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GABAergic mechanisms of excitation and

hypersynchrony in adult rat hippocampus

Marylka Uusisaari

Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki

Finnish Graduate School of Neuroscience

Academic dissertation

To be presented for public criticism, with the permission of the Faculty of

Science, University of Helsinki, in the Lecture Hall 1 at Viikki Infocentre,
Viikinkaari 11, Helsinki, on December 1st, 2003 at 12 o’clock noon

Helsinki, 2003
Supervised by:

Professor Kai Kaila, PhD

Department of Biosciences,
University of Helsinki, Finland


Professor Juha Voipio, PhD

Department of Biosciences,
University of Helsinki, Finland

Reviewed by:

Professor Rüdiger Köhling, MD,

Institut für Physiologie,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany


Docent Jouni Sirviö, PhD

Orion Pharma

Opponent: Andreas Draguhn

Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie
Universität Heidelberg, Germany

ISBN 952-10-1059-2
ISBN 952-10-1060-6 (e-thesis;
ISSN 1239-9469

Helsinki University Printing House

Original publications

This thesis is based on the following articles, referred to in the text by their
Roman numerals.

I. Smirnov S, Paalasmaa P, Uusisaari M, Voipio J, Kaila K (1999)

Pharmacological isolation of the synaptic and nonsynaptic components of the
GABA-mediated biphasic response in rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells. J
Neurosci 19: 9252-9260.

II. Stenkamp K, Palva JM, Uusisaari M, Schuchmann S, Schmitz D, Heinemann

U, Kaila K (2001) Enhanced temporal stability of cholinergic hippocampal
gamma oscillations following respiratory alkalosis in vitro. J Neurophysiol 85:

III. Uusisaari M, Smirnov S, Voipio J, Kaila K (2002) Spontaneous epileptiform

activity mediated by GABA(A) receptors and gap junctions in the rat
hippocampal slice following long-term exposure to GABA(B) antagonists.
Neuropharmacology 43: 563-572.

IV. Uusisaari M, Smirnov S, Voipio J, Kaila K (2003 Quinine, a Cx36 – specific

gap junction blocker, suppresses stimulus-induced synchronous pyramidal
spiking driven be GABA but not glutamate. Manuscript

This work was carried out at the Department of Biosciences, Division of

Animal Physiology, University of Helsinki, as a part of the Finnish Graduate
School of Neurosciences (FGSN) during the years 1999-2003.

I wish to thank my supervisors Professor Kai Kaila and Professor Juha Voipio
for their time and commitment to my work and thorough guidance during all
these years.

Professor Rüdiger Köhling and Docent Jouni Sirviö are acknowledged for their
expert criticism and help in improving this manuscript.

I thank the personnel at Division of Animal Physiology for their every day help
as well as the stimulating and joyful atmosphere.

I want to dedicate this thesis to: my father, who has inspired me; my mother,
who has endless faith in me; my sister and brother, for whom I am proud
beyond limits; and friends, who kept me going all those times I was ready to
give it up.

My sincere thanks to the Academy of Finland and the Sigrid Jusélius

Foundation for financial support.

2-AG 2-arachidonoylglycerol
ACF autocorrelation function
AHP afterhyperpolarisation
BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor
CA carbonic anhydrase
CA1 / 3 cornu ammoni 1 / 3
CNS central nervous system
DG dentate gyrus
EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential
GABA γ-aminobutyric acid
GDNSP GABAergic depolarising non-synaptic potential
GDPSP GABAergic depolarising post-synaptic potential
GIRK G-protein coupled inward rectifying K+ channel
iGluR ionotropic glutamate receptor
GIE GABAergic ictal-like event
ING interneuron network gamma (oscillation)
IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential
LTP long-term potentiation
mGluR metabotropic glutamate receptor
PDS paroxysmal depolarising shift
pHi, pHo intracellular pH, extracellular pH
PGO population gamma oscillation
TLE temporal lobe epilepsy

The drugs used in the present work are listed in Table 2.

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ 3

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 7

2.1 Principles of chemical synaptic transmission ...................................... 7

2.1.1 Receptors............................................................................................................ 7
2.1.2. Membrane responses to synaptic transmission .......................................... 9

2.2. Modulation of neuronal signalling ...................................................... 9

2.2.1. Ionic modulation.............................................................................................. 9 pH .............................................................................................................10 Other ions................................................................................................12
2.2.2. Activity-induced modulation .......................................................................13 Ephaptic modulation .............................................................................13 Synaptic plasticity ...................................................................................14 Retrograde signalling..............................................................................15

2.3. Structure of the hippocampus ............................................................17

2.4. Gap junctions ......................................................................................18

2.4.1. Structure and expression ..............................................................................18
2.4.2. Conductance...................................................................................................18
2.4.3. Gating ..............................................................................................................19
2.4.4. Physiological role ...........................................................................................19

2.5. Interneurons........................................................................................21
2.5.1. Physiological properties of the interneurons ............................................22
2.5.2. Physiological roles of interneurons.............................................................23

2.6. Ionic mechanisms of GABA-mediated responses............................. 24

2.6.1. GABAA receptors ..........................................................................................25
2.6.2. GABAB receptors ..........................................................................................27

2.7. Network mechanisms of emergent activity patterns ........................ 30

2.7.1. Synchrony........................................................................................................30
2.7.2. Resonance .......................................................................................................30
2.7.3. Oscillations .....................................................................................................31 Interneuron network oscillations.........................................................32 Population gamma oscillations ............................................................32 Carbachol-induced gamma oscillation...............................................33 System-level oscillations........................................................................34

2.8. Epilepsy.............................................................................................. 35
2.8.1. Phenomenology .............................................................................................36
2.8.2. Role of GABAergic inhibition.....................................................................37
2.8.3. Gap junctions in epilepsy .............................................................................38

3. AIMS OF THE STUDY...................................................................................... 40

4. MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................................... 40

5. RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 42

5.1. Dissociation of synaptic and nonsynaptic components of the

GABAergic depolarising non-synaptic potential (Original publication I)
................................................................................................................... 42

5.2. Synaptic and nonsynaptic modulation of oscillatory activity (Original

publication II)........................................................................................... 43

5.3. Mechanisms of GABAA receptor-mediated spontaneous epileptic-like

activity (Original publication III) ............................................................ 44

5.4. Dependence of GDNSPs on inter-interneuronal gap junction

communication (Original publication IV)............................................... 45

6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................... 47

6.1. GABAergic non-synaptic depolarisation unveiled (I, IV) ................. 47

6.2. GABAergic mechanisms of spontaneous and rhythmic activity (II,

III)............................................................................................................. 49

6.3. Implications for epilepsy research......................................................51

6.4. Conclusions: the paradox of GABA-driven excitation is passé ........ 52

7. REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 53

Tetanisation, i.e. high-frequency electrical stimulation of afferent fibers, is a
common in vitro experimental paradigm in studies concerning network activity
and plasticity, even though the relevance of such a strong input for
physiological conditions is not always clear. Still, it has been a significant tool in
elucidating the mechanisms of classical synaptic learning in the case of long-
term potentiation (LTP) of glutamatergic transmission. Glutamate is the main
excitatory transmitter in the central nervous system, and it has been traditionally
seen to be countered by inhibitory action of GABA – mediated transmission.
However, it has become clear during the last years that GABAergic synaptic
transmission can also be excitatory in nature. For instance, in response to the
aforementioned tetanisation a biphasic (inhibitory - excitatory) postsynaptic
potentials are elicited and thus this view has had to be re-evaluated.
In the present work the high-frequency stimulation (HFS) –induced
GABAergic non-synaptic depolarising potentials (GDNSPs) were dissected
pharmacologically into hyperpolarising and depolarising parts. Activity-induced
bicarbonate-dependent efflux of potassium and the direct electrical coupling
between interneurons are shown to be the key elements of the depolarising
response by its sensitivity to gap junction blockers and QX-314. In addition, the
stimulus-induced GABAA receptor -mediated synchronous field oscillations are
shown to require gap junction coupling between interneurons, while
hyperexcitatory glutamatergic field response to external stimulation seen in the
presence of GABAA receptor antagonists does not involve gap junctional
It is further shown that the synchronisation of interneuronal network via gap
junctions and synaptic communication can result in spontaneous GABAergic
ictal-like activity in the absence of ionotropic glutamate receptor –mediated
synaptic transmission under conditions where the autoinhibition of GABA
release via the presynaptic GABAB receptors has been blocked
pharmacologically. Furthermore, prolonged blockade of the GABAB receptors
leads to long-term synaptic modifications that can be overcome by cannabinoid
and opioid receptor activation.
Gamma-range oscillations are thought to be important in cognitive functions.
Carbachol-evoked gamma oscillations are examined as another model of
spontaneous hippocampal activity, and are shown to be sensitive to GABAergic
modulation as well. Hypocapnia-induced increase of pHo results in sharpening
of the synaptic GABAergic response and enhanced temporal stability of
gamma-band oscillations. In contrast, drugs that prolong the kinetics of
GABAA receptor mediated response decrease the stability. Intracellular

alkalosis, on the other hand, increases oscillation frequency along with a
decrease in oscillation amplitude. It is likely that this effect of the rise of pHi is
mediated via the enhancement of gap junctional coupling, which could allow
faster spread of interneuronal voltage signals.
The results strongly support the view that in the adult CNS, interneurons
modulate and pattern network behaviour via GABA – and bicarbonate –
mediated processes instead of simply inhibiting the activity of pyramidal cells.
Gap junctional coupling between interneurons enhances synchronicity and
spatial extent of this patterning. Also, it is likely that depolarising GABA
responses play a significant role in generation and maintenance of spontaneous
activity as well as synaptic plasticity.

1. Introduction
The mammalian hippocampus is a electrical communication via gap
structure in the central nervous junctions and shifts of ions,
system (CNS) that is involved in especially potassium, chloride and
mnemonic functions. Since the bicarbonate. Furthermore, proton
ability to form and recall memories concentration (usually quantified as
constitutes a significant part of what pH) modulates the function of
is usually described as various membrane channels,
‘consciousness’, it is no wonder that transporters and enzymes.
the hippocampus has been target Importantly for the studies to be
for intense physiological studies for presented in this work, the
decades. In addition, the ordered equilibrium condition for
structure of the synaptic circuits of bicarbonate, a significant current
the hippocampus permits well- carrier, is set by the pH gradient.
defined experimental manipulations. Signals in the CNS are processed by
Another reason for the current the two ‘classical’ interacting classes
interest in the hippocampus is that of neurons: the principal neurons
it seems to be involved in the and interneurons. These two groups
processes leading to temporal lobe are associated with different
epilepsy. The ability of hippocampal synaptic transmitters: the principal
neural networks to generate cells use glutamate and interneurons
spontaneous, synchronous activity rely on GABA as the
can in pathological conditions lead neurotransmitter molecule. In
to uncontrolled, wide-spreading addition, there are numerous other
bursts of activity, or seizures. differences that result in significant
Despite significant efforts to differences in the functional
elucidate the processes involved in properties of these neuronal
epileptogenesis, medical treatment populations. In older literature,
of epileptic patients is often principal cells have been generally
ineffective. There is thus a need for thought to be the information-
further clarification of the processors in the hippocampus,
mechanisms that produce abnormal while the interneurons have
spontaneous activity in order to generally had to be content with a
develop more efficient therapies for less-glorified role of cellular brakes
this disorder. that prevent the activity in principal
In addition to synaptic transmission, cells running out of control. This
neurons communicate via view has been challenged by several
nonsynaptic means, including direct observations, including the key role

of interneurons in generation of
oscillatory network activity as well
as excitatory effects of interneuronal
input to principal cells.
This study focuses on the role of
GABAergic transmission, in
particular, on the generation and
maintenance of spontaneous
activity. By using
electrophysiological and
pharmacological methods the
synaptic and nonsynaptic
mechanisms are examined and
shown to influence each other in
addition to modulating the network
activity on different time and space

synaptic cleft in a calcium influx
2. Literature Review controlled manner (the most
important processes of synaptic
2.1 Principles of chemical transmission are summarised in
synaptic transmission Figure 1). The transmitter molecule
then diffuses, binds to and activates
2.1.1 Receptors its receptor. All receptors relevant
for the present work are membrane-
As reviewed in a tremendous spanning proteins that mediate their
amount of literature starting from effect within the target cell either
Katz & Miledi’s work in the 70’s, directly by gating an ion channel
depolarization of the presynaptic (ionotropic) or indirectly via
terminal results in exocytosis of second-messenger cascades
transmitter molecules into the (metabotropic).

Figure 1. Synaptic transmission. Generally, a depolarising (action) potential arriving at a

presynaptic terminal (left) results in an influx of Ca2+ via voltage-gated Ca2+-channels. Vesicles
containing the transmitter are exocytosed in response to the calcium signal, and the transmitter
is then diffused across the synaptic cleft and binds to its receptors on the postsynaptic cell.
Activation of the receptor results in a change in the cells internal state, thus transmitting the
presynaptic signal into the postsynaptic cell (right).

