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Marketing Case Analysis; a case study of Eileen Fisher Company

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Institutional Affiliation


Eileen Fisher Company is an American based firm; it was started in 1984 by Eileen

Fisher in New York. From initial investments of $400 and profit of between $29000 to $ 300

million in yearly sales and more than 40 retail stores owned by the business in approximately

seventeen nations as well as an e-commerce Web in the USA and the United Kingdom, the

well-established fashion brand grew. The company is well-known for its quality, well-

designed and timeless designs for women's wear of every generation. The organization is

medium-sized and focuses heavily on sustainable development and local issues. Eileen

Fisher's brand has developed cooperative wholesale relationships with different United States

stores like Neiman Marcus, and Saks Fifth Avenue, as a result, is recognized to be leading

and prominence in the fashion market. It also encourages its customers to make recycling and

hand washing clothes environmentally friendly. Simplicity, design, culture and service are the

core values of the brand. The organization has initiated a strategic plan to reposition, redefine

and build up its reputation for a young market after 25 years of successful revenue growth,

income and the creation of a strong brand and loyal customers. As a brand for older women,

the company has individual stereotyped partners. The emphasis has been on attracting new

buyers while reducing the risk of estranging their existing locality and lucrative base.

Marketing Case Analysis

The study of the dynamic changes in the market involves the analysis process.

Therefore, it is important to understand every aspect of the bazaar since it guides the

companies on the correct method in which it should operate its consumers. The results of the

assessment determine how the marketing plan will get formulated. The quality of the brand

determines if the consumers will get retained since it builds the reputation of the firm.

PESTEL model assists the company to identify the internal and external factors must get

adjusted so that profits get maximized. Eileen Fisher case study is impactful in understanding

the importance of market assessments since firms can make better decisions on the best

technique of presenting the commodities and services to the consumers. The contents of the

marketing plan determine the success of every business. Revenues get collected through a

proper sales structure that requires frequent reviewing to ensure the company takes a proper

direction. The plan assists in developing proper measures to entice the target consumers. An

action plan becomes effective once the company has determined strategic goals that must get

fulfilled within specified timing. The problems solved by the products and services act as

evidence that the techniques are useful in positive development. Companies should target

potential buyers to improve the willingness of individuals to purchase the commodities.

The company is aided by its prominent television and online advertisements to

promote its products. At the dealership, buyers are persuaded by sales agents who use

personal selling strategy as well as direct selling while considering the interest of clients who

lease vehicles form the company. Additionally, sales promotion that offers discounts and

special offers is facilitated by social responsibility programs such as sports that enable the

firm to promote its product to a broader population (Keinan et al., 2019). Customers and fans

were persuaded by the company's brand, building a lasting relationship with their clients.

To order to enhance both its competitive advantage and satisfaction, Eileen Fisher Inc.

needs to apply all its possibilities and abilities. It should ensure this properly includes all

shareholders, which will contribute to the company's great success and the accomplishment

of its objective of improving customer support and delivering competitive benefits. The

business has a few companies which can have a cost advantage and can restrict the entry into

the market of other new enterprises. This means that new businesses face the challenge of

having a higher initial investment and a higher production cost that restricts their entry

(Weber, 2019). Through market research and development, the money for the existing

companies of the industry is used, making the new competitors more vulnerable since the

organization is aware of all strategy concerning the industry's survival.

Situation Analysis

Company Analysis

Brand repositioning occurs in a situation where the value of the commodity loses

meaning to the consumers. Eileen Fisher was very competitive as most individuals

considered being staffs at the firm. Moreover, the consumers were defined, and profits grew

over the decades. The stereotyping of the company developed since the company did not

engage in proper research to ensure it extended the cloth lines to suit the demand of the

customers. Feedback provides the firm with relevant information on the course of action to

implement (Weber, 2019). Therefore, other age groups keeping off from the firm indicates

that they demand clothes that suit their preferences. Hence, the company should adjust

properly for an increase in production.

Market Analysis

Initially, the company understood its consumers and satisfied their requirements.

Hence, individuals of an average of fifty-nine years had determined a specific joint in which

they could acquire an outfit without struggling. The company provided quality clothes with

simple designs that satisfied its consumers. Therefore, the styles got derived since Fisher had

no specific designs that would retain the consumers. However, she was sure that within a

particular period a new stock would get replaced on the lines. The company had no plans of

diversifying to designs that fitted young persons; hence created a negative attitude from the

community about the company (Sampson et al., 2016). The staffs were cooperative and

informed the company whenever they felt there was a reason to rectify specific segments of

the company. The prices were favourable to the adults since Eileen gave offers and at times,

reasonable discounts that increased their numbers.

