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Magic and Technology as a means of survival in Urban Fantasy: A New

Criticism in Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the English Department

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Mindanao State University

General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Of Bachelor of Arts in English

Eve Pauline Yangga Abe

June 2019

Republic of the Philippines


College of Social Sciences and Humanities

General Santos City


The undergraduate thesis entitled “MAGIC AND TECHNOLOGY AS A

EVE PAULINE YANGGA ABE in partial fulfillment for the degree BACHELOR OF
ARTS IN ENGLISH has been examined and is recommended for oral examination.




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Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

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Date Date
Abe, Eve Pauline Y. “Magic and Technology as a means of survival in Urban
Fantasy: A New Criticism in Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices.”
Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis of Bachelor of Arts in English. Mindanao
State University. College of Social Sciences and Humanities, General Santos
City. June 2019.


This qualitative study utilized Formalistic Approach, the Strain Theory and the
Concept of Survival in identifying and discussing the three main characters’
characterisics, their personal struggles and their survival. The results showed
that the characters used magic and technology; albeit different in utilizing
them, they have the same purpose and that is to survive. Utilizing the strain
theory, the characters’ actions were explored and justified –Theresa Gray only
wants to be free from Axel Mortmain, William Herondale only wants to protect
those who love him, Axel Mortmain acts only for revenge. Moreover, the
concept of survival or the struggle for existence justified the right to kill and be
killed in the series. The supernatural beings prey on how humans prey on
other edible living things. Humans are the only thing that can sustain their
needs to survive. The killing made by the shadowhunters as implied I the
series is lso part of the struggle for existence, s Charles Darwin said, “every
being must experience a diminishing of numbers until it lent on.”

Keywords: Magic. Technology, Strain, Survival, Superntural beings, Struggles



First and foremost, to my Almighty God, no words can express how

grateful and blessed I am for your unfailing love, patience and guidance all

throughout my life.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my adviser Ma’am

Donna Alna C. Cortez, for the continuous support to my study, for her utmost

patience, meticulous guidance, and immense knowledge that always awe me.

Her guidance helped and guided me the whole duration of writing my thesis. I

could not have imagined having a better adviser and mentor for my study.

Besides my adviser, I would like to thank the rest of my committee: Ma’am

Regie Amamio and Ma’am Rossel Audencial, for their encouragement,

insightful comments and perceptive suggestions, and questions for the

betterment of my study. I also want to express my sincerest thanks to Sir

Lorenzo Laroco, and to the rest of the Faculty of the English Department, for

bringing out the best in me as a literature student.

I thank my roommates Beb Gwyn and Beb Fat ma, and Cza for

always checking up on me and my thesis’s progress. Who did not fail in

cheering me on with puppy videos, twitter threads, the printer, and inquiring

me everyday about when I’ll be able to make my thesis into a hardbound

copy. It’s pressuring but at the same time uplifting considering that even

though you guys knew my progress you still hoe for me to finish my thesis. I

can’t thank you enough for the support you gave me.
My squad Glendy Lou, Rotchel, and Daryl without you guys

constantly at my back always supporting and encouraging me throughout the

process of making my thesis I would have been a wreck now. You’ve turned

my tears into gut-aching laughter. You have spent long nights with me

physically and through chat. You have patted me on my back through

encouraging words and undeniably relatable rants about research. Your

presence has extremely helped me emotionally and really I cannot express

how much gratitude I feel towards you.

I thank my family Motherduck and Fatherduck, Kuya Choy~, Ate

Bea and my younger brother Tonton. Without your unfailing support both

emotionally and mentally I am able to successfully finish writing my thesis. For

the tasty meals whenever I go home that never failed to fill the hunger of

countless skipped meals. My cousin Jay for his support and intermittent

updates on my thesis writing, your suggestions as I was still looking for a

thesis study were amazing!

I thank my fellow blockmates –ABENG SENIORS batch 2019, for

imparting their support morally and sometimes mentally.

Eve Pauline Yangga Abe




Title Page

Approval Sheet



Table of Contents



Statement of the Problem

Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study

Definition of terms


Urban Fantasy

Social Structure of Urban Fantasy

Cassandra Clare’s Depiction of

Urban Fantasy

Concept of Survival

Formalistic Approach

Strain Theory

Related Studies


Research Design

Data Gathering Techniques

Data Analysis



The characteristics of the

three main characters

The characters respective

struggles and strain

Magic and Technology as a

means for survival









Chapter 1


This chapter consisted of five parts namely: 1) Introduction to the

study, presented an overview and purpose of the study; 2) Statement of the

Problem, stated the general and specific problems of the study; 3) Scope and

Delimitation, specified the coverage and the limitation of the study; 4)

Significance of the Study, discussed the benefits that derived from the results

of the study and enumerated the people who would benefit from them; and 5)

Definition of Terms, provided the conceptual and operational definitions of

important terms used in the study.


The Urban Fantasy as a genre was not able to fully emerge until the

twentieth century. It was part of a particular distinct movement for a change

on the 1960’s called the “revisionist fantasy”. The movement was from the

authors from all the other genres excluding Fantasy as they petition towards

Tolkien’s fantasy series the Lord of the Rings and its emerging fantastical

tropes. It was the Authors denial, defiance and their rejection toward the pre-

made magical nonexistent world that Tolkien had illustrated on his novel

series. The illustrations of a new fantastical world encouraged a widespread

of fantastical tropes amongst fantasy authors to the point of mirroring his pre-

made world. Its widespread gave an impulse to revisionist fantasies such as

the Urban Fantasy authors to materialize and broke the pervasive spread of

fantastical trope. The authors had argued that the elements of an

existent magical series, such of the Urban Fantasy, will no fade nor vanished

thus it must be preserved and continue to be used as a famous literary

element, Winwood (2016).

The other elements or the characteristics of the Urban Fantasy that

were further discussed on the thesis were its social structure, the hero, the

alternative hero, and the villain. Compared to the other genres characteristics

which were almost identical, in order to be unique and create a great

distinction towards them, authors from urban fantasy not only did reach out to

the other genres for concepts and designs but also deviated from most of

their common tropes and created its own. World building in Urban Fantasy

does not involve just picking an existing city it required a meticulous time and

effort to flawlessly create a real world with fantastical elements. Authors of

the genre took time and research about the city, its inhabitants, the society,

and its history, or the era where the story was taking place, Winwood (2016).

The characters of Urban Fantasy consists the mixture of supernatural

beings and humans which composed the society of the city. In most cases,

humans were oblivious of the existence of the supernatural beings that were

living amongst them. The hero and the villain’s presence on the Urban

Fantasy have a suggestive as well as expressive symbolism towards the

readers as well as in the series. The Urban Fantasy twisted the common

concept of the hero and the villain and created a much more complex and

applicable scenario to the plot.

Additionally, This study explored Cassandra Clare’s trilogy series, the

Infernal Devices, and its use of Magic and Technology for survival. The

presence of magic or technology in Urban Fantasy novels has been a

common use by Urban Fantasy authors Wahab (2012) definition of

technology consisted of two component, the physical components that

compromises the physical body of technology such as tools, equipment,

blueprints, etc. and the information components that stores up information

process and knowledge the technology have. Bailey (2006) defined magic as

a system for comprehending the ways of the entire world and carried a

promise of control with forces magic can affect with its user. It provided the

means of navigation among the variety of forces that shape material creation.

The Urban Fantasy authors compromised and molded magic and technology

together in order to adjust their functions and can be able to exist with the

presence of the other. The purpose of the authors was to blend the one core

component of fantasy which is magic and the technology present in the

thriving era of the city which is where the novel is taking place, Saffel (2008).

Statement of the Problem

This study examined and analyzed the Urban Fantasy novels of

Cassandra Clare. Specifically, it answered the following:

1. Who are the supernatural heroes and villains portrayed in the Infernal

Devices series?

2. What are the struggles of the characters in the Infernal Devices series?


3. How do the characters use magic and technology to survive in the Infernal

Devices series?

Scope and Delimitation

The study entitled Magic and Technology as means for survival in

Urban Fantasy: A New Criticism in Cassandra Clare's the Infernal Devices

analyzed the Urban Fantasy trilogy books, the Infernal Devices by Cassandra

Clare namely, The Clockwork Angel published on (2010), The Clockwork

Prince on (2011) and The Clockwork Angel (2013). These books were

chosen because of the representation of strain on three certain characters on

the series and the struggle for existence of two races, the shadowhunters and

the supernatural beings, on the magical contemporary world created by the

author. Upon writing all her series, Cassandra Clare garnered copious

number of awards from all her books. She was a renowned writer not only on

Urban Fantasy but also on the genre’s Fantasy and Mystery.

The study was delimited on the characters of the series, the

shadowhunters and the supernatural beings, specifically the characters of

Theresa Gray, William Herondale and Axel Mortmain as they struggled with

their personal strain and the general survival for survival.

This study used Formalistic Approach and determined the

characteristics of the Hero and the villain in the story specifically the female

protagonist, the hunter, and the main antagonist.

This study also applied the Strain Theory and determined the

characters respective strain from their perspectives. It also determined the

connections of the characters that stringed them together and how the

connection created the strain which they had struggled throughout the series.

This study utilized the concept of Survival and analyzed how the

character struggle survival and what means they used in order to survive.

Significance of the Study

This study, Magic and Technology as a means for survival in Urban

Fantasy: A New Criticism in Cassandra Clare's the Infernal Devices, were

significant to the following:

To the English Department, this study helped contribute learners to

have a better understanding of the genre and appreciate such literary pieces

under the genre Urban Fantasy. It also helped for the betterment of the

artistic value on aspiring writers of how to utilized variety of genres in

literature when making a literary piece.

To the Readers, this study enlightened young or adult readers

concerning the Urban Fantasy as a genre and subgenre of Fantasy. The

expectation here was that, readers expunged the prejudices about the genre

and its content.

And to The Researcher, this research study helped the researcher to

enhance its scope in literature. This study also served as a journey to

discover more great urban fantasy pieces written by the prominent authors

who had contributed their share of incites and novels about the genre.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for

better understanding of this study.

Formalistic Approach “was an approach that devised literary

language to be self-focused. Its function was not to convey information by

making extrinsic references, but to offer the reader special mode of

experience by drawing attention to its own "formal" features—that was, to the

qualities and internal relations of the linguistic signs themselves.”, Abrams


Operationally, it referred to the approach that was used for the

characterization and identification of the characters struggles on the book


Hero “or the term protagonist was often preferable (to avoid confusion

with the usual sense of heroism as admirable courage or nobility) since in

many works the leading character may not be morally or otherwise superior.”,

Baldick (2001).

Operationally, it referred to the female protagonist, Theresa Gray, and

the shadowhunters, specifically William Herondale, who despite doing heroic

acts also cannot avoid committing human vice and mistake.

Magic “provided a means of navigating the forces that shaped

material creation, and promised its practitioners the method of controlling the

said forces”, Bailey (2006).

Operationally, it referred to the medium used by the majority of the

characters in the novel specifically the shadowhunters, Axel Mortmain, and

the supernatural beings as one of their method on surviving and fighting.

Strain Theory “stated that strain referred to relationships which others

were not treating the individual as he or she would preferred to be treated.”,

Agnew (1992).

Operationally, it talked about the theory that was used in the study to

classify the three main characters that was focused on the study: Theresa

Gray, William Herondale, and Axel Mortmain, and how their reactions

towards their strain linked them together and struggled on the strain they

were experiencing.

Struggles “was an inherent conflict between different people who

attempted to achieve various goals and positions relative to a given setting.”,

Goldreich (2012).

Operationally, it referred to the strain the characters focused on the

study were going through as they discovered more about the situation they

were on.

Survival “Every being, which during its natural lifetime… during some

period of its life… there must in every case be a struggle for existence, either

one individual with another of the same species, or with the individuals of

distinctive species, or with the physical conditions of life”, Darwin (2001).

Operationally, it talked about the struggle for existence between the

supernatural beings and the shadowhunters on the series.


Technology “consisted of a physical component which comprised of

items such as equipment, blueprints, processes, techniques and tools.”,

Wahab, Rose&Osman (2012).

Operationally, it referred to the other method the characters on the

series used for survival and fighting. Such as the inventions of Henry

Branwell and Axel Mortmain.

Urban Fantasy “Urban fantasies are normally texts where fantasy and

the mundane world intersected and interweaved throughout a tale which was

significantly about a real city.”, Clute (1997).

Operationally, it talked about what the genre generally was. It also

referred to the specified setting of Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices, as

existent and real which the characters that inhabited the city were influenced

and was part of how the characters develop as the series went on.

Villain “The wicked character in a story, and, in an important and

special sense, the evil perpetrator or plotter in a play or novels.”, Cuddon


Operationally, it talked about Axel Mortmain the main antagonist in the


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter dealt with the related Literatures relevant to the present

investigation. It contained five parts, namely: 1.) Urban Fantasy’s definition

and characteristics, 2.) The Social Structure in Urban Fantasy, 3.) Cassandra

Clare’s depiction of Urban Fantasy 4.) The Concept of Survival, 5.)

Formalistic Approach and the character portrayal or characterization analysis,

6.) Strain Theory, 7.) The Concept of Survival, 8.) Related research Studies.

Urban Fantasy

The emergence of Urban Fantasy as an officially formed subgenre of

Fantasy officially established on the 20th century as part of the movement

called the “revisionist fantasy”, which began on the 1960s and progressed

towards the 20th century. The movement emblematized the collective

disagreement of the authors from Urban Fantasy, who refused to

acknowledge Fantasy and rejected the idea of the Tolkienian's landscape or

the “High Fantasy”.

Urban Fantasy authors appealed for the continuous existence of the

“low fantasy”, one of the pre-established titles of the Urban Fantasy. The

genre contained real unimagined existing elements such as the cities, the

landscapes and the experience which, as the authors of the Urban Fantasy

had insisted, was still present and never will vanish nor fade. Low Fantasy

was set in the here and now that focused mainly on the contemporary

world setting that contained fantastic elements, Winwood (2016).