The diffusion of the transmitter molecule is efficiently restricted by transmitter uptake

mechanisms which ascertain that the presynaptic signal is transmitted precisely timed to the
target synapse.
The main ionotropic receptors in metabotropic receptors (mGluRs;
the CNS are activated by reviewed by Coutinho & Knöpfel,
synaptically released glutamate 2002) may induce a tonic
(NMDA, AMPA and kainate depolarisation of a neuron, thus
receptors) or GABA (GABAA influencing its response to other
receptor). Membrane response to inputs.
ligand binding-induced channel The term ‘synapse’ was coined by
opening is fast, and since the Sherrington (1906) but the
duration of exposure to the membrane area responsible for the
transmitter is efficiently controlled functional effect of the axon on the
(by transmitter diffusion, binding dendrites of the target cell was not
and uptake; see Clements, 1996), defined before the era of electron
ionotopic receptor-mediated microscopy and identification of
signalling can be precisely timed and membrane specialisations and
usually spatially well restricted. The machinery underlying the
result of ionotropic receptor transmitter release (Peters & Palay
activation depends on the 1996). Nevertheless, a number of
properties of the associated ion studies have shown fully functional
channel (selectivity, rectification, receptor groups residing
conductance, and kinetics; see Hille, predominately at the synapse border
2001) determined by channel (Lujan & al., 1996) and on
subunit composition. Most ligand- extrasynaptic membranes
gated channels have rather broad (particularly GABAA receptors, see
ionic selectivity but the main Somogyi & al.,1989) suggesting that
current is carried by only a few ionic membrane areas outside the
species. postsynaptic membrane
The second-messenger cascades specialisation should not be
associated with metabotropic excluded from the definition of a
receptors constitute diverse synapse.
pathways of intracellular In addition to synaptic and
communication, with overlapping extrasynaptic postsynaptic
patterns of effects ranging from receptors, there are receptors on the
gating of ion-channels to synaptic presynaptic terminals, such as
plasticity and modulation of gene metabotropic GABAB
expression. The effect of autoreceptors and metabotropic
metabotropic receptor activation is glutamate receptors that may
slower than those of ionotropic regulate the probability of
receptor activation and often transmitter release upon arrival of
modulatory rather than driving. For an action potential. Furthermore,
instance, several glutamate-activated self-innervating connections on the
cell itself are known to exist, Since the effect of membrane
forming autapses that modulate the depolarisation is usually excitatory
cell firing patterns. and hyperpolarisation drives the cell
away from action potential
2.1.2. Membrane responses threshold, the terms depolarisation
to synaptic transmission and hyperpolarisation have been
Opening of an ion channel can have (incorrectly) used as synonyms for
different electrical effects on the cell excitation and inhibition,
membrane depending on the respectively. Activation of a channel
activated current. Influx of cations that depolarises the postsynaptic cell
or efflux of anions (inward current) may well have net inhibitory result if
can result in a depolarisation while the cell resistance drops enough to
anion influx or cation efflux prevent further depolarisation and
(outward current) is able to action potential generation (e.g.
hyperpolarise the membrane, Kaila & al., 1993).
provided that the membrane
resistance is sufficient. It is 2.2. Modulation of
important to understand that neuronal signalling
according to Ohm’s law, stronger
currents will be need to produce 2.2.1. Ionic modulation
significant polarisation if the cell The changes in the concentrations
resistance is very low (i.e., of ions, particularly H+ (usually
membrane is short circuited). On quantified as pH), bicarbonate
the other hand, the polarisation (HCO3-), Ca2+ and K+ brought
induced by a channel-mediated about by neuronal activity can
current may last longer than the impose a feedback on the active
associated decrease in resistance if cells themselves. In this section the
the membrane repolarises slowly ionic modulation of neuronal
(depends on the membrane time signalling will be briefly discussed,
constant τ) (see Gulledge & Stuart, as it will be essential for
2003). understanding the network
Transmitter-induced changes of interactions in the hippocampus.
postsynaptic membrane potential Even though membrane potential
can be classified according to their changes can be brought about with
effect on action potential generation very small ionic fluxes, channel
probability: those that increase it are activation may result in significant
called excitatory postsynaptic changes in intracellular ion
potentials (EPSP) and the concentrations. All electrical
decreasing ones inhibitory signalling in neurons is based on
postsynaptic potentials (IPSP).
Figure 2. The main ion transporters present in neurons. The individual isoforms are not shown.
The localisation on the cellular membrane as well as the activation/inactivation kinetics varies
between transporters, so not all transporters are functioning at the same time and place. AE –
anion exchanger; KCC – K+ / Cl- cotransporter; NDAE – Na+-dependent anion exchanger;
NKCC – Na+/K+/Cl- -cotransporter.
strictly controlled ion gradients
established by an array of ion
transporters and slightest shifts in
ion concentrations can launch
regulatory mechanisms transporting
ions across the cell membrane (the
key molecules together with the
stoichometry of transport are
schematised in Figure 2). Net
movement of ions (chloride,
potassium, sodium, hydrogen and
bicarbonate) are followed by water
(osmosis) and thus volume changes
are often associated with neuronal
activity in addition to ionic and pH
shifts. The swelling and shrinkage
of cells can be quantified as changes Figure 3. Mechanisms behind activity-
in the volume fraction, the ratio of induced pH shifts in response to
glutamate – and GABA-mediated synaptic
intracellular to extracellular volume, input. Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase
which is around 17-22% under increases the pH shifts brought about by
‘control’ conditions (Jefferys, 1995). glutamatergic synaptic transmission (by
reducing the buffering power) and
decreases those resuling from GABAergic pH activity (by inhibiting the reaction
Under resting conditions, the permitting significant bicarbonate efflux).
intracellular pH (pHi) is maintained
at a much more alkaline level than electrochemical gradient is
would be expected if the protons maintained by transmembrane acid-
would be passively distributed extrusion mechanisms, such as the
across the membrane. This Na+/H+ exchanger and the Na+
dependent Cl-/HCO3- exchanger Acid-base equivalents are neither
(Figure 2). During neuronal activity generated de novo nor consumed in
significant shifts (in the range of the extracellular space. Thus,
few tenths of a pH unit; see Ballanyi intracellular acid shifts must
& Kaila (1998) and Kaila & Chesler naturally be reflected as extracellular
(1998) for detailed reviews on the alkalosis. The mechanistic
subject) in intra – and extracellular differences of acid-base equivalent
pH are seen; both glutamate– and movements in GABA – and
GABA– mediated activity are glutamatergic neuronal signalling
associated with extracellular result in differences in the
alkalosis and intracellular acidosis sensitivity of extracellular alkalosis
even though the mechanisms are to inhibitors of CA. The glutamate-
different (see Figure 3). Glutamate induced flux of protons into active
receptor activation-induced pH cells produces an extracellular
shifts result probably of stimulation alkalosis which is enhanced when
of Ca2+/H+ -ATPase in response to carbonic anhydrase is inhibited, as
influx of calcium (Ballanyi & Kaila, the buffering power of extracellular
1998). GABA-induced pH space decreases. In contrast, the
transients result from bicarbonate GABA –induced extracellular
(HCO3-) efflux through the GABAA alkalinization requires not only on
receptor-gated channel. Bicarbonate the efflux of bicarbonate but fast
is an anion of a weak acid (carbonic anhydration of carbonic acid
acid, H2CO3), and if PCO2 is (reaction (1) to the right) and thus is
constant, its equilibrium potential is decreased by inhibitors of CA
equal to the H+ equilibrium (Chesler & Kaila, 1998).
potential (around –10 to –20 mV). Interestingly, intracellular CA
Thus, opening of GABAA channels activity is not seen in the
leads to bicarbonate efflux. hippocampal pyramidal cells of very
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) catalyses young animals (Ruusuvuori & al.,
the reaction 2003), suggesting a different role for
bicarbonate in the modulation of
CO2 + H2O ↔ HCO3- + H+. (1) synaptic transmission during the
development of these cells.
Since the cell membrane is highly Activity of a neuron can have feed-
permeable to CO2, efflux of back influence on its own activity
bicarbonate is immediately via activity-dependent pH changes,
compensated by the reaction above, since intracellular enzymes, ion
leading to further intracellular channels, gap junctions are sensitive
acidification because of production to slight changes in [H+]i. Acid
of H+. extrusion by exchangers and
transporters leads to direct changes signalling by locally altering
in concentrations of other ions; a neuronal excitability. Several
fall in pHi inhibits several voltage- channels, for example the NMDA
gated channels (Tombaugh & receptor-gated, are also inhibited by
Somjen 1998) leading to changes in a fall in the pHo leading to further
neuronal excitability. A rise in depression of neuronal
intracellular pH enhances gap communication. Extracellular pH
junctional coupling and can lead to has multiple distinct effects on
increased synchrony in activity. GABAAR mediated conductances;
Interestingly, termination of non- the differences are mostly due to
synaptically synchronised seizure differences in subunit compositions.
activity in the dentate gyrus has
been shown to correlate exactly It is worth mentioning one more
with acidification of the intracellular mechanism for pH modulation in
environment (Xiong & al., 2000), the CNS: voluntary hyperventilation
Some antiepileptic drugs in clinical leads to a fall in pCO2 in the blood
use (azetazolamide and topiramate; and also raises the pH. This
Wyllie, 1997) are known to have respiratory alkalosis can result in
CA-inhibiting effects. Among the hyperexcitability and if high enough,
several mechanistic explanations precipitate seizures in epileptic
proposed for their antiepileptic patients (Foerster 1924), especially
effects (Stringer, 2000; Sabers & in children.
Gram 2000), it has also been
suggested that inhibition of the CA- Other ions
dependent GABA-mediated alkaline Several of the shifts of ions found
pH shifts by these drugs could in the extracellular fluid can
decrease local excitability and the contribute to neuronal excitability
degree of synchronisation between (Jefferys 1995; Jensen & Yaari 1997;
neurons, thus increasing seizure Heinemann & al., 1990). For
threshold (Aribi & Stringer, 2002). instance, extracellular calcium and
Extracellular pH shifts are also magnesium are involved in
known to affect neuronal membrane stabilization by charge
excitability (Somjen & Tombaugh, screening, where the divalent
1998): acidification and cations attracted to negative charges
alkalinization have depressing and on the neuronal membrane increase
even proconvulsant actions, the electric field sensed by the
respectively. Transient pH changes channels in the membrane.
may be confined to localized Lowering [Ca2+]o results in large and
regions of the extracellular space synchronous field discharges that
and thus may play a role in neuronal can last for seconds, even though in
the absence of calcium all chemical in the ion concentrations on either
synaptic transmission is blocked. side of the membrane can modulate
Magnesium has also a specific role its action. Extracellular potassium
on the NMDA receptor function as has a direct (although slightly sub-
it exerts a voltage-dependent block Nerstian) effect on membrane
of the associated channel. potential and therefore, strong
Two ions, namely, potassium and extrusion of intracellular potassium
chloride, require a more detailed can result in a significant
discussion as they significantly depolarisation of the surrounding
influence many of the signalling cells, as will be later shown.
mechanisms examined in the Importantly, an increase in the
present work. extracellular potassium
The resting level concentrations of concentration decreases the driving
potassium (approximately 3 mM in force for KCC2-mediated extrusion
the extracellular space and 120 mM of chloride. The transmembrane
intracellularly) result in a negative driving force for chloride depends
equilibrium potential (around –90 under constant membrane voltage
mV) compared to the resting on the combined effects of passive
membrane potential (-60 - -70 mV). chloride leak and KCC2. As will be
The concentration gradient is discussed later (chapter 2.6.1,
maintained by the primarily active GABAA receptors), chloride
Na+/K+-ATPase (Figure 2) that gradient influences the EGABA-A, and
uses the energy stored in ATP to thus partakes in determining the
extrude sodium and accumulate membrane response to GABAA
potassium inside the cell. The receptor activation. High
resulting strong outward driving intracellular concentrations of
force for potassium is used as the chloride can also modify G-proteins
energy source for transporting other (Nakajima & al., 1992; Lenz & al.,
ions across the membrane. One 1997), thereby affecting
such transporter is the potassium – metabotropic signalling and
chloride cotransporter isoform 2 influence neuronal function on a
(KCC2; Payne 1997; Rivera & al., longer time scale.
1999; Gulyas & al., 2001; Payne &
al., 2003), a secondarily active 2.2.2. Activity-induced
transporter that uses the K+ modulation
concentration gradient as the
driving force for chloride extrusion. Ephaptic
Under physiological conditions, modulation
KCC2 is close to its thermodynamic Volume changes resulting from
equilibrium and thus slight changes neuronal activity can act as a

