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Computen System Anrchitrectune + Sem —1v tL Whol-+> do How +o operate Cexr Fax euilaing » vt] Cee Contre) signals) architec plans wane -A ty tection af | Shout be ving yeom, eet Kitchen 7 co —— | Thee notions of Rearonalle. computes. t compute! sou! cle tht amwers whose programs | ee 2._Ib_should spenate, ha {inite specel Z| Tt com'} stone answers to all pa) ible prnlolons | i iran Lee (Pyw | heed 7 Se lo 1 Mo one ede =< = : 1. a fey est an step step + Liwe get continuews titiriiiii aaleich (6 Has aum of al 2 nd = Tnstnuction get orchitectwrt. APD Ri, Q9 where Ri & 2a ave resis tens fad fz— leak ane me eS eS Ais two L be pes (selec ae Ray Aone oy 200 = se « ° eg XK Ry <— 4 Po Read fmom RL RAP waite on QP = DP code = Operation cole - (fon every operation there ts code arsoctatesl | with it) PAGE: “EB =a ay | TAS Machine + =" nin pd ot Ci —— | Riocle_ diagram! contr) siqneds + t J Seng ttilaemer fen Sot tL AO RES. z vt Dunit opcode - L 1a > atte Jar]. ee t + Si Fp p- date Poy aoetts TBR] o Peyey i i = = |= BO | progam Bus ao wits ; lh ae g ce - : DP (owe len | POSE unie j a LU heroes | Main a ey 7 Memory TAC ING | he - of obits, Row ES. \ ey sizeof tratometion’ 2 96 bits. - A are ee “ | thao. fe Haree types ot buy () Address by = processor. tp memdoy ¢ (2) dato ais = Memony td proceason / 8) Contre lou, — Rus operation ; es Profan one Sioned tnt +e Menong (Py. : us & Vhs genoa "> Voits |e bits. <— do brts. CL Tetuchion) opcode adel, 0 F memory — |Te os ‘= ee = i... 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Exe ic 4 —— | _ speedup = Penfom ok CPUA- es Contommanes Of CPU g er : st EXeoutton me o& Op sexcoutton Aime 4 cide Tet Tetowetion, count of type tg a 1 pinesisilg 4 5 = 4 Te nes tes) i en‘ Ory DT. 2 Hi 0, : | oy SRY & 1 a \ ADD Ac DR MP hex Sancondt toned: (jung al 3 MUL fe OR 3 Ul mex: x Het cee ais = \ © cre Tame rE A ui re $2 Tc. Lcy end e Nt Jo Ro sis 5 2. lade sexo | LOM ig to 4 End which Ps mene etrea 9 4 Zz repxcry CEU) = Cox) + CUsx2) +¢5x3) (4X2) cgctes 5 4g A tcteaxy, : | cet = 43) Twhuchay = 33 =} Ly Fon enkre ; ae T Trace See, Be tSqSazy 1 + cto : | Ce g_ = (lox!) + (19x2) ~ (ro x3) Ce R44) L cea, cept = £0. =\2,22 T 360" Thee Sore A=ts—\netles ( Breeution.. sting = “Hey & CPT an = “cg a lg Ce aaa: Penze ea : > fleck miley, = 0.49. 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