Machine Learning-Based Detection of Soil Salinity in An Arid Desert Region, Northwest China - A Comparison Between Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI

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Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092

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Machine learning-based detection of soil salinity in an arid desert region,

Northwest China: A comparison between Landsat-8 OLI and
Sentinel-2 MSI
Jingzhe Wang a,b,c, Jianli Ding a,b,⁎, Danlin Yu d,e, Dexiong Teng a,b, Bin He f, Xiangyue Chen a,b, Xiangyu Ge a,b,
Zipeng Zhang a,b, Yi Wang g, Xiaodong Yang h, Tiezhu Shi c, Fenzhen Su i
Key Laboratory of Smart City and Environment Modelling of Higher Education Institute, College of Resources and Environment Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 800046, China
Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
Key Laboratory for Geo-Environmental Monitoring of Coastal Zone of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Urban Informatics, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Spatial
Smart Sensing and Services, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China
Department of Earth and Environmental Studies, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, 07043, USA
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Integrated Agro-environmental Pollution Control and Management, Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental Science & Technology, Guangzhou 510650, China
State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
Department of Geography & Spatial Information Technology, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China


• Differences between Landsat-8 OLI and

Sentinel-2 MSI are distinguishable.
• Satellite derived surface soil moisture is
significantly correlated with soil salin-
• Cubist is a satisfactory approach for soil
salinity mapping (RPIQ = 6.824).
• MSI image with finer spatial resolution
performs better than OLI.
• We need to pay more attention to the
environmental covariates.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate assessment of soil salinization is considered as one of the most important steps in combating global cli-
Received 5 August 2019 mate change, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Multi-spectral remote sensing (RS) data including Landsat
Received in revised form 10 December 2019 series provides the potential for frequent surveys for soil salinization at various scales and resolutions. Addition-
Accepted 10 December 2019
ally, the recently launched Sentinel-2 satellite constellation has temporal revisiting frequency of 5 days, which
Available online 13 December 2019
has been proven to be an ideal approach to assess soil salinity. Yet, studies on detailed comparison in soil salinity
Editor: Paulo Pereira tracking between Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI remain limited. For this purpose, we collected a total of 64
topsoil samples in an arid desert region, the Ebinur Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve (ELWNNR) to compare
Keywords: the monitoring accuracy between Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI. In this study, the Cubist model was trained
Soil salinization using RS-derived covariates (spectral bands, Tasseled Cap transformation-derived wetness (TCW), and satellite

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Ding).
0048-9697/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092

Sentinel-2 MSI salinity indices) and laboratory measured electrical conductivity of 1:5 soil:water extract (EC). The results
Landsat-8 OLI showed that the measured soil salinity had a significant correlation with surface soil moisture (Pearson's r =
Cubist 0.75). The introduction of TCW generated satisfactory estimating performance. Compared with OLI dataset, the
Remote sensing
combination of MSI dataset and Cubist model yielded overall better model performance and accuracy measures
Surface soil moisture
(R2 = 0.912, RMSE = 6.462 dS m−1, NRMSE = 9.226%, RPD = 3.400 and RPIQ = 6.824, respectively). The differ-
ences between Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI were distinguishable. In conclusion, MSI image with finer spa-
tial resolution performed better than OLI. Combining RS data sets and their derived TCW within a Cubist
framework yielded accurate regional salinity map. The increased temporal revisiting frequency and spectral res-
olution of MSI data are expected to be positive enhancements to the acquisition of high-quality soil salinity infor-
mation of desert soils.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (SSM) has an essential effect on soil salinity as well as corresponding