feedback or feed-forward signalling to short-term synaptic depression,
mechanism by itself. Changes in the particularly when the density of
extracellular volume fraction affect release sites is high. This paired-
ephaptic coupling properties pulse depression probably results
(Jefferys, 1995), that is, the from transmitter vesicle depletion,
sensitivity of a cell to extracellular since reducing release probability
field effects. Currents produced by decreases the depression seen in
one neuron can affect the synaptic transmission during a train
membrane potential of another, of presynaptic spikes (Brenowitz &
given that the communicating cells al, 1998). Other possible
are electrically close enough. Cell mechanisms include presynaptic
swelling increases extracellular autoreceptor activation and
resistance and can facilitate ephaptic postsynaptic receptor
communication, sometimes desensitisation.
resulting in very tight Activity-dependent long-term
synchronisation of activity. changes in synaptic efficacy are
Dendritic swelling in response to thought to be the cellular
intense activity has been reported mechanism underlying learning and
the CA1 area (Andrew & MacVicar, memory formation. Since the
1994); this suggests that the signal hippocampus has a crucial role in
processing properties of dendrites memory consolidation in the
can be modulated at a local scale. In mammalian brain, it is useful to
addition, it has been proposed that review very briefly some of the
intrinsic firing properties and processes by which synapses are
NMDA receptors can be influenced modified in structure and function
by swelling of the spines (Paoletti & with emphasis on the plasticity at
Ascher 1994). GABAergic synapses. Long-term
modulation is also the key to Synaptic understanding the development of
plasticity both normal and pathological states
Glutamatergic synaptic transmission of neuronal excitability (for
can be facilitated in response to instance, epilepsy).
repetitive activation, as a result of The classical models of activity-
elevated presynaptic calcium levels dependent synaptic plasticity at
remaining from the previous glutamatergic synapses, long-term
synaptic events (Kamiya & Zucker, potentiation (LTP) and long-term
1994). This phenomenon is called depression (LTD) have for decades
paired-pulse facilitation. On the been under extensive studies
other hand, synapses that have a inspired by Hebb’s (1949) theory of
high release probability are subject the synaptic basis of learning (e.g.
Bliss & Lømo 1973; Bear & GABAergic inhibition may lead to
Malenka 1994; Kullmann & al., pathologic conditions (epilepsy), but
1996; Lüscher & al., 2000). Long- the overall effect of plastic changes
term changes in GABAergic depends on the specific type of the
synaptic strength (reviewed by GABAergic neuron and connection
Gaïarsa & al, 2002), on the other in question. Therefore, to correctly
hand, have until recently received interpret the influence of plasticity
much less attention. Similar to at a GABAergic synapse on
glutamatergic synapses, the plastic network activity, the subgroup of
changes at GABAergic synapses the interneuron must be identified.
might be triggered by rises in
intracellular Ca2+ concentration Retrograde
(McLean & al., 1996). The actual signalling
mechanisms must differ, however, In addition to forward (anterograde)
as one of the key molecules in the signals spreading from pre– to
synaptic plasticity of glutamatergic postsynaptic cells, it is known that
synapses, the Ca2+/calmodulin- the postsynaptic cells are able to
dependent kinase II (CaMKII), is signal back (in a retrograde manner)
absent from interneurons (Sik & al., to the presynaptic cell.
1998, but see also Minichiello & al., Depolarisation of CA1 pyramidal
2002 for the role of another cells leads to transient suppression
isoform, the CaMKIV). Both long- of incoming GABAA receptor-
term potentiation and depression mediated IPSPs. This phenomenon,
can be experimentally induced at the depolarisation-induced
GABAergic synapses, depending on suppression of inhibition (DSI) was
the conditioning protocol and the described by Pitler & Alger (1990)
relative amounts of Ca2+ entering and requires a retrograde messenger
the neurons (Aizenman & al., 1998). diffusing back to the presynaptic
GABAergic synapses can be GABAergic neuron. In search for
modulated postsynaptically by the molecular components of this
changing the amount of available phenomenon, it was found that
postsynaptic receptors (Nusser & al, activation of the hippocampal
1998), or presynaptically by cannabinoid receptor, CB1, inhibits
modifications in the GABA release GABA release (Davies & al., 2002).
probability or number of functional The endogenous agonists of the
release sites (Gubellini & al, 2001). CB1 receptors, endocannabinoids
Clearly, LTD of a GABAergic (arachidonoylethanolamide
synapse may facilitate LTP (anandamide) and 2-
induction of a glutamatergic synapse arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)), are
and massive depression of released in response to
depolarisation (DiMarzo &
al.,1998) and thus could implement
DSI (see Figure 3). The
cannabinoid receptor in the
hippocampus, CB1, is localised to
the presynaptic terminals of a
subset of GABAergic neurons,
especially to the CCK-containing
basket cells (Hájos & al., 2000;
Irving & al., 2000; Katona & al.,
1999, 2000; Freund 2003). CB1
receptors are metabotropic
receptors coupled to Gi/o proteins
Figure 5. Depolarisation-induced suppression of which block voltage-gated calcium
GABA release. The postsynaptic depolarisation channels. Although this is a
activates endocannabinoid (anandamide or 2AG)
synthesis and release in a Ca2+ -dependent manner. possible mechanism by which
The released compound traverses retrogradely the cannabinoids may inhibit
synaptic cleft and activates G-protein –coupled CB1 transmitter release, metabotropic
receptors. The resulting inhibition of transmitter
release can be seen as a suppression of inhibition after receptor activation triggers
a strong postsynaptic depolarisation. numerous intracellular signalling
cascades as explained previously

Figure 4. A. Synaptic connectivity of the hippocampus. The trisynaptic circuit brings afferent
input from the entorhinal cortex to the granule cells of the dentate gyrus (DG). The main
output of these cells, the mossy fibers, innervate the proximal dendrites of the pyramidal cells in
the CA3. In addition to the recurrent excitatory connections within the CA3 area, the pyramidal
cells send axon collaterals further into the hippocampus and terminate in the dendritic region of
the CA1. The circuit is completed by axons of the CA1 pyramidal cells, which extend back to
the cortex.

B. Local circuits of pyramidal cells and interneurons comprise of feedforward and feedback
depolarisation (DiMarzo & al.,
(chapter 2.1.1, Receptors) so the Perpendicularly to the pyramidal cell
response to CB1 receptor activation layer the CA1 region is divided to
is not likely to be simple. Indeed, a several lamina, with stratum oriens
number of potassium channels are on the ‘external’ side of stratum
modulated by CB1 activation pyramidale, and stratum radiatum
thereby affecting net excitation. and stratum lacunosum-moleculare
Metabotropic cascades are extending to the upper blade of the
overlapping and signalling from one DG (Figure 5a). The dentate gyrus
source can be modified by another receives sensory information from
signal; GABA itself acts through a the entorhinal cortex via the
G-protein coupled receptor (the perforant pathway. Principal cells of
GABAB receptor, see chapter 2.6.2) the DG, granule cells, send their
and therefore may interfere with or main axons (mossy fibers) to the
modulate its own release. Curiously, CA3 subfield where they form
release of endocannabinoids in terminals on the proximal dendrites
response to depolarisation may be of pyramidal cells. In the CA3 area,
enhanced by activation of pyramidal cells are interconnected
postsynaptic mGluRs (Wilson & with heavily recurrent arborisation
Nicoll, 2001) suggesting a weave of of pyramidal cell axons. The major
second messenger communication output of CA3 area extends in the
underlying the fast, ionotropic form of Schaffer collaterals to CA1
neuronal communication. pyramidal cells and interneurons.
This so-called trisynaptic circuit,
2.3. Structure of the even though overly simplistic, is still
hippocampus thought of as the principal route of
The hippocampus has been signal flow through hippocampus.
particularly useful in revealing basic In addition, all subfields of the
principles of synaptic organisation hippocampus receive modulatory
in the cortex, due to arrangement of subcortical projections from various
the cell bodies of principal cells into sources (e.g. serotonergic and
a single layer and segregation of noradrenergic projections). On a
different functional parts of the local scale, the neurons form
circuitry into seperate areas. intricate networks with synaptic
Lorente de No (1934) established connections restricted to only a
the division of hippocampus into certain portion of the dendritic tree.
CA (cornu ammonis) 1 through 3 The connections can be roughly
and the dentate gyrus (DG), divided to feedforward and
according to cell body and feedback connections (Figure 5b)
projection characteristics. where a signal is driven in
feedforward manner and modulated
by feedback-connections (for a hippocampal interneurons, glia and
detailed review on the basic circuit principal cells decreases during
properties of the hippocampus, see maturation. In the neocortex there
Somogyi & al., 1998). are at least two different networks
of electrically coupled interneurons:
2.4. Gap junctions fast-spiking (FS) and low-threshold
In addition to chemical synapses, spiking (LTS) GABAergic cells are
neurons can be coupled via coupled among themselves via gap
electrical synapses that are formed junctions (Galarreta & Hestrin
of gap junctions (GJs). Recently the 1999; Gibson & al., 1999). In the
significance of GJ communication hippocampus, the parvalbumin (PV)
in neuronal synchronisation has –positive interneurons (mainly
attracted a lot of attention together basket cells targeting pyramidal
with the diversity and specificity of neuron somata and initial segments
GJ connections. of axons) form a dense electrically
coupled network covering large
2.4.1. Structure and areas (Fukuda & Kosaka, 2000) and
expression thus can exert control over the
GJs connect the cytoplasm of a cell generation of interneuronally paced
directly to another via gap junction oscillations (see section,
channels. Each cell of the coupled Interneuron network oscillations;
pair contributes a half-channel see also Freund, 2003).
(connexon) formed of six
homologous subunits called 2.4.2. Conductance
connexins. Functional gap junction Gap junction channels allow the
channels are normally formed only movement of electrical signals as
of homologous connexons. well as ions and small molecules (up
Connexins belong to a large family to 1 kDa) from cell to cell; for
of genes; there are many connexins instance, intercellular Ca2+ signalling
expressed in the brain, including can take place via gap junctions.
Cx32, Cx36, Cx43 and Cx47, but The range given for electrical
only one, Cx36 is unequivocally conductance of a single GJ is
known to be expressed in adult usually 30-300 pS (Carlen & al.,
hippocampal CA1 interneurons 2000; but see Traub & al., 2002 for
(Condorelli & al., 2000; Rash & al., discussion of the difficulties in
2000). The expression of gap direct measurements of GJ
junctions is not much altered in the conductances), and an array of GJs
neocortex during development at an electrical synapse can result in
(Meyer & al., 2002), but the strong nS -scale conductance. Most gap
GJ coupling between neonatal junctions are symmetrical, i.e., the
coupling strength is roughly equal in concentrations of Ca2+ can reduce
both directions, if the capacitative coupling. The gap junction channel
load on the two sides of the is well insulated from the
junction is equal. Signal extracellular space and thus
transmission is however frequency- extracellular pH and other
dependent (Galarreta & Hestrin modulators do not directly affect GJ
1999), with low-frequency signals coupling. Even though chemical
showing greater coupling ratios (see gating of gap junctions via
2.7.2, Resonance). It should be neurotransmitters is in some cases
noted that the electrical signal known to occur (e.g. via kinases
attenuates while propagating (Lampe & Lau 2000) and
through a GJ-coupled chain of calmodulin (Peracchia & al., 2000)),
neurons according to the lack of specific GJ blockers has
electrotonic length and upon been a major obstacle in elucidating
crossing over a gap junction. the gap junctional communication
Therefore a network of electrically in neural network. The
coupled neurons does not conventionally used GJ blockers,
necessarily ‘see’ all the activity if the heptanol, octanol, halothane (an
dendrites act like passive cables. anaestethic agent) and
Interneuronal dendrites, however, carbenoxelone have side effects not
are known to possess the capability related to their GJ blocking action
to actively propagate action but similar action of these drugs has
potentials (Martina & al., 2000). been interpreted as an indication of
GJ involvement. Quite luckily, the
2.4.3. Gating antimalarial drug quinine (Srinivas
Under normal circumstances GJ & al., 2001) was found to
channels are mostly in an open state specifically block gap junctions
(Peracchia & al., 2000), but like formed of the connexin 36 (Cx36),
other channels, GJ channels gate in providing means for studying the
response to physiological role interneuronal gap junctions in
conditions, changing the extent of synchronization of the network.
coupling between cells and
modifying the topography of 2.4.4. Physiological role
electrically coupled neural networks. Several studies have succeeded in
For instance, intracellular correlating gap junctions directly to
acidification decreases and the synchronous activity of central
alkalinization increases gap neurons, starting from Llinas and
junctional coupling (Spray & coworkers in 1974. The
Scemes 1998) in the physiological spontaneous firing of hippocampal
pH range; also, elevated cytoplasmic interneurons in the absence of
glutamatergic transmission is the axons of CA1 cells (Draguhn &
initiated and synchronized by gap al., 1998), where low capacitative
junctions (Yang & Michelson 2001), load, high input resistance and the
and they can promote action density of voltage-gated Na+
potential generation in the channels would promote the
connected neurons and synchronize generation of active depolarizations
their firing within 1 ms (Gibson & and coordinated activity of
al., 1999, Galarreta & Hestrin 1999). pyramidal neurons despite the
The GJ-coupled LTS network of inhibition of CA1 somata by the
cortical interneurons is also known active network of interneurons.
to be able to produce synchronized Inspired by these simulations and
inhibition and coordinate the firing the finding that gap junction
patterns of cortical neurons over a blockers inhibit high-frequency
large distance when activated by ripple oscillations (Draguhn & al.,
metabotropic receptors (Beierlein & 1998), Schmitz & al., (2001) sought
al., 2000). Accuracy of timing is and found evidence for axo-axonal
accentuated by the spatial proximity electrical synapses between the CA1
of GABAergic synapses and GJs pyramidal neurons. Moreover, in
(Támas & al., 2000), and indeed it the recently constructed Cx36-
has been shown by modelling deficient mice (Deans & al., 2001;
studies (Traub & al., 2001) that GJs Hormuzdi & al., 2001; Maier & al.,
between interneurons can enhance 2002) the strength and spatial
gamma synchrony. extension of synchronous neuronal
As electrical synapses can transmit activity was significantly altered.
signals on a time scale much faster Even though there seems to be
than chemical synapses, they can some controversy in the effect of
synchronize neural activity at higher Cx36 deletion on gamma – and
frequencies than chemical synapses. high-frequency oscillations, the role
Mathematical models (Traub & al., of gap junctions in generation and
1999) suggest that in the absence of maintenance of synchronous
chemical synaptic signalling it is activity seems increasingly
enough for a CA1 cell to be important.
electrically coupled to only two
other neurons to produce
coordinated ripple oscillations (see
chapter 2.7.3., Oscillations) in the
CA1 region of the hippocampus.
The GJs would be most efficient in
promoting high-frequency
oscillations if they were located on
and control of the rhythmic output
2.5. Interneurons of the hippocampal network. In
The classical picture of interneurons contrast to the rather uniform
being an inhibitory counterpart of population of principal cells in any
excitatory principal cells has been of the hippocampal subfields, the
based on the term ‘GABAergic’ diversity of interneurons in terms of
used as a synonym for ‘inhibitory’, morphology, chemical and
and the fact that all interneurons are physiological characteristics is so
taken to be GABAergic. This view vast that classification into clear
has finally giving way to subpopulations is very demanding if
understanding the importance of not impossible. In a heroic study by
interneurons as modulators of Parra and co-workers (1998), over
cortical and hippocampal activity. 50 different subclasses were found
Interneurons are considerably less when these properties were taken
abundant (~10%) in the into account! Owing to the diversity
hippocampus and dentate gyrus and fine-tuning of properties, each
than pyramidal neurons. However, interneuron can perform multiple
the massive connectivity of computational functions depending
interneurons (each interneuron may on localisation, timing, input
contact thousands of postsynaptic parameters and target identity.
target cells) permits the generation