The authors who reasoned about Urban Fantasy, said that the genre

can be differentiated from Tolkien’s Fantasy, Winwood (2016) discussed,

was because of the appearance of the identifiable recurrence of a common

content that can be distinguish and identified by the readers of the genre.

This said recognizable content from Urban Fantasy was the utilization of the

real contemporary world and existing urban setting. It was important to note

that most of the characteristics of the Urban Fantasy were deliberately

thought over in order to create a new genre that served as a diversion which

contrasted the Tolkienian’s “High Fantasy”.

According to Winwood (2016), during the development of the

subgenre, the authors had created a number of pre-established names for

the Urban Fantasy before it finally settled to “Urban” Fantasy to classify the

subgenre to the other genre even with just its pre-established title. The

names the various authors of Urban Fantasy had come up with were Low

Fantasy (as aforementioned), real world fantasy, modern urban fantasy and

indigenous fantasy. As can be observed from the pre-established titles of

genre, it was straightforward and vividly established the scope, limit, and

focus of the genre, the published title Urban Fantasy also have this

characteristic. This subgenre of fantasy described settings that were familiar

real destinations and places mixed with supernatural entities.

Among the previous titles of the Urban Fantasy, Indigenous Fantasy

closely resembled the Urban Fantasy. Indigenous Fantasy acted as a modern

tribal story teller that had its real settings and fused it with magic, with

mythologies, legends, lore and with everyday life occurrence and experience.

Although it did not lingered on every memory of the people, the modern story

teller tried to recapture what the medieval story teller’s ability was, to apply

personal observation to the surroundings to create its own fantastical story,

(Winwood, 2016).

The application of magic in Urban Fantasy was inherent as it was

presented on every fantastical story. According to Cahill (2012), magic helped

invoked a sense of wonder that made literature with fantasy elements so

enticing to the readers. It bended the border between the two worlds, the

contemporary real world and the magical world, lodged a medium on it either

on the characters of the series or on the technology of the two worlds to

recognize what world was being depicted. Magic has a strong influence

towards particular genres such as Fantasy Fiction, Historical Fiction and

Historical Fiction, because aside from invoking awe and wonder it also

triggered the sense of nostalgia from way back in the primitive ways where

nature and man was much more deeply connected and were able to perform

rituals and the likes described in Fantasies. Usually, the people who were

able to perform magic and rituals were viewed and were called as magic


Cahill (2012), agreed with the thought whilst also pointed out that

magic also relied on the identity of how it was being depicted such as how

magic was brought up, the influence to the user affected its stature either by

strengthening one’s self through practice and mentorship or damaging one’s


self by using magic unknowingly and impulsively. But how can a person

recognize the play of magic in a literary narrative? According to Saffel (2008),

which was extracted on Tzvetan Todorov’s The Concept of the Fantastic, a

person will be able to recognize the play of magic on a literary narrative was

when the person who recognized the laws of nature and reality that was

confronting an apparent supernatural event hesitated, that cued the

recognition of the magical occurrence- the fantastical event.

There were two types of narratives in Urban Fantasy, according to

Saffel (2008), the two narratives were the “pre-narrative” and the

“retrospective breach”. These two types of narratives classified what kind of

recognition of the fantastic a character on a story experienced. The pre-

narrative occurred when the narrative began and the character have

recognized the fantastic and had accepted it as a part of their reality. The

retrospective breach happened on a series of flashbacks by the character

after the recognition of the fantastic had happened.

Despite stating that magic bended the laws of the real world, Cahill

(2012) added that it was meant in a manner which magic was also subjected

to the world where it was presented, bounded by the parameters of the

logical world such as the world of science. It must be studied thoroughly and

with great discipline since magic did not changed reality but only bended

reality in order to conform and coexist with the medium it being applied onto.

It worked with science and technology not against it and in order to do so

magic created a system for magical components to work in tandem with

science. The physics of the real world thus gave the birth of magical

technologies that were wildly used on Fantastical stories.

The foremost characteristic of Urban Fantasy can be distinguished by

the name of the subgenre itself. Readers from the said genre had a clear

understanding of what was in store for them by choosing to read the novels

that belonged to the said genre. But only knowing its initial characteristics do

not make any reader any more knowledgeable of the Urban Fantasy. As what

Winwood (2016), had stated it was important to know the characteristics of

the Urban Fantasy since it emergence caused a confusion among even

authors of the genre whilst the subgenre was still being developed through a

number of modifications because of the affected genres upon its appearance.

In the literary world Urban Fantasy had obscured a number of

boundary lines that were purposely drawn between other genres in order to

identify and classify the limitations of each genre. The genres that were

affected from when the Urban Fantasy emerged were the Science Fiction,

Gothic, Mystery, Adventure, Paranormal Romance, and Romance. It was on

the 19th century that the authors on Urban Fantasy were able to distinguish

the low fantasy set in urban landscapes which developed until it emerged on

the 20th century. The cause of why numerous genres were affected was

because the Urban Fantasy reached out to the other sources and genres for

inspiration to create a unique reimagined and retelling of myths and legends

situated on a modern.

To discuss the characteristics of the Urban Fantasy, it was prerogative

to enumerate each of the characteristics one by one. The first to be


discussed was the most familiar which have been mentioned earlier

numerous of times, the urban landscapes or urban settings of Urban Fantasy.

The urban setting on Urban Fantasy played the most relevant part of the

genre, Winwood (2016), stated that the urban setting, a particular place or

city, must be operated not only as a mere backdrop for the characters but

also a reflection of experience of the life within a city for it feel more relatable

to the readers. These experiences were delivered both on the positive way

and on the negative way to offer a beacon of light into understanding the

existence of the “city” and to fulfill the allegorical roles these connotations

represented to contemporary urban life.

The figure of the supernatural beings stalking and lurking on the dark

parts of the city and especially at night had been used repeatedly and

systematically in Urban Fantasy. According to Winwood (2016), these figures

were exploited by the authors of the Urban Fantasy in order to create a

representation of the “other” entities on the dark streets of the city, the

“hidden”, and of the inherent dangers that befallen to anyone when night fall

came. The genre’s engagement into explicit gratuitous violence and gore was

also an allegorical representation of the undeniable occurrence on a real city.

The reimagined classical mythologies, tales and lores with the

presence of the supernatural beings specifically the warewolves, vampires,

faeries, orcs, ghosts, gods, angels and devils was an alternate representation

and depiction against the brutal barbaric characteristics of humans such as

murder, violence, death, deception, betrayal, gore, the survival amongst the

strong against the weak. But all these dreadful descriptions were only the one
side of a city. The other part of the city according to Winwood (2016), was the

sense of familiarity and security built with the foundations left by the

ancestors for their predecessors. Despite all the dangers that lurked within

the city, it also cannot deny the security one can get on a familiar place.To

avoid getting prejudice of the characters of the supernatural beings Ekman

(2016), stated there were particular types of non-human or parahuman

beings that can appear as the protagonist, the antagonist, an ally, the threat,

and or as a general citizens blending in by the help of magic called glamour

to hide the supernatural being’s true identity and assume the appearance of a


In every novel the reader encountered the appearance of a hero and a

villain as a natural occurrence on a novel. These characters appearance

created an additional depth to the story. The hero or the protagonist defined

by Baldick (2001), was often preferred as (to avoid confusion with the usual

sense of heroism such as the characteristics of admirable, courage or

nobility) the character who was not necessarily good but still acted heroic.

The protagonist on Urban Fantasy can be not superior in terms of being

morally good or to what was usually a perfect protagonist like on other

novels. Thus Urban Fantasy allowed its characters, not only the protagonist

but the entirety of the characters inside the novels to be flawed, to be more

human and more relatable, making the representations of the characters

more meaningful to the readers. On Urban Fantasy, the character of the hero

presented a unique presence which showed vividly a huge difference from

the other heroes depicted on the other genres.


An Urban Fantasy protagonist must necessarily be unique to the

world. This factor on Urban Fantasy was an essential part of the genre as the

utilization of the cityscape as setting, Sarai (2016). On Urban Fantasy the

hero do not have a sturdy body and a handsome face that have a dominating

aura, a character that bewitched the heroine, instead it took the form of a

character that was generally believed as someone that was weak and

unsuitable to any actions and fight scenes. But the genre deviated to the

usually typical male hero and created its own female hero to represent heroic

acts. Winwood (2016), discussed that the character of the urban hero had a

huge gap toward the male hero without even the need to mention the gender

difference. The female hero in Urban Fantasy was portrayed to be tough

emotionally and was both empowered and marginalized.

The female hero was empowered on the sense of her supernatural

prowess and at the same time marginalized because of her gender. Even so

the female character stood atop all of the uncertainty and insecurities of her

gender towards the other gender, and proved that the female gender can also

be tough and can vanquish monsters just like the male hero. This being the

case, Urban Fantasy included and addressed the protagonist’s emotional,

psychological, and metaphysical development on the novels. This type of

character usually stood in between being a human and a supernatural being;

a person that possessed both the physical appearance of an ordinary

mundane which possessed an ability that of a supernatural being. What

made this type of character more unique on the novels was because no

indications can be found of what exactly of a supernatural beings the

character was, how the character was made and what needed to create this

type of character. It was an unknown presence that served as a mystery to

both the readers and the other characters on the novels. The uniquely

strange existence of the female protagonist also served as a bridge between

the human and nonhuman that created the connection of the real world and

the magical word.

The female protagonist in Urban Fantasy was driven by three

motivations: A sense of moral responsibility, the desire to act and the

willingness for self-sacrifice. The character of the female protagonist was

driven by their motivation beyond personal security and wellbeing. The use of

female character in Urban Fantasy challenged prejudice perception towards

women. Aside from the female hero there was also the character of the

Urban Hunter, it’s existence was derived from the ancient mythical hero or

warrior, that was thrust into a new environment and must reshaped its will

and perception towards the environment he was familiar to and to the new

environment the hunter was put on to, to survive to the new environment he

was into.

The character of the Urban Hunter did not maintain any singular

characteristics since it must adapt, flex, and bend its beliefs. To change to

blend on to the new environment the hunter was suddenly put on to either by

choice or an event that prompted to change locations. The Urban Hunter

must be versatile and very well verse on the terrain, the places of the city

since this particular character served as a ‘helper’ to the protagonist. The

character of the Urban Hero can actually be considered as an alternative


hero albeit the protagonist of the Urban Fantasy cannot be considered as a

Hunter. The elements that were present in both the protagonist and the

hunter were both their community focus, a pivotal role in the society, and an

involvement of a group with their actions. But the one thing these heroic

characters differ was the protagonist was more focused on destroying the evil

to the point of self-sacrifice that of the hunter who was more focused on

protecting and defending its territories, Sarai (2016).

The villain on the Urban Fantasy can be of two personas: First, was

the typically mean supernatural being that wanted to dominate the world by

planning to conquer it. Second a human that at some point of its existence

created a connection to the supernatural world of magic and wonder at the

same time a treacherous place and during its exploration to the supernatural

world encountered an event that reformed its personality. Although this type

of character faced prejudices such as a naturally evil alike the hero, the

character of the villain also held a significant allegorical meaning for the

readers to comprehend. Such as its reason why the villain had committed the

crimes that made him evil, was because of the failings of the society toward

him. Winwood (2016) discussed that the characters of Urban Fantasy

possessed a distinction between good and evil. This as to say not for what

the symbolism of the hero and the villain characters held but as an individual

person they were in the novels. Both characters were engaged on violence

and murder, these actions, Winwood (2016) discussed, of violence from the

antagonist was only a response from the acts of violence inflicted by the

protagonist and simply retaliated with violence. It seemed that both the
characters moved accordingly by their own motives instead of acting in order

to solve their strained relationship to avoid and stop the conflict.

Additionally Winwood (2016), added that the themes and tones of

Urban Fantasy included fear, anxiety, dread that reflected the level of

disruption and violence that was present in the city, it also included the

security posed by the city despite the presence of violence. The aesthetic

beautiful landscapes and the hidden dark unsound side of every city were

also one of the themes on Urban Fantasy.

Social Structure in Urban Fantasy

Winwood (2016), discussed that the city was a location of

contradictions, exalted as a center of vitality, dichotomies and intersection

associated with the fluid of change and modernity, enterprise and excitement,

a place of stagnation, of crimes, pollution and depravity. According to Aviram

(2013), Urban Fantasy were texts where fantastical elements and the

mundane world intersected throughout a tale about the city, integrating

supernatural forces into the familiar metropolitan milieu to produce a

heightened portrait of a metropolis. A city was not a homogenous space

rather it was a multi-social but not multi-cultural space that offered a diverse

range of uses. The diversity posed on the city caused friction around the

people inhabiting the city because of their differences. On the other hand,

cities had these unoccupied invisible spaces that the Urban Fantasy occupied

and used the spaces and added the non-rational supernatural elements. But

Saffel (2008), argued that the world building in Urban Fantasy do not only


used the city to be depicted and interweaved it with supernatural elements

with the realistic elements but it also connected the two contrasting concepts

and created a mundane experience saved its magical presence.

Saffel (2008), discussed that when building a world in Urban Fantasy it

should be taken in consideration the subjected world, the city, before

recreating it with magical components. Before establishing a fantastic city the

author must gather enough information to flawlessly depict the city with the

presence of magic without creating any incorrect information that might

invalidate the said city. Second, the locale in a particular city that was used

as the medium must be addressed. The city dwellers were as diverse and a

significant aspect within the reconstruction of the city because the general

populace brought along them the city’s history and its society. Third, the

magical elements must as well be addressed. How the magical components

are inserted and weaved through the objects of the real world.

Furthermore according to Saffel (2008), the setting of the Urban

Fantasy served as the key factor to introduce the readers what appeared to

be a mimetic world on the beginning. It adapted popular locations, spots and

places, situated in real time and space. In connection, Beckwith (2016)

agreed with Saffel (2008), and added that Urban Fantasy presented more

relatable and subversive settings than the enclosed faraway world

characteristics of Fantasy. The sense of place offered by the Urban Fantasy

novels were arguably more relatable in actuality than the sense of awe from

place offered by new constructed worlds on traditional Fantasy.

