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Running head: CORAM BOY 1

Coram Boy


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Coram Boy

Fathers influence their sons in many ways. The relationship between a father and a son is

vital for the growth of the boy into a man. Boys can learn a lot from their fathers through

watching, listening, and asking. Although fathers do not have the same influence on their sons,

children are more likely to adopt more relevant traits. Fathers influence the paths that their sons

take in life due to the way they model their sons, and the image that they portray for their sons.

Otis teaches his son, Meshak, to become a thug by conning and trafficking children,

while Alexander’s father teaches him the way to success by working hard to become successful

in life through independence and commitment. Most boys grow up to emulate their fathers as

their role models. Therefore, fathers play a significant role in the future lives of their sons.

Gavin's (2000) novel provides a deeper explanation of the relationship between the father and the

son. Gavin stipulates that fathers that raise their son's in poor environments can have a negative

impact on the future lives of their sons. For instance, Otis teaches his sin the life of conning

mothers with illegitimate children and trafficking the children. Otis grows into the business to

completely lose his conscience. He lies to the mothers that he would take care of their children,

while he traffics them off to slavery or joins the military.

Gavin's novel also stipulates that fathers who raise their sons with a good example of

hard work and commitment are likely to raise independent and genuinely successful sons. The

sons who are raised in such an environment also try to emulate the path they observe their father

take towards success. In the novel, Alexander grows up in a wealthy family. His father worked

hard to build an empire, which he wants his son to inherit. However, Alexander turns down the

fortune as he intends to work hard and follow his passion for music. Alexander claims that "I

don't know what I am without music. I don't know why to move" (Edmundson & Gavin, 2007).

This statement depicts his declaration of passion for music.


Edmundson, H. & Gavin, J. (2007). Coram Boy - Heinemann Plays For 11-14. Oxford:


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