Figure 6. Schematic examples of the afferent and efferent connections of the interneurons in
the CA1 region. Schaffer collaterals from the CA3 pyramidal neurons terminate in the stratum

2.5.1. Physiological connections are mediated by one
properties of the synaptic junction, interneurons
interneurons usually form multiple synapses with
Eccles (1969) already suggested that a particular target neuron, making
interneurons fire in a different way synaptic transmission more reliable
than pyramidal neurons. Their high (Buhl & al., 1994). Unlike pyramidal
spontaneous firing rates, short neurons, interneurons are heavily
spikes, large AHPs, weak spike interconnected to neurons of their
frequency accommodation and high own type by gap junctions, creating
input resistance together with the complex electrically coupled
locally projecting anatomy render networks (Gibson & al., 1999;
the interneurons clearly a group Galarreta & Hestrin, 1999).The
with functions differing from the diverse properties of interneurons
pyramidal cells. A review by Freund can be used to classify them into
and Buzsáki (1996) provides an subgroups (reviewed by McBain &
excellent introduction in to the Fisahn, 2001).
properties and functions of One of the most useful
interneurons, some of which are characterisations of interneurons
briefly discussed below. has been based on neurochemical
Unlike in the principal cells, the content; Presence or absence of
interneuronal AMPA channels are calcium-binding proteins
significantly permeable to Ca2+ and (parvalbumin (PV), calbindin,
fast excitatory transmission through calretinin) and neuropeptides
interneuronal AMPA receptors is (somatostatin, neuropeptide Y
more rapid and of greater amplitude (NPY), cholecystokinine (CCK))
(McBain & Fisahn, 2001). Also, that likely modulate synaptic
interneuronal voltage-gated responses of target neurons can be
channels have important differences verified by labeling methods and
in subunit composition as well as this labelling can be combined with
spatial distribution if compared to other characterisations. For
the principal-neuron counterparts, instance, parvalbumin-positive
allowing fast spiking (due to interneurons of the hippocampus
different potassium channel have been electrophysiologically
kinetics) and dendritic action characterized as a group of fast-
potentials (density of Na+ and K+ firing, non-plastic ‘clockwork’ cells
currents in dendrites), two features that has very likely a specific role in
associated with interneurons and hippocampal information
sometimes used as a fingerprint of processing (Freund, 2003).
an interneuron. While recurrent The afferent and efferent
pyramidal-to-interneuron connections of interneurons show
great variation (Figure 6; McBain & instance, axo-axonic interneurons
al., 1999) even though they all use are also often PV-positive, and
GABA as their fast-acting calretinin-containing interneurons
neurotransmitter. Some interneuron specifically innervate other
subtypes are innervated exclusively interneurons (Gulyás & al., 1996).
by extrahippocampal afferents Interneurons can be divided into
(partaking only in feedforward subgroups based on functional
signalling) but most are innervated properties. In the neocortex, the
both in feedforward and feedback interneurons have been classified by
manner. Effect of interneuronal Gibson and co-workers (1999) to
input on a principal cell depends on fast-spiking (FS; with narrow action
the location of the GABAergic potentials, deep and brief AHP,
synapse. For instance, the somatic high firing rate, no frequency
connections of basket cells on adaptation) and low-threshold
pyramidal cells regulate the local spiking cells (LTS; broader action
generation of Na+ -dependent potentials and some frequency
action potentials (Miles & al., 1996) adaptation). These groups
and may remove inactivation of contribute to different circuits, as
subthreshold inward currents (Cobb FS but not LTS interneurons make
& al., 1995). Dendritic inhibition by inhibitory synapses with cells of the
bistratified (O-LM) cells modulates same type. Also, FS neurons
synaptic plasticity and provides selectively mediate feedforward
source-specific inhibition by inhibition, whereas LTS cells seem
shunting dendritic currents and to be involved in local (recurrent)
suppressing dendritically generated inhibition. In the hippocampus
Ca2+ -dependent action potentials. different interneuronal subgroups
The different origins of somatic and have been proposed to participate
dendritic inhibition may become in feedback and feedforward
important in development of inhibition (Nurse & Lacaille, 1997)
pathological conditions, as dendritic and according to the patterns of
inhibition is specifically decreased in activity, interneurons can be
experimental epilepsy (Cossart & al., grouped as regular-firing, irregular-
2001). In addition, axon initial firing, clustered-firing (Parra & al.,
segment-projecting interneurons 1998).
can influence the ability of a neuron
to initiate an action potential. 2.5.2. Physiological roles of
Interestingly, there is a correlation interneurons
between interneuronal connectivity In the absence of glutamatergic
and the neurochemical and transmission, interneurons can fire
morphological phenotype; for in synchrony using GABAA
receptor-mediated synaptic that the functional properties of
excitation (Michelson & Wong, GABAergic transmission in the
1991) and electrical coupling (Yang immature brain are different than in
& Michelson, 2001) for the adult brain (Rivera & al., 1999;
synchronization. Interneuron Ben-Ari, 2002), the physiological
network-mediated oscillatory role played by interneurons is
activity has been proposed to necessarily different at early
provide a rhythm which allows developmental stages.
precise temporal coding for the
hippocampus, and “super 2.6. Ionic mechanisms of
networks” of interneurons have GABA-mediated
been hypothesized to link different responses
regions of the brain by providing a The two major transmitters in the
pattern against which other activity brain, glutamate (reviewed by
takes place. Thus, networks of Ozawa & al., 1998) and GABA
interneurons may impose a co- (reviewed by Kaila, 1994) are usually
ordinated oscillatory ‘context’ for presented in text books of
the ‘content’ carried by principal neurobiology as excitatory and
cells (Freund & Buzsaki, 1996). For inhibitory transmitters, respectively.
instance, by regulation of NMDA This concept is based on the
receptors and synaptic plasticity the equilibrium potential of glutamate-
interneurons can take part in activated receptor channels being
‘deciding’ whether the strength of a positive enough to shift the
synapse is to be modified upon membrane potential towards action
arrival of synaptic input or the potential threshold, while the
incoming signal just passed on, thus equilibrium potential of chloride –
switching between processing the first recognised current carrier
modes. for ionotropic GABA-activated
Interneurons become postmitotic channels – is often more negative
earlier than pyramidal cells. At birth than the resting membrane potential
only 5% of the interneurons are due to active extrusion of
silent in contrast to the 80% of intracellular chloride by KCC2.
silent principal neurons, and However, the GABAA channel is
GABAergic synapses are established significantly permeable to HCO3-
first during development (Tyzio & and GABA-mediated synaptic
al., 1999). Interneurons that activity may result in membrane
innervate the apical dendrites of depolarisation, as will be discussed
pyramidal neurons mature before shortly. While the entire output of
those innervating cell body. When the cerebellar cortex is GABAergic
considering together with the fact
(Ito, 1984), only a fraction of GABAB receptor-mediated IPSPs
hippocampal cells – interneurons - originate from unitary sources
use GABA as neurotransmitter. (Tamás & al., 2003). In any case,
Nevertheless, the importance of both receptor types should be
GABAergic communication is all considered in parallel when
but nonsignificant, as slight examining the activity of
alterations in the GABA–mediated GABAergic interneurons.
inter-neuronal control of pyramidal As with other fast synaptic
cells leads to severe disturbances of transmission, transmitter uptake
hippocampal function. mechanisms restrict the spatial
GABA exerts its function mainly via range of GABAergic transmission
two receptors, the GABAA and in addition to enzymatic
GABAB receptors (see Figure 7) degradation of GABA when
mediating IPSPA and IPSPB, synchronous release occurs from a
respectively. The two receptors population of synapses. The ability
have nothing in common in of GABA molecules to reach the
evolutionary terms as well as in abundant extrasynaptic receptors
kinetics or currents carried. As they depends on the synapse
are activated by the same morphology and efficacy of uptake
neurotransmitter and often reside mechanisms, which, intriguingly,
on the same neuronal membrane, can differ between somatic and
the postsynaptic GABA response in dendritic areas (Isaacson & al.,
intact synaptic network in vitro can 1993).
be a combination of these two
mechanisms. Nevertheless, the 2.6.1. GABAA receptors
distribution of these two receptor The GABAA receptor is a
types is somewhat different on the pentameric membrane protein
pyramidal cells with GABAB composed of several distinct
receptors residing predominantly in subunits (Figure 7) with several sites
the dendritic region unlike the more for allosteric modulation of activity.
uniformly expressed GABAA In addition to endogenous and
receptors (Lopez-Bendito & al., exogenous ligands, the GABAA
2002). Also, there is some evidence receptor function is modulated by
that GABAA and GABAB receptors calcium and zinc ions as well as the
might be associated with distinct extracellular pH, with alkalinization
inhibitory circuits, so that feedback enhancing and acidification
inhibition would be mediated via suppressing GABA-activated
GABAA receptors only (Nurse & currents (Huang & Dillon, 1999).
Lacaille, 1997) and it has been The normal activation of the
shown that in the neocortex receptor is thought to require the
cooperative binding of two inward current carried by
molecules of GABA; of the bicarbonate (Voipio & Kaila, 2000).
inhibitors, picrotoxin (PiTX), a In addition, the intracellular anion
noncompetitive antagonist, and content increases as the bicarbonate
bicuculline (Bic), a competitive leaving the cell is compensated by
agonist, are worth mentioning. the reaction catalyzed by carbonic
The GABAA receptor-associated anhydrase (Roos & Boron, 1981)
ion channel is permeable to chloride while chloride ions flow in.
and importantly, bicarbonate. As It has been known for decades that
discussed earlier (section, GABA can have a biphasic
pH), the concentration of (hyperpolarising - depolarising)
intracellular bicarbonate is set by effect on membrane potential (e.g.
the pHi and is higher than what Alger & Nicoll, 1979). This has
would be if dependent only on been attributed to
passive distribution. Thus, opening pharmacologically different GABAA
of a GABAAR associated channel receptors (Alger & Nicoll, 1982;
results in an efflux of bicarbonate Perkins & Wong, 1996), as well as
together with the chloride influx. to an intracellular chloride gradient
Even though the bicarbonate (Misgeld & al., 1986) or to the
permeability of the GABAA channel dissipation of chloride gradient
is much lower than chloride during intensive activity (Staley &
permeability (Kaila, 1994), at the al., 1995) due to influx of Cl-.
resting membrane potential the During the last few years evidence
driving force for bicarbonate is has been presented for a
significantly stronger than for nonsynaptic mechanism of
chloride. For instance, during GABAergic depolarisation, which
activation the GABAA current in will be discussed later.
resting neocortical pyramidal In a recent study, Gulledge & Stuart
neurons is carried by HCO3- to a (2003) shed further light on the
greater extent than by chloride long-discussed difference between
(Kaila & al., 1993; Gulledge & somatic and dendritic GABAA
Stuart, 2003). receptor activation (Alger & Nicoll,
Movement of these negatively 1982; Kaila, 1994; and others). It
charged anions through the GABAA turned out that the excitatory action
channel results in a shift in of GABAergic synapses depends on
membrane potential towards the the spatial or temporal isolation of
channel reversal potential (EGABA-A), the conductance increase during
which is approximately 10 – 20 mV activation from other depolarising
more positive than the equilibrium inputs, while no qualitative
potential of chloride (ECl) due to the differences in dendritic and somatic
GABA responses were found. In receptor-mediated activity can result
fact, responses to brief GABA in post-inhibitory rebound
applications or stimulation-evoked activation of the target pyramidal
IPSPs were always depolarising neuron (Cobb & al., 1995) that
irrespective of the location of simultaneously synchronises a
activated site. In addition, GABAA population of pyramidal cells.
Due to the developmental
regulation of expression of the
KCC2 and the low level of this
extruder in rats younger than
postnatal day (P)6 (Rivera & al.,
1999), intracellular chloride
concentration is much higher than
in adult animals. This results in a
less negative EGABA-A, and
Figure 8. Schematic presentation of the GABA subsequently, more strongly
receptors and their immediate effects. Note
that the ion channels modulated by the depolarising GABAAR responses.
GABAB receptor-mediated response are in Another key component in
reality residing on different sides of the generation of the adult GABAA
synapse: potassium conductance is increased
postsynaptically, while the inhibition of
receptor mediated response, the
calcium influx is a presynaptic process. bicarbonate efflux, is also
dependent on a developmentally
regulated factor: intracellular
carbonic anhydrase (Pasternack &
al., 1993). Very recent studies
(Ruusuvuori & al., 2003) show that
in neonatal animals this intracellular
enzyme is not expressed.
Interestingly, the stimulus – induced
oscillations (discussed later in
chapter 2.7.3) develop at a strikingly
similar time course.

