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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

3, Issue 02, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Autonomous Farmer Assistant Bot (AFAB)

Aadil Momin1 Anurag Mishra2 Pratik Nandoskar3 Swapnali Sawant4 M.A. Devmane5
Department of Computer Science & Robotics Engineering
PVPPCOE, Mumbai, India
Abstract— Autonomous Farmer Assistance Bot is an
B. Fire Bird V ATMEGA2560 Technical Specification:
intelligent model for daily farming activities. It has the
ability to perform functions which are cumbersome for 1) Microcontroller: Atmel ATMEGA2560 as Master
farmers. It can clean the weeds which is a threat to crops microcontroller (AVR architecture based
along with it can sow seeds and reap the harvest. These Microcontroller)
activi-ties seem simple to the human being but they are a 2) Atmel ATMEGA8 as Slave microcontroller (AVR
challenge for a robot to do it. The Pick-Pluck-Plant architecture based Microcontroller) [1]
algorithm is used in to do the specific tasks. Sensors play an 1) Sensors:
important role in its functioning. We have chosen the Sharp Three white line sensors (extendable to 7) Five Sharp
IR sensors and IR proximity sensors for environment GP2Y0A02YK IR range sensor (One in default configu-
sensing. Efforts are made to perform image processing and ration) Eight Analogue IR proximity sensors Two position
real time data analysis using a camera mounted on its top. encoders (extendable to four) Battery voltage sensing
Key words: Autonomous Farmer Assistant Bot, Pick-Pluck- Current Sensing (Optional) Five MaxBotix Ultrasonic
Plant algorithm, Sharp IR Sensors, Proximity Sensors, Range Sensors (Optional) [1].
Environment Sensing, Data Analysis 2) Indicators:
2 x 16 Characters LCD Buzzer and Indicator LEDs Con-
I. INTRODUCTION TO ATMEGA 2560 trol: Autonomous Control PC as Master and Robot as Slave
in wired or wireless mode [1].
The Fire Bird V robot is the 5th in the Fire Bird series of 3) Communication:
robots. First two versions of the robots were designed for the USB Communication Wired RS232 (serial) communica-tion
Embedded Real-Time Systems Lab, Department of Wireless ZigBee Communication (2.4GHZ) (if XBee
Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay. Theses wireless module is installed) Wi-Fi communication (if Wi-Fi
platforms were made commercially available from the module is installed) Bluetooth communication (if Bluetooth
version 3 onwards. All the Fire Bird V series robots share wireless module is installed) Simplex infrared
the same main board and other accessories. Different family communication (From infrared remote to robot)[1].
of microcontrollers can be added by simply changing top 4) Dimensions:
microcontroller adapter board. Fire Bird V supports Diameter: 16cm Height: 8.5cm Weight: 1100gms
ATMEGA2560 (AVR), P89V51RD2 (8051) and LPC2148 5) Power:
(ARM7) microcontroller adapter boards. This modularity in 9.6V Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery pack and
changing the microcontroller adapter boards makes Fire external Auxiliary power from battery charger. On-board
Bird V robots very versatile. You can also add your own battery monitoring and intelligent battery charger[1]
custom designed microcontroller adapter board. [1] 6) Battery Life:
Let us understand the basics of using Atmega 2 Hours, while motors are operational at 75% of time.
2560.Starting with its General Architecture.
7) Locomotion:
A. General Architecture: Two DC geared motors in differential drive configuration
Here is general overview of Atmega2560 architecture and caster wheel at front as support Top Speed: 24cm/sec
Wheel Diameter: 51mm Position encoder: 30 pulses per
revolution Position encoder resolution: 5.44 mm[1]


With the design of arena and armature complete, we have a
certain expectation of how the whole system should work.
The working is explained with the help of flow chart in
Figure. 2 shown below.
Where junction corresponds to part where two lines
in-tersect in the path and point corresponds to part which
has no further line ahead of it. As we can see in the flow
chart the robot starts with moving forward when it reach-es
a junction it stops and then performs sensing i.e. it
determines whether there is a tree with laden with fruits or
there are weeds or nothing is present. Depending upon the
sharp sensor reading the robot determines whether to pick/
pluck/ plant. When it reaches a point then it makes sure that
Fig. 1: General Architecture of AFAB
there is no path ahead then it stops [3].

