On Rainy Days

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“ Rainy days
never say good-bye
to desire
when we are together...”

Today it’s raining. Millions of tiny drops keep falling on window panes ,
one at a time, on houses’ roofs , on tree leaves...everywhere and whenever this
weather phenomenon takes place ,I immediately recall that chorus of an old song.
On rainy days I feel that the whole city cleanses with a heavenly rinse.
A purifying shower casts a new shine on the landscape and on us . It always
generates opposing feelings of love and hate.
Quite contrary to what many people feel I love rainy days. They gift
me with an extra energy to do things I adore and which I mistakenly postpone like
watching good films , reading a nice book or visiting friends.
Rainy days remind me of my personal likes.They make me stop the
crazy race I daily run, to reflect on what pleasures I generally leave aside either
because I have no time available to carry them out on ordinary days or because I
am burnout and bed-ridden after a working day.
It’s amazing how life goes by so fast without us realizing so. We keep
in motion to the rhythm imposed on us by our current lifestyle.We are too devoted
to our work , to earn more dignified salaries that when we want to embrace a
hobby or an activity that would pamper our souls ,we automatically opt for
postponing it for an appropiate time.
I feel that that appropriate time is on rainy days.It’s the ideal
moment to phone a friend , a mate or a partner and arrange a drenched afternoon
in a cinema , in a theatre , in another friend’s house or maybe in a place of your
own where you can connect yourself with good literature ,a nice movie or your
favourite radio programme.
Either alone or with company I never regret sunny days when it rains,
simply because rain is a refreshment to the mind and why not to the body as well.
Don’t we all agree that rainy days are inviting to spend our wet afternoon with our
partner dry and warm inside , cosy in bed , while the singer says :

“ Rainy days
never say good-bye
to desire
when we are together...”

Analía Llanos

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