reflected radiance (Lobell and Asner, 2002). However, this specific co-
Soil salinization is a global ecological environment issue, which has variate is rarely used to estimate soil salinity in previous studies. In
caused severe soil degradation/desertification, especially in arid and this investigation, we propose to include it as a potential explanatory
semi-arid regions (Ding and Yu, 2014; Ivushkin et al., 2019; Sidike variable in our models. In natural environment, soil properties usually
et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2019b). Salt-affected soil restoration and land follow non-normal distributions, which limits the inferencing and
reclamation are essential for improving eco-environmental quality quantifying capabilities of regular regression models. Additionally, rela-
and regional sustainable development (Gorji et al., 2017; Peng et al., tionships between RS data and soil salinity are seldom linear. The Cubist
2019). Accordingly, obtaining the dynamic soil salinity information model, a popular non-linear, rule-based machine learning technology,
with high efficiency, low cost, in real-time will provide the essential has been recommended for performing precise soil salinity estimation
quantitative data for informed land management. in some recent studies (Peng et al., 2019; Zeraatpisheh et al., 2019).
In the conventional way, to generate detailed digital soil salinity dis- In this study, to obtain the ground-truth soil salinity information,
tribution in large scale, complicated sample collection is necessary. This field works were conducted in the Ebinur Lake Wetland National Nature
often makes soil salinity mapping exceedingly laborious and time con- Reserve (ELWNNR), a representative arid desert region in Xinjiang
suming. In recent years, remote sensing (RS) technology has attracted Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), Northwest China. Based on the
scholars' and practitioners' attention as a promising method for cost- frameworks of previous studies (Ding and Yu, 2014; Wang et al.,
effective monitoring and mapping of soil salinity over large areas. This 2019b), we performed regression analysis between the derived features
is because remote sensing images have unparalleled advantages in ob- of two sources of RS data and ground-measured salinity. The main pur-
serving the ground at various scales and resolutions (Farifteh et al., poses of this study are: (1) to compare the performance of two RS data
2006; Hu et al., 2019; Metternicht and Zinck, 2003). Nowadays, satellite sources (OLI and MSI) in soil salinity monitoring; (2) to investigate the
RS data plays a fundamental role in global and regional soil salinity relationship between SSM and soil salinity; (3) to verify the estimating
monitoring and mapping (Ding and Yu, 2014; Fan et al., 2016; performance of Cubist models based on satellite images (OLI and MSI);
Ivushkin et al., 2019) . The new generation of polar-orbiting sun- and (4) to produce soil salinity maps in the ELWNNR and investigate
synchronous multispectral RS data has recently become available. soil salinity's spatial distribution with RS information.
Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) has been widely used for im-
proved global environment and security monitoring at the medium res- 2. Materials and methods
olution (30 m), especially for soil salinity assessment (Tran et al., 2019;
Wulder et al., 2019). However, accuracy of multispectral analysis is 2.1. Study area
often limited primarily because of coarse spatial resolution and broad
bandwidths (Peng et al., 2019). The Sentinel-2 (S2) satellite equipped The Ebinur Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve (ELWNNR) is lo-
with the Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) provides images with high cated in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, northwestern China, be-
spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. These images provide alterna- tween 43°38′-45°52′N, 79°53′-85°02′E (Fig. 1a). Ebinur Lake, the center
tive perspectives for potentially improved detection accuracy of soil sa- of the ELWNNR, is the largest terminal lake in the Junggar Basin (Wang
linity. Two-satellite Sentinel-2 missions (S2A and S2B) were launched et al., 2019a). The total area of the ELWNNR is 2670.8 km2 (Fig. 1b).
on June 23rd, 2015 and March 7th, 2017, respectively. The on-board Ebinur Lake and the adjacent wetlands are a typical ecological degrada-
MSI has 13 spectral bands with fine resolution (up to 10 m). Bannari tion region and an Oasis–Desert System area in Central Asia (Ge et al.,
et al. (2018) applied the Sentinel 2-MSI for soil salinity detection in 2016). The ELWNNR is surrounded by mountains on three sides in a rel-
the Kingdom of Bahrain, showing the potential of this data for soil salin- atively landlocked position. It has a typical continental arid climate with
ity detection. The introduction of S2 data with finer pixel size provides scarce annual precipitation (b200 mm) and intense evaporation
the opportunity for improved characterization of soil salinity. It is pre- (6.8 × 108 m3/yr). In recent decades, increasing human activities and
dicted that the application of Sentinel-2 MSI (S2) data will greatly im- consequently reduced surface runoff lead to increasing water salinity
prove soil salinity monitoring (Wang et al., 2019a). (Wang et al., 2019b). According to the World Reference Base for Soil Re-
Many regression methods including multivariable linear regression sources (WRB), the main soil types are Arenosols, Solonetz, and Solon-
(MLR), partial least square regression (PLSR) have been widely used chaks in the ELWNNR (Abuduwaili et al., 2015). Affected by the low
to infer the potential relationships between RS data (reflectance and and flat terrain, arid climatic conditions, and shallow groundwater
spectral indices) and soil properties. However, successful implementa- level, surface aggregated soil salinity is widespread with NaCl as the
tion of these linear models must satisfy certain assumptions prevalent salt minerals in the study area (Wang et al., 2018b). Due to
(e.g., standard normal distribution and obvious linear relationships). strong and consistent local winds, fine sand particles with rich salt can
Consequently, linear approach may cause large error, especially over re- be transported to thousands of kilometers away. This could cause accel-
gions where spatiotemporal dynamic nature of soil salinity is large as in erated snow and ice melting that leads to secondary soil salinization,
our study area. Additionally, soil salinity is significantly affected by dif- which threatens farming activities and deteriorates ecological environ-
ferent environmental factors. Among them, surface soil moisture ment in arid and semi-arid regions (Liang et al., 2019).
J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092 3

Fig. 1. Location of sampling sites in the study area (a: Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region within China; b: Ebinur Lake Basin; c: Ebinur Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve; d and e:
typical landscape photograph of sampling sites (Photograph credit: Jingzhe Wang); f: the sampling schema (4 points) within quadrate).