Winwood (2016) discussed that the city which was built by the

previous people, the ancestors, as a monument of safety, security and

community, the Urban Fantasy filled it with supernatural beings who were

arguably as morally and psychologically corrupted like humans. The genre

openly suggested that the city where its citizens thought it was safe had

walled themselves with monsters and that the supernatural events

experienced by the inhabitants of the city can be read as a representation of

the contemporary occurrences which can be encountered everyday by some

people living on the city. Winwood (2016) further discussed that Urban

Fantasy tended to emphasized the consanguinity not only of interesting

worlds but also the people and the stories as well. It tended to treat the real

world as an essential urban drama so that the conflicts occurring on the

novels resonated through the readers, and like most fantasies it tended to

offer healing despite some disturbing representation and depiction the genre

had given.

Cassandra Clare’s Depiction of Urban Fantasy

Clare’s series of Urban Fantasy was one of the novels that became

famous because of the familiar illustrations of aesthetic landscapes from the

cities she had used as settings on her novels as well as her beautifully

constructed supernatural characters. On one of her interviews Clare was

asked about her trials and experiences which inspired and shaped her into

her writing career and writing the series:


“My Parents travelled all the time when I

was a child. We lived in London,France,
Switzerland, travelled in India… When I sat
down to create the shadowhunters I wanted to
make sure that they existed in every part of the
world, not only that they were an organization
that lived in one country that they were this
global organization with members everywhere.”

According to Winwood (2016), authors of Urban Fantasy created a

world out of the real one without destroying the elements that maintained its

distinctive definitive characteristics and only added new elements which was

the magic that transformed the original real world into something unique and

ethereal. On another interview of Clare, she explained her process of creating

her own Fantastical world.

“Shadowhunter series are all set in

different series and in different time periods and
usually for me it strats with a kernel of an idea
or a fascination with a particular time, period
and place. Then I tend to do a lot of research
before I start. I spent a couple of months just
reading books in that time period, about that
time period, written during that time period. A
lot of readings about journals of people who
were alive during that time period, studying the
architecture of the time period, how the
household works … If possible I go myself to
cities and I walk around take notes, take
pictures and then I work on those notes and

Winwood (2016), discussed that the city have its own epic roots that

happened a long time ago. Incorporating mythology on an urban setting was

to reproduce a fresh outlook on the myths and remembering the particular

myths that might have been forgotten. Cassandra Clare explained in her
interviews that when recreating mythologies and fantasies one had to draw

on to the material in order to preserve the antiquity of the myths:

“I think whats fascination about doing a

lot of research into mythology and world
mythology is seeing the similarities. The idea of
J. Campbell is that we have this sort of ideas
sort of built deep inside our soul and we
respond to them that they have resonance for
us and they come this very deep inside our
memory so I think when Im writing fantasy you
are trying to draw on that as much as possible
because those are things when people read
about them they resonate they think “Oh yes! I
know that story!” so for them it feels more real.”
Winwood (2016) had discussed about the representation of the

characters in Urban Fantasy as well as Saffel (2008), who also discussed the

character of the hero being a female. The existence of a character on every

novel on literature was significant because these characters such as a

person, an animal, a thing held symbols that represented and sent messages

to the readers about their allegorical meaning. On another interview, Clare

also discussed how she had created and what inspired her into illustrating her


“One of the greatest things in Fantasy is

that it works as an allegory for our normal lives
and there’s a lot that we can see about
ourselves in this stories. I think in terms of the
downworlders they kind of speak to us about
anybody who’s ever felt different or excluded…
There’s something fascinating about the
warlocks that is fascinating for me because
they are the children of humans and demonds
and they are all born of a sort of loneliness and
hate because the relationship of humans and
demons are either consensual, happy or..


Clare’s inspiration into creating her female character was simply of her

childhood fantasy of wanting to become one of those people who beat up

monsters and save the world. She also wanted to clear the misconception of

Romance to Urban Fantasy because of its teenage characters, Zatat (2017).

Concept of survival

The concept of Survival or what Charles Darwin had referred to call it

the ‘Struggle for existence’ was not limited only to the living beings

cohabitating on this world but can also be understood metaphorically. He

stated that “A struggle for existence inevitably followed from the high rate at

which all organic beings tended to increase.” Darwin (2001), a struggle for

existence was an inevitable occurrence for the living beings to balance out

every species. Every being during its life time be it seasonal or an annual

interval must experience a diminishing on portion to preserved the balance of

every living being in the world be it on a single division or between divisions.

Survival was a part of the cycle of life, a necessity, and there can be no

division of life that can be an exception even if it was be perceived as

something cruel. The cycle was so to prevent and avoid any single division of

life from dominating the others from its numbers. So to speak about the

supernatural beings who were preying on humans was a part for their


Supernatural beings namely vampires, Incubus, succubus, gnomes,

etc., had to feed on humans not for the reason to harm and instill fear

towards them, the action was indirectly insinuated, but it was part of the
necessity to eat. And humans were their source of food such as the human

flesh, human blood, or human life energy in order to sustain their need to

survive. This occurrence was can be compared when humans hunted

animals for food. Darwin argued that “On looking at Nature, it was most

necessary to kept the foregoing considerations always in mind—never to

forget that every single organic being around us may be said to be striving to

the utmost to increase in numbers; that each lived by a struggle at some

period of its life; that heavy destruction inevitably falls either on the young or

old, during each generation or at recurrent intervals (p. 67).”, Thus explained

the strained relationship between the humans and supernatural beings in

Urban Fantasy.

Heroes of the Urban Fantasy suppressed the supernatural beings from

dominating the humans and prevented the supernatural beings from taking

over the world or a particular place. As what Darwin argued about preying on

other division of life for food consumption such as humans towards animals,

“we forgot that each species, even where it most abounds, was constantly

suffering enormous destruction at some period of its life, from its enemies or

from its competitors for the same place and food; and if these enemies or

competitors be in the least degree favored by any slight change of climate,

they increased in numbers, and, as each area was already filled stocked with

inhabitants, the other species will decrease.”. He added, “On many cases, a

large stock of individuals of the same species, relatively to the numbers of its

enemies, was absolutely necessary for its preservation.” For the reason that if

a given division of life might increase on number than normal, it might cause


an epidemic to that particular division which will do the work of maintaining

the balance of life by making its number to decline and proceeded to reduce

to its supposed acceptable number.

Formalistic Approach

Abrams (1957), stated that Formalism viewed literature as a

specialized mode of language and defined Formalism as that it conceived

literary language to be self-focused, on that its function was not to convey

information by making extrinsic references, but to offer the readers a special

mode of experience by drawing the attention to its own "formal" features—

that was, on the qualities and internal relations of the linguistic signs

themselves. He added and argued that formalist distinction was between the

story and its plot. He went on and said that the author transformed the raw

material of the story and turns into a literary plot by the usage of various

devices that violated the sequence and deformalized the elements of the

story. The effect of such act was to express the narrative medium and

devices to disrupt the standard perception and responses towards literary


Childs & Fowler (2006) also defined Formalism as that of which

disfigured symbolist poetics set by the objective and scientific assessments

on the literary styles, defining it in terms of the departure from the established

norms by identifying and analyzing the text. Forest (2013), also added that

formalist readers aimed to classify the works according to the literary work’s

features and seek the “universal” realities. They discussed how these
universal realities were applicable, relatable, and possible to happen on any

human conditions.

Character Analysis according to Forest (2013) the Formalist readers

focused on the creation and representations of the characters on the novels

by the authors. They simply recognized the elements that built up the

character; its personality traits, character’s physical appearance, how the

author described the character on the text. It distinguished the representation

of a character by close scrutiny from textual evidences and research, Forest


Strain Theory

Strain Theory referred to the strain or stressors an individual

experiences which increased the probability of negative emotions such as the

feelings of frustrations that led to anger. These negative emotions had a huge

probability for an individual to find release that which will need for corrective

actions from being disruptive and dangerous. Strain or stressors can be

developed when a particular individual losses its positive stimuli like a

significant other, a friend, family member or a place on the society. Its then

was followed by the presentation of a negative stimuli and the goal blockage

that had a high probability of worsening the strain or stressors of the

individual, Agnew (2001)

Strain or stressors triggered when the particular individual experienced

an event, condition, or treatment that the individual do not like. According to

Agnew (2001) other researchers of the theory classified two types of strain or


stressors and classified the distinction of possible strain or stressors and

individual developed through different experiences. Since individuals reacted

differently towards strain or stressors like a collective reaction from a given

group, an individual’s evaluation of and event, or the emotional responses of

a particular occasion. Thus the researchers composed the objective strain

and the subjective strain.

Objective strain referred on the events or conditions that were disliked

by a given group of individuals who were experiencing (or had experienced)

the strain. Thus, objective strain discussed and dealt with the strain and

stress of a group of people who had not been treated fairly or how they

wanted others to treat them to. So as to say when an individual experienced

this type of strain, he or she was not the only one suffering from it but also to

the group he or she was a member of. Agnew (2001) added by referring to

Anderson (1999), it was possible to determine the strain of a group through

observational research and survey to the group experiencing the strain.

Subjective strain referred to the event, condition, or treatment that was

disliked by the people who were experiencing, or have experienced, the said

event, condition or treatment. So if individuals were experiencing subjective

strain, it meant that these individuals experiencing an event or condition that

they disliked, Agnew (2001). But just because these individuals were

experiencing subjective strain, do not immediately mean that these

individuals had the same evaluation concerning the said event. Individuals

have different approaches and evaluations during a stressful event. For

example when a group of people suffered from objective strain these

individuals who were compose of the said group was also suffering from their

individual subjective strain. For instance when a group of supernatural beings

suffered from objective strain caused by another group supernatural beings,

the suffering supernatural beings were experiencing the same suffering with

different evaluation and reactions towards the objective strain.

Furthermore, how these individuals reacted towards strain depended

on their; 1.) Individual traits, 2.) Personal and social resources 3.) Goals,

values, identities, and a range of life circumstances. From the given

classification of subjective evaluation of the individuals towards strains or

stressors, it can be deduced that emotional reactions was different depending

on the individuals morals. So when two individuals experienced subjective

strain, one might feel angered and frustrated whilst the other only have mild

reaction towards the strain.

Agnew (2001) also discussed the subject between genders on dealing

with strain and stressors on his Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency

entitled The Emotional Response to an Event or Condition. The emotional

response of an individual was closely associated with subjective strain.

Subjective strain dealt with the individual’s evaluation of an event or condition

and because of that many theorist on General Strain Theory remarked that

subjective strain was also an affective response of the individual centering on

its emotions. Males and Females differ when they dealt with strain paired by

their emotions. Agnew discussed that when females dealt with their negative

emotions such as anger, irritation and frustration, females have a secondary

emotions such as guilt, anxiety and depression that dominated the previous


said emotions that reduced the possibility of committing crime. Males on the

other hand do not have any secondary emotions or anything that lessened

their strong negative emotions on which nothing stopped them to looked for

an outlet of their negative emotions. Knowing the difference on reaction

between genders easily helped one to explain why males are more prone to

committing crimes than females.

Moreover, Agnew (2001) also discussed one of his research on his

Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency the types of strain that had a

high probability of resulting to crime and delinquency. Strains that led to crime

were in majority when an individual lacked the skills and the resources to

cope up with their strain in a reasonable manner, or when an individual was

low on conventional social support. But committing crime do not solely rooted

on an individual’s characteristics but also on the scale of the strain

experienced by the individual. Additionally Agnew (2001) characterized the

types of strain that lead to crime and one of the characteristics was applied

on the study, the strain that were seen as unjust.

The strain seen as unjust was classified under the failure of achieving

a positively valued goal. Although this particular characteristic of strain do not

hold any uniquely distinction towards the other strains or stressors, Agnew

(2001) reasoned that the unjust strain had a higher chance of resulting to

crime because it was more likely to induce the strong negative emotions of

anger and vengeance. It was also for the reason that anger being a strong

emotion had the likelihood to result on crime specifically violent crime as it

disrupted the cognitive process of the individual. It fed the individuals hunger
for action that created its desire for relief such as taking revenge or causing

chaos on a particular place as a kind of retribution. And the individual whilst

amidst doing such acts thinks that his or her actions were justified.

Stressful events that were considered as unjust was when the

individual experiencing the unjust event believed that it involved a voluntary

and intentional violation of relevant justice of norms. The individual’s belief

was both influenced by the ranged of the individual’s personality and the

nature of the stressful events or conditions. These particular events or

conditions had always involved a perpetrator and a victim. What happened on

this events or conditions depended on the perpetrators actions towards the

victim, what the victims retaliate as a response and reaction towards the act

from the perpetrator, and the victim’s and perpetrator’s connection towards

the other and the setting where the event or condition had occurred. The

other factor that influenced the strain to be considered as unjust was the

presence of the outside point of view of the bystanders evaluation and

interpretation to the events or conditions that transpired, most notably the

trusted others and or allies.

Voluntary and intentional stressful events was likely attached to

voluntary and intentional behavior when there was a good evidence that the

victims strain was undoubtedly caused by others. This so to speak the

individual was only included from the event before the strain occurred which

the individual got affected, an impersonal infliction of strain from the

individual. Subsequently, there was good evidence that the perpetrator had

planned to inflict strain all along. The perpetrator do not excuse, apologize


nor feel remorse after inflicting the strain. Additionally the strain seen as

unjust when the perpetrator was infamous for voluntarily inflicting strains

towards others and had all the resources both personally and socially to do


Related Studies

This part contains different studies that provided adequate details

needed in the said study.

Ashton in (2018) in his study, Sympathy for the Orcs: Evil in Urban

Fantasy Literature, explored the nature and source of evil in the Urban

Fantasy from the 24 novels by four different authors namely Charles de Lint,

Mercedes Lackey, Kelley Armstrong, and China Miéville, the values that were

associated with evil and the oppositions set on it, the moral and mythical evil

and the role of the urban landscape.

Since the study offered the idea of evil in the Urban Fantasy, Ashton’s

study was relevant to the present study because it provided an additional

argument to one of the characteristics of Urban Fantasy that had an

underlying evilness in the city.