Eileen Fisher Inc. should create a collaborative culture by fully engaging the

employees, therefore, increasing retention and innovation. Collaboration involves relying on

the engagement of various team members on a single project. It is governed by behaviours

and norms that optimize individual contribution by harnessing collective intelligence. For

collaboration to efficiently occur, there is a need for communication, purpose, trust and a

shared vision. Eileen Fisher Inc. should conduct a gap analysis by comparing the

performance of the company against the desired performance. It is essential to measure

whether the employees are operating according to the organizational culture defined by

efficiently utilizing resources and technology to foster the culture (Chow & Li., 2018). To

achieve this, the organization must determine the culture, conduct assessments and surveys,

and implement action plans based on the gaps and feedback.

Eileen Fisher Inc. should be able to align its culture with stakeholders by engaging

them through regular communication. To achieve this, the organization should identify and

prioritize the stakeholders before creating a communication and engagement plan. It is

critical to understand their level of influence and interest before engaging them. As such, the

organization should be able to keep them informed, monitor their progress and ensure that

they are all satisfied. The analysis is conducted by gathering data to determine the interest to

be taken into consideration in the new culture.

Unified communication systems at Eileen Fisher Inc. have not been fully utilized; this

means that there are more capabilities of unified communication, which have not been

exploited and could lead to a range of more advantages that would surely streamline

operations at Eileen Fisher. Through unified messaging, electronic messaging media could be

integrated into a single interface that can allow access to data from different branches of

Eileen Fisher Inc. all over the globe. Furthermore, the integration of business processes at

Eileen Fisher Inc. could also unite and integrate business processes in order to come up with

a holistic system that is more efficient.

Business to Business Marketing Strategies

Eileen Fisher Inc. is trying to capture business to the business market that will deal

with the industrial facilities and other infrastructure. From the above, it will thus ensure that

there is an increased market scope. Business to business markets, when well established, will

form a constant demand for the supply of goods, and thus Eileen Fisher Inc. is in a bid to

cover the stated market and capture it. To win this market, as described by Jarach, (2017),

there has to be a continuous innovation and an embrace into the technological sector. This

can be done through the use of innovative employees who can help the company come up

with new ideas or having a vibrant research and development department that ensures that the

company gets the latest technology and other forms of innovations required to push the

company ahead.




Modern technology has a ripple effect across all sectors of the global economy. Some

of the new technologies that are driving innovation at Eileen Fisher Inc. offer the potential for

increased efficiency and profitability. Eileen Fisher Inc. is aiming at utilizing artificial

intelligence to maximize the value of the data they possess. Artificial intelligence will help in

improving acquaintance extraction, computer visionary skills, incongruity detection, and

conversational support as well as decision making. Eileen Fisher Inc. is also using advanced

analytics to develop high-performance analytic systems. These systems can process data into

the right information for the right people to increase operational excellence, product designs,

fleet performance, and new business models.

Cultivating the corporate culture and ensuring that it includes the above information

in the marketing process is what is required to obtain success in marketing. Technological

innovation will consist of all the options, such as the introduction of cybersecurity, which

enhances customer satisfaction. Since, in this instance, the company is trying to strengthen its

relations with the consumers who are in the business to business levels, a lot of care has to be

taken. Information on the consumers has to be protected from cyber-crimes, and thus,

cybersecurity is essential (Natalie).

Cybersecurity can be enhanced by the use of advanced use of software and analytics.

The proper use of this technology ensures that corporate success is achieved. It is made

through the fact that the new Counterfeit Cybersecurity program will enhance a complete

assessment that will help analyze technological operations in the company's systems. This

will keep in check all the actions taking place in the company to ensure consumer satisfaction

since cybersecurity is the biggest threat affecting the consumers in the business to business

marketing. Once the industrial cybersecurity has been strengthened, customers will have a

better chance to improve the digital transformation; hence, the overall performance of the

company is improved.