2.2. Soil sample collection and laboratory analysis 2015). The launch of the Sentinel-2, which is an essential part of Global
Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), offers new perspec-
The field soil survey was conducted from August 27th to 31st, 2017. tives for earth observations (Drusch et al., 2012). MSI data shares many
The survey route of sampling process was designed based on the vehicle technical features of the existing Landsat series with a more frequent
accessibility to the potential sampling sites. According to previous field temporal revisiting frequency of 5 days. The detailed technical specifica-
survey experience, existing digital soil maps (soil types, textures, and tions of both OLI and MSI data are available in previous studies and will
other characteristics) and primary local land use/cover, we selected a not be repeated here (ESA, 2015; Irons et al., 2012; Roy et al., 2014). The
total of 64 soil sampling quadrats (Fig. 1c–e). Considering the finest spa- typical characteristics of the imageries are presented in Table S1 and
tial resolution of S2 data, we designed the grid size of each quadrat as Fig. S1. To better compare the performance of OLI and MSI datasets
10 m × 10 m (Fig. 1f) (Gholizadeh et al., 2018; Taghadosi et al., 2019). and further reduce uncertainty in soil salinity monitoring, simultaneous
At each sampling point, four topsoil samples were collected and cloud-free RS imageries (OLI and MSI) were captured on 28th August
mixed (from 0 to 20 cm) using a soil drill. In the meantime, a portable 2017 in this study. These images were collected at no cost from http://
GPS (UniStrong G120, positioning accuracy ≤5 m) was used to record For the acquired OLI L1T imagery, radiation correction
the geographic locations. Although the positioning accuracy level of and atmospheric corrections were performed using Fast Line-of-sight
the GPS unit was not ideal, it was enough to provide reasonable loca- Atmospheric Analysis of Hypercubes (FLAASH) algorithm in the
tional alignment between the sampling quadrats and remote sensing ENVI® software version 5.3 (Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Boul-
image pixels (since 5 m is 0.5-pixel size of a 10 m resolution image). der, CO, USA). Because the MSI L1C data has undergone radiometric cor-
All soil samples were properly sealed, labeled, and transported to the rection, we only conducted atmospheric corrections using Sen2Cor
laboratory to measure their main physicochemical attributes. The sam- algorithm in ESA's Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) package to pro-
ples were fully air-dried and passed through a 2 mm sieve to remove duce the Bottom Of Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance values (Clevers and
non-soil materials. We measured the SSM using oven-dried method Gitelson, 2013; Novelli et al., 2016). The pretreated RS imageries were
(105 °C incubator, 48 h). Based on the prepared adequate soil leachate also geometrically corrected (accuracy: ±0.5 pixels) to reduce error.
at 1:5 soil:water ratio, soil electrical conductivity was determined Considering the spectral difference between these two datasets, we
using a digital multiparameter measuring apparatus (Multi 3420 Set B, only employed spectral bands of Coastal aerosol, Blue, Green, Red, NIR,
WTW GmbH, Germany) at room temperature (25 °C). SWIR-1, and SWIR-2 which were all resampled to 10 m spatial resolu-
tion for further analysis and comparison (Korhonen, et al., 2017;
Meyer et al., 2019).
2.3. Remote sensing data acquisition and pre-processing Tasseled Cap transformation-derived Wetness (TCW) component
have been used as an effective indictor to assess SSM information
Temporal dense Landsat data with a 16-day revisiting period pro- (r = 0.93–0.99) (Han et al., 2019; Musick and Pelletier, 1988). Addition-
vides quality geo-information time series data, especially for soil salinity ally, the TCW transformation is an effective data dimensionality reduc-
mapping (Fan et al., 2016; Metternicht and Zinck, 2003; Scudiero et al., tion approach with minimum information loss (Jin and Sader, 2005;
4 J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092

Masoud, 2014). Based on the standard sketch outlined in Baig et al. model consists of a set of piecewise multivariate linear models to collec-
(2014) and Nedkov (2017), TCW transformation was applied to the tively solve the nonlinear problems properly. Cubist model has received
pretreated RS data. To verify its applicability in the present study, the much attention lately because of its advantages comparing to simple
correlation between actual SSM and corresponding TCW data were linear regression, such as simple and effective rules, short training
evaluated and strong correlation was found between the two (r = time, and satisfactory performance in solving high-dimensional prob-
0.94). Additionally, we selected many satellite salinity indices based lems (Noi et al., 2017; Peng et al., 2019). Although commonly the
on published results in previous studies to capture more land surface sa- criteria for selecting effective parameters are based on the results of cor-
linity information (Ding and Yu, 2014; Wang et al., 2019b). relation test with confidence level of 0.01 (Hong et al., 2019; Peng et al.,
In arid and semi-arid regions, the spectral index is an effective way 2019; Wang et al., 2018c), to take full advantage of Cubist model, all
to detect soil salinity (Gorji et al., 2017; Peng et al., 2019). Each spectral spectral covariates will be applied during model calibration. Addition-
index was proposed locally based on specific environmental conditions, ally, the particular subsets of the input space are automatically selected
which suggests that the spectral index should not be generalized with- (Yu and Wu, 2006). Considering the satisfactory self-training perfor-
out considering local conditions (Verstraete and Pinty, 1996). In this mance of Cubist model, we used the default values in the configuration
study, we selected and composed commonly used satellite salinity indi- when calibrating our model.
ces in a hope to generate powerful combination for the construction of Considering the small sample size, we also applied the bootstrap
retrieval model (Table 1). Moreover, to exclude non-soil pixels, we strategy to assess the uncertainty of the Cubist estimations (Efron and
used the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI = (NIR − R)/ Tibshirani, 1994). The bootstrap measured the accuracy of a estimation
(NIR + R)) to exclude water bodies (NDVI b 0) and vegetation cover by generating different Cubist models from different realizations of the
(NDVI N 0.3) prior to model calibration (Davis et al., 2019). After the data (McBratney et al., 2006). In this study, training (n = 200) was per-
treatment, only bare soils pixels were considered in the model, which formed on each bootstrap sample, thus we had 200 Cubist models for
laid the foundation for the ensuing digital soil mapping. soil salinity.