Beckwith (2016) in her study, Encountering the More-than-Human in

Urban Fantasy Literature, explored the resonance of Fantasy in the current

era because it offered what the geological age was lacking especially its

subgenre the Urban Fantasy. It also explored how Urban Fantasy enchanted

its readers through the more-than-human elements while suggested how

adapting to new unfamiliar and strange community whilst maintained a

progressive community.

Since the study offered the idea of the more than human’s existence in

the Urban Fantasy, Beckwith’s study was relevant to the present study

because it provided an analysis of the more-than-human in the Urban

Fantasy which helped the researcher into laying an acceptable analysis of the

characters of the Urban Fantasy.

Ekman (2016) in his study, Urban Fantasy: A Literature of the Unseen,

explored the different definitions given by authors of Fantasy and Urban

Fantasy and scholars in analyzing the Urban Fantasy genre as well its core


Since the study offered the idea of the foundations of the Urban

Fantasy by quoting and referring to various authors, Ekman’s study was

relevant to the present study because it provided definitions of the

characteristics of Urban Fantasy as well as the mentioned novels in Urban

Fantasy, it helped the researcher into the depth of knowledge in Urban

Fantasy by exploring the novels aforementioned.

Winwood (2016), in her study, Urban Fantasy: Theorizing an emergent

literary subgenre, explored the two purposes for the study: first was to

explore how Urban Fantasy and its characteristics were established from

Fantasy and other subgenre, the reality in urban fantasy. Second was to be

able to offer a framework that identified certain elements of Urban Fantasy's

thematic concerns and Hero. Using Formalistic Approach in order to classify

and discuss the aim of the study the researcher was able to address the aim


and delivered it clearly for possible readers. Urban Fantasy as a genre was

able to be classified.

Since the study offered the idea about Urban Fantasy, Winwood’s

study was relevant to the present study because it provided a detailed

discussion on the emergence and development of the subgenre Urban


Cahill (2012) in his study, The Role of Magic in Fantasy Literature:

Exposing Reality through Fantasy, explored the magic breaking the boarders

of the world through magic in C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jim Butcher, and

Neil Gaiman’s novels how in these novels the authors utilized magic to

exposed the touch of reality in the novels.

Since it gave the idea of magic, Cahill’s study was relevant to the

present study although the researcher only included the associated topics on

exposing of reality. It provided an analysis about how the magic worked and

how it can be identified through deep scrutinizing.

Wahab (2012) in his study, Defining the Concepts of Technology and

Technology Transfer: A Literature Analysis explored different definitions of

technology and technology transfer on different authors in order to define

technology in the literary sense.

Since the study provided different definitions concerning technology,

Wahab’s study was relevant for the present study because of its various

degrees of insights on the definitions provided on the study.

Saffel (2008) in her study, World-building in Urban Fantasy, explored a

model-variant of the fantastic that utilized the elements of traditional Fantasy,

Science-Fiction, and Gothic in order to concoct a world inhabited by both

humans and supernatural beings wherein the breach have occurred and

forced the previously mimetic world modelled to adapt to the intrusion by the

supernatural. The repercussion caused by the said breach through various

works of authors specifically Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, and Kim

Harrison, created a formula for the Urban Fantasy narratives.

Since the study offered the idea of a breach on the contemporary

world with the supernatural beings and humans lived alongside each other,

Saffel’s study was significant to the present study because it provided a

framework of how the Urban Fantasy setting was established that will help

the researcher to analyzed deepest on the world of Urban Fantasy.

Bailey ( 2006) in his study, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, explored the

history of magic, its ritutals, and witchcraft and classified magic, rituals, and

witchcraft’s association and its involvement in various diverse society around

the world.

Since the study offered the one of the characteristics of Urban Fantasy

which is magic, Bailey’s study was significant to the present study because it

provided history worth of definition and information about how magic was

used and its function to different society that were practicing magic.


Chapter 3


This chapter consisted of three parts, namely: (1) Research Design,

which presented the research design and the approaches used in the study;

(2) Data Gathering Techniques, which presented the procedures in gathering

the data for the study; and (3). Data Analysis, which presented the process of

analysis that will be used in the study.

Research Design

This study is Qualitative in nature. Denzin and Liconln (2000) defined

qualitative research as a kind of approach that utilized experience in order to

make meaning, or generate interpretation the moment it was naturally


The study also employed Content Analysis. Krippedndorff (2004)

defined content analysis was a technique that provided fresh insights and

increased the researcher’s knowledge of the particular field of study. The said

technique was given to be reliable and the researcher should have the same

result as to the others even with different styles in utilizing content analysis as

to ensure the reliability of the research.

The approach utilized in the study was Formalistic Approach with a

supporting theory and concept, the Strain Theory and the Concept of

Survival. Formalistic Approach was used in order to ascertain the characters

of the hero and the villain especially the main antagonist and the
Supernatural beings and to accurately identify the struggles, conflict and

strain experienced
by the shadow hunters, the villain in the series. The Strain Theory was

used to classify and identify the kind of strain that caused stress that led to

crimes committed by the people who underwent the strain. The concept of

Survival was used to identify the means of the characters to survive the

conflict that happened in the series.

Data Gathering Techniques

As for gathering references and other related literatures significant in

the study, the researcher gathered data and information from digital books,

articles and other materials available in the internet.

As for the main text to be analyzed, the researcher first obtained the

digital copy of the published series, The Infernal Devices, scrutinizing the

characteristics of the characters and the urban setting of the series and other

elements that can be used and applied in the study. Then, the researcher

used purposive sampling in identifying the solution of the problems by

focusing in the text.

In choosing the materials to be used in the study, the researcher

purposely chose Cassandra Clare’s Infernal Devices Series: Clockwork

Angel, Clockwork Prince and Clockwork Princess, as the decisive material to

focus for the study. The researcher chose the material for the study

specifically because of the series genre. The novels offered concrete

evidences concerning the genre and how the authors of the said genre

utilized Urban Fantasy.


Data Analysis

The researcher read the material numerous times and comprehended

and discerned the depth the material had in stored to provide the readers a

comprehensive data analysis about the presence of the concept of survival

and effects of certain types of strain that can be ascertain in the Hero and the

villain. The researcher also determined the cause of the strained relationship

between the shadowhunters and supernatural beings. The researcher also

read and familiarized the different theories in literary criticism especially,

Formalistic Approach, The Strain Theory, the approaches and theories

utilized in the study.

To address Sub-problem 1, the researcher used Formalistic Approach

and discussed the portrayal of the heroes and the villains in the series. The

researcher looked into the characters dialogues, perspectives and beliefs to

use as a substantial testimony of each’s characteristics.

To address Sub-problem 2, the researcher used Formalistic Approach

and Strain Theory and analyzed and discussed the respective struggles of

the heroes and the villains and the possible threatening dominance of a race

that might result to conflicts and probably an annihilation of another race.

To address Sub-problem 3, the researcher used the Concept of

Survival and discussed the use of magic and technology for the survival of

the hero and supernatural beings.

Chapter 4


This chapter contains the presentation and analysis of the Infernal

Devices Trilogy. This consists of three parts: (1) The Hero and Villain in

Urban Fantasy; (2) The struggles of the characters in the story (3) The Use of

Magic and Technology as a means of survival.

The characteristics of the three main characters in the series

The Infernal Devices Trilogy are a series of books about a teenage girl

named Theresa Gray who, after coming to London from New York, discovers

two things: First, her brother Nathaniel Gray who is the one that send her the

ticket to London to live with him is missing. Nathaniel Gray has blonde hair,

and fair looks that he had inherited to their mother. Second, after coming with

the Dark Sisters to the Dark house she discovers the ability to change into

any person by connecting with them through their things. Confused as she is

from the strange events happening to her she meets William Herondale, a

young shadowhunter with black hair, purplish blue eyes, who is wearing

workman’s clothes, in her attempt to escape the Dark house. William brings

her to the Institute after saving her and meets other shadowhunters. After

Charlotte Branwell promises her on helping investigating her brother’s

whereabouts Theresa starts working with them.

The Trilogy series has two heroes, Theresa Gray and William

Herondale. Theresa Gray is a sixteen year old American teenager who has

an oval face, smooth brown hair and steady gray eyes as stated in

chapter 1 page 13. She is characterized as someone who does not show her

weakness to others, especially to those she does not trust. In Book 1 chapter

1, the Dark Sisters had treated her poorly by slapping her and shaking her

and screaming at her to change. The two sisters are an odd pair. Mrs. Black

is short and plump, with small sunken eyes deep into her skull while her

sister, Mrs. Dark is tall with a bony, pinched face, color less hair scraped back

harshly into a tight chignon at the back of her head. Amidst her confusion

and distress on what is happening, she did not allow herself to cry in front of

the Sisters, as proven in the text:

“They had shouted at her to Change,

had slapped her and shaken her as she’d told
them over and over again with rising hysteria
that she had no idea what they were talking
about, no idea what they were asking her to do.
She hadn’t cried, even though she’d wanted to.
Tessa hated to cry, especially in front of people
she didn’t trust. And of the only two people in
the world she trusted, one was dead and the
other imprisoned.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 15

In the series it is numerously implied that Theresa Gray is greatly

influenced by her late Aunt Harriet who has fair blonde hair almost has an

identical complexion as Nathaniel Gray, about her outlook in life. In Book 1

chapter 2, when Theresa Gray is wallowing on her frustration after her first

attempt of escaping failed, she almost let herself let the Magister take her.

But then she remembers her Aunt Harriet’s advice about men that wants to

marry her that she unconsciously come up with an idea of another attempt to

escape, as proven in the text:

“Suddenly she heard Aunt Harriet’s
voice in her head: When you find a man you
wish to marry, Tessa, remember this: You will
know what kind of man he is not by the things
he says, but by the things he does.”
Book 1 Chapter 2 Page 22

Theresa Gray is also selfless and an outspoken person. In the series

where she confronts Nathaniel outside the door of the sanctuary, she did not

hesitate to tell her brother the sacrifices she made in the hands of the Dark

Sisters before the desperation to scape from getting married to an unknown

person the Sisters call the Magister, as proven in the text:

“I let the Dark Sisters torture me for your

sake, Nate. I did everything for you. And you—
you let me believe de Quincey was the
Magister. All the things you claimed de Quincey
did were done by Mortmain, weren’t they? He’s
the one who wanted me brought here. He’s the
one who employed the Dark Sisters. All that
rubbish about de Quincey was just to lure the
Enclave away from the Institute.”
Book 1 Chapter 18 Page 234

William Herondale, James Carstairs and Nathaniel Gray are witnesses

to how Theresa can be so stubbornly curious on the things that pique her

interest. James Carstairs is the same age as William, he is tall but very

slender, his hair is pale silver so is his eyes. On the night where Theresa and

James first met each other, she unceremoniously walk inside James

bedroom curious as to who is playing the violin. In the middle of Theresa’s

question when James accommodates her he cannot but help comment on

how Theresa has a lot of questions which the latter confirms saying that her

brother had also remarked about it, as proven in the text:


“He interrupted her, bemused. “You ask

a lot of questions, don’t you?”

“My brother always says curiosity is my

besetting sin.” Theresa.”

Book 1 Chapter 5 Page 60

Theresa is also characterized as someone who hates being told that

there are things she cannot understand just because she is young and a girl

at that. In Book 1 chapter 4, Theresa got William angry at her after saying her

thoughts about the boy’s background when William had said that there are

some things she cannot understand. It ended with William walking out on her

and leaving her in the dark corridors of the Institute, unfamiliar and

undeniably lost, as stated in the text:

“And with that, he spun on his heel and

walked away.”

Book 1 Chapter 4 Page 57

The second hero in the series the Infernal Devices, the alternative

hero or the urban hunter, is William Herondale. He is a promising young

shadowhunter at the age of seventeen. He has thick, curly black hair, purplish

blue eyes, and a handsome face. He grew up in Wales with her other two

older and younger female siblings. His Father was a former shadowhunter

and his mother a mundae. After his Father married his Mother, he quit

shadowhunting and moved his family in Wales. Inside his Father’s study

William finds a wooden box containing demon energy as a memento of his

past inside one the false drawers. Not knowing what was inside, William
opens the box and unintentionally freeing a demon named Marbas who in

order to get revenge from his Father deceives William in a curse and kills his

older sister Ella. In the series, William Herondale is characterized as a good

strategist. In one of their investigations concerning the disappearance of

Nathaniel Gray he earns a compliment from Lady Baelcourt after giving some

ideas on how to approach their investigation on Dequincy’s party without

rousing any alarm on any of the night of the children, as proven in the text:

“Quite the little strategist, you are.”

Camille smiled, revealing her white teeth once

Book 1 Chapter 8 Page 105

He is also characterized as someone who has a mysterious character

and a difficultpersonality. In Theresa’s first few days spent in the Institute she

experiences how unpleasant William can be. It is Sophie and James who

express openly their piece of mind regarding William’s personality. Sophie

about how dreadful and annoying boy is and James, about how hopeful he is

about Williams intentions and true personality, as proven in the text:

“Jem grinned crookedly. “Yes. He went

out, claiming an assignation or some such, and
I followed him. If I’d known what to expect, I
would have worn sturdier shoes. All night he
walked through the city, from St. Paul’s to
Spitalfields Market to Whitechapel High Street.
He went down to the river and wandered about
the docks. Never did he stop to speak to a
single soul. It was like following a ghost. The
next morning he was ready with some ribald
tale of false adventures, and I never demanded
the truth. If he wishes to lie to me, then he must
have a reason.”
Book 1 Chapter 14 Page 178


Just like Theresa, William also likes reading books and memorizes

quotes from the books he has read. He also hs inclinations towards poetry

and has a great memory, as numerously implied and stated in the series. An

instance where James and Theresa is talking about Will’s mysterious

character, James mentions how William reads a lot of books and has a great

memory of the details regarding in the book as if he only read it yesterday, as

proven in the text:

“Will reads constantly, and has an

excellent memory,” said Jem. “There is very
little he does not remember.” There was
something in his voice that lent weight to his
assertion beyond the mere statement of fact.”
Book 1 Chapter 14 Page 178

The villain in the series is Axel Mortmain. He is a middle age man with

graying hair suitable in his sideburns. He is small but energetic with eyes that

are very, very light gray. He has a pleasant face, he has a very ordinary

feature, and despite his elegant clothes, it is easy to imagine him on a boat

looking out in the distance. When he was young he was adopted by a warlock

couple named John Shade and Anne Shade. In the series he is characterized

as someone who is manipulative, deceitful and evil.