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Autonomous Farmer Assistant Bot (AFAB)
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 02/2015/096)


Fig. 3: Arm for the Robot

AFAB requires an armature to do farming activities it is
very significant to design an armature for AFAB keeping in
mind the limitations of the robot[2].
We have designed an armature which requires three
Fig. 2: Flow Chart servo motors, metallic plates and base frame [2]. We have
depicted the same in the fig above. Here are the
III. EXISTING SYSTEM specifications of the arm:
Fruit plucking robot A. Dimensions:
Fruit plucking robot (FPR) was implemented in the an-nual  Height – 35 cm
robotic competition E-Yantra organized by Embed-ded and  Width - 22 cm
real time system lab IIT Bombay in 2013 with the following  Load carrying capacity- 50gms
characteristics In our project we have designed armature specifically to lift
1) This robot is capable of plucking fruits from square boxes of dimensions 5cms that is our ripe fruit and
modular trees with the power to differentiate weeds of 15*5cms. We have mounted sharp IR sen-sors
between ripe and unripe fruits [1]. which serve as an eye for the robot by detecting fruits and
2) It is also capable navigating in the arena with or weeds.
with-out assistance [1].
3) It also has capability of collision avoidance with
the trees and other robots if any [1].
Path is a primary aspect of AFAB [2]. Since this project is a
A. Limitations: model depiction on use of Atmega2560 we require a path to
AFAB has certain limitations to keep in mind while run the robot keeping the limitations in mind. We have
operating on it designed a model of our path w.r.t to its limitations as
1) The gripper is designed to catch fruits which are shown below
rectangular or square in shape.
2) The white line sensors are extra sensitive to
surrounding light hence requires a dark enclosure.
3) Servo motor ports are very less.
4) Battery life is very less.


The proposed system comprises of multitasking ability such
as fruit plucking, seed sowing, weed plucking and ploughing
it also has ability to take decision autonomously through our
pick pluck plant algorithm which empowers it to be decisive
[4]. We have discussed in depth the working of AFAB in
Fig. 4: Arena of Our Robot

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Autonomous Farmer Assistant Bot (AFAB)
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 02/2015/096)

As you can see there are four sections viz Fruits Seeds
Weeds, Dig. These sections depict the activity AFAB will
perform in the respective area. The overall specification of
arena is 6*6 ft. of flex.


AFAB has proven to be efficient in implementing the
concept of a robot which is powerful enough to help the
ailing farmers to increase their output thereby achieving
financial stability.
With the advent of more advance technologies
AFAB can be enhanced into a more real world application.
Google’s work on the project of driverless vehicle can be
associated with AFAB’s future chance of enhancement on

E-YANTRA IIT BOMBAY is fully and whole heartedly
acknowledged for their guidance to us by being a part of
their robotics competition in 2013.
We also acknowledge our HOD Mrs Asha Rawat and
project guide Prof. Mahavir Devmane for thier inspiring and
motivational guidance.

[1] Sachitanand Malewar, NEX Robotics Pvt. Ltd.,
“Hardware and software manuals of
ATMEGA2560”, E-Yantra , 2013
[2] Abhimanyu Bhargava ,Rohit Narule and Satish
Kumar, DayalBagh education institute
“Autonomous Robot navigation of corners with
certain sensors information using Fuzzy control” ,
E-Yantra -2013
[3] Gurulingesh Goud, Neera Sharma IIT-B, “Efficient
Real Time support for Automatic application”,
[4] Gurulingesh Ratani, Vipul Shigde ERTS IIT-B,
“Merge Algorithm for intelligent vehicle “, E-

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