2.4. Modelling strategy and uncertainty

2.5. Statistical analysis
As a common practice (Wang et al., 2019b), we divided the whole
dataset (n = 64) into the calibration set (40 soil samples, 62.50% of In this study, statistical calculation, drawing and Pearson correlation
the whole soil samples) and the validation set (24 soil samples, analysis were performed using packages of Cubist (version 0.2.2) and
37.50% of the whole samples) by means of Kennard-Stone (K\\S) algo- corrplot (version 0.84) in the R platform (version 3.4.0) (Kuhn et al.,
rithm to ensure the generalization and robustness of the model. For fur- 2018; R Development Core Team, 2018; Wei et al., 2017). Linear regres-
ther analysis and visualization, all 64 soil samples were partitioned with sion was implemented using Origin 2018b (OriginLab Corp.,
commonly used classification scheme of soil salinity (Schoeneberger Northhampton, MA, USA), which was aimed to analyze the relation-
et al., 2002): 1) non-saline (0 dS m−1 b EC ≤ 2 dS m−1), 2) very slightly ships between the soil salinity and MSI-derived surface soil moisture.
saline (2 dS dS m−1 b EC ≤ 4 dS m−1), 3) slightly saline (4 dS m−1 b EC ≤ 8 Furthermore, as recommended by Li et al., 2015, some basic measures
dS m−1), 4) moderately saline (8 dS m−1 b EC ≤ 16 dS m−1), and were used for model evaluation: (1) the coefficients of determination
5) strongly saline (N16 dS m−1). (R2), (2) root mean square errors (RMSE), (3) normalized root mean
To calibrate the quantitative retrieval model of soil salinity, Cubist square errors (NRMSE) considering the wide range of soil salinity in
model was used in this study. During the past decades, several scholars the study area, (4) ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) and
applied this method to retrieve soil properties based on multispectral RS (5) ratio of performance to interquartile distance (RPIQ). Compared to
data and considered its estimating performance satisfactory RPD, RPIQ is a more objective and reasonable performance index espe-
(Henderson et al., 2005; Homer et al., 2012; Liang et al., 2019). Accord- cially for the soil-sample sets with non-normal distribution (Bellon-
ing to the published results in Peng et al. (2019) and Zeraatpisheh et al. Maurel and McBratney, 2011; Nocita et al., 2014). For the purposes of
(2019), Cubist is recommended for EC inversion. Cubist is an extension comparison with previous studies, the RPD was still kept in this study.
of Quinlan's M5 model tree (Quinlan, 1992, 1993). Specifically, this algo- To facilitate the illustration of the estimating results, we used the
rithm is a rule-based predictive model consisting of a set of rules, each RPIQ-level ranking system outlined in (Ludwig et al., 2017) and (Hong
rule is associated with a corresponding multiple linear regression et al., 2019) to describe the models: excellent model (RPIQ ≥ 4.05),
model (Ma et al., 2017; Yu and Wu, 2006). A specific predictive model good model (3.37 ≤ RPIQ b 4.05), approximate quantitative model
will be chosen based on the most appropriate rule. In general, Cubist (2.70 ≤ RPIQ b 3.37), and fair model (2.02 ≤ RPIQ b 2.70). A model

Table 1
Employed satellite salinity indices and their calculation formulas.

Spectral index Acronym Formula Reference

Tasseled cap wetness TCW 0.1509 × B + 0.1973 × G + 0.3273 × R + 0.3406 × NIR − 0.7112 × SWIR-1 − 0.4573 × SWIR-2 (Baig et al., 2014)
Intensity index 1 Int1 (G + R)/2 (Triki Fourati et al.,
Intensity index 2 Int2 (G + R + NIR)/2 2015)
Normalized difference salinity NDSI (R − NIR)/(R + NIR) (Khan et al., 2005)
Salinity index I S1 B/R (Khan et al., 2005)
Salinity index II S2 (B − R)/(B + R)
Salinity index III S3 (G × R)/B
Salinity index V S5 (B × R)/G
Salinity index VI S6 (R × NIR)/G
Salinity index SI (B + R)0.5 (Douaoui et al., 2006)
Salinity index 1 SI1 (G × R)0.5
Salinity index 2 SI2 [(G)2 + (R)2 + (NIR)2]0.5
Salinity index 3 SI3 [(R)2 + (G)2)]0.5