Axel Mortmain uses Nathaniel Gray and the Dark Sisters by promising

them power. Because of their hunger for power, Axel Mortmain easily

manipulates them in doing what he tells them to. In the Book 1 prologue,

Nathaniel Gray writes a letter to Theresa saying that the Dark sisters are his

friends and that she should go with them, as proven in the text:
“Theresa Gray,” said the shorter of the
two. “What a delight to make your acquaintance
at last. I am Mrs. Black, and this is my sister,
Mrs. Dark. Your brother sent us to accompany
you to London.”
“He was unavoidably detained by
business in London. Mortmain’s couldn’t spare
him. He sent ahead a note for you, however.”
Mrs. Black held ou t a rolled-up bit of paper,
already dampened with rain.”
Book 1 Prologue

Another instance where Axel Mortmain displays his deceitfulness is

when Charlotte and Henry visit him on his mansion to ask inquiries about

Nathaniel Gray’s whereabouts. Since the two shadowhunters only has a

limited knowledge about him and Nathaniel Gray he easily weave a

believable story about had happened to Nathaniel Gray. Axel Mortmain then

generates his background about how he knew of the shadowhunters, as

proven in the text:

“Mortmain leaned forward eagerly,

templing his hands. “I am a student of the
occult. Since my time in India as a young man,
when I first learned of them, I have been
fascinated with the shadow realms. For a man
in my position, with sufficient funds and more
than sufficient time, many doors are open.
There are books one may purchase,
information that can be paid for. Your
knowledge is not as secret as you might think.”
Book 1 Chapter 6 Page 81

In Book 1 chapter 18, Axel Mortmain is able to manipulate Nathaniel

Gray, like how he manipulated the Dark Sisters, because of the promised

power and favor that he will bestow after he gets Theresa, as proven in the



“Stop what?” Nate looked directly at her,

for the first time since he had knelt to Mortmain.
“Stop acquiring incredible power and immense
knowledge? Stop being the favored acolyte of
the most powerful man in London? I’d be a fool
to stop all this, little sister.”
Book 1 Chapter 18 Page 233

The characters respective strain and struggles

Theresa Gray has experience many struggles in the series and one of

them is her struggle caused by Axel Mortmain by using the Dark Sisters. In

Book 1 Chapter 1, right after Theresa Gray arrives in London, The Dark

sisters immediately greets her and introduces themselves as friends to her

brother while handing her a letter hand written by Nathaniel Gray. She comes

along with them on the Dark house assured that the sisters are good people

who can be trusted. But she finds herself being mix-up into strange situations.

Her first weeks inside the house had been dreadful the Dark Sisters had

shouted and slap her whilst shouting at her to change. She did not know what

the sisters are saying but despite how the sisters had treated her she did not

cry in front of them, as proven in the text:

“.. remembering the first time the Dark

Sisters had handed an object to her—They had
shouted at her to Change, had slapped her and
shaken her as she’d told them over and over
again with rising hysteria that she had no idea
what they were talking about, no idea what they
were asking her to do. She hadn’t cried, even
though she’d wanted to.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 13

In Book 1 chapter 1, Theresa suffers in the hands of the Dark Sisters

during while preparing for the Magister by teaching her how in activating and
using her powers. The sisters even blackmailed her, threatening her brother’s

life if she will not obey their instructions. And so, from then on Theresa

ceases her struggling and fighting and passively obeying the Sisters orders,

as proven in the text:

“After that she had done everything

they’d asked. Had drunk the potions they’d
given her, done the hours of agonizing
exercises, forced herself to think the way they
wanted her to. They’d told her to imagine
herself as clay, being shaped and molded on
the potter’s wheel, her form amorphous and
changeable. They’d told her to reach down into
the objects they’d given her, to imagine them
as living things, and to draw out the spirit that
animated them.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 15

Theresa’s suffering continues when the Dark sisters begins handing

her things belonging to other people who had died. In Book 1 Chapter 1,

things such as a woman’s glove, a hair ribbon, tie pins, watches, mourning

jewelry, toys, laces of a boot and once an earring stained with blood.

“She held something out: a dilapidated

bit of pink fabric tied in a bow, the sort that
might be used as a girl’s hair ribbon. She was
used to being handed things by the Dark
Sisters now. Things that had once belonged to
people: tie pins and watches, mourning jewelry,
and children’s toys. Once the laces of a boot;
once a single earring, stained with blood.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 15

While the change is taking place Theresa is able to access the

person’s memories, specifically the moment they died, their feelings, thoughts

and the memory of how they died.

“Tessa saw narrow, shadowy streets,

wrapped in thick fog, a silver needle working by
faint yellow gaslight. A step, muffled in the fog.


Hands that reached out of the shadows and

took hold of her shoulders, hands that dragged
her, screaming, into the darkness. The needle
and thread falling from her hands, the bows
ripped from her hair as she struggled. A harsh
voice shouting something angry. And then the
silver blade of a knife flashing down through the
dark, slicing into her skin, drawing out the
blood. Pain that was like fire, and terror like
nothing else she’d ever known. She kicked out
at the man holding her, succeeding in knocking
the dagger from his hand; she caught the blade
and ran, stumbling as she weakened, the blood
draining out of her fast, so fast. She crumpled
in an alley, hearing the hissing scream of
something behind her. She knew it was
following her, and she was hoping to die before
it reached her—“
“The Change shattered like glass. With
a cry Tessa fell to her knees, the torn little bow
falling from her hand. It was her hand again—
Emma had gone, like a cast-off skin. Tessa
was once more alone inside her own mind.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 16-17

The change according to Theresa is so blindingly painful that the first

time she changes she passes out. The routine continue every day, the Dark

sisters calls her to their chamber, hands her a random accessory and make

her change. The sister then asks a few questions about the person’s

background to test out Theresa’s capabilities, as proven in the text:

“It had taken weeks, and the first time

she had changed, it had been so blindingly
painful that she’d vomited and passed out.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 15

Amidst these events though Theresa did not stop asking Miranda who

the Magister is, even though there is a low chance that Miranda will answer

her the way she wants to be answered. Miranda is the maidservant of the

Dark Sisters. There is something ageless about her face, her hair a color of
ditch water and she has eyes that protrude like a frog that make her eyes

permanently surprised. When Miranda unexpectedly answers her, the answer

greatly shocked her that the first thing she wants to do is run away from the

Dark house which she did. But after she successfully ran outside of the house

the Dark Sisters coachman catches her and hauls her back to the house. As

a result Mrs. Black ties her up on all her four limbs on the bed and only

setting her free when she needs to practice her ability. The Dark sisters

coachman looks a lot like Miranda that Tessa thinks they are somewhat

related to each other. Her attempt to escape causes her distress that a big

part of her wants to stay and lie on the bed until the Magister comes to get

her while cursing her ability.

Furthermore, another struggle Theresa experiences is from her brother

Nathaniel still caused by Axel Mortmain. In Book 1 chapter 1, when the Dark

sisters made her prisoner in the Dark house, her first weeks as a prisoner are

a struggle both for her and for the Dark Sisters. She kicks and screams

whenever Miranda, their maidservant, drags her towards the chamber of the

Dark Sisters. Only when the Sisters threatens her about her brother did she

concedes and submissively complies the Sister’s task for her every day, as

proven in the text:

“They had told her that, the Dark

Sisters, had told her that they had Nate, and if
she didn’t do what they said, he would die.
They’d showed her his ring, the one that had
been her father’s—stained with blood now—to
prove it. They hadn’t let her hold it or touch it,
had snatched it back as she’d reached for it,
but she’d recognized it. It was Nate’s.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 15


After William Herondale saves her from the Dark Sisters and brings

her to the Institute where she converses with Charlotte Branwell, the head of

the London Institute, and promises her aid for locating her missing brother.

Charlotte Branwell is a very small woman almost childlike in size with smart

black eyes like a bird. She even agrees to the plan of infiltrating Alexi De

Quincy’s party using her ability to change into Camille Belcourt. Camille

Belcourt has icy white skin, hair thick and pale blonde, and eyes a luminous

green like a cat. In Book 1 chapter 3, when Charlotte had hypothetically

asked her if she will ever use her ability she expressively denied using it, as

proven in the text:

“No!” Tessa’s cry was so loud that

Sophie jumped and dropped her brush.
Charlotte glanced over at her and then back at
Book 1 Chapter 3 Page 38

Theresa agreeing to use her ability for the chance that she might

locate her brother at the party shows her desperation and need to find her

brother. In Book 1 chapter 11, when Theresa Gray eyes lands on her brother,

despite the fire and chaos William Herondale and Magnus Bane has created

to shaken the vampires, she ignores the fire in the room and run straight to

her brother. Magnus Bane is a warlock with rough black hair almost blue, he

has brown skin and has an absurd fashion sense He warns her that vampires

are very much susceptible to fire where she pointedly ignore despite knowing

that she is still in Camille Belcourt’s skin, as proven in the text:

“Let me go!” Tessa shrieked. Nathaniel

was slumped alone onstage, apparently
unconscious, only his manacles holding him to
the chair. “That’s my brother up there. My
brother!” Magnus stared at her. Taking
advantage of his confusion, Tessa jerked her
arm free and began to run toward the stage.”
Book 1 Chapter 11 page 143

After the raid in the party has concluded Nathaniel Gray is brought to

the Institute to heal his wounds. In Book 1 chapter 13 William Herondale

insists that they should let the Silent Brother’s to sift through Nathaniel’s mind

to look for information that will lead them to Alexi De Quincy who escapes

from the raid at his party. The Silent Brothers are considered as the

shadowhunters doctors. They had hallowed out eyes and scarred face.

Theresa assertively faced Charlotte and said she would not allow them to sift

through his brain especially because of the injuries he sustained from the

beatings he had received before the party started. Her argument with William

made her leave the institute causing Jem to follow her and show her the river

Thames to calm her. In the middle of their conversation a couple appears

before them and blocks their way when they were leaving. The man wore a

workman’s felt hat and woolen coat while the woman had her hand on her

hand. It turns out that the couple are automatons sent by the Magister to

kidnap Tessa insinuating a fight where James who is still very ill to fight and

almost died on the step of the Institute.

One of the automatons who are chasing them is able to get some of

his blood which Axel Mortmain, the Magister, uses to break inside the

Institute. Because of Theresa’s Interference and prevented the Silent Brother

to look inside Nathaniel Gray’s mind they are unable to anticipate Nathaniel’s


lie and is able to help Axel Mortmain in breaking inside the Insitute. Because

of her love and concern for her brother, Theresa suffers from almost getting

caught by Axel Mortmain and the betrayal of her brother, as proven in the


“Related to me? You’re not even

human. You are something. You are no part of
me. From the moment Mortmain told me what
you really are, you were dead to me. I have no
Book 1 Chapter 18 Page 235

In Book 2 chapter 21 Tessa meets with her brother in the guise of

Jessamine Lovelace and investigates whether it is true that has really been

betraying them. In the series, Theresa considers Jessamine Lovelace as an

English rose with her silvery fair hair, creamy complexion and soft brown

eyes. In the party she learns their plan to frame her in possessing illegal

articles of black magic to pull her out of the Institute, as proven in the text:

“Tessa will be arrested for illegal

possession of articles of dark magic, and sent
to the Silent City. Benedict will bring her forth
from there and deliver her to the Magister.”
Book 2 Chapter 12 Page 176

Charlotte and Theresa confront Jessamine in her room on the Institute

with the use of the Mortal sword. When a shadowhunter or a person bearing

a shadowhunter’s blood touches the Mortal sword they cannot help but speak

the truth unable to lie. After Jessamine confesses her sin she is sent to the

Silent City while the Clave decides for her punishment. After Jessamine had

left for the Silent City the shadowhunters and Theresa decides on a plan in to

capture Nathaniel Gray. James and Theresa goes to the Silent City and
convinces Jessamine to compose a letter to Nathaniel to meet with her again,

but instead of her going it will be Theresa in Jessamine’s skin.

When Theresa, as Jessamine, meets her brother for the second time

after his denial to their relationship outside the sanctuary back in the Institute,

it turns out that from the previous party where she disguise herself as

Jessamine Nathaniel already figure out that Jessamine has been caught. But

Nathaniel still meets up with her because of his eagerness to catch Theresa

and give her to Axel Mortmain. A fight transpires between them that lead to

Nathaniel’s death. Despite the betrayal and denial her brother did to her,

Theresa Gray still mourns for the death of his brother since he is the only

relative she had since the passing of their Aunt.