2.6.2. GABAB receptors

The GABAB receptors (reviewed by
Misgeld & al., 1995, and Mott &
Lewis, 1994) differ fundamentally
Figure 8. GABAB receptor-mediated from GABAA receptors in that they
signalling. Intense activity releases enough are metabotropic receptors, that is,
GABA to activate the more distant the effect of receptor activation is
presynaptic receptors.
mediated by a G-protein (Figure 7). directly suppressed by GABABR
In addition to the endogenous activation (Lei & McBain, 2003).
GABA, this receptor is activated by The GABAB receptor-mediated
exogenously applied baclofen and responses, particularly the
selectively blocked by antagonists presynaptic ones, are not uniform.
such as CGP55835A and phaclofen. Throughout the mammalian
During low-frequency activity, nervous system, the downstream
GABA released synaptically by a mechanisms of presynaptic GABAB
single presynaptic interneuron receptor modulation appear to be
activates postsynaptic mainly highly heterogenous and differ from
GABAA receptors, since GABAB synapse type to synapse type. In
receptor activation often requires addition to inhibition of calcium
synchronous activity of several influx, presynaptic GABAB receptor
presynaptic cells (see for example mediated effects may be induced via
Scanziani, 2000 but also Támas & activation of presynaptic K+
al., 2003 for a recent update) which channels producing hyper-
may occur during hippocampal polarisation, direct interaction with
rhythmic activity. Activation of the transmitter exocytosis and
postsynaptic GABAB receptors phosphorylation of various targets.
generate a slow hyperpolarisation, The affinity of presynaptic GABAB
mediated by G-protein –dependent receptors for GABA can be higher
activation of outward potassium than that of the postsynaptic ones
currents of the GIRK type. GABA (Isaacson & al., 1993) suggesting
is efficiently cleared from the different subunit composition for
synaptic cleft by transmitter re- the pre– and postsynaptic receptors,
uptake and thus the more distant which may also underlie the
presynaptic GABAB receptors are observation that presynaptic
not activated unless the presynaptic GABAB receptor mediated
signal lasts longer. During intensive inhibition acts with a somewhat
activity, sufficient amount of GABA slower time course than the
is released to diffuse retrogradely postsynaptic counterpart. In
(see chapter, Retrograde addition, at least some evidence
signalling) to the presynaptic suggests that the postsynaptic
GABAB receptors and results in G- GABAB receptor functionality
protein mediated inhibition of matures later than presynaptic
GABA and glutamate release by a (Nurse & Lacaille, 1999; Lei &
reduction in voltage-gated calcium McBain, 2003).
influx (Cobb & al., 1999). In the According to Lei & McBain (2003),
case of inhibiting GABA release composition of Ca2+ currents
transmitter exocytosis can be contributing to presynaptic
inhibition of GABAergic and dendrites (Davies & al., 1991). In
glutamatergic terminals differ; more addition, GABAB receptor
P/Q-type current is involved in activation is involved in numerous
inhibition of GABA release while other neuronal processes, including
both N - and P/Q-type currents are modulation of rhythmic activity in
modulated glutamate transmission the hippocampus (Scanziani, 2000).
inhibition. Also, sensitivity of The interneurons producing
presynaptic GABAB receptors on GABAB responses in the CA3 are
inhibitory terminals for GABA is electrically coupled (Yang &
higher than on excitatory ones, thus Michelson, 2001), and thus may be
rendering autoinhibition of synaptic capable of long-range synchronous
GABA release stronger than GABABR mediated transmission.
heterosynaptic inhibition of Presynaptic GABAB receptor
glutamate release. This may also activation reduces the likelihood of
result from the obvious reason that transmitter depletion during high-
GABA can reach excitatory frequency activity, resulting in an
synapses only by diffusing from enhancement of synaptic strength
inhibitory synapses, and the by preventing frequency-dependent
diffusion is restricted by transmitter synaptic depression (Brenowitz &
uptake mechanisms. In accordance al., 1998; Lei & McBain, 2003).
with this, GABA uptake blockers Even though the result of
enhance the GABAB receptor presynaptic GABAB receptor
mediated responses; it has also been activation seems to be
proposed (Isaacson & al., 1993) that predominantly a disinhibition of the
GABA uptake is less efficient in the postsynaptic cell, there are
dendritic region thus allowing wider numerous examples of
inhibition of transmitter release. anticonvulsant action of GABAB
Interestingly, the GABAB receptors receptor activation (Higashima &
seem to reside mainly in dendritic al., 2000; Morrisett & al., 1993;
rather than somatic regions in the Scanziani & al., 1994). Several
rat somatosensory cortex (Tamás & studies of epilepsy models (e.g.
al., 2003). Mangan & Lothman, 1996; Billinton
This presynaptic inhibition is usually & al., 2001) have also reported that
strongest when the presynaptic the function or expression of
terminal is stimulated at around 5 GABAB receptors is decreased. The
Hz. It has been shown that report by Cossart and co-workers
GABAB-receptor mediated (2001) of a selective impairment of
frequency-dependent depression of GABAA-mediated inhibition in the
GABAA IPSCs is necessary for dendritic region of hippocampal
induction of LTP in pyramidal CA1 in experimental temporal lobe
epilepsy (TLE) and increased neurons taking part in synchronous
somatic inhibition is intriguing. discharges. Synchronicity serves as a
Together with the possible tag of relatedness (Singer, 1999)
segregation of GABAB receptors since it increases the saliency of
into the dendritic areas it suggests a synchronized responses, which in
specific role for GABAB receptor turn favours their joint evaluation
mediated inhibition in (binding) at following processing
epileptogenesis and thus a possible stages. This applies to external
target for therapeutic manipulations. (sensory) stimuli as well as to
On the other hand, the absence internally generated synchrony,
epilepsy-type seizures are often grouping internal processes into
alleviated with blockers of GABAB functional (task-oriented) units.
receptors (e.g. Liu & al., 1992).
Fast, synchronous firing of putative
2.7. Network interneurons can be recorded in vivo,
mechanisms of emergent and multielectrode recordings have
activity patterns shown that synchronization occurs
even between distant neurons,
2.7.1. Synchrony several millimetres apart.
Synchronization of neuronal activity Synchronous activity in a neuronal
is fundamental in the operation on network can result from common
neural networks. EPSPs (sensory) input to the network or of
synchronized within a few an emergent population oscillation
milliseconds are more effective in depending on the properties of
triggering postsynaptic spikes than neurons in the network. This
EPSPs dispersed over longer internally generated synchronization
intervals (Stevens & Zador, 1998) can be as precise as externally
due to kinetics of EPSPs and the generated, and network mechanisms
back-propagating dendritic spikes as for emergent synchronous activity
well as sensitivity of firing threshold will be discussed in the following
to the rising slope of depolarization sections.
(Singer, 1999). Large-scale
2.7.2. Resonance
synchrony, with thousands of
neurons firing together, can be The frequency of synchronous
detected in the EEG-signal. All activity may, of course, be
classifications of brain states, from modulated by external inputs, but
sleep and attentive levels to epileptic more important for the emergent
seizures are based on the activity frequencies are the resonant
patterns of enormous groups of properties of neurons participating
in oscillation. Resonance (Hutcheon
& Yarom, 2000) characterizes the 5-20 Hz (Hutcheon & al., 1996;
frequency at which neurons Gutfreund & al., 1995). The
respond best to inputs of injected resonant properties of hippocampal
currents. In order for neuron or pyramidal and interneuronal cells
population of neurons to have differ as well within the
resonance, two distinct frequency– interneuronal subpopulations (Pike
dependent properties are needed: & al., 2000). Pyramidal neurons fire
one that attenuates incoming signals preferentially in response to high
below a threshold value (high-pass) delta – theta frequency (2-7 Hz)
and another that reduces responses input, while a subgroup of
to high-frequency input (low-pass). interneurons, the fast-spiking
These result in a notch filter, and if interneurons, responds best to
in addition combined with a signal inputs in gamma range.
amplifier with preferred frequency
range an efficient resonator unit 2.7.3. Oscillations
emerges. The low-pass properties of Synchronized cortical discharges are
neurons result from the well- often associated with an oscillatory
documented passive membrane patterning with the frequency of
properties that attenuate responses these oscillations covering a broad
to fast inputs, and slowly (in respect range. This periodic patterning
to the membrane time constant) reduces the probability of spurious
activating voltage-gated currents correlations and enhances
that oppose changes in membrane substantially the precision with
voltage (e.g. ‘delayed rectifier’-type which the discharges of different
potassium channel) act as high-pass neurons are synchronized.
filters. The resonance emerging is in Synchronization can be established
a frequency range set by the time very rapidly, even in time less than
constants of these two processes an oscillation cycle, as neurons are
and amplified by quickly activating able to delay their output relative to
voltage-gated channels enhancing the incoming EPSPs and the
membrane potential changes (or, ongoing oscillatory network activity.
for instance, the NMDA receptor– The population of neurons taking
mediated current). The dominating part in oscillation may vary from
resonant properties may depend on one cycle to another (cycle skipping)
membrane potential. As an even if the power of an oscillation
example, neocortical pyramidal cells stays constant. For instance, in
are resonant at 1-2 Hz near the some oscillatory modes an
resting membrane potential but individual pyramidal cell may fire
when depolarised more than to –55 only in 5% of cycles.
the main resonant range is between
Oscillatory activity can narrow the mutually inhibitory interneurons, is
time window for LTP in vitro: the called Interneuron Network
polarity of synaptic gain change Gamma, or ING (Traub & al.,
depends on the phase relations 1998). Heavy interconnections have
between pre – and postsynaptic been shown experimentally in the
discharges (see Aizenman & al., sensory neocortex (Tamas & al.,
1998). It is possible, that the 1998) and hippocampus (Cobb & al,
interneuronal IPSP arriving 1997), especially between
synchronously with pyramidal cell cholecystokinin (CCK) – and
action potential enhances spike parvalbumin (PV) –positive basket
backpropagation by accelerating the cells (Sik & al., 1995).
recovery of activity-dependent The frequency of a single
depression, and thus promotes interneuron firing depends on the
plastic changes. properties of the cell, especially the
afterhyperpolarisation (AHP) Interneuron delaying the next spike, but the
network oscillations frequency of interneuron network
It has been shown that when oscillation depends on the
ionotropic glutamate receptor properties of GABAA responses,
mediated transmission is blocked which suppress the next population
pharmacologically, oscillatory trains spike until the inhibition has faded
of IPSPs are generated in pyramidal out. Thus, prolongation of the
neurons and interneurons decay time constant (τ) of GABAA
(Whittington & al., 1995; Jefferys & responses (eg. with barbiturates)
al., 1996) if sufficient excitatory slows down the oscillation
drive to the interneurons is present, frequency.
for example in the form of
metabotropic glutamate receptor Population
activation. These spontaneous gamma oscillations
synchronous IPSPs tend to occur γ-frequency oscillations can be
perisomatically (Soltesz & al., 1995) induced by tetanic stimulation
and thus are most likely originating (usually 8 – 40 pulses at 100 Hz) of
from basket cells intercoupled with the CA1 region of hippocampal
gap junctions (see below). The slices. The oscillations are
frequency of the emerging superimposed on post-tetanic
oscillation is modulated by depolarisation and slow from the
properties of the GABAergic initial γ-range to beta band (around
synapses and generally falls into the 10-30 Hz). During this activity,
γ (gamma) range (30–80 Hz). This pyramidal cells as well as
network phenomenon, generated by
interneurons depolarize tonically enough to induce a second spike in
and fire regularly at gamma the inhibitory cells. It was then
frequencies. As a distinction from confirmed in vitro, that during long-
ING, this mode of oscillation is range synchronized oscillations,
called Population Gamma most interneurons indeed fired in
oscillations (PGO). PGO can be doublets (Traub & al., 1999). The
induced under blockade of EPSPs also stabilize the oscillation,
ionotropic glutamatergic so that modification of IPSP
transmission and the tonic parameters or heterogenity in
depolarisation is then the result of driving forces has less of an effect
massive GABA release (see on oscillation frequency in the
discussion for the mechanism). It presence of fast excitatory
has been suggested (Bracci & al., transmission than in pure ING.
1999) that this depolarisation
induces rhythmic activity in the Carbachol-
pyramidal cells at a frequency induced gamma
dependent on the intrinsic resonant oscillation
properties of cells, and that neurons Bath – applied cholinergic agonist
would synchronise between carbachol induces population
themselves via ephaptic field effects. oscillations with a prominent γ
The oscillations are abolished if the frequency component (Fisahn & al.,
GABAergic output of interneurons 1998) with phase-locked EPSPs and
is blocked which also suggests a role IPSPs seen with whole-cell patch-
for the synaptic activity of clamp recordings. This ‘carbachol-
interneurons in network gamma’ differs from tetanically
synchronisation. induced PGO in that pyramidal
Although axon conduction velocity cells skip many cycles of the
is relatively slow in the cortical oscillation, firing often in no more
structures (in the range of 0.5 than 5% of the cycles (over 80 % of
meters sec-1), the population gamma cycles in PGO). Under these
oscillations can synchronise within 1 conditions, the degree of tonic
ms over distances of several excitation of the interneurons is not
millimetres. In order to solve the sufficient to maintain ING and
mechanism of such a precise phasic excitation originating in the
synchronization, Traub and co- recurrent feedback loops assumes a
workers (1996) devised a model greater role in maintaining the
which predicted long-range oscillation. On the other hand, the
synchrony in a network of neurons oscillation frequency is set by the
if the synchronized output of kinetics of IPSPs and oscillation is
excitatory cells would be strong abolished if GABAAR mediated
synaptic events are blocked Taking into account the importance
pharmacologically. This model of of bicarbonate availability on
gamma oscillations relies, therefore, GABAergic synaptic transmission
on the interplay of the interneuronal (see chapter 1.6.) and the putative
and pyramidal cell networks and is roles of the interneuronal network
probably closest to the normal in in synchronizing and pacing the
vivo situation. described models, it should be of no
surprise that bicarbonate is also System-level necessary for the gamma
oscillations oscillations. As described earlier
γ oscillations may play an important (chapter, bicarbonate levels
role in the function of are regulated together with pH and
hippocampus, which receives a can be modified with respiration
major cholinergic input from other thus allowing for system-level
brain regions. As cholinergic regulation of gamma oscillations.
activation can induce gamma–range Apart from the γ-band oscillations,
oscillations and it has been shown high-frequency (100 - 200 Hz)
(Whittington & al., 1997) that rhythmic oscillations have been
gamma oscillations enhance recorded from hippocampi of freely
recurrent excitatory connections moving rats, mainly during sleep or
between CA1 pyramidal neurons, rest. It has been hypothesized that
the functions of hippocampus in these ‘ripple’ oscillations are
memory formation may well depend involved in memory consolidation
on gamma-frequency activity. as they result in widespread
Oscillatory activity is not restricted activation of hippocampal targets.
to these rather small networks of in Ripples arise from the high-
vitro preparations, but is seen as frequency phase-locked firing of
EEG oscillations in awake, inhibitory interneurons; they are so
behaving animals. One of the great fast that their coordination across
mysteries of last decades, the many cells in the hippocampus
‘binding problem’ related to would be difficult to achieve with
distributed processing of sensory chemical synapses. Indeed, they are
information (for review, see Singer reported to persist in the absence of
1999) is thought to be solved by chemical synaptic transmission
relating in-phase signals with each (Draguhn & al., 1998). Even though
other. It has also been realized that the interneurons fire at ripple
different behavioral and perceptual frequencies, most CA1 cells fire
states are associated with different only one spike in a ripple; so, even
brain rhythms. this model of synchronous