Detailed wavelengths of the used bands: for OLI data, B = B2 (483 nm), G = B3 (561 nm), R = B4 (655 nm), NIR = B5 (865 nm), SWIR-1 = B6 (1609 nm), SWIR-2 = B7 (2201 nm); for
MSI data, B = B2 (490 nm), G = B3 (560 nm), R = B4 (655 nm), NIR = B5 (842 nm), SWIR-1 = B6 (1610 nm), SWIR-2 = B7 (2190 nm).
J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092 5

with higher R2 and RPIQ and a lower RMSE is deemed a more appropri- help us choose the potential predictive factors for our model. As
ate model. shown in Fig. 5, statistically significant correlations were observed be-
tween all 20 covariates generated from the two different sensors and
3. Results soil salinity. Three spectral indices, namely NDSI, S1 and S2 failed the
significance test (P b 0.01). Generally, the highest correlations between
3.1. Descriptive statistics covariates and soil salinity were obtained from TCW and Int2. Regarding
the two different datasets, the relationship between SSM and soil salin-
The descriptive statistics for soil salinity for the whole, calibration, ity was the strongest. In addition, good correlations between seven
and validation datasets are visualized in Fig. 2. These three datasets spectral bands and soil salinity (including B1, B3 and B4) were observed.
showed relatively high variations. For the whole dataset, the range of The correlation of EC value with the calculated satellite spectral indices
soil salinity varies from 0.15 to 77.90 dS m−1, with a standard deviation usually performed better than with individual spectral bands (Fig. 5).
of 22.12 dS m−1. The average salinity levels of selected calibration and Overall, all correlation coefficients between MSI-derived covariates
validation datasets are 26.23 dS m−1 and 26.03 dS m−1, respectively. and soil salinity were high, and MSI data were more sensitive to local
The data range, standard deviation (S.D.), and coefficient of variation salt-affected soil than OLI data in the study area (Fig. 5b).
are similar for all three datasets, which suggests our separation of the Based on Fig. 5, the original Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI imag-
dataset is valid. eries and their derived features (e.g. satellite salinity indices and TCW)
were used as the RS data source (covariates) to estimate salinity.
3.2. Comparing spectral characteristics between OLI and MSI Using these covariates, we calibrated the Cubist model. The rules of
each Cubist model and corresponding linear regression model were
In order to detect the signatures of the selected spectral bands, we listed in Table 2. In terms of Landsat data, the highest contribution co-
selected a total of 6000 random points (excluding the vegetation and variate was B1 (81.50%), followed by S6 (49.00%) and B5 (42.50%).
water masks pixels) and conducted the comparison between Landsat- While for Sentinel-2 MSI data, the top three variables with high contri-
8 OLI and Sentinel-2 imageries (Fig. 3). The BOA (Bottom of Atmo- butions were SI1 (81.50%), TCW (61.00%), and S1 (42.50%), respectively.
sphere) reflectance values ranging from 0 to 1 make them comparable. As the results shown in Table 2, covariates with higher contributions
All sub figures in Fig. 3 illustrate that the reflectance values are approx- were not always the same, each sub-model formula varied with differ-
imately similar in each corresponding spectral band. ent rules and input variables. Even with the same selected factor, the re-
To visualize the relationship between soil samples with different sa- gression coefficient of each input variable was different, which
linity and corresponding reflectivity, we selected five representative soil demonstrated their variable contribution in the Cubist models.
samples in different salinity levels to draw the diagram (Fig. 4). Soil For the OLI calibration dataset, the R2, RMSE, NRMSE, RPD and RPIQ
samples with different salinity levels follow very similar shape and am- were 0.900, 7.390 dS m−1, 9.504%, 3.083 and 4.169, respectively
plitude of the spectral reflectance curves. In terms of the two different (Table 3). For the MSI calibration dataset, it had similar variation trends
sensors, non-saline soil and strongly saline soil correspond to the lowest as those of the OLI calibration dataset, but had higher values of R2
and highest reflectance, respectively. It serves as the benchmark for the (0.914), RPD (3.345) and RPIQ (4.489) and lower RMSE (6.863 dS
distinction between different salinity soils based on RS technology. In m−1) and NRMSE (8.785%). For the validation dataset, accuracy
addition, the regularity between different salinization levels and the changed slightly. The R2 and RPIQ for the OLI dataset were 0.892 and
corresponding spectral feature shows that the MSI data has a slightly 6.147, respectively, and for the MSI dataset were 0.912 and 6.824, re-
lower reflectivity though within a narrower range than the OLI data. spectively. Other measures followed similar changes (Table 3). For the
In this study, the near-unanimous spectral reflectance in OLI and MSI Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI datasets, there were some obvious
sensors is the result of simultaneous remote sensing imagery capture. outliers in the estimations of soil samples with lower EC values (0–10
dS m−1). They were above the 1:1 line, and these datapoints were rela-
3.3. Model development and performance evaluation tively discrete (Fig. 6). Our results indicated that the combination of MSI
dataset and Cubist model recorded overall better model performance
To examine the sensitivity of RS-derived covariates (spectral bands, (Fig. 6b). In addition, although there were different elements that
TCW, and satellite salinity indices) to soil salinity, we conducted Pear- could cause uncertainty in soil salinity mapping including modelling er-
son correlation analysis and build the correlograms (Fig. 5). It could rors, and parameter uncertainty, the lower values of S.D., RMSE and