Furthermore, Theresa struggles on their investigations about Axel

Mortmain’s whereabouts. In Book 2 chapter 2, after Axel Mortmain and

Nathaniel’s break in inside the Institute and steal the pyxis, and the Gray

Book, the shadowhunters in the London Institute, specifically Charlotte

Branwell suffers the from the consequences of the event. Her position as the

head of the London Institute is challenged by Benedict Lightwood which in

order to devoid the challenge the Consul Wayland gives them a task in

locating Axel Mortmain’s whereabouts in the span of two weeks. Theresa’s

safety and protection against Mortmain is threatened if Benedict Lightwood

succeeds in replacing Charlotte as the head of the Institute. Benedict

Lightwood is tall, he has an angular face, a mature version of his younger

son, Gabriel. Thus Theresa helps the shadowhunters on researching articles


and newspapers for information pertaining about Axel Mortmain’s past that

might offer hints for his whereabouts, as proven in the text:

“Tessa had been tasked with the job of

reading through the newspaper articles, looking
for stories about Mortmain and his shipping
company, and her eyes were beginning to blur,
the words dancing on the pages.”
Book 2 Chapter 2 Page 31

Axel Mortmain sends a letter asking for a bargain on James Carstairs

Yin Fen in exchange for Theresa where she did not think twice and agrees for

the trade. As she is James Fiancé, she will do anything to save his

deteriorating health. But James thinks otherwise and opposes Theresa where

they had a heated argument. Hence, the letter which contained the number to

contact Axel Mortmain got burned after James Carstairs throw it in the

blazing grate, as proven in the text:

“Jem strode across the room and seized

the packet—and the letter—of Charlotte’s desk,
and before any of them could make a move to
stop him, he cast both items into the fire.”
Book 3 Chapter 7 Page 96

Theresa’s struggle from Axel Mortmain continues when she is

successfully kidnapped by Mrs. Black outside the institute after tailing the

carriage Jessamine is riding back to the Institute. In Book 3 chapter 13, inside

the carriage, Theresa furtively strategizes on how to break the lock door of

the moving vehicle. She distracts Mrs. Black through her questions about her

parents and information about Axel Mortmain. After she sees an opening she

lunges towards the door with all her weight that causes the door to break

open and flung herself outside the racing carriage towards a deep ravine.
Seeing how deep and rocky the ravine’s bed is Theresa is about to accept

her death when suddenly her clockwork angel grows to a human size

mechanical creature with big wings that makes her landing on the rocky bed

of the ravine bearable. She is able to escape death because of her clockwork

angel, as proven in the text:

“Her hands flew up. Her angel necklace

was lifting over her head, as if an enormous
hand had reached down out of the sky to
remove it. A metallic blur surrounded her, a pair
of great wings opening like gates, and
something caught at her, arresting her fall. Her
eyes widened—it was impossible,
unimaginable—but her angel, her clockwork
angel, had grown somehow to the size of a
living human being and was hovering over her,
its great mechanical wings beating against the
wind. She stared up into a blank, beautiful face,
the face of a statue made of metal, as
expressionless as ever—but the angel had
hands, as articulate as her own, and they were
holding her, holding her up as the wings beat
and beat and beat and she fell slowly now,
gently, like a puff of dandelion fluff blown on the
Book 3 Chapter 13 Page 160

When Theresa wakes up after passing out from the shock she

receives after free falling to the ravine she slowly walks away from where she

had landed to find refuge by following the lake. In Book 3 chapter 15, after

hours of running and then walking, exhausted from the rain and cold she

finally sees an abandoned house. She immediately goes inside after

confirming that there is no one inside and outside the house beside her.

Despite her need to stay awake and be alert if ever Mrs. Black comes in, her

body thought otherwise and dozes off. But she jolts awake when she hears a

scraping, dragging noise coming from the outside. After deducing that it might


probably the automatons basing from the sound she uses the blanket she

had pick earlier and change in to the elderly who owns the blanket in the

effort to her disguise herself and fool Mrs. Black. But it is a futile attempt

because Mrs. Black recognizes her clockwork angel ticking on her throat and

the automatons burst through the door and reach for her to keep her from

running away again, as proven in the text:

“She dropped the blanket and backed

away, brandishing her frog pick. She managed
to rake quite a long gash down the automaton’s
front as it reached for her and knocked her arm
aside. The frog pick clattered to the floor, and
Tessa cried out in pain just as the front door
burst open and a flood of automatons filled the
room, their arms reaching for her, their
mechanical hands closing on her flesh.
Knowing she was overpowered, knowing it
would not do a bit of good, she finally allowed
herself to scream.”
Book 3 Chapter 15 Page 181

When Theresa wakes up after passing out from suffocation when the

automatons had catch her, she finds herself inside a cave, trap inside a hole

made in one of the cave walls, turn into a make shift room. She sees Axel

Mortmain across the cave just outside her room and from where Axel

Mortmain’s position he explains to Theresa the truth about her parents and

the reason he created Theresa. Axel Mortmain negotiate with Theresa and

convince her to change into his father in exchange for all of the Yin Fen to be

send to the Institute. In Book 3 chapter 16, not knowing of James real

situation outside, Theresa agrees on Axel Mortmain’s offer and changes into

John Thaddeus Shade which she immediately regrets. She thought that the

reason why Axel Mortmain badly wants her to change into his father is for a
last reunion but it is only for him to obtain the right spell to complete his

animation of demon energy to his automatons, as proven in the text:

“The tiny flare of panic inside Tessa was

growing and spreading. This was no touching
reunion between father and son. This was
something Mortmain wanted, needed from the
warlock John Shade. She began to struggle, to
try to extricate herself from the Change, but it
held her with a grip like iron. Not since the Dark
Sisters had trained her had she been unable to
extricate herself from a Change, but though
John Shade was dead, she could feel the
steely hold of his will on her, keeping her
prisoned in his body and forcing that body into
action. In horror she saw her own hand reach
for the pen, dip the nib in the ink, and begin to
Book 3 Chapter 16 Page 199

When Axel Mortmain completes animating demon energy to the

automatons she shows Theresa how destructive they can be by letting her

witness them destroy a village near Axel Mortmain’s hide out. Theresa is

unable to contain herself and beg for Axel Mortmain to stop what he is doing

but is denied for he is intent on destroying the shadowhunters.

When the shadowhunters came to the cave where Theresa is

imprisoned with along William Herondale who unknowingly walks in to where

inside Theresa’s is being trapped, they fight Axel Mortmain to stop his plans

and to save Theresa from his scheme. Theresa’s last struggle from Axel

Mortmain happen when she decides to change into the angel that is trap

inside her clockwork angel necklace named Ithuriel. She is able to kill Axel

Mortmain with the use of the angel’s divine presence and burned him by

holding him when he tries to run away. The backlash of the change almost


killed Theresa if not because of the Silent Brothers who labored to heal her

burns from the change, as proven in the text:

“She could not speak; the burning was

too great. She struggled to find her way back to
herself, to Change into Tessa again, but she
was lost in the blaze of the fire, as if she had
fallen into the heart of the sun. An agony of
flames exploded through her, and she felt
herself begin to fall, the clockwork angel a red-
hot lariat about her throat.”
Book 3 Chapter 21 Page 258

In the series Theresa Gray experience subjective strain. According to

Agnew (2001), subjective strain refers to a situation disliked by the individual

experiencing it. The first presentation of strain on Theresa is when she finds

out two things: her brother is being held as hostage by the Dark sisters and

uses him to blackmail her, and the ability the Dark Sister had demanded to

her while inflicting pain and suffering to her. The sudden change of

surroundings is also a factor of the strain to worsen her internal constitution.

Theresa Gray lost her positive stimuli when she discovers that her brother is

missing and that she is not a normal human being. The realization causes her

confusion which added to her strain.

The presentation of the negative stimuli that added more of her strain

is when she finds out from Miranda, the maidservant of the Dark Sisters, that

she is going to be married to a person the sisters call the magister. Because

of the information she manages to squeeze out of Miranda, made her

determined to escape from the Dark Sisters control. She fought her way to

get pass Mirandan and out of the house but then the coachman of the Dark

Sisters catches her just outside of the house.

The presentation of goal blockage is also an important factor for the

strain to increase. Her frustrations from everything that has happened to her

right after coming to London, almost overcame her if not because of the help

of her secondary emotion that is present with her feelings of frustration which

is the feelings of anger towards her. Because of the secondary emotion, her

mind is able to unconsciously think of a way for her to try again. After the idea

that suddenly came to mind, Theresa shoves her frustrations at the side and

immediately goes into action. She changes into the dead little girl name

Emma Bayliss in order for her body to shrink and loosen the ropes that binds

her on her bed. The girl is no more than fourteen when she died, she has a

slight frame and blonde locks that goes down to her shoulders, a perfect body

to free Theresa from the tight ropes.

On Agnew's Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency, he

discusses the factors concerning the life circumstances of an individual. The

individual’s life circumstances had a huge factor when it comes to dealing

with the strains. It shows the maturity of an individual and how it responds to

the strain or stressors. It is implied in the series that Theresa and Aunt

Harriet tries to make ends meet every day whilst Nathaniel Gray is out and

about in the city chasing his dreams. Her Aunt Harriet has influenced her

about her outlook in life and the society she lives in. So when she

experiences the struggles in the series, she is able to cope up with it and

toughen herself out. In the series Theresa Gray does not like letting other

people see her struggling thus she always makes a tough appearance in

order to look strong.


Another reason why Theresa did not lean on committing crimes or in

delinquency just to alleviate her strains because of the appearance of the

positive stimuli. After William Herondale, a young shadowhunter boy saves

her and brings her to the London Institute where she meets the other

shadowhunters, specifically Charlotte Branwell, Theresa is able to clear out

her confusion and some frustration after the other lady promise her to help

find her brother. Even after her brother's betrayal and death, she is able to

find comfort and unconsciously distracts herself with the events happening

around her, in the Institute, and specially James and William's company.

William Herondale struggle the most in the series is his suffering from

the deceptive fabricated curse the demon Marbas has put on him. In the

series, William runs away from home in order to protect his parents and

younger sister from the curse that he believes that killed her older sister Ella.

He blames himself from her death so in order to ensure the safety and life of

his family William travels his way to the Institute. His parents had come

knocking in the Institute looking for him but he refuses to see them. Charlotte

would have let him meet them, ready to disobey one of the shadowhunters

rule to cut ties with the people who quit shadowhunting but William also did

not wish to see his parents and let Charlotte turn them away. Even after

coming to the Institute William push the people who want to warm up to him

by being difficult towards them, as stated in the text:

“For half a year she had watched Will

push away everyone who’d tried to get near
him—tutors; her father; her fiancé, Henry; both
the Lightwood brothers—with a combination of
hatefulness and precisely accurate cruelty.”
Book 3 Prologue Page 9
The only person he had accepted when he is still a child is James

Carstairs. After knowing that James is dying, the young Herondale

immediately thought that it is okay to befriend the dying kid because he is

already dying. The curse will not affect him, thus he let James be the only

person he keep close. Because of William Herondale’s viscous personality,

although he did not want to be, the people such as Sophie the maidservant of

the Institute, the Lightwood brothers, who tried to befriend him while they

were still young and Jessamine Lovelace, all thought of him as impudent,

rude, and hateful. Whenever he feels like someone other than James gets

close to him, he immediately executes his viciousness for them to hate or

dislike him.

A proper example of how he makes people hate him is what he did on

the very first Christmas party of the Institute he attended. The Lightwoods are

present and the girl from the Lightwood family, Tatiana, has infatuation

towards William. She has a book she always carry with her where she writes

poems about William and how their supposed wedding. At some point of the

duration of the party she drops her book which William had picked up. After

he had read all of the book’s contents he decides to read her poems in front

of the shadowuhunters that are present during that gathering. Because of

Tatiana’s embarrassement she runs out of the party while her younger

brother, Gabriel Lightwood, got angry and lunges at William who ended with a

broken arm, as proven in the text:

“I had been in the drawing room, but I

came back into the ballroom with the diary.
Elise Penhallow had just finished playing the


spinet. I got up beside her and commenced

reading from Tatiana’s diary.” he said. “She had
rhymed ‘William’ with ‘million,’ as in ‘You will
never know, sweet William / How many are the
million / ways in which I love you.’ It had to be

“Tatiana ran out of the room in tears,

and Gabriel leaped onto the stage and
attempted to strangle me. “Not before I broke
his arm,” said Will with relish. “So there you
are. That’s why he hates me. I humiliated his
sister in public, and what he won’t mention is
that I humiliated him, too.”
Book 1 Chapter 10 Page 120

William sees her younger sister Cecily after five years since he ran

away from home. Cecily has almost the same features with her brother, with

violet blue eyes, delicate angles of her features and black hair. William,

Theresa and James had been in York when he sees Cecily goes inside a

mansion that is allegedly Axel Mortmain’s residence. It effects on William

when they notice an automaton that had been spying them ever since they

arrive in York and caught the automaton, it talked and gave a warning to

William concerning his family’s life and to the other shadowhunters if they

continue their investigation about Axel Mortmain. They caught the automaton

who has been spying on them when they arrive in York. William is greatly

shaken after seeing her sister and hearing about the threat from Axel

Mortmain, knowing that the villain had somewhat created a connection

between him and William’s family.

Right after coming back to London William immediately went straight

to Magnus and demands to the warlock to open up a portal to the demon

world. Magnus Bane in return did not listen on what the young shadowhunter
is demanding and instead convince Will to tell him the truth. In William’s

confession he explains why he is adamant on pushing people away from him.

He defined himself as some kind of poison towards the people around him

since they can easily be affected from the curse if he so make a mistake of

letting people cares about him. William also confesses to Magnus how he is

so tired of pretending the bitter, moody, vicious and cruel William Herondale

towards the people he cared, as stated in the text:

“It would be one thing if I had been cursed

so that everyone I loved would die,” said Will. “I
could keep myself from loving. To keep others from
caring for me—it is an odd, exhausting procedure.”
He sounded exhausted, Magnus thought, and
dramatic in that way that only seventeen-year-olds
could be.
He also doubted the truth of Will’s statement that he
could have kept himself from loving, but understood
why the boy would want to tell himself such a story.
“I must play the part of another person all day, each
day—bitter and vicious and cruel—”.”
Book 2 Chapter 7 Page 100

But his confession to the warlock did not faze the latter and instead

treats the delicate boy a bit cruelly with his blunt interceptions of advices

towards William. Frustrated from Magnus and his words, he left the warlock

and goes to a warlock drug den. Realizing his harsh treatment to the boy he

sends a letter to Theresa containing William’s whereabouts. When Theresa

and James went to the address to fetch William, James punched him for

insulting James by intoxicating himself with warlock drugs. William tells

Theresa his reason why he wanted to drown himself with drugs when James

goes back inside to pay his bill.