oscillation seems to depend on 2.8. Epilepsy
interneuronal activity. As was “Epilepsy” is a term for remarkably
discussed in an earlier chapter, diverse collection of disorders,
interneurons communicate with affecting around 0.8% of the
each other by means of direct population worldwide. Sadly, a
electrical synapses, further – in significant part of the cases are
addition to frequent mutual synaptic young people and children, and as
connections – increasing their severe seizures may result in
possibilities for coordinated and developmental retardation,
synchronous activity, especially in aggressive therapeutical approaches
the high-frequency range. are taken as far as to surgical
Epilepsy Partial - focal initiation Simple Consciousness preserved
Complex Consciousness impaired
Behavioral manifestations
determined by the cortical
region affected by seizure

Generalized - widespread Absence Cessation of ongoing activity

cortical activation for <30 s
Myoclonic Muscle contractions
Tonic-clonic Sustained muscle contractions
alternating with relaxation

Seizure: unusual sensations, behaviours or movements resulting from abnormal electrical

discharges in the brain

Convulsion: the violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles, often caused by a seizure

Seizures (in vivo) Epileptic Intrinsically triggered in the brain

non-epileptic Evoked by external triggers, e.g. electric
shocks or convulsant drugs (in animal models)

(Abnormal) Ictal (discharges) Associated with a seizure in vivo;

synchronous sustained (up to minutes) depolarisation in
activity vitro, with tonic or tonic-clonic bursts
Inter-ictal (spikes) Between seizures in vivo;
Fast, short (tens of ms) depolarisations
Table 1. Classification and terminology related to epilepsy. McNamara 1994 and McCormick &
Contreras 2001

removing of the brain tissue in a relatively defined locus.
triggering seizures. Still, the rates of Although interictal bursts and the
recovery are depressingly low, as the associated spikes in the EEG occur
therapy is symptomatic (based on frequently and regularly, they are
symptoms rather than known usually not associated with
causes) and is sometimes chosen by significant disturbances of behavior.
a ‘trial-and-error’ method. The lack In contrast, ictal paroxysms tend to
of efficient treatments stems form spread over wide cortical areas, last
the diversity of ‘epilepsies’, which up to several minutes and result in
could in fact be treated as different severe clinical seizures. While the
conditions of aberrant activity in the interictal bursts in the hippocampus
central nervous system. Over 40 depend on non-NMDA –type
recognised types of clinical epileptic glutamate receptors (de Curtis & al.,
syndromes are known; however, 1999) and the recurrent excitatory
Table 1 summarizes the basic connections among pyramidal cells
terminology and classification used of CA3, ictal events probably
in the epilepsy literature. require the interplay of both
glutamatergic and GABAergic
2.8.1. Phenomenology transmission and are generated in
Clinical epilepsy, in general, is a the CA1 area only. It has been
pathological state characterized by shown that activity of a single CA3
the periodic and rather neuron can be sufficient to initiate
unpredictable occurrence of an interictal event (Miles & Wong,
seizures, which are defined as 1983), which can then propagate to
transient behavioral or sensory the CA1 (Avoli & al., 2002).
changes attributable to the The presence of interictal spikes in
synchronous and rhythmic firing of patients’ EEG is taken as a
populations of neurons in the CNS. symptom of clinical epilepsy and
During an epileptic seizure, they may aid in localising the
thousands of cellular elements are epileptogenic focus, but the actual
spontaneously and synchronously relationship between interictal
active; a seizure can be precipitated spikes and ictal seizures is not clear.
by external stimuli in susceptible In some cases, interictal and ictal
individuals or initiate without any discharges may be closely related
apparent external trigger. and an interical event can actually
Two patterns of neuronal discharge initiate an ictal episode (interictal-to-
are typically generated by epileptic ictal transition, Ayala & al., 1973).
cortex. Interictal bursts are brief (up However, the interictal spikes do
to 100 ms) synchronous neural not always correlate at all with ictal
discharges that originate and remain activity. It has been proposed (de
Curtis & Avanzini, 2001; Jensen & inhibition is increased in
Yaari 1988) that the interictal spikes experimental TLE (Cossart & al.,
in fact protect against the 2001) even though tonic inhibition
occurrence of ictal discharges by in the pyramidal cell dendrites is
strong after-inhibition, and in some compromised. Clearly, simple
models simulation of interictal potentiation of GABAergic
activity by electrical stimulation inhibition can not alone antagonize
prevents the generation of ictal all abnormalities in TLE, but a more
discharges (Avoli & al, 2002). precicely targeted approach must be
invented to find an effective cure.
2.8.2. Role of GABAergic Many of the in vitro and animal
inhibition models of seizures developed
The most common histological during the last decades rely on
abnormality in TLE is Ammon’s either increasing neuronal
horn sclerosis, where a significant excitability (for example, by
amount of principal cells of the elevating the extracellular potassium
hippocampus is lost. A leading (Traynelis & Dingledine, 1988) or
hypothesis in the 1980s was that the applying the K+ channel blocker 4-
GABAergic interneurons in the AP (Avoli & al., 2002)), or on
hippocampus die and the resulting suppressing the fast GABAergic
loss of inhibition leads to inhibition by pharmacological
hyperexcitable neural network and blockade (for instance by
epileptic seizures. Also, bicuculline or picrotoxin). However,
pharmacological compounds that epileptic-like activity can develop in
increase GABAergic inhibition are the brain with intact GABAergic
used to attenuate epileptic communication, as it is now
convulsions (Prince, 1978). becoming increasingly clear with
Intriguingly BDNF, a brain-derived several seizure models.
neurotrophic factor known to be In the rat kindling model seizures
up-regulated in in vivo kindling are induced by initially subthreshold
model (Binder & al., 2001) weakens electrical stimuli delivered daily to
maintenance of the intracellular limbic areas over several days or
chloride homeostasis by KCC2 weeks. This model is characterized
(Rivera & al., 2002) and could by an enhanced functional
thereby further suppress GABAAR inhibition by GABA in the dentate
mediated inhibition. Still, it is now gyrus, probably partly due to
known that not only are the significant reduction of GABABR-
GABAergic interneurons more mediated autoinhibition of GABA
resistant to seizure-induced death (Buhl & al., 1996) and to an increase
(Sloviter, 1987) but also somatic in the number of GABAA receptors
on the somatic and axon initial even though lack of GABAB
segments of principal cells (Nusser receptor mediated autoinhibition of
& al., 1998). The ictal-like GABA release might be expected to
afterdischarges induced in result in overly depressed excitation.
hippocampal slices by repetitive
tetanic stimulation (Higashima & al., 2.8.3. Gap junctions in
2000), are abolished and potentiated epilepsy
by GABAA receptor antagonists and Hippocampal neurons can generate
enhancers, respectively. On the highly synchronous spontaneous
other hand, GABAB receptor discharges in the absence of
activation seems to play a chemical synaptic transmission,
suppressive role in the generation of suggesting that other interactions
these discharges, perhaps by can have a significant role in
inhibiting excess GABA release. epileptogenesis. As gap junctions
Therefore, it seems that increased are essential for fast network
GABAergic transmission, rather synchronization (see chapter 2.4.4.),
than decreased, is at least in part it is not surprising that many
responsible for the hyperexcitability experimentally induced states of
in these models. epileptic-like activity depend on gap
In the rat model of the complex junctions: the 0-Ca2+ -induced
febrile seizures, prolonged spontaneous field bursts (Perez
hyperthermia-induced seizures in Velazquez & al., 1994), 0-Mg2+ -
young animals lead to a persistent induced secondary bursts (Köhling
increase in perisomatic inhibition of & al., 2001) and the 4AP-induced
CA1 pyramidal cells together with a synchronous GABAergic potentials
decreased threshold for seizures. (Yang & Michelson, 2001; Szente &
This is a result of a depolarising al., 2002) are inhibited by GJ
shift in the activation of a blockers. Jahromi and co-workers
hyperpolarisation-activated cation (2002) showed, on the other hand,
current Ih (see Hille, 2001), which that the maintenance of
then depolarises neurons after the epileptiform discharges after a
enhanced bursts of IPSPs (Chen & tetanic stimulus requires gap-
al., 2001). junctional coupling. As discussed
Further contrasting the ‘Yin-Yang’ earlier (see, pH modulation),
dogma of epileptogenesis, mutant alkalinization increases neuronal
mice lacking functional GABAB excitability, and together with the
receptors constructed in two increased GJ-coupled neuronal
separate laboratories (Schuler & al., synchronization can further
2001; Prosser & al., 2001) show promote precipitation of epileptic
clear and severe epileptic symptoms seizures (see for example Köhling &
al., 2001). Furthermore, intense hyperexcitability, while others
activity results in intracellular selectively depress hypersynchrony.
acidification which can decouple Also, even though the immature
gap junctionally connected cells. brain exhibits more extensive GJ
Indeed, it has been shown (by coupling than the mature brain
Xiong & al., 2000) that seizures (Peinado & al., 1993) and is much
induced by 0-Ca2+ are directly more susceptible for epileptiform
terminated by fall of pHi. activity (e.g. Sperber & al., 1992),
Despite of the present, rather different mechanisms account for
convincing evidence for gap epileptogenesis in neonatal tissue
junctional coupling contributing to (for instance, based on the higher
pathological hypersynchrony in the intracellular chloride concentration)
brain – for instance, levels of that need not be related to GJ
connexin mRNA are elevated in coupling efficacy.
surgically removed brain tissue from
epileptic patients (Naus & al., 1991)
and an up-regulation of Cx32 is
seen in epileptic mouse
hippocampus (Li & al., 2001) – no
clinical anticonvulsants are in use
that would target GJ
communication, as no connexin-
specific GJ modulators have been
found – with the one and only
exception to date being quinine
(Srinivas & al., 2001). Before
rushing into devising complex anti-
convulsant strategies based on
decreasing gap junctional
hypersynchrony, it must be kept in
mind that hypersynchrony is only
one side of epileptic-like activity:
the classical hyperexcitability still
produces the drive for seizures. The
question of GJ communication in
epilepsy is complicated by the
finding of Margineanu and
Klitgaard (2001) that some gap
junction blockers inhibit not only
hypersynchrony but also
3. Aims of the study
The first goal of the present study was to seek out how to dissect the
hyperpolarising and depolarising parts of the biphasic GABA responses in
order to be able further examine their mechanisms in isolation. Next, based on
the findings and using the pharmacological dissection, the roles played by
GABAergic transmission in oscillatory activity (using the carbachol oscillation
model) and spontaneous ictal-like activity were to be examined. Specifically, it
was to be found out whether GABAA receptor-mediated transmission alone is
capable of initiating and maintaining spontaneous ictal-like activity in the
absence of external stimulation or pharmacologically enhanced excitability.
Synchronisation of interneuronal activity is known to partly depend on the
coupling via gap junctions. We sought to elucidate the role of GJs in both
stimulus-evoked GABAA-mediated depolarising responses as well as in
spontaneous activity. Using the new tool for dissecting the depolarising and
hyperpolarising phases in the first part of the study, namely, quinine, which was
meanwhile shown to specifically block interneuronal gap junctions formed of
connexin (Cx) 36, we compared the influence of interneuronal gap junctions in
analogous GABA – and glutamatergic situations of both evoked and
spontaneous activity.