Fig. 2. Summary statistics of soil salinity for the whole (a), calibration (b) and validation (c) datasets. Note: n, sample number, Min., Minimum, Max., Maximum, S.D., standard deviation,
and C.V., coefficient of variation.
6 J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092

Fig. 3. Comparison between 6000 random soil pixels of Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI spectral bands (dash lines represent the mean reflectivity). (a): Costal aerosol, (b) Blue, (c) Green,
(d) Red, (e) NIR, (f) SWIR-1 and (g) SWIR-2. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

NRMSE indicated the Cubist model was stable in estimating soil salinity derived and MSI-derived EC spatial distribution maps were similar
(Table 4). In this study, the calibrated Cubist model achieves the desired with no remarkable difference.
performance (neither over-fitting nor under-fitting). Both maps highlight areas with continuous distribution of saline
soils. The soils with strong salinity degree (N16 dS m−1) are concen-
3.4. Soil salinity map in the ELWNNR trated in the areas at low elevations (such as piedmont region, lake
area and nearby shores) in the ELWNNR. These landscapes are mostly
Based on the RS datasets (Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI) and flat with shallow groundwater levels, and strong prevailing local
corresponding calibrated Cubist models, we generated the soil salinity winds that increase regional evaporation rate. Under these conditions,
distribution maps in the ELWNNR (Fig. 7). The trends in the OLI- salt contents quickly accumulate in soil surface. Affected by the

Fig. 4. Comparison between the Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI spectral bands spectral reflectance of soil samples with different salinity levels: (a) non-saline, (b) very slightly saline,
(c) slightly saline, (d) moderately saline, and (e) strongly saline.
J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092 7

is predominant in this study area. Apart from the additional challenge

caused by resampling techniques and resolution differences in both
spectral and spatial dimension, our results demonstrate that differences
between Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI are distinguishable. MSI
image with finer spatial (and temporal) resolution performs better
than OLI image.
In this study, we obtained the SSM information using Tasseled Cap
transformation-derived wetness (TCW). Using MSI data as an example,
we found statistically significant correlations between measured soil sa-
linity and RS-derived surface soil moisture (TCW) with a Pearson's r of
0.75 (Fig. S2). Soil salinity and SSM were strongly correlated. Under
the effect of dissolution of salt in water, the spatial distribution of SSM
greatly facilitated soil salinity detection (as can be seen by comparing
Figs. 7 and S3).

4. Discussion

4.1. Salinity tracking based on multispectral RS data

Various multispectral sensors use spectral information reflected by

ground targets for the detection of useful geo-information
(Zeraatpisheh et al., 2019). Different spectral characters associated
with target soil with varying salinity degrees also lay the foundation
for topsoil salinity monitoring. Areas with the highest degree of saliniza-
tion were usually covered with white salt crust. That explains the in-
creased spectral reflectivity of soil samples with increased soil salinity
in almost every band (Fig. 4). This makes it possible to use the multi-
spectral bands and their derived spectral indices for topsoil salinity
monitoring and mapping. According to the literature, two commonly
used modelling schemes were summarized: 1) estimating soil salinity
directly using salinity index (Han et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019b);
and 2) estimating soil salinity indirectly using vegetation index
(Allbed and Kumar, 2013; Zhang, et al., 2015). However, the habitat
and tolerance of each vegetation type are quite different. Whether the
vegetation index is considered or not, the vegetation-covered areas
are usually recognized as non-saline soil and slightly saline soil in previ-
ous studies (Ding and Yu, 2014; Hu et al., 2019; Peng et al., 2019). This is
the reason why vegetation cover was masked prior to model calibration
in our study. In addition, the OLI data has less satisfactory results since it
classifies more soil area as strongly saline (N16 dS m−1) than MSI in this
study (Fig. 7b and d). The MSI data with finer spatial resolution reduces
Fig. 5. Correlation coefficients between laboratory-measured soil salinity and remote the effects caused by this issue. This might be because of the coarse pixel
sensing derived covariates based on 64 samples. (a): Landsat-8 OLI, (b): Sentinel-2 MSI.
size (30 m) of OLI data with more mixed pixels containing multiple end-
elements (Davis et al., 2019).
topography and parent material profiles, the soils with EC of 0–4 dS m−1 For monitoring soil salinization, it is essential to take into account
(non-saline and very slightly saline soil) are mainly distributed in the the spectral reflectance of halophyte vegetation, especially in the arid
north of the study area (Alatao Mountain). The soils with slightly salin- and semi-arid regions with severe salinization (Scudiero et al., 2015;
ity degree (4–8 dS m−1) and moderately salinity degree (8–16 dS m−1) Zhang et al., 2015). Meanwhile, vegetation and soil characteristics are
are concentrated in the Gobi Desert and vicinity. indispensable environmental variables during retrieval model calibra-
The OLI data classifies more soil area as strongly saline (N16 dS m−1) tion. However, there is no silver bullet. Each index has its distinctive fea-
than MSI (Fig. 7b and d). Both maps demonstrate that salt-affected soil ture. The performances of these parameters vary with different

Table 2
Cubist model formulas and corresponding rules for Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI data, respectively.