In the Lightwoods garden where Magnus accompanies William and

Theresa back to the Institute after their investigation about Jessamine and


Nathaniel’s meetings on Benedict Lightwood’s parties, they coincidentally

encounters three demons talking as they walk their way towards where the

party are being held. One of them is the demon who had cursed William

when he was twelve. After he realizes that it is indeed the demon he

immediately gave chase to the demon who, in turn runs for his life. A while

later in the night, he comes knocking on Magnus Bane’s door to show of the

demon that had stuck on his arm after the demon bit him before passing out

on Magnus, as proven in the text:

“Demon tooth,” Will said, his breath a

little short. “I chased that blue bastard all
around Chiswick, but it got away from me—not
before it bit me, though. It left this tooth in me.
You can use it, right? To summon the demon?”
He took hold of the tooth and yanked it free.
Even more blood welled up and spilled down
his arm, splattering onto the ground.”
“Will took a ragged breath. He
staggered then… His voice trailed off. He slid
forward, his eyes rolling up.”
Book 2 Chapter 13 Page 190

After a few days of waiting, William finally meets the demon Marbas

and asks him to lift up the curse the demon has put on him. But instead of

lifting any curse on William, Marbas confesses that there really was no curse

the demon gave him in the beginning. Marbas deceive William Herondale in

having one as his revenge towards his Father for imprisoning the demon

inside the pyxis for a very long time. The real reason why his older sister Ella

died is because Marbas had struck her with its poisonous stinger. After

hearing the demon admittance, William is suddenly filled with dread from all

the horrible things he has done towards the people around him, to the people

he cares about, his parents, Theresa, James, Charlotte and the others, just
because of the lie Marbas had promptly concocted to deceive William, as

proven in the text:

“Will slid to his knees. His hands were

locked across his stomach as if they were
keeping his guts from spilling out. Five years,
he thought. Five years wasted. “Everything I’ve
done,” Will said. His lungs felt as if he couldn’t
get enough air. “All the lying, the pushing
people away, the abandonment of my family,
the unforgivable things I said to Tessa—a
waste. A bloody waste, and all because of a lie
I was stupid enough to believe.”
Book 2 Chapter 17 Page 255

William Herondale also struggles between his romantic affections

towards Theresa Gray and his brotherly love for James Carstairs. The two of

them had become one of William Herondale’s important people in his life, that

is why when he knew of their engagement William willingly backs off and

distance himself on Theresa all for his parabatai, James. Before he had met

Theresa Gray, William had been adamant in keeping people at arms-length

either by being mean to them or pushing them away. After meeting Theresa

in the Dark house, William finds his-self unable to contain his want to get to

know Theresa more. It turns out that the two of them has already some

chemistry between them in regards to reading books and poetry. All

throughout the series, there are a lot of instances where William qoutes lines

from the book or uses a character from the books he had read. When he

bursts inside the room Theresa’s room in the Dark house, William notices the

book by the window and uses Sir Galahad as an example of what he is doing

which is rescuing her, as proven in the text:

“How can you not understand?” He

pointed at her books. “You read novels.


Obviously, I’m here to rescue you. Don’t I look

like Sir Galahad?” He raised his arms
dramatically. “‘My strength is as the strength of
ten, Because my heart is pure—’.”
Book 1 Chapter 1 Page 25

Additionally William tries several times in pushing Theresa away from

him by treating her terribly but there are always situations that need him close

to her. One instance where William purposely treats Theresa Gray terribly

fearing that his growing affections to her is getting obvious, after Axel

Mortmain and Nathaniel Gray fools them and breaks in inside the Institute.

William had come back to the Institute when he and James realizes that they

had been fooled into leaving the Institute. The first thing he sees coming

inside the doors of the Institute are two of their servants, one of them is dead

and the other one dying. When he had reach the sanctuary he thought he is

already too late when he sees Theresa slump on the pool unmoving, the

water already mix with blood and Axel Mortmain is standing a few feet from

Theresa’s body. In that moment he had let his emotions overwhelm him

believing that the girl is already dead. He hugs her prone body only to get

startled when Theresa bristled in his arms and called him. Will was

overwhelmed with dread thinking that Theresa will most likely be affected by

the curse, as proven on the text:

“He had let the walls down when he’d

thought she was gone, and there was no time
to build them back up. He was about to say
them when a jolt of terror went through him, the
terror of someone who, wandering in a mist,
pauses only to realize that they have stopped
inches from the edge of a gaping abyss. The
way she was looking at him—she could read
what was in his eyes, he realized. It must have
been written plainly there, like words on the
page of a book.”
“There had been no time, no chance, to
hide it. But there was nothing to say.”
“There was only the emptiness, as there
had been before her. As there always would
“I have lost everything, Will thought.
Book 1 Chapter 19 Page 252

And so, in order to kill the blooming hope inside Theresa’s heart for

him, he precisely insults her as they talk about their “arrangements” as they

talk on the Institutes rooftop. He told her that he is only sexually attracted her

and nothing more. He adds that he will never going to marry Theresa since

shadowhunters who dawdles with warlocks has no future. Warlocks are off

springs of a human and a demon. They had a distinctive feature about them

that indicates that they are indeed warlocks. Its either webbed feet or hands,

a horn, wings, tinted skin or cat like eyes but since Theresa’s origin is still

unknown the shadowhunters consider her as a warlock because of her ability.

Despite successfully having created distance between the two of them,

William cannot help himself but be drag towards Theresa whenever the two

of them are left together. Another example of William getting carried away

again by feelings for Theresa is when they are conducting an impromptu

investigation in Jessamine and Nathaniel’s clandestine meetings in Benedict

Lightwood’s parties. There had been the influence of warlock powder mixed

on the lemonade Theresa had drank before but he cannot deny the intimate

moment he and Theresa shared in one of Benedict Lightwood’s house, as

proven in the text:


“I love your name. I love the sound of it.”

He sounded drunk too, his mouth on hers as he
spoke so she could feel the delicious
movement of his lips. She breathed his breath,
inhaling him. Their bodies fit together perfectly,
she couldn’t help noticing; in Jessie’s white
satin heeled shoes, she was but a little shorter
than he was, and had only to tilt her head back
slightly to kiss him.”
Book 2 Chapter 12 Page 183

The first person William confided about his curse after it had been

lifted is Theresa. He told her everything about what happened back when he

was twelve and until Magnus helped him finding the demon. And after he had

told her everything about the false curse he proceeds on confessing his

feeling towards her which Theresa immediately turned because she already

accepted James proposal. At first William urges Theresa convincing her that

James will understand if they tell him about their affections for each other but

he is gently and firmly stopped by Theresa and explains to him James

feelings. This makes William realize and think about his bestfriend which he

then decides that whatever, everything that had transpired between him and

Theresa, he has said to her will be kept as a secret never come to across

James. Theresa nods ruefully and understandably as she too does not wish

to hurt James Carstairs, as proven in the text:

“I will tell no one,” she said. “I swear it. I

promise it, on my angel. My mother’s angel.”
Book 2 Chapter 20 Page 294
But his affection towards Theresa which he decided to keep as a

secret from James is revealed when he and Magnus conversed about it

inside James room believing that the latter is fast asleep recuperating his

strength after collapsing on the fight that happened when Theresa is taken by
Mrs. Black. James had been awake the whole duration of William and

Magnus conversation, listening to William’s confession. It is when Magnus

vacated the room James opens his eyes and ask William about what he had

meant from his conversation with Magnus. William felt like falling off of a cliff

when he hears James asks him again about his feelings towards his fiancé.

And William proceeds in confessing his affections towards Theresa and how

the girl kindly rejected him for the latter. Their conversation that came after

William finished his confession to his bestfriend clears all of William’s guilt.

After knowing William’s affections towards Theresa, James then asks William

to go after Theresa to save her. But William refuses to do so even though he

wants to because for the fact that James himself is suffering and probably

dying and he wants to there for his bestfriend. Aside from being bestfriend,

James and William are tied more deeply to each other since the two of them

are parabatai. In shadowhunter culture, the parabatai is a covenant between

two people who promise to help, protect, support and share their strength to

each other. So although William badly wants to go after Theresa he is torn in

between because his bestfriend, parabatai, also needs him close. But in the

end, James succeeds in convincing him, as proven in the text:

“Will rose slowly to his feet. He could

not believe he was doing what he was doing,
but it was clear that he was, as clear as the
silver rim around the black of Jem’s eyes. “If
there is a life after this one,” he said, “let me
meet you in it, James Carstairs.”
Book 3 Chapter 11 Page 138

William’s journey in hopes to overrun the carriage that is carrying

Theresa is excruciating to the point that he and Ballios, the name of the horse


he used for his journey, collapses from exhaustion. He is forced to make a

detour on an Inn called the Green Man Inn, who patronizes supernatural

beings, in the middle of his journey to let his horse rest for a while. His

journey worsened when he felt a cord snap and his parabatai rune on his

heart is bleeding indicating that James Carstairs has dead. His pain and

agony leads him on engaging a pack of werewolves that are provoking him. It

is Woolsey Scot, the leader of the pack of werewolves in London that stops

him on killing the last of the group and made him realize how William should

not act rashly and respect the memory of his bestfriend properly, as proven in

the text:

“Is that how you respect his memory?”

“My brother is dead,” Woolsey said. “I

still struggle to fulfill his wishes, to continue the
Praetor Lupus in his memory, and to live as he
would have had me live. Do you think I’m the
sort of person who would ever be found in a
place like this, consuming pig swill and drinking
vinegar, knee deep in mud, watching some
tedious Shadowhunter brat destroy even more
of my already diminished pack, if it weren’t for
the fact that I serve a greater purpose than my
own desires and sorrows? And so do you
Shadowhunter. So do you.”
Book 3 Chapter 14 Page 178

In the series William Herondale experiences subjective strain when the

demon trapped inside a pyxis in one of his father's false drawers that had

gotten out and put a curse on him. The curse is about killing the people that

love him. After his elder sister's death, Ella, believing that he is the reason

why she died he decided to run away from home to protect his family and

goes to the London Institute. After coming to the Institute, Charlotte with her
husband, Henry, tried to befriend William only to be pushed away by him with

his disagreeable attitude. This also happened to the mentors that visited the

Institute to teach him about shadowhunting history and the likes.

He struggles from his strain for years without confiding the curse to

anyone. Aside for his determination to keep it a secret he also avoided pity

and sympathy from the others. Him hiding his curse and not looking for any

antidote or potions that might cancel the curse probably have something to

do with his gender. Agnew (2001) discussed about gender evaluations when

experiencing a straining event. Although the emotions that William Herondale

is feeling are guilt, shock and grief, it is equally and negatively strong if

compared with the emotions of anger and frustrations. Males are inclined on

dealing their stressors immediately than the female gender who have a

secondary emotions that support their cognitive processing during straining


Moreover, after the loss of all of his positive stimuli which is his love

ones, his family, William Herondale is immediately presented with negative

stimuli, which is his mission of not letting anyone get close to him. Thus

makes himself bad in front of the other people living in the Institute and

towards the other shadowhunters that tries befriending him. He holds himself

back for the sake of protecting them from his curse. The way he reacts

towards his curse, which is his stressor, had something to do with his goals,

values, identities and a range of life experience as extracted from Agnew

(2001) Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency, he enumerated three

reactions individual or groups of people have when face with strain; 1.


Individual traits, 2. Persona and social resourcrs,3. Goals, values, identities

and a range of life experience.

William Herondale grows up in a harmonious household in wales with

his parents and two sisters. But when he realizes that the people he loves

dearly will surely get affected from the curse by the demon, Marbas, he

immediately thinks of a way of protecting them especially after Ella's death.

There are two reasons William Herondale displays a difficult

personality and implications veering towards delinquency. In order to push

other people away he acts disagreeable and a bad influence towards them.

The second is Agnew's (2001) effects of strain measures on delinquency; 1.

Negative life events, 2. Life hassles, 3. Negative relations with adults, 4.

Parental fighting. Although the last two has nothing to do with the subject at

hand, the first and second will be discussed. William Herondale negative life

events and hassles and no one to talk to about his curse, he is left with no

choice but to deal with it by himself by doing the things he thinks are correct.

Because of his lack of sufficient social support the his goal blockage

on befriending the people living In the Institute he is back in a corner with no

choice becoming a delinquent himself. But just because William Herondale

somehow depicted as a delinquent in the story it does not immediately mean

that he is bad both in character and in nature. His delinquency is nothing like

it in Agnew's research but only his façade. This leads him in familiarizing

London by walking its streets every night and sometimes stopping on some

bars for investigations. Because of the strain he is suffering, it gave him a

chance of venturing parts of the city, discover mysteries and improve his skill
as a shadowhunter. His strain benefitted him but at the same time made him


One of Axel Mortmian’s struggles in series is the death of his adoptive

parents. When he was still a little boy Axel Mortmain was adopted by John

and Anne Shade, a warlock couple that treated him with love and care as if

he was their very own child. From then on, Axel Mortmain looks at his parents

with love and admiration from their affection that they gave him. But his merry

days are cut off when the shadowhunters from the York Institute raids their

house and kills both of his parents. Axel Mortmain is able to get away from

the raid and from the shadowhunters who are looking for him is because of a

group of faeries who are supporting his father hid him away for quite some

time. At such a young age Axel Mortmain was not able to accept why the

shadowhunters had killed his parent because for him, his Father to be

specific, is doing is for the good of the downworlders, as proven in the text:

“… they were killed by Shadowhunters.

