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Logic and Philosophy of Human Existence

First C.A Assignment

Meaning, Tools, and Relevance of

A. An Interpretation of the Meaning and Objectives of Philosophy
“Philosophy is the process of interpreting the world in order to change it.” - Karl Max
As one begins to question the very fabrics of reality - or lack thereof, it is quite apparent that the
questions might well never end. One thread pulled just keeps coming, unraveling an infinite cloth.
People liken philosophy to a bottomless pit. What’s the point? Most (if not all) philosophical
questions cannot be correctly answered, so why ask?
Say there’s a chance that there’s a mystical treasure at the bottom of a well. No one knows where the
bottom of that well is, but for sure, the water drawn from that well still has utility.
In the process of reaching further into the bottomless, we grasp valuable concepts or schools of
Men have discovered ways to put reins on the mind to command it to do more than wander — deep,
reflective, effective, consistent , productive, critical thinking. Philosophy questions answers more
than it answers questions, and in questioning those answers, better answers are dredged up. Over
centuries of philosophy, golden buckets such as the scientific method have been drawn from the
well, which have helped humanity immensely.

B. (i) Philosophy as a Speculative and Reflective Activity

Philosophers make somewhat educated guesses based on sound thinking processes. They
question and critique preconceptions, using exact standards, to come to conclusions. The whole
process and the conclusion is speculation because there is no definite answer sheet.
To set the working standards in philosophy, it is needed to stop and deeply think about thinking.
That is a process of reflection. This deliberate, reflective, thinking brought about the methods and
tools used in philosophy in the first place, and is integral to the act of philosophising.
In summary, to philosophise, it most often begins with the speculation: could it be that this
preconception is wrong? Subsequently, one must pause and think - not only about the matter at hand,
but about how they are handling it with their mind.

(ii) Methods and Tools in Philosophy

How does one do philosophy? There are a couple methods involved in interpreting the world to
change it, but it always starts with a question. It do could be called critique, it could be called
Logic and Philosophy of Human Existence
First C.A Assignment

curiousity. A series of systematic questioning with the aid of tools ensues. Here are 2 ways of going
about philosophy:
1. Searching for a conclusion: the philosopher raises a question and systematically follows
standards to reach a conclusion, e.g a scientist hypothesizing about the spreading of
particles, analytic tradition, and coming to the conclusion that particles exhibit random
2. Concluding to search: the philosopher decided that the means (scrutinizing ideas to find
gaps in reasoning and establish consistency of thought) is the end. For example, a
philosopher pondering ethics and ontology may not discover what right and wrong is in a
black and white fashion, or what makes a being a being, but they will discover principles to
guide dealings with life.
A philosophical tool could be described as an idea or concept that helps you think and come to
conclusions. The principal philosophical tool is reasoning.
● Logical reasoning:
● Principles of reasoning: these are rules that guide logical thought, e.g Ockam’s razor, axioms
and the principle of sufficient reason
● Methodological scepticism: this is a process of confirming preconceptions by doubting every
thing one by one.
● Dialectic: this is offering one’s ideas or argument up for rebuttal. Other philosophers find
holes in the ideas.

C. Relevance of Philosophy to Medicine and Undergraduates

Philosophy teaches its practitioners how to think critically; the importance of thinking and making
decisions based on principles; how to create and scrutinise their own world views/attitude towards
life; how to determine the reliability of information; problem solving skills; persuasion skills and
logical reasoning.
It also defines practices, and ideal methods of carrying out those practices.

James Giordano said “[the philosophy of medicine] provides the ideals, practicalities, and
intellectual and applied ends of medicine as a human activity.” Through reasoning and reflection,
philosophy defines what medicine should be and how it should be.
The individual medical practitioner needs philosophical skills on a daily basis. They have to make
many decisions daily with wrought consequences, some quite quickly. The ability to keep thinking
consistent is criticism to give the best care objectively, and make tough decisions with minimal
A popular maxim of medical ethics is “do no harm” how do we define harm and how do we
determine how not to do it? What if healing requires harm? Quite philosophical. There would be no
trust in medicine if not for philosophical work determining ethical practices.
Logic and Philosophy of Human Existence
First C.A Assignment

Undergraduates are usually adolescents with developing brains who are starting to make bigger
decisions for themselves. The ability to think critically is essential for making smarter life decisions.
The habit of intentionally thinking and living by principles gives them a guide in the increasingly
complex situations they end up in. Critically analyzing their world views leads to them identifying
ideas that make sense and will better their lives, and ideas that do the opposite. Philosophy aids in
the research process as students will be able to find the best sources and methods among the
plethora of information out there. They’ll also be able to communicate and persuade with sound
arguments to influence minds around them.

CK-12. (2017, July 2). Why do Philosophy? ck12.


Davis, B. (2021). What are the methods of doing Philosophy? MVOrganizing. Retrieved October 25,

2021, from

Grbero, R. (2017, November 16). Philosophy matters in medicine. Biomedcentral.




Mamman, A. (2020). Philosophy: Its Meaning, Methods, Scope, and Relevance [Introduction to

Philosophy and Human Existence/Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence]. BAZE University.

Soken-Huberty, E. (2020, April 18). 10 Reasons Why Philosophy Is Important. TheImportantSite.

Wiltshire Phil Group. (n.d.). Basic Tools For Philosophy. philosophyideas.

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