Sensor Rules Model formula

OLI 1 B1 ≤ 0.1346 & B5 N 0.1845 −52.27774 + 243 Int2

2 B1 ≤ 0.1346 & B5 ≤ 0.1845 −213.5482 + 1407 × B5–94 × B1
3 B1 N 0.1346 & S6 ≤ 0.2593 −766.9279 + 1904 × SI – 1877 × B2–856 × B3–238 × NDSI +289 × B1 + 89× S1–88 × S6 + 25× B5
4 B1 N 0.1346 & S6 N 0.2593 −1346.2274 + 3263 × SI − 4661 × B2 + 466 × S1–799 × B3–222 × NDSI−276 × S6 + 140 × B1
MSI 1 SI1 ≤ 0.1494 −3.8611 + 66 × SI1 + 14 × SI2–15 × SI
TCW ≤ 0.4939 & S1 ≤ 0.7613 &
2 47.6061–381 × SI1 + 191 × B2
SI1 N 0.1494
TCW ≤ 0.4939 & S1 N 0.7613 &
3 25.0080–152 × TCW + 89 S1–25 × SI1 + 26 × B2
SI1 N 0.1494
−1806.0183 + 5757 × SI – 3917 × SI1–1254 × NDSI –
4 TCW N 0.4939
2663 × B1–1399 × S6–566 × TCW + 672 × B7–252 × B2 + 43 × S1
8 J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092

Table 3
Accuracy statistics of two calibrated cubist models based on Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI data, respectively.

Data R2 Calibration R2 Validation


OLI 0.900 7.390 9.504% 3.083 4.169 0.892 7.174 10.243% 3.369 6.147
MSI 0.914 6.863 8.785% 3.345 4.489 0.912 6.462 9.226% 3.400 6.824

Note: R2, coefficients of determination; RMSE, root mean square error; RPD, ratio of performance to deviation; NRMSE, normalized root mean square errors.

environmental conditions (soil types, soil surface roughness, and vege- Wood, 2001). Besides, transport of salts is consistent with water move-
tation coverage). The fundamental reason is that the satellite index is a ment because salts come with the water, and leave with it, too (Masoud
qualitative indicator that has congenital defects in the expression of in- et al., 2019; Reynolds et al., 2007). Additionally, the effect of land surface
formation (Wang et al., 2019b). More attention should be paid to the temperature is not considered in this study. It is very likely that the ther-
environmental information reflecting the changes of soil properties modynamic factor can affect the deposition and distribution of salt
such as vegetation cover, phenology and growth. (Ivushkin et al., 2019). However, this effect is more reflected towards
the soil salinity dynamics in time scale. Once we understand the mech-
4.2. Response of SSM to the spatial distribution of soil salinity anism of local salinization, we will consider more potential and valuable
factors. Among them, Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) is
The mechanism of salinization is quite complicated, and this specific a promising alternative approach for quantitative evaluation of SSM.
phenomenon may be affected by various factors (Ding and Yu, 2014). This index gives due consideration to the surface temperature and
The accumulation of salt on the soil surface and soil profile is signifi- inversing regional soil moisture with higher precision (Gao et al.,
cantly affected by spatiotemporal dynamics of water content. In fact, 2011). On such basis, Ensemble Kalman Filter (En-KF) method and
multispectral RS data is confined to detect the accumulated salt within multi-dimensional hydrological model (HYDRUS) can be used to simu-
the topsoil. It might not be plausible to discern all potential influencing late local accurate SSM and improve the accuracy of soil salinity estima-
factors with reflectance information alone (Ma et al., 2018; Peng et al., tion further.
2019). Therefore, it is crucial to grasp the main factors affecting saliniza-
tion and take full advantages of RS techniques in the accurate expres-
sion of SSM (Han et al., 2019). As illustrated in Table 2, TCW played an 4.3. Uncertainty analysis of current study
important role in the rules of Cubist model based on MSI data. The sat-
isfied outcomes of Cubist model are results of the various partitioned Uncertainty is a key issue in soil mapping. In this study, we attempt
sub-sections and corresponding input variables (Liang et al., 2019; to compare the estimating performance of Cubist models based on two
Viscarra Rossel et al., 2019). satellite images (OLI and MSI). The uncertainty of this study mainly
In published studies of soil salinity estimation, scholars often paid comes from two sources: one is the uncertainty of relationships be-
limited attention to environmental covariates (Fan et al., 2016; Liang tween salt features and RS data; another is the uncertainty when esti-
et al., 2019). For the RS-based monitoring of soil salinization, the moni- mating the Cubist model. In this study, topsoil samples were collected
toring accuracy is susceptible to SSM. Different degrees of SSM can and mixed (from 0 to 20 cm) according to common practice (Peng
cause the decreasing reflectivity in the visible (VIS) and near-infrared et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2018a). However, the captured soil salt infor-
(NIR) ranges (Lobell and Asner, 2002), which further affects the perfor- mation by satellite images may be affected by the grain size, organic
mance of each spectral band and index (Fang et al., 2015). content, moisture content, and other soil characteristics. In addition, al-
In fact, soil salinity and SSM are interactive (Han et al., 2019) because though radiation correction and atmospheric corrections were per-
salt contents from groundwater in high salinity areas could easily seep formed, the captured spectral information may still be affected by
up to the topsoil. Water-soluble salt often accumulates and crystalizes terrain factors and shadows. Additionally, in this study, our sample
in the topsoil (forming white salt crust) after evaporation. Hygroscopic size (n = 64) is relatively small. This may cause potential errors and in-
salts including the sodium salts can absorb atmospheric water and keep troduce uncertainty in data analysis. In our future studies, we will at-
their own moist. The mechanism has been elaborated in (Sanford and tempt to increase our sample size with additional sampling sites and

