The Suffering of The Mother

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The Suffering of the Mother:

As the firing and looting of the village begin, the mother

took her baby and hide under a cave towards the narrow
river to protect herself and her baby from the horrible
war criminals who called themselves soldiers.
But little did she knew, that the cave wasn’t enough to
protect them because the army was already near them,
killing and raping other men, women and children.
Suddenly the mother sees this humongous armored
solider with a big gun in his one hand, running to their
direction, this solider was 7 foot 5 inch tall muscle bound,
with an ugly scar on his face like no other.
The man takes the baby and smashes this innocent
against the cave, crushing the very body of the baby and
the mother screams in anger, fear and horror when she
witnesses the sound of the bones being literally crushed
and meat and blood falling from the wall of the cave.
The solider steps forward and lays his most hideous yet
very predictable desire over the mother and after he's
done, he puts a big bullet in her head with his Gun.

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