Grace Times February 2023

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Grace Times

Vol. XXV/06 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India February 2023

Dear Church family,

Pulpit Calendar A new year gives us opportunities to set new goals in
several areas of our lives. When we set new goals,
February 2023
we should try to raise the bar a little higher. What
can you do different this year in ways that shows
higher commitment? Setting small goals that are
Morning Services at 10.00 am
time bound could be one approach. As a teacher you
05 Ps. Ashish H. Khan
may want to improve your teaching and aim to fin-
(Holy Communion Service)
ish the syllabus in time. As a student you may want
12 Youth Sunday
to be better prepared for your tests and exams. The
19 Ps. Ignatius Shimi Preetham
Bible is full of people who continually worked hard
26 Rev. J. T. Raja
and had a desire to better themselves. These days
we are going through 1 Samuel in the Bible Study
Thursdays at 6.30 and we have been seeing David grow from a shep-
p.m. herd boy to a king in waiting. Was David perfect in
(1 Samuel) all his endeavors? No, he had his share of mistakes
2nd online and disappointments but he kept growing in faith,
16th online obedience and the skills required to be the king of
Israel. In the New Testament, Apostle Paul encour-
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m.
9th online ages and inspires us several times to keep growing
23rd online and improving ourselves. In Ephesians 4:22-24 Paul
instructs the believers to put off the old self and for-
NOTE: We are switching over to mer ways of doing things and put on the new self
Google Meet from Zoom. that is in the likeness of God. One of Paul's most fa-
The details have been posted on mous encouragement is that we can do all things
church Whatsapp. through Christ who strengthens us.
Are you tired of the life situations that you are fac-
ing? Maybe, there seems to be no change. Maybe
you have compromised with your life situations and
are just existing. Perhaps, you have lot of questions
and there seems to be no answer. The Lord assures
you that He is aware of each and every facet of your
life. The Lord will surely bring a meaningful change.
He wants us to actively participate in that process of
change. He wants us to remain hopeful and trust in
Him. Trust Him when all you have is disappoint-
ments. The Lord is a wonderful giver of new begin-
nings. He has wonderful plans for you. Make the
best of all opportunities for His glory. His grace will
carry you through. This year, raise the bar a bit.
In Christ love,
Receipts January
Church sanctuary is open
General Offerings 35,420 for prayer from
Fete receipt Monday to
Pledged Giving 56,950 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Missionary Support 13,250
Lent & Christmas offering
Birthdays in February
New Church Building 1,000
2 Mr. Vijay Singh
Designated collections 6 Beverly

Sunday School
Grace Church in Village 1,000 JOYS & CONCERNS
Donations 10,000 Dr Suseela returned from Canada and is
GRAND TOTAL 1,17,620 now going to be with Mary, Eva and Winnie
for some time.
Mrs. Pushpa Singh had a surgery for frac-
tured hip bone.
The Daltons are moving back to the US.
Sumitabh and Akanksha Singh are search-
ing for new job openings.
Shobha Prakash had her PET CT scan in
Delhi. Continue to pray for healing.
Vinti is undergoing job interviews.
Sunday School all set to begin in February.
Ajay Prakash’s father passed away after a
short span of illness and hospitalization.
Arpit Prakash is in Bangalore for internship
Promila Cecil and Raizl have joined our
church fellowship.
Guru Prasath had a recurrence of the pan-
creatic pain and was hospitalized.
For Pastoral Care contact
Promila Cecil is needing stem cell surgery
Rev. Ashish H. Khan for her hip bone.
Rev. Ignatius Shimi Preetham

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