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One day, there were three kids having a tour to a museum. As they were wondering

around the area, Maria spoked, "We're definitely lost." she said. The two boys both

agreed and wondered where the rest of the kids could have gone to. "If only this place

had a map," Kiko said aloud.

Mak Mak suddenly saw a glowing

map and points it out. "Speaking

of maps, look at that!" He


The kids stared at the map in

amazement when Maria spotted a

moving tiny ship. She called out to

her friends and pointed at the

ship. "Hey look! this ship moved

from Spain to the Atlantic Ocean!"

she said excitedly.

The tiny ship then has moved to

another location. "Woah! Guys! Take a

look at this now, this ship is on its

way towards South America!" Kiko

said .

Mak Mak points out the ship again,

" Look! it's going on Guam now!"
The kids were much more excited

when they saw the tiny ship was

moving towards the Philippines. "It's

going to our country!" they


Kiko touches the map. The map

glowed even brighter, and they

suddenly fell into the map!

When the kids opened their

eyes, they were surprised to

see themselves on a ship.

They were confused about

where they are.

The kids looked around to get a

clue to what place they are,

but it seems like no one can either

see or hear them.

"Sir Magellan, we are about to reach

the island, " The kids turned to the man

they heard was called Magellan. The

name Ferdinand Magellan was familiar to

them. They remembered that they had

studied this at school.

"It looks like we just went back in

time!" exclaimed Kiko when they

realized what just happened. The

kids were excited for the adventure!

As they reached the island, they were enchanted by the sea and trees. While the crew

was setting up camp, Maria noticed a man sneaking near the bonfire where the fish

were being grilled. The next moment, the fish had all disappeared! The man had stolen it.
"Thieves!" A man shouted, "There are thieves on this island!" It was true, some

of their supplies had disappeared—a hat, shoes, food, and even clothes!
They left the island, and passed by another. The kids wandered around. They
watched the men move about, everyone was busy doing something. And when they
got bored of watching the crew, they watched the sea. Mak Mak pointed out, "Look,
another island!" They arrived at the island of Zamal. They only passed by.
The three kids then suddenly reached another island. The men checked
and it was uninhabited. For two days, the kids just rested. Maria,
Kiko, and Mak Mak explored the island, playing, eating, and swimming.
It was the 18th day of March, and while they were resting, nine men had come
and approached them. The three were playing by the log and Kiko pointed out,
"Look, there's people coming!" "They look like natives," Mak Mak replied.
"Come join us for some food and

drinks. It is not much, but here are

some gifts for all of you," Magellan

said, welcoming the natives with open


The natives also gave Magellan and his

crew fish, palm wine, figs, and cochos.

They opened the cocho and the
natives told them to drink. It's
water was sweet! "They're
coconuts!" Said the three, holding
and drinking coconut as well.

"We also use them to make the

nets,"one of the natives said.
"Amazing!" Exclaimed Pigafetta
when he heard the things the
cocho was used for.
The kind natives showed them around different islands, and

our little adventurers had so much fun. Every place they

went to was different and beautiful!

They also went to a wonderful place full of gold. There was so much gold
that Magellan declared, “This place is to be called The Watering Place of
Good Signs!” The name of the place was Homonhon.
Maria, Kiko, and Mak Mak stayed at the island for 8 days with Magellan and his crew. On

the last day, Maria wakes the two sleepyheads up, “Wake up,” she said. “There’s a snake!”

She screamed when the two would not wake up. The two sprang up, jumping like

monkeys. Maria laughed so hard her tummy hurt.

After leaving Homonhon, they went

back to traveling. The kids were

bored when Kiko noticed something,

"There's boats and they're coming

this way!"

Once the boats were near,

Magellan who was smiling widely,
welcomed them with arms wide
open, "Welcome!"
The people on the boat introduced
themselves, saying they were sent
by their king to give them a chest
of gold and ginger. Magellan
refused the offering.

Magellan sent the Interpreter to tell

the natives that they came to make
friends. He also asked for money
instead, which the king of the natives
agreed to.

Since they were now friends, Magellan gave them gifts. There were
robes in Turkish fashion, knives, and mirrors. Magellan also boasted
of his men's armor, weapons, and artillery.
The king introduced Magellan to his

brother, and he was the most

handsome man they saw! He also

owned a lot of gold.

Together with the natives, the

first mass was held on the shore

where they learned about God and

Magellan ordered his men to put a cross. "When other people

see this cross, they will not harm you," he said to the natives.
Magellan asked the king for supplies, and the king did not have supplies they
could give. "I know a place, it's called Cebu," the king told them to go to Cebu,
saying it was a place full of supplies.
Soon, they reached the island of Cebu.
A group of natives greeted them, and
the king demanded they pay a tribute.
"Our empire is vast, we're better
friends than enemies," persuaded the

Hearing this, the king consulted his

council for advice. After talking with
his council, the king agreed to
After giving it some serious thought, the King of Cebu decided to meet
Magellan in an open space to acknowledge and honor their friendship through
a blood compact known as sanduguan, an ancient ritual intended to seal a
Magellan preached about God, telling stories and lessons like how children
should honor their parents. The natives listened and were moved to
become Christians.
They were baptized, while those

who refused had their village

burned down. How cruel!

Everyday, a mass was held. One

day, the queen came as well,

carrying an infant Jesus. She

listened to the preachings.

Magellan asked them to burn their idols, but they refused, saying they were
used for healing the sick. He preached about how God's love can heal, and he
went to a mute. When he touched the mute and prayed to God, the mute
suddenly spoke. It was a miracle!
A man named Zula approached

Magellan, asking for a boat of men so

they could fight Lapu-Lapu who

refused to obey. Hearing this,

Magellan offered 3 boats and said, "I

will face this Lapu-Lapu!"

A fierce battle began between

Magellan's people and Lapu-Lapu's

people. Magellan, shot by a poisoned

arrow, died that day.

The King who was watching on his boat

from afar offered gifts to Lapu-Lapu

in exchange for Magellan's body. Lapu-

Lapu refused.

In the absence of Magellan, the

remaining men who

managed to survived the battle have

chosen Duarte Barbosa as their new

The interpreter was a slave and he was tired of being a slave. Seeing the opportunity,
he schemed with the king, telling him, "Invite them here for a gathering, tempt them
and say you will give jewels to the King of Spain. Once they're all merry, we attack!"
"Help!" Juan Serrano was held

hostage by the king's men. "I

will release him if you give me

what I want," the King said.

The crew has decided to leave

Serrano and travel back to

During the battle the three of them were all scared that they hid inside a burrow. And
when they suddenly did not hear the fighting anymore, Maria asked, "Is it over?". The
three kids finally went out to see if the battle is finished.
All of the sudden, a map has started to glow. It was glowing so
brightly that they had to close their eyes, and then...
The kids were finally back

at the museum! They were

so happy to finally be back.

"Kids, there you are! I've

been looking all over for

you!" Their teacher, Ma'am

Michelle, found them.

The kids joined their group. "I wonder where our next adventure will be?" They all
wondered. And this is where the sea adventure of our three little adventurers
ends for now. See you again next time!

AAfter readin
g such a wonderful story, , It's time for so
me activitie

Help the girl find her way

back to the ship!
Enjoy the adventure and
have an a-maze-ing time

Using the Across and Down

Clues, write the correct
words in the numbered grid.



Find the word in the puzzle.

Words can go in any direction.
Words can share letters as they
cross over each other.


We're down to the last activity!

Now, let's help Magellan find
his way to the Philippines!

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