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Annexure ‘CD – 01’


Course Title: Social Psychology: Theory & Applications

Credit Units: 3 UNITS

3 - - - 0 3
Course Code: PSYC630
Course Level: PG

Course Objectives: This course will provide each student to develop and demonstrate theoretical models supported by a substantial body of idea related to
approaches to social psychology. Emphasis will be placed upon enabling students to develop an insight for social psychology research.

Pre-requisites: NIL

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)

Module I - Social Psychology 15%


 Social Psychology: An Overview, scientific nature, cause and thought of behavior.

 Methods used in Social psychology research – observation, correlation, experimental method, survey, thoughts on
The role of theory in social psychology

Module II- Social Cognition 20%

 Heuristics- representativeness, availability, anchoring and adjustment, status quo.
 Schemas – Impact of schemas on social cognition, Priming, Schema persistence, Reasoning by Metaphor.
 Automatic and controlled processing, Potential sources of error in social cognition.
Affect and cognition.

Module III - Social Perception 20%


 Nonverbal communication- Basic channels, Scent, Facial feedback hypothesis, Deception.

 Attribution – Theories of attribution, Basic sources of error in attribution.
 Impression Formation and Impression Management, Asch’s Experiment , Implicit Personality Theories, Impression
Self-Presentation, Self-Knowledge, Who Am I? Self-Esteem, Social Comparison, Self as Target of Prejudice

Module IV - Attitudes, Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination Interpersonal Attraction, and 20%


 Attitude Formation: Development , Influence on Behavior

 Art of Persuasion, Cognitive Dissonance.
 Nature and Origins of Stereotyping, Prejudice, Discrimination, Techniques for Countering its Effects.
Internal and External Sources of Attraction, Factors Based on Social Interaction, Close Relationships.

Module V - Social Influence and Prosocial Behavior 10%


 Conformity , Compliance and Obedience

 Motives for Prosocial Behavior , Altruism , Bystander effect
Factors influencing Increase or Decrease in tendency to help

Module VI - Aggression , Groups and Individuals 15%


 Perspectives on Aggression, Causes of Human Aggression: Social, Cultural, Personal, and Situational, Bullying,
Prevention and Control of Aggression
 Nature of Groups , Effects of the Presence of Others, Coordination in Groups, Group Decision Making
 Leadership in Group Settings
Collective behavior and Social Movements

Course Learning Outcomes:

Course will be able to:
 Evaluate various theories and approaches in social psychology.
 Gain knowledge in understanding cognition and behavior as they naturally occur in a social context
 Identify society’s problems and strive to use the discipline for social betterment.
 Evaluating various theories in day to day life
 Creating and developing mindset for applying various research designs

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

The class will be taught using theory and case-based method through remote learning- using Video, audio, PPT, etc

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%)

100% 0%

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination

(30%) (70%)

Components (Drop down)

Assignment Class Test Presentation Attendance

Linkage of PSDA with

Internal Assessment
Component, if any

Weightage (%) 70%

10% 10% 5% 5%
Mapping Continuous Evaluation Components/PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level > Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Course Learning Outcomes CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5

Assessment type/PSDA

Home Assignment   √ 

Class Test    

Presentation   √  

Text Reading:
 Baron, R.A., and Branscombe, N.R (2011), Social Psychology, Thirteenth Edition.
 DeLamater, J.D. and Myers, D.J ( 2011), Social Psychology, Seventh Edition.
 Baumister,R.F and Bushman, B.J (2008), Social Psychology and Its Human Nature.
 Gilovet,T. , Keltner,D. and Nisbett, R.E ( 2011), Social Psychology, Second Edition.
 Hogg ,M.A & Vaughan, G.M ( 2010) Essentials of Social Psychology

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