Fig. 6. Scatter plots of laboratory-measured versus estimated soil salinity-derived from Cubist regression models using Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI data, respectively. Black solid line
represents the 1:1 line.
J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092 9

Table 4
Estimation uncertainty and accuracy using Cubist model based on Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI data, respectively.

Items Calibration Validation


Mean S.D. 6.514 5.682 6.381 6.137

R2 Mean 0.891 0.909 0.886 0.89
Range 0.469–1 0.534–1 0.526–1 0.438–1
RMSE Mean 6.523 5.693 6.381 6.133
Range 0.073–15.870 0.110–14.847 0.118–15.586 0.011–16.529
NRMSE Mean 8.895% 7.76% 9.495% 7.102%
Range 0.117%–20.418% 0.143%–19.101% 0.003%–22.246% 0.016%–20.590%
RPD Mean 5.452 6.992 5.669 14.03
Range 1.954–251.132 1.026–214.805 1.065–148.885 1.342–165.638
RPIQ Mean 9.623 11.913 9.215 21.796
Range 2.064–446.344 2.101–339.293 2.041–202.546 2.276–245.421

Note: S.D., standard deviation; R2, coefficients of determination; RMSE, root mean square error; RPD, ratio of performance to deviation; NRMSE, normalized root mean square errors.

advanced sampling strategies to reduce uncertainty and further make estimation that is likely influenced by a variety of complex factors.
more solid predictions. Machine learning models are often criticized as black box models,
From Table 3 we see that the RMSE and NRMSE of Sentinel-2 MSI but our study with the Cubist approach is clearly transparent with
data were 6.462 dS m−1 and 9.226%, respectively. The relatively high its tree-like model structure with desired accuracy as seen in previ-
RMSE value is mainly caused by the wide range of soil salinity (from ous studies (Liang et al., 2019; Peng et al., 2019).
0.15 to 77.90 dS m−1) in the study area coupled with the smaller It should be noted that there are still limitations in using only one
sample size. Bootstrap approach was conducted to validate the un- satellite dataset. Image fusion across spatial, temporal and spectral do-
certainty of Cubist model. The bagging results validated the high ac- mains with multiple satellites could maximize the strengths of individ-
curacy and low uncertainty of calibrated Cubist model. The model ual satellite data (Metternicht and Zinck, 2003; Ryu et al., 2019). In this
performance to estimate soil salinity were summarized in Table 4 context, some existed platforms including the Google Earth Engine may
in terms of the means and standard deviations of R2, RMSE, NRMSE, offer new perspectives for the estimations of soil properties (Gorelick
RPD and RPIQ from 200 iterations. In this study, the selection of op- et al., 2017). Finally, it is crucial to review the developed classical theo-
timal solution was not only based on the estimating accuracy, but ries and integrate them into emerging big data analysis to understand
also the fitting performance. In other words, our results suggest the mechanism of soil salinization better.
that the Cubist model is neither over-fitting nor under-fitting (less
uncertainty) and also provides ideal accuracy. Cubist model takes a
divide-and-conquer strategy to process the input variables and 5. Conclusion
allow different sub models to capture the potential linearity in differ-
ent parts of the predictor variable space. Because of the Cubist In this study, we compared the spectral characteristics between OLI
model's capability of self-adaptation, self-organization, and effective and MSI images and investigated soil salinity predictive performance
data mining strategy, this specific method is suitable for soil salinity using Cubist models with two different images (OLI and MSI) in an

Fig. 7. Distribution maps of soil salinity derived from Cubist models based on Landsat-8 OLI (a) and Sentinel-2 MSI (c) data, respectively. (b) and (d) represent a highlighted zone to
illustrate detailed soil salinity information.
10 J. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020) 136092

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