4. Materials and methods

The questions above have been addressed using transverse (I, III, IV) or
horizontal (II) hippocampal slices from adult (postnatal day (P) 24 – 60) Wistar
rats of either sex. Electrophysiological methods used comprised of field
potential, membrane potential and ion-selective measurements and they all were
performed in an interface-type recording chamber, while the optical imaging of
intracellular pH (in II) was done in a submerged-type chamber. The perfusing
solution was continuously gassed with 5% CO2 / 95% O2 (naturally, in the
experiments where hypocapnia was induced the pressure of CO2 was
decreased) and pH set to 7.4. Details for the construction of different type
electrodes and dye loading as well as the apparatus used are given in the original
articles. Table 2 lists drugs and the concentrations they were used at.

AP5 Competitive NMDA-R 40 – 60 µM Tocris Cookson
4-aminopyridine (4-AP) K+-channel blocker 50 µM Sigma
Baclofen GABABR agonist 10 – 50 µM Sigma
Benzolamide (BA) CAo inhibitor 10 µM E. Swenson, Univ.
Washington Medical
Center, Seattle, WA,
Bicuculline GABAAR antagonist 10 µM Tocris
Carbachol Cholinergic agonist 5-10 µM RBI
CGP35348 GABABR antagonist 100-200 µM Ciba-Geigy,
CGP55845A GABABR antagonist 0.5 – 5 µM Ciba-Geigy,
DAMGO µ-opioid agonist 1 µM Tocris
Ethoxyzolamide (EZA) CAi inhibitor 50 – 100 µM Sigma
Ketamine Non-competitive NMDA-R 50 µM Sigma
Midazolam (MDZ) Benzodiazepine 20 µM Sigma
Muscimol GABAAR agonist ionto phoretic Tocris
NBQX AMPA / kainate –R antagonist 10 µM Tocris / NOVO
Octanol Gap junction blocker 0.5 mM Sigma
Picrotoxin (PiTX) GABAAR antagonist 100 µM Sigma
Pentobarbital (PB) Upmodulator of GABAAR- 10 – 100 µM Sigma
gated channel
Quinidine Connexin 36 –specific gap 100 µM Sigma
junction blocker
Quinine -“- 200 – 500 µM Sigma
QX-314 Reduces cell sensitivity to 50 µM Astra (Södertälje,
[K+]o; Iq blocker Sweden) / Sigma
Tetraethylammonium K+ channel antagonist 10 mM Sigma
UL-FS 49 Iq blocker 50 µM H.-C. Pape, Univ.
WIN 55,212-2 CB1R antagonist 1 µM Sigma

Table 2. Drugs, used concentrations and manufacturers.

Therefore, the late phase of this
5. Results GABAergic response was re-named
as GABAergic depolarising non-
5.1. Dissociation of synaptic potential (GDNSP). In the
synaptic and nonsynaptic key experiments it was shown that
components of the the EGABA-A is negative in respect to
the membrane potential at the time
GABAergic depolarising
of GDNSP peak (Figure 4d in
non-synaptic potential original publication) if the GDNSP
(Original publication I) response of the cell was blocked.
Also, the initial increase in
The initial goal of the study was to membrane conductance during the
find a way to dissect the two fast hyperpolarising component
components of a HFS-evoked faded away during the GDNSP,
GABAergic response of a CA1 thus showing that the initial and late
pyramidal neuron so that further components of the response are
analysis of the components would mechanistically different.
be feasible. The direct GABAA The finding of a ‘specific GDNSP-
receptor-mediated component was blocker’, quinine, let us perform
selectively inhibited by intracellular further experiments elucidating the
perfusion with fluoride as the major actual mechanisms behind the
anion and no ATP, while internal phenomenon. It inhibited both the
perfusion with QX-314 abolished GDNSP and the activity-induced
the late GABAergic depolarising potassium rise that was already in
post-synaptic potential (GDPSP; the earlier studies proposed as one
Figures 1 and 2 in the original key element in the GDNSP
publication). Also, bath application generation, thus strengthening the
of the anti-malarial drug quinine causal link between the two events.
was found to block the GDPSP. In the concentration and duration
With these tools we confirmed the range of quinine applications used,
previous conclusions (Kaila & al., its effects were not due to a
1997) that the GDPSP depends on decrease in the cell’s sensitivity to
non-synaptic communication, external potassium (i.e. by blockade
namely, activity-induced increase in of potassium channels), as pressure
extracellular potassium and that the injections of potassium evoked
bicarbonate-dependent similar depolarising responses in the
accumulation of intracellular absence and presence of quinine.
chloride (anionic redistribution, Also, as the reversal potential of
Kaila & al., 1989; see also Staley & GABAA responses were not shifting
al., 1995) is of lesser importance. in quinine the activity of the KCC2
was unaffected by this drug. Since modest increase in frequency and
the GDNSP is a bicarbonate- decrease in amplitude of the
dependent response, it was asked oscillations was observed.
whether quinine exerts its inhibitory To elucidate the mechanisms by
action by depressing the which hypocapnia influences the
depolarising bicarbonate efflux. The properties of gamma oscillations,
alkaline transient during a GDNSP the effects of hypocapnia on
was not affected, thus showing that physical and physiological
the inward current carried by parameters of the hippocampus
HCO3- is still present under were assessed. First of all,
quinine-induced blockade of the hypocapnia resulted in a
GDNSP but it can not – alone, at monophasic alkalinisation of both
least – be responsible for the intra- and extracellular space. The
significant depolarisation seen in the pHi was found to increase slower
absence of quinine. and to lesser extent than the pHo.
At the time of publication, the gap Second, an increase in the single-
junction –blocking effect of quinine pulse –evoked IPSCs in the
was not known and thus the actual presence of blockers of ionotropic
mechanism behind quinine’s glutamate and GABAB receptors
inhibitory action on the GDNSP was observed (Figure 4 in original
was not revealed. publication). There was no change
on input resistance, and thus
5.2. Synaptic and hypocapnia increased the GABAA
nonsynaptic modulation receptor-mediated hyperpolarisation
of oscillatory activity seen by the postsynaptic cell.
(Original publication II) Importantly, the decay kinetics of
It was shown that changes in PCO2 IPSC were unaltered during
can have a significant role in hypocapnia, producing a sharper
modulating hippocampal function. postsynaptic response. Next, we
Temporal stability of the carbachol- sought to find out whether the
induced gamma-oscillations was hypocapnia-induced increase in
significantly increased (Figure 1 in IPSC amplitude is required for the
original publication) during strengthening in oscillation stability.
hypocapnia induced by switching Indeed, when the increase in
the gassing of physiological solution GABAA receptor mediated IPSC
from 5% to 1% CO2, as was evident under hypocapnic conditions was
from the prolongation of the reversed with a low concentration
autocorrelation function (ACF) of bicuculline, the decay of the ACF
decay time. At the same time, a returned close to the control
The dependence of oscillatory 5.3. Mechanisms of
properties on the properties of GABAA receptor-
GABAA receptor-mediated mediated spontaneous
responses were examined with the epileptic-like activity
two up-modulators of GABAA
(Original publication III)
receptors, midazolam (MDZ) and
pentobarbital (PB), both of which Another novel model of
increase amplitude and duration of spontaneous activity examined
IPSCs (Segal & Barker, 1984; during this work consisted of
Poncer & al., 1996). Consistent with synchronous GABAergic Ictal-like
the significance of GABAA receptor Events (GIEs) and provided an
kinetics on setting gamma- opportunity to elucidate the
oscillation frequency (Jefferys & al., mechanisms for interneuron
1996; Traub & al., 1998), network synchronisation and
prolongation of the IPSC decay lead plasticity.
to decrease of the oscillation As the ability of GABAergic neural
frequency, and, perhaps due to transmission to produce
frequency decrease, to an increase depolarising responses leading to
of gamma band amplitude. synchronous spiking of the
Pentobarbital also significantly pyramidal cells is known, we
decreased the temporal stability of proceed to establish whether this
oscillations. excitatory action can result in
Further, it was found that pH epileptic-like activity. Avoli and co-
changes in the intracellular and workers have severalfold
extracellular space had differential demonstrated (for review, see Avoli
effects on the oscillations. When & al., 2002) that if the excitability of
pHi was increased selectively by neurons is pharmacologically (4-AP)
applying TriMA, gamma oscillation enhanced, GABAergic synaptic
amplitude and frequency were activity is sufficient for developing
affected as when PCO2 was synchronous spontaneous activity in
reduced, although somewhat more the mature hippocampus. However,
significantly (Figure 3 in original we found that this drug-induced
publication). Strikingly though, the excitability increase is not necessary
stability of oscillation was affected as the intrinsic tendency of
in an opposite direction and the intereurons for spontaneous activity
intrinsic phase-correlation was is often enough for a GABAergic
decreased. Thus, intracellular epileptic-like condition to develop,
alkalinisation could not explain the provided the down-regulation of
hypocapnia-induced effects on transmitter release via presynaptic
temporal stability. GABAB receptors is blocked

pharmacologically (Figure 1 in tens of seconds, probably via a
original publication). depolarisation– induced suppression
The spontaneous GABAergic ictal- of inhibition (DSI; Pitler & Alger,
like events (GIEs) resemble in many 1994; Davies & al., 2002) that
ways the GDNSP (see Kaila & al., further points towards presynaptic
1997 and original publication I), processes in the generation of
including their dependence on the spontaneous GIEs.
availability of bicarbonate, and The enhancement of GIE activity
other models of ictal activity. For by a transient alkalosis led us to
instance, the GIEs are sensitive to examine the role of GJ coupling.
interictal events (Figure 6 in original Combined with the previous finding
publication; compare for example that quinine blocks the stimulus-
with Jensen & Yaari, 1988) and induced GDNSP (original
depend on gap junctional coupling publication I), the inhibitory activity
for synchronisation. The of quinine and octanol on GIE
spontaneous GIEs were seen activity confirmed that the
synchronously over large areas of spontaneous GABAergic activity is
the hippocampal CA1 region and dependent on gap junction coupling
appeared to spread by the interplay and the depolarising effects are
of synaptic and nonsynaptic mediated by nonsynaptic
mechanisms. (‘GDNSP’) means. Furthermore, it
During the period of GIE was found that quinine (or octanol)
induction, plastic changes of the had no effect on epileptic-like
hippocampal circuitry are possibly activity induced by blockade of
taking place as removal of the synaptic inhibition (by PiTX), thus
inducing conditions (GABAB demonstrating that the GABA- and
receptor antagonists, elevated pH) glutamatergic epileptic-like
did not reverse the GIE conditions depend on different
development. Based on the cellular mechanisms for
inhibitory action of µ-opioid and synchronisation and excitation.
cannabinoid receptor antagonists,
these long-term modifications were 5.4. Dependence of
most likely localised on the GDNSPs on inter-
presynaptic terminals where a interneuronal gap
persistent increase of GABA release junction communication
could act as the pivotal point for the (Original publication IV)
positive feedback loop. Also, after a In addition to the spontaneous
GIE had passed, the spontaneous GIEs examined in Original
activity was suppressed for several publication I, quinine was found to