Competitor Analysis

Eileen Fisher has always been very competitive since it owned different stores from

which individuals could purchase commodities. The firm operated on the internet where most

consumers made order increasing the amount of revenues. The wholesale partnerships also

indicated that the firm had good designs of clothes. As the company tried rebranding the

young women were not interested in the old designs. Therefore, most stores closed down due

to developing a tendency of selling the goods on discounts resulting in the reduction of

revenue amounts. About five per cent of the products were sold in their full-prices. Eileen

Fisher eliminated most competitors making it profitable and dominative of the industry. The

deployment of unified communications has improved the sharing of information from

different geographical locations. Remote access has also been enabled, making it easy for

virtual teams to connect to the headquarters. Furthermore, the Company has also cut on costs,

primarily through audio-conferencing. However, the Company can better her communication

through unified messaging and integrating her business processes.

Marketing Strategies

Eileen Fisher Inc. had a great challenge since it had to maintain its existing consumers

by supplying the type of goods demanded. On the other hand, it was a challenge retaining the

consumers from the younger generation. The willingness and ability to purchase the new

cloth line motivated the company into producing fashionable clothes on a timely basis to

fascinate the young individuals that required trendy items. The consumers of the company

recommended each other, providing the firm with the advantage of not investing much in

advertising the products. However, the promotions that occurred when the company cleared

stock also played an essential role since the customers never changed the purchasing trends

even in the absence of the offers. Fisher was strategic in every level of business growth since

it wanted to maintain its reputation and competitive advantage.


Eileen Fisher Inc. is in a successful business if one can say. It is an opportunity that

one can interact with the largest companies in the world. It is a hub where large companies

come to post their advertisements and other online posts. The company has immense levels of

resources that can aid it in getting the best out of the company. At the moment, it is trying to

capture the market of large companies that will ensure that it ensures there is an increased

customer base. In this essence, the company markets its product in the form of services that it

offers to the large companies that outsource online publishing tasks. In the latest deal strikes,

it is trying to make a deal with the non-media companies.






The first thing to do as a company to increase its sales is to create a good marketing

strategy that will enable it to get a good customer base. This strategy should be geared at

targeting the stated customers. A combination of advertising and other marketing strategies

such as price reduction will surely get the company to increase its chances of attracting these

companies. Having continuously active research and development department will ensure

that the company gets to accomplish all their customer needs. They will thus have customer

satisfaction and therefore have a complete market run. Customer engagement and constant

interaction keep the bend between the companies intact it ensures that the business to

business link is not affected. A combination of research and development department and

customer engagement will ensure that the company gets the customers intact through quality


Action Plan

Eileen Fisher understood its consumer taste and preference and was always

researching the nest design to release. The older women were impressed by the decency in

the clothing since it did not expose their body parts. The brand was well- established since

the company had studied the trends in the market and did not apply the strategies of its

competitors (Reuber et al., 2016). The plan of targeting a younger group of women may be

successful since the response received indicates that they may become the biggest supporters

of the company. The company maintained a good quality of the fabric since it could last

longer. Consumers get retained by the services and price charges on commodities. The

standards prices by Eileen are significant in ensuring that all consumers budget the finances


Distribution and Promotion

The distribution channel of Eileen is well organized since it has retail shops in which

consumers can drop to find clothes that suit their preferences. Therefore, it gets easier for one

to choose the cloth type that meets their tastes. The older women have not complained about

the products since the company has learned and mastered the trends of its consumers.

Therefore, it keeps producing trendy clothes that are fashionable and straightforward.

Wholesale shops have partnerships with Fisher generating income from the sector. Thus,

commodities reach a variety of consumers. Moreover, the online distribution channel


operates since consumers can order for the clothes that impress them, and it is delivered

within the date agreed.

The company invested in promotion services by ensuring that target consumers

understood the line of production. It engaged in an advertisement on televisions; hence, older

women could rely on its commodities since they accomplish the purpose of the purchase. The

clothes got showcased in newspapers, where the buyers gained interest in purchasing more of

the product. If Eileen deals in the younger women's clothes, it could make an online

appearance since the age group between 34 and 44 are digitally informed and make most of

their purchases online.

Eileen Fisher Inc. maintained good relationships with its staff, making the internal

environment conducive. Therefore, maintenance of quality made it gain a proper competitive

advantage, and the reputation of the company earned more consumers. The company

understands the taste of its consumers and delivers it according to the demand. Diversifying

to the new brand would expand its markets and generate high revenue amounts.


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