverse practices such as —
Orhtodox, Catholic, Baptist, Unitarian, Mennonite, Congregationalist, etc.

❖ What is Author pointing out by referring to subtraditions ?

❖ He is referring to the influence towards different Subtraditions from which
one lose the interest in his own sub-tradition (which he inherited from his
family) and got attracted towards others family’s subtraditions
❖ In this context he stated the example of how marriages work ?

❖ How did he draw this conclusion OR What made him think so?
❖ He may have get this knowledge after understanding from his own experiences
when he was posted to ‘Sri Lanka’ where he got in contact with Buddhist community

❖ What is Author pointing out while referring to Pluralism ?

❖ Enrichment of Pluralism (which he explains by giving the example that when two
different traditions , subtraditions, cultures, breeds in valuable manner it enriched
the beauty of pluralism.

❖ For this conclusion he gave the example of ‘Black Independent churches’ in Africa are
blend of African motifs( African culture’s beliefs and Society) + Chriastanites cannon.

❖ How does he draw this conclusion ?

❖ He might have got this knowledge during his studies at the School of Priental and
African Studies, University of London.

The Practical and ritual dimension

➔ As per the author this dimension concerns with performing actual actions that are
done in a proper sequence or manner regarding the field of worship known as
➔ This dimension is prevalent with the Sacramental kind people.
➔ Example - Performing Liturgy by Eastern Orthodoxy Christionans. Moreover, Ritual
of sacrifice that had been found in the ancient jewish traditions.
➔ In this context author stated an incredible example of Meditation, Yog and Method
of Stillness which are considered practical methods of raising spiritual awareness,
ethical insight and these same methods under some religions considered as a way
for unity with God.

The Experiential and emotional dimension

➔ By giving reference to some seminal events such as Conversion of Paul, Visions of
Prophet Muhammad and Enlightement of Buddha author stated the importance of
emotions in the realm of religion or as he said “ Emotions and experiences of men and
women are the food on which the other dimensions of religion feed: Ritual without
feeling is cold, doctrines without awe of compassion are dry and myths which do not
move hearers are feeble.”
➔ So to find the true meaning of ritual, their impact, sacredness, the calm peace and
the rousing inner dynamism understand of emotional part of tradition is very
➔ For this conclusion the author gave the example of the importance of music in
religion because of the mystic power it holds to express and engender emotions.

➔ Experiential dimension of religion is as important as any other dimension. For

instance, the term coined by Rudolf Otto ‘NUMINOUS’ is often designated with the
Latin Phrase “Mysterium Tremendum et fascinans”.
❖ What is Numinous ?
❖ It is described as a psychological phenomenon of a suddenly appearing, extremely
enigmatic, and at the same time fascinating state in which one feels influenced by
higher powers.
❖ This is all about mystical experiences that one feels or connected with.

➔ Apart from Numinous there are also other mystical Experience such as — Thought
of divine being within, Eternal Soul, Cloud of Unknowing, etc.
➔ These phenomena stated by Aldous Huxely as Mystic experience lies in the heart of
every religion.

❖ Mystic experiences further elaborated or divided into many parts such as

❖ Shamanistic Experiences (Known as state of Trance(ecstasy) related to
trance people who enter the state of trance and practice divination &
❖ Dramas of conversion
❖ Turning around from otherworldly experiences.

The Narrative or Mythic Dimension

➔ To forward the experience, rituals, texts, sacred things in a tradition over
generations to generations Narrative dimension comes into role.
➔ Though every religion has stories about:--
➔ Start of Universe
➔ End of Universe
➔ Voyage of Heroes
➔ Win of Good over Bad
➔ Founders of Religion - Buddha, Jesus & Prophet Mohammad
➔ Parables and edifying tales
➔ These all stories in any religion were put under the Myth dimension by the author.

The Doctrinal and Philosophical Dimension

➔ Narrative Dimension Lays the foundation for Doctrine part.
➔ For example in Christian tradition the story of Jesus' life when analysed critically
from the perspective to know the nature of how the divine being stayed over the
years in the human world leads to the origin of “Doctrine of Trinity”. That sees god
as three persons in one substance.
➔ In the same manner when we study the life of Buddha we found his vision of
salvation from the Re-birth cycle and for other such things was philosophical in
➔ From the practical approach we can say that to become the part of daily lives of
people in society at the ground level Doctrinal and Philosophical Dimension plays a
crucial role.

The Ethical and Legal Dimension

➔ In this dimension author address the question of ‘Ultimate liberation & Salvation’
➔ The concepts of Faith, Doctrine, ritual and Ethical dimensions closely resemble each
➔ When a doctrine or ritual adopted by people and when performed in a set of
manner consistently for a longer period of time helps to shape the society either
religious or politically.By giving some set of codes or laws for their people to follow.
➔ For Example: Five Precepts of Virtues in Buddhism, Torah for Orthodox Jew
community and Shari’a in Islam.