block HFS-induced GABA- significant rise in extracellular
mediated field responses (‘field potassium. Quinine had no
GDNSPs’) as well as the associated inhibitory effects on any stimulus-
[K+]o transient transient, thus evoked glutamate-only responses,
further providing evidence for the again stressing the mechanistical
mechanistic similarity of evoked differences between these two
GDNSPs and spontaneous GIEs. systems in generating activity.
The action of quinine on the
network response of interneurons
was not a result of interference with
the GABAA receptor agonist
binding to its receptor, since
quinine did not influence the
strength of Vm (or [K+]o;
unpublished data) responses
induced by GABA or muscimol
application in the absence of
glutamatergic transmission. The fact
that the post-stimulus synchronous
oscillations were abolished upon
quinine application shows that even
though the tetanization effectively
synchronises the interneurons (at
100 Hz), they can not maintain
synchronisation to produce the
needed long-term depolarising drive
for the pyramidal cells without
direct electrical communication.
In the absence of GABAergic
communication (when it was
blocked by PiTX), the post-tetanic
field response was much shorter
than what was seen in the absence
of ionotropic glutamatergic
transmission. No post-stimulus
oscillations were seen suggesting
that interneuronal pacing activity is
needed for gamma oscillations to
develop or, neuronal spiking was
actually absent despite the
the smooth transition from one
6. Discussion and dominating mechanism to another
conclusions contains an intermediate phase
where the synaptic and network-
level effects are overlapping. During
6.1. GABAergic non-
the transition from synaptic to
synaptic depolarisation volume transmission, the increase in
unveiled (I, IV) postsynaptic membrane
Bicarbonate-dependent conductance fades away and has
accumulation of intracellular returned to resting levels at the time
chloride (anion redistribution; the GDNSP peak has been
Voipio & al., 1991; Kaila & al., achieved. It should be noted that
1993; Staley & al., 1995) can not the experiments were performed on
alone explain the HFS-induced long cells more than 200 µm away from
depolarising GABAergic response, stimulation site; the drop in input
as it does not result in shifting of resistance in cells closer than that
EGABA-A positive enough (Kaila & has been shown to last longer
al., 1997). In reality, activation of (Bracci & al., 1999).
GABAA receptors in the target cell It has been recently shown by
is not even necessary for GDNSP Srinivas and co-workers (2001) that,
in a tightly packed neuronal tissue, in addition to quinine’s known
since GDNSP can be evoked in an inhibitory effects on various
individual cell where the GABAA potassium conductances it also
receptor mediated responses are specifically blocks gap junctions
blocked pharmacologically, and the formed of the connexin 36 (Cx36).
surrounding neurons generate the Interneuronal gap junctions are
K+ transient by the GABAAR- precisely of this type (Deans & al.,
dependent mechanism. 2001), and as show in original
The fact that the two components publication IV, GABA- but not
of GABAergic response to a HFS glutamate-driven population activity
can be dissected shows that the is inhibited by quinine. The gap
phenomenon depends on two junction mediated effect was
separate mechanisms which operate confirmed by the experiments
at different temporal (from 100’s of where similar results were obtained
milliseconds to seconds) and with the broad-spectrum GJ blocker
organisational (from synaptic to octanol. Also, the possibility that
network) levels. The relative quinine would interfere with
contributions of synaptic and agonist-receptor interactions at the
network mechanisms depend on the level of GABAergic synaptic
conditions of the experiment, and transmission was rejected as the
drug did not modify the cellular to HFS is a neuronal
response to exogenous GABA hyperpolarisation formed of fused
application. The fact that post- IPSPs generated by the firing of
stimulus synchronous oscillations GABAergic interneurons and
were abolished upon quinine activation of GABAA receptor-
application shows that even though gated channels (see chapter 2.6.1).
the tetanisation provides an efficient The increase in anion content of the
synchronizing drive to the intracellular space would result in
interneurons, they desynchronize cell swelling as water inevitably
quickly without direct electrical follows, if no volume-regulation
intercommunication. would be present. One of such
Thus the mechanism of GDNSP regulatory mechanisms, the
generation proposed in the original potassium – chloride cotransporter
publication could be further isoform KCC2, is activated by the
elaborated with the participation of increase of [Cl-]i and extrudes the
inter-interneuronal gap junctions excess chloride together with
and can be schematised as in Figure potassium as discussed previously
9 (see also Ruusuvuori & al., 2003). with ionic modulation of synaptic
The initial pyramidal cell response transmission (section In the

Figure 9. Schematisation of the mechanism of GDNSP in the presence of iGluR and GABABR
blockers. The GDNSP (Vm, left) begins with a hyperpolarising IPSP (hIPSP) (on blue
background) during which not much potassium is extruded. Continuous GABAAR activation
results in an initial increase in [K+]o and a depolarisation of the membrane (transition between
blue and red). When sufficiently strong, membrane depolarises over the action potential
threshold and vigorous activity of cells further increases extracellular potassium concentration.
The high [K+]o impairs the ability of the KCC2 to extrude chloride, which leads to a positive
shift in ECl and a reduction in the hyperpolarisation that the activation of GABAA receptors can

presence of gap junction coupling recording as a negative deflection)
between interneurons, GABAergic was much smaller and shorter than
activity can be sufficiently a regular GDNSP (less than a
synchronous across large areas of second vs. up to several seconds)
the hippocampal slice to result in a even though the stimulation
significant increase in the resulted in a prominent rise in the
extracellular potassium, which is extracellular potassium. It is
fast enough to influence the possible that this results from the
ongoing neuronal signalling. This activation of postsynaptic GABAB
volume transmission affects not receptors and the subsequent
only the cells postsynaptic to the increase in potassium conductance,
population of active interneurons which ‘shunts’ the depolarising
but all nearby neurons as well as effect of elevated [K+]o and drives
glial cells. the membrane towards the EK.
We were not surprised to find that
quinine had no effect on the 6.2. GABAergic
glutamatergic depolarising field mechanisms of
response to stimulation, since, spontaneous and
unlike interneurons, hippocampal rhythmic activity (II, III)
CA1 pyramidal cells are not as To assess the functional significance
extensively interconnected via gap of network and synaptic properties
junctions and use different of GABAergic communication, we
connexin subtypes. The results are studied two models of
in agreement with the recent study pharmacologically induced
by Bikson and co-workers (2001), spontaneous synchronous activity,
who reported that quinine in the both of which depend on the
concentrations used has no effect availability of bicarbonate.
on cell input resistance, resting While the tonic carbachol-induced
membrane potential or action spontaneous field activity is initiated
potential threshold. On the other in the CA3 region and dependent
hand, prolonged (over 60 minutes) on non-NMDA receptor activation,
quinine application is known to the GABAergic ictal events (GIEs)
impose non-specific effects on cell were mainly triggered in the CA1
excitability and therefore we did not area and relied only on GABAA
extend our quinine exposure times receptor-mediated chemical
over half an hour. transmission. This is in agreement
Consistently with previous reports with the known anatomical
(e.g. Bracci & al., 1999), the differences between the CA3 and
glutamatergic post-tetanic CA1 areas: the main characteristic
depolarisation (seen in the field
of the CA3 subfield is its strong induced intracellular alkalosis can
recurrent excitatory connections result from enhanced gap junctional
among pyramidal cells, while the communication by allowing faster
CA1 area stands out with the spread of neuronal excitation
divergent interconnections between through the network. It has been
pyramidal cells and interneuronal proposed that higher frequency
subgroups. Despite these oscillations are dependent on fast
differences, properties of gap junctional coupling.
spontaneous activity in both models Furthermore, an increase in
are modulated by the activity of oscillation frequency may itself
interneurons and manipulations that decrease oscillation amplitude.
affect the degree of interneuronal Enhanced activity of the
synchronisation and transmission GABAergic, gap junction coupled
efficacy modify the emergent interneuronal network can be
network behaviour. sufficient to trigger epileptiform
In the carbachol model of activity in adult hippocampus in the
spontaneous oscillatory activity, absence of ionotropic glutamatergic
amplitude and frequency seem to be transmission. The GABAergic
set by network-level properties ‘ictogenesis’ begins from a state
while stability of the oscillation where virtually all the pyramidal
depends on the kinetics of synaptic cells in a given area receive
transmission. Lowering PCO2 synchronising input from the
results in an alkalosis both intra – interneuronal network,
and extracellularly, but the pH demonstrated by the fact that the
changes on the opposite sides of spontaneous field IPSPs (sfIPSPs;
cell membrane modulate different see Figure 3a in original publication
oscillatory properties. The increase III) were always accompanied by an
in IPSP amplitude induced by intracellular hyperpolarising. The
extracellular alkalinisation provides development of regular GIE activity
stronger termination of postsynaptic comprises of synaptic and network
depolarisations and thus permits components that can be separately
sharper resetting of oscillation targeted in future studies. Blockade
phase. It is possible that IPSP decay of GABABR mediated
has to stay within certain limits for autoinhibition of GABA release
stable oscillation in a given (synaptic effect) results in an
frequency, and prolongation of increase of transmitter release,
IPSP kinetics by pentobarbital can which gradually reaches levels
shift it out of that range. The needed for generating spontaneous
observed increase in oscillation GDNSPs (that depend, as discussed
frequency during hypocapnia- previously, on network activity).
The synaptic component of the to be active at the same time - can
ongoing spontaneous activity could indeed lead to epileptic-like states. It
be strengthened pharmacologically is now known that excitability and
(e.g. with pentobarbital) and the synchronicity are two
amount of synchronously active distinguishable properties of
interneurons could be increased by neuronal network. Indeed,
manipulations that enhance gap synchronisation can be achieved
junctional coupling by alkalosis. through several non-synaptic
means, such as electrotonic
6.3. Implications for coupling via gap junctions or field
epilepsy research effects and ionic changes in the
The role of GABAergic extracellular space, and it can be
transmission in generating epileptic- decreased without effecting intrinsic
like activity has been thoroughly excitability of the connected
revised by recent work, and in neurons. Despite the recent interest
addition to participating in pacing in the role of GJ coupling-mediated
of epileptic-like activity, GABAergic synchronisation, GJs are not an
transmission can initiate and answer to everything regarding
maintain ictal events. The emerging synchronising neuronal activity as
picture offers several new paths for long-term stability seems to require
epilepsy research. For instance, synaptic activity. Direct electrical
specific GJ blockers should be coupling provides only short-term
taken as a target for future research spread of activation, while the
for anticonvulsant drugs. maintenance of synchronisation
Together with the glutamatergic seems to require regenerating input
transmission’s singular leading role to the network.
of in epileptogenesis, hyper- Even though the data presented in
excitability is also losing significance this and other papers suggests that
to hypersynchrony as the main epileptic-like activity can be the
pathological change in functionality result of high levels of interneuronal
of neurons leading to epileptic-like activity, enhanced GABAergic
activity. Since synchronized transmission per se is not sufficient
discharge of a group of neurons can for epileptogenesis. For instance,
be seen as a PDS while the same output of cerebellar networks is
amount of discharge purely GABAergic, but without the
asynchronously is lost in the noise, countering pyramidal cell network,
abnormally strong interneuronal epileptic-like activity is seldom seen
activity – in the extreme case, in this structure. Thus, epilepsy
forcing most of the pyramidal cells seems to be the outcome of
aberrant interplay between the two
principal neuronal groups: the least epileptic. On the other hand,
pyramidal cells providing the fast the importance ClC-2 has recently
excitatory drive and interneurons been implicated in etiology of
timing the activity, normally human idiopathic generalised
allowing processing of interrelating epilepsy (Haug & al., 2003). A
data but in pathological situations lesson to be learned from these
results in hypersynchrony and studies together with the present
aberrant network behaviour. work is that in a system as
The recent flood of genetically complicated as the brain,
modified animals in the field concentration on a single molecule
follows the biotech-era notion of or process will not likely give the
genetics as the key to eradication of correct picture of the actual
all of the intractable medical processes involved and even less
conditions. The goal of generating often lead to successful clinical tools
mice with point mutations (e.g. – if not by accident. As an
mice deficient in the connexin Cx36 examples, interictal activity has been
(Deans & al., 2001 and proposed to act in vitro both as in an
independently, Hormuzdi & al., anti – and proconvusant manner,
2001), GABAB1 (Prosser & al., 2001 while in clinical practise, the
and, also independently, Schuler & disappearance of interictal activity is
al., 2001), KCC2 (Hübner & al., often taken as a sign to discontinue
2001) and ClC-2 (Bösl & al., 2001)) anticonvulsive drug treatment.
is to elucidate the functional
significance of the altered gene. 6.4. Conclusions: the
Many of such studies have resulted paradox of GABA-driven
in intriguing observations as in the excitation is passé
case of the mice deficient in As demonstrated by Cobb and co-
functional GABAB receptors; even workers in 1995, IPSPs originating
though there are differences in the from interneurons can induce post-
phenotype of the mice in the two inhibitory ‘rebound’ action
laboratories, both studies report potentials in the postsynaptic cells
epileptic-like symptoms in the mice after a constant interval, effectively
and most certainly inspire further synchronising the output of a large
work. On the other hand, with the number of pyramidal cells. Thus,
present knowledge about the crucial even though the action potentials
role of chloride homeostasis for are suppressed in postsynaptic cells
GABAergic signalling and thereby during the IPSP and the following
for neuronal maturation, the afterhyperpolarisation, the net
animals with ClC-2 knocked out are outcome at the network level can be
surprisingly normal and not the
a massively synchronous population Uusisaari & al., 2002), where
action potential after the interneurons – the suppressing
suppression has faded away. Yang – are countering the activity
Following evidence presented since of the excitatory, information-
late 80’s that undermine the classical processing Yin-like pyramidal
role of GABAergic synaptic neurons. Even though the effect of
transmission as a solely inhibitory GABAAR activation in a pyramidal
signal in the CNS, recent works cell in ‘textbook conditions’ can be
have provided mechanistic indeed reducing the efficacy of
explanations for GABA-mediated simultaneous EPSPs, the relevant
depolarisation. Thus, it is time to outcome of interneuronal activity is
drop the word ‘paradoxical’ when always a combination of synaptic
describing GABAergic depolarising and network effects and depends on
or even excitatory activity. The the precise activity patterns on both
paradox was related to the sides of the synapse.
traditional ‘Yin-Yang’ view (see
mechanisms leading to epileptiform synchronization
in the limbic system in vitro. Prog.Neurobiol. 68,
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