Javier Gamboa - Xsibcle2012 AOK Module2

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GOD MATTERS XS IB CLE 2011-2012 Full Name Javier Gamboa Section H4-G LC# 7

Note: This is your digital worksheet. You will nd the instructions for todays module here. Perform the requested tasks using this Pages le. In other words, make it your own. Thank you!

Part One: YOUR Epistemological World Views Summarize here your ndings (even if tentative!) about your theories of knowledge. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Item #s 1, 5, 14 4, 8, 12 3, 7, 10 6, 9, 11 YOUR world view Evaluativist Evaluativist Relativist Absolutist Brief Reason + Remarks
Each has merits, one will emerge dominant Biases and difference in perspectives, a consensus is still reached Opinionated, emotion-based If there is no absoluteness or permanence regardless of context, no point in ethics No one is more correct than the other as there are no means of nding out


2, 13, 15


Part Two: Ways of Knowing How important are the different Ways of Knowing in the different domains? Rate them from 1 to 10 according to importance, with 10 as VERY IMPORTANT. If there are other ways of knowing/judging, use the last column and specify. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Religion Sense Perception 7 4 10 3 3 Reason 10 9 4 9 4 Language 5 6 5 7 6 Emotion 3 8 10 9 9 Others?

Part Three: AUTHORITY and/or EVIDENCE When you justify claims, how much do you actually rely on External Authority and Direct Evidence for every domain? Assign a percentage to each one per domain (Just make an estimate, so NO decimal points--e.g., 25.2321%!). Make sure both total 100%. Domains Natural Science % AUTHORITY 80 % EVIDENCE 20 100% Brief Reason + Remarks
We are taught what has been established, testing of these information comes through experimentation and experience, which is minimal. History is mostly authoritative, but human sciences and its interpretation can change based on daily experience. Those deemed classics are based on experts or the consensus, but judgement is based primarily on personal emotional impact. Law is determined solely by authority, but personal morality and ethics, rst and foremost, is based on experience. Most of our beliefs are dictated by the religion we follow, but our personal understanding and strength of faith in these beliefs are determined by our own experiences.

Social Science
















Some learnings, comments, connections... This session made me realize that no domain of judgment is free from the bias and control of authority, as what is previously established, and the consensus that had previously been achieved, will have an effect on how we personally judge knowledge in the different elds. Despite our attempts to be absolutely detached from the inuence of the preset authority, they will still, to some extent, affect and shape the way we discern knowledge. The way we interpret the authoritative information also has a substantial effect on our epistemological stances in the various elds, as how we perceive both authoritys view and its reconciliation with out personal stances can determine the theories of knowledge we believe most apt in the domains, thus there is a juxtaposition of both internal and external factors. This session was less immersive than the last as there was little to no room for discussion or debate within the small groups and henceforth the class discussion was a bit disjointed and lacked substance in terms of development of stances and conicting views and formation of substantial conclusions. Therefore, a suggestion would be to devote more time for learning team debate, and base the discussion on the said debate to bring out a more enriched dialogue.

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