The Social and institutional dimension

- As per the author, This dimension unlike the other dimension which were abstracts
deals with incarnation of religion
- The only way to check whether the doctrine, Philosophy or ritual could hold up its
value among people in the society could only be possible by checking the life of
those peoples, That how well it blends with them.

- As every religious movement first embodied in a group of people, and then its very
often formally organised. And then later it was accepted by the rest of the society.

The Material Dimension

➔ The extract of all other dimensions could be seen in this dimension in the form of
Wall art, Symbols, Paintings, Building, Sacred items, etc.
➔ According to some religions this dimension helps people seduce from the thought
that god is a spirit who transcends all representation. That’s why the author stated
that the material expressions of religion are more often elaborate , moving and
highly important for believers in their approach to the divine.
➔ Material Dimension or expression also includes the natural things which hold a
sacred value in respective religions. For example - The river Ganges(represents the
Goddess Ganga), The sacred mountain of china, The Jordan, Mount Fuji in Japan.

Uses of Seven Dimension

➔ After going through seven dimensions of religion we could easily categorise any
religious movement or religions into the following dimensions and get a deep
understanding from it and after this we would have a much more balanced
approach to answer questions.
➔ In addition to this, If we look closely we can find that one or two dimensions have
always been weak or strong in many traditions or subtraditions, Like small societies
or tribes lacking in portraying doctrine dimension and similarly some new groups
may not have much to show in terms of material dimension.

Part B [The Nature of Secular worldview]

➔ Nationalism is to be considered as a substitute for the religious world. It in itself is
considered as a complete worldview. As it holds the territory of National
boundaries, World’s water surface, Control and authority over natural resources
thus made itself a powerful force in world affairs.
➔ Like the religious world, Nationalism also holds the same dimension and in order to
understand it we have to cover it from all the dimensions.
➔ According to the author, Nationalism has set up the foundation for the modern
world through the process of Industrialization & Modern Bureaucracy.
➔ As per the author, he had stated colonialism as one of the factors which found to be
crucial in raising Nationalism, For Example:- British conquest of India fostered an
Indian nationalism, Nationalism awakening in parts of the Soviet Union when
colonised by Russia.
➔ The Experimental and Emotional dimension of Nationalism is one of the powerful
dimensions. As per the author, Sentiments such as – Patriotism, Pride in the nation,
Attachment to some special places, Love of its beauties, etc. raised nationalism and
these things trained by such practices as singing as the national anthem and other
patriotic songs.
➔ The Ethical dimension of nationalism deals with ethics and some liabilities that every
citizen should consider such as– to show loyalty for the nation, Taxpayers, willing to
fight if necessary for the nation, law abiding and maintaining fellowship and
teamwork with rest citizens when situation arises such.
➔ In all the ways that we have covered so far and some that have left, “Nationalism
today is like religion”. And this had been explained by the author with an
incredible example that - If someone died today it is not like the old days when he
must have died for the religion it could be possible that he had died for the country
and will be rewarded so.
➔ With scalability some limitations also come into play. The same is the case with
nationalism, Problems such as mixes of ethnic races, growth of transnational
corporations, the developing economic interdependence of nations, etc.

Dimensions of Marxism
➔ Marxism holds a special place for itself as it is a movement of ideas, embodied in
many nations and International organisations, Moreover, some set of doctrines
followed by many great leaders such as Stalin, Mao, Hoxha and Ceausescu.
➔ The Mythical dimension of this deals with its own rituals like nationalism but has its
own symbolism such as — Widespread use of the colour red , the adoption of the
festivals such as May day & the anniversary of October Revolution.
➔ In terms of its ethics the author had matched it to Social Realism in terms of its
solidarity, its institutions those of the party and its artistic style.
➔ Like many other dimensions of religion and Nationalism, Marxism too has some
➔ N.Smart has mentioned it with examples of Local patriotisms, religions, the humanist
desire for freedom of enquiry, etc. against which marxism struggles.
➔ In the past, Numbers of Eastern European Countries and even the Soviet Union had
shown this Hollowness of marxism.
➔ After going through the Seven dimensions of religion and also with Nationalism and
Marxism, We could say that as like the religious world the secular world also have
some same characteristic and when compared with each other though the other
half considered themselves as ‘Anti-Religious’ found that are both competitors and
mutual blenders in nature. And thus can be said to play in the same league.
➔ At last, N. Smart had mentioned these all different ways as tools to express how
human beings imagine themselves and act in the world.

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