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LOANS RECEIVABLE AND IMPAIRMENT expected amounts to be received discounted at original

effective interest rate

Impairment of Financial Assets – No actual impairment – Scope of Impairment Procedures – the preceding discussions
Financial assets shall not be measured at amounts higher than on impairment of financial assets shall be applied to the
the expected amount of cash to be received (net realizable following:
value). In addition, PRFS 9 requires entities to recognize a. Financial assets at amortized cost
impairment losses from financial assets even if there is no b. Financial assets at FVTOCI (debt securities only)
actual impairment (that is, expected credit loss or ECL)
Financial assets at FVTPL are not covered by impairment
The most common way to compute for the estimated provisions since decrease in fair values related to supposed
impairment of financial asset when there is no actual impairment are already reported in Profit/Loss. Equity
impairment is the PD x LGD x EAD securities at FVTOCI are not also covered since the gains are
 PD means Probability of Default (expressed as %) It reported in OCI and any decrease in fair value because of
indicates how likely the counterparty in a financial asset impairment are already reflected in the decrease in its fair
will fail to pay the amount due value
 LGD means Loss Given Default (expressed as %) It
indicates the portion of the financial asset that cannot be
recovered in case the counterparty defaults Loans Receivable
 EAD means Exposure At Default (expressed at financial
amounts) It indicates the carrying amount of financial Loans receivable are receivables arising from lending of funds
asset when the counterparty defaults primarily made by financial institutions such as banks and
insurance companies. Loans receivable are normally measured
Expected Credit Loss (ECL) shall be measured using the 12- initially at their fair value (which is normally equal to their face
month ECL when there is no significant increase in credit risk. amount) plus or minus origination costs incurred ad origination
On the other hand, ECL shall be measured using the lifetime fees received. The following formalizes the computation of
ECL when there is a significant increase in credit risk. Lifetime initial measurement of loans receivable:
ECL is higher than 12-month ECL. The amount of ECL will Face amount of loans receivable
increase continually before the happening of actual impairment Add: Direct origination costs
of the financial asset Less: Origination fees received
Initial carrying amt. of loans receivable
The amount of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) is reported as a
contra-asset account and any changes to it are reported in The difference between the face amount of the loan and its
profit or loss initial measurement has no profound effects as follows:
a. If the initial measurement is LOWER than the face
amount, the amount of EIR is HIGHER than the Stated Rate
Impairment of Financial Assets – With Actual Impairment – A of the loan
financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more events that b. If the initial measurement is HIGHER than the face
have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows amount, the amount of EIR is LOWER than the Stated Rate
of that financial asset is credit impaired include observable data of the loan
about the following events:
a. Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower Indirect origination costs shall be expensed outright when
b. A breach of contract, such as a default or past due event incurred. One will notice that loans receivable is normally
c. The lender of the borrower, for economic or contractual measured at amortized cost because they are held in business
reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, model of holding them to collect contractual cash flows and
having granted to the borrower a concession that the passing the SPPI test. However, they are not precluded to be
lender would not otherwise consider measured at FVTPL or FVTOCI especially when the contractual
d. It is becoming probable that the borrower will enter cash flows fail the SPPI test or held in different business
bankruptcy or other financial reorganization model
e. The disappearance of an active market for that financial
asset because of financial difficulties; or
f. The purchase or organization of a financial asset at a deep
discount that reflects the incurred credit losses

The amount of impairment loss is measured as the difference

between the carrying amount of the financial asset and the

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