My father wanted to create these beautiful
automatons, these clockwork creatures, as you
call them. They would be the greatest
machines ever invented, he dreamed, and they
would protect Downworlders against the
Shadowhunters who routinely murdered and
stole from them.”
Book 3 Chapter 16 Page 192

What make Axel Mortmain bitter is that the shadowhunters had

included killing his Mother when all of the scheming and the inventing of the

automatons, as he insisted when he filed a report of reparation for

recompense to the York Institute, is his Father’s doing. His Mother, Anne


Shade, has nothing to do with it all and that her death is undeserved, as

proven in the text:

“…this Mortmain was protesting the

death of Anne Shade, the male warlock’s
wife—said she’d had nothing to do with her
husband’s projects, hadn’t known about them,
he claimed. Her death was undeserved.
Wanted a trial of those guilty of what he called
her ‘murder,’ and his parents’ belongings back.”
Book 2 Chapter 5 Page 76

According to Aloysius Starkweather Axel Mortmain is never going to

get the reparations he is asking because there is in no way possible that

Anne Shade is oblivious to her husband’s activities. From the unanswered

reparation the bitterness he feels towards the shadowhunters, it grows

eventually hating all the shadowhunters, he decides to avenge the unjust

death of his parents. When Axel Mortmain breaks inside the York Institute to

abduct Aloysius Strakweather’s granddaughter, Adele who is Theresa’s

mother, he finds out that the remains of his parents are being displayed as

spoils in the York Institute. Axel Mortmain then with his new adition of anger

from what had become of his parents remains, proceeds in his revenge to kill

all the shadowhunters in London, as proven in the text:

“… You saw the spoils in

Starkweather’s Institute.” He spat the last
words. “You saw pieces of my parents. He kept
my mother’s blood in a jar.”
Book 3 Chapter 19 Page 193

Furthermore, Axel Mortmain struggle the most in the series as he

plans to avenge his adoptive parents’ death towards the shadowhunters by

using Theresa Gray. Axel Mortmain’s puzzles in his plan began when he
abducts Adele Starkweather in York Institute and exchanging her with a

faerie child that has the same resemblance as her aside from their eyes.

Adele Starkweather grows up into the mundane world and became Elizabeth

oblivious of her origin. Her life had been monitored by Axel Mortmain even

until she got married. Axel Mortmain employs Richard Gray, Elizabeth’s

husband, and befriended him until Axel slowly introduced Richard to the

pandemonium Club where he is called the Magister. There are some

occasions that Richard brings Elizabeth with him and there he introduces her

to his boss, Axel Mortmain. At some point, with the absence of Richard Gray

Axel Mortmain sends a shape changing demon in the guise of Richard and

the two of them created Theresa Gray, as proven in the text:

“Elizabeth, your mother, grew up not

knowing she was a Shadowhunter. No runes
were given to her. I followed her progress, of
course, and when she married Richard Gray, I
made sure I employed him. I believed that the
lack of runes on your mother meant that she
could conceive a child who was half-demon,
half-Shadowhunter, and to test that theory I
sent a demon to her in the shape of your father.
She never knew the difference.”
Book 3 Chapter 16 Page 194

Axel Mortmain did not as much as really struggle in tracking the Grays’

again when the couple, Elizabeth and Richard Gray, left London secretly

when Elizabeth notices that there is something strange while carrying

Theresa in her womb. Nathaniel Gray is the one who contacts him trying to

blackmail Axel Mortmain about the things he had read on Elizabeth’s diary.

From there Axel Mortmain is able to create a connection between him and

Theresa Gray by employing her brother in his company and introduce him to


the shadow world. One of Axel Mortmain struggles in the series is his

manipulation of Nathaniel Gray against Theresa. He is confident that when

the Dark Sisters have uses Nathaniel in blackmailing Theresa, she concedes

and will do everything what the Dark Sisters tell her to but his assumption

towards Theresa Gray’s personality had been wrong, as proven in the text:

“You are not a fool like your brother. He

is a fool and a coward...”
Book 1 Chapter 19 Page 244

Axel Mortmain needs Theresa for the final piece of his plan where he

needed Theresa to change into his adoptive father, John Shade. His first

attempt in getting Theresa Gray to change into his father is when he break

inside the Institute with the help of Nathaniel Gray. After the two of them

successfully extracted most of the shadowhunters who are active in night

hunting Axel Mortmain then intrudes the Institute bringing along with him his

automatons to steal the pyxis and kidnap Theresa. Inside the sanctuary

where Theresa is hiding along with the Institute’s maidservant Sophie and

Jessamine, Axel Mortmain exercises his mastery on imitating voices to

deceive Jessamine that it is William outside the sanctuary door.

Axel Mortmain then extracts Sophie and Jessamine inside the

sanctuary leaving him and Theresa alone, he commands Theresa to change

as he hands a watch has a JTS inscription on it and threatening her of the life

of Jessamine and Sophie. As Axel is about to call his automatons after

Theresa still refuses to obey him, Theresa had somehow obtains a knife and

threatens him in return of killing herself if Axel leaves the room. Axel

Mortmain tries to get the knife out of her hand but instead got deceived in
return by Theresa Gray as she fabricates her death through changing into

someone who got shot in the heart and died.

The shock from what just happened renders Axel Mortmain a few

seconds unable to process the plan he has prepared for years gone after the

girl’s death. Axel Mortmain is shocked when he thought that the girl really did

stab herself and died giving William Herondale to advance on him but still

unable to catch him, as stated in the text:

“You think you grieve her loss, Will

Herondale?” Mortmain’s voice was full of
torment. “Your grief is nothing to mine. Years of
work—dreams—more than you could ever
imagine, wasted.”
Book 1 Chapter 19 Page 250

His second attempt to get Theresa out of the Institute is buying all of

the Yin Fen in London to use against Theresa Gray. Axel Mortmain is aware

of Theresa and James Carstairs engagement, he is also aware that James

Carstairs need a regular consumption of a drug called yin fen to maintain his

health. So, in order to back Theresa in a corner he bought all the Yin Fen that

is being shipped and distributed in all of London. He then demands his

intentions in a letter sent to the Institute. But his effort on buying all of the Yin

Fen goes all to waste when James Carstairs himself threw the letter and a

packet of yin fen, Mortmain included in sending as a sign of his good

intentions, into the fire. Burning Mortmain’s contact information along with

some of the yin fen, as proven in the text:

“Jem strode across the room and seized

the packet—and the letter—of Charlotte’s desk.
“I would rather insult you than lose you,” he
said, and before any of them could make a


move to stop him, he cast both items into the

Book 3 Chapter 7 Page 96

The last of Axel Mortmain’s struggles is the interference of the

shadowhunters of the Institute along with three of the silent brothers to Cadair

Idris. The place is located in the mountainous part of wales, Axel Mortmain

specifically pick this place to serve as his hide out as an accurate

misconception of the Idris, a country that is hidden on mundane maps where

the shadowhunters live. He has already created the automatons perfectly

which only time will tell when he will start hunting the shadowhunters using

the automatons. The automatons from his current creations are far much

better and swifter than those his previous ones. They talk fluently just like a

person, move fluidly, the whirring and jolting sound are gone. But when the

shadowhunters decides to come after William and Theresa inside the cave, a

fight breaks out which clearly reveals how much of the disadvantage the

shadowhunters are in. Axel Mortmain is almost delighted but his happiness

did not last when Theresa Gray changes into the angel that is trap inside her

clockwork angel necklace. When the angel Ithuriel took over Theresa’s

consciousness, it talks to Mortmain and said that the time has come to collect

his punishment for trapping a life inside a lifeless object. He tries to run but

the hand of the angel reach out for him resulting to his death, as proven in the


“Mortmain turned to run. But he was

slow, as all humans were slow. Tessa reached
out her hand, Ithuriel’s hand, and closed it
about him as he ran, lifting him of his feet. He
screamed as the angel’s grip scorched him. He
was writhing, already burning, as Tessa
tightened her grip, crushing his body to a jelly
of scarlet blood and white bones. She opened
her fingers. Mortmain’s crushed body fell,
crashing to the ground among his own
Book 3 Chapter 21 Page 257

Axel Mortmain suffered from the burnt remains of his father’s and

mother’s objective strain. From those vestiges of strain, he produces his

subjective strain that is fueled and lit it in to a fire after his adoptive parents

died. He lost the only positive stimuli which his parents after the raid. Being

an adopted child by two supernatural beings who do not have any idea of

what is happening and who are the shadowhunters, it is safe to assume that

Mortmain only have a one sided knowledge and bias idea towards the two

opposing forces. After his parents death, a group of faeries who have

supported his Father hides him from the shadowhunters that are looking for

him. Because of that Axel Mortmain is left on his own to grieve his parents

death and to figure out as to why it happened to their family.

After this event, Axel Mortmain lack resources to cope up with his

stressors and has close to none conventional support because the only thing

he had was the two warlock couple. And since the couple is killed when Axel

Mortmain is still young his character has not develop. After some years of

hiding, Axel Mortmain resurfaces and files a report for recompense on his

Mother's death which is then left unanswered. According to Agnew (2001)

many that belong to this category of strain had resulted to delinquency, after

the loss of the positive stimuli is the presentation of negative stimuli that


triggers the stressors in him. The presence of the negative stimuli is his report

that is left unanswered until such time that it is forgotten.

As aforementioned above, when the shadowhunters keeps on

protecting Theresa Gray, Axel Mortmain then thinks of a way to get his hands

on her sacrificing and getting people killed on the process. His infiltration

killed two of the servants of the Institute but is not able to get Theresa.

Another instance is when he uses Nathaniel to seduce Jessamine Lovelace

and make her to turn against the shadowhunters which at the end Jessamine

Lovelace got herself killed by her affections toward Nathaniel Gray.

The reason Axel Mortmain decides to avenge the death of his parents

is how he because he thinks that the death of his adoptive parents is

unjustified. In Agnew (2001) Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency he

enumerates the types of strain that lead to crime referring to both Objective

and Subjective strain. These strains are; 1. Are seen as unjust, 2. Are seen

as high in magnitude, 3. Are associated with low social control, 4. Create

some pressure or incentive to engage in criminal coping.

The strain Seen as Unjust Agnew (2001) discusses that unjust

treatment towards a group of people or individual is not particularly a special

type of strain as unjust treatment happens everywhere ever day. What it

makes it first is because it has greater chances to provoke emotions such as

irritation and anger that might eventually lead to committing crime. Since

negative emotions like anger increases the chances of a group or an

individual running wild and cause disruption or crime.

Agnew (2001) lay out four classification of strain seen as unjust to

deliberately discuss the back bone of what this type of strain is, from Agnew’s

Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency, the events seen unjust is

about; 1. The characteristics of the perpetrator and victim, 2. What the

perpetrator does to the victim, 3. What the victims does to the perpetrator, 4.

The relationship between the perpetrator and victim, and setting in which the

strain occurs.

Axel Mortmain's relationship towards the shadowhunters is his

connection towards the Shade couple that had adopted him. The relationship

between the supernatural folk and the shadowhunters when Axel Mortmain

had been taken into custody by the Shade couple hardly be consider as

friendly at all. The social condition at that time is straining from both sides

because of the new Laws the shadowhunters implemented. There are some

supernatural folk who still repulses to the idea of succumbing to the laws of

the shadowhunters since it affects the cycle of living they are used to. Also

amongst the shadowhunters there are people who use the law as an excuse

to kill and execute supernatural beings. Because of the delicate situation

between the shadowhunters is undergoing an event that they cannot avoid no

matter what they do.

The characteristics of both sides are both stubborn refusing to

succumb on the other and repulsing while the other side, the shadowhunters,

dominated the supernatural beings by punishing those who create or plans

big events to destroy them by killing those supernatural folk involve. In the

chaos, young Axel Mortmain simply got tangle with it because of his


connection towards the warlock couple who created a huge impact on him.

What the shadowhunters actions on the past is simply what Axel Mortmain is

also planning to do only this time he plans on killing the existence of the

shadowhunters to stop the chaos abuse caused by the shadowhunters.

Lastly, the negative emotion like anger disrupts the cognitive process

and behavior of a group or an individual. Anger energizes the group or and

individual for action and a sense temporary power driven by the strong

emotion and desires for release such as destroying property or taking

revenge. With its adrenaline driven state of mind from anger, the group or

individual, then leads to thinking that what they are doing is justifiable. And

that is exactly what Axel Mortmain is thinking, that he is only seeking for

revenge and retribution from the death of his parents and the disrespect of

his adoptive mother's blood.

Magic and Technology as a means of survival

In the series magic is one major factor both the opposing sides use as

a means of survival and to defend their territory against unwanted beings that

might threaten to take it. The shadowhunters and Axel Mortmaim has

different ways of utilizing magical items. For the shadowhunters as it is not

allowed for them to use magic, the weapons they use to fight demons are

mostly enchanted and are invented by Henry Branwell with runes drawn on

them, as proven in the text:

Henry shook his head. “We can use

only the runes from the Gray Book. Anything
else is magic. Magic is not the way of the
Nephilim. It is something we may not do.” Book
3 Chapter 12 page 159

Runes are symbols that can be drawn using steeles. A steele is a

magical pen like a long slender twig picked clean of smaller branches, it is

whitish in color. Tessa first saw a steele and a rune being drawn in an object

happens in chapter 2 as proven in the text:

“Will grinned ferociously. “Can’t it?” He

reached for his belt, for one of the objects that
hung on it. He chose what looked like a long,
slender twig, picked clean of smaller branches,
and made of a whitish silver material. He
placed the end of it against the door and drew.
Thick black lines spiraled out from the tip of the
flexible cylinder, making an audible hissing
noise as they spread across the wooden
surface like a directed spill of ink.”
Book 1 Chapter 2 page 25

The rune that is being executed in Chapter 2 is called an “open rune”

that able the user to open any lock doors. The runes can also be applied on

the skin of the shadowhunters, they called it Marks. But cutting marks on the

skin who is not a properly trained shadowhunter, who is a human or a

supernatural being can cause instant madness or death. The Marks when cut

into a properly trained shadowhunter provided effects that enhance its ability

whether in fighting or for personal benefits, as proven in the text:

“The Marks provided Nephilim with all

sorts of protection: healing, superhuman
strength and speed, night vision, and even
allowed them to hide themselves from
mundane eyes with runes called glamours.”
Book 1 Chapter 5 page 58

The magic glamour enables the shadowhunters to stay hidden in the

eyes of mundanes. Glamour is also effective on things or buildings such as

the Institute, explained by Charlotte to Tessa:


“They don’t know about it. Mundanes—

that’s what we call ordinary people—aren’t
aware of what we do,” Charlotte explained. “To
them, from the outside the place looks like an
empty patch of land.”
Book 1 Chapter 4 page 40

In Chapter 4 the mark that is displayed is called Voyance. It allows

shadowhunters to see the shadow world and the supernatural beings, as

proven in text as James explained them to Theresa:

“This one is the Voyance. It clears our

Sight. Helps us to see Downworld.” He turned
his hand over, and drew up the sleeve of his
shirt. All along the pale inside of his wrist and
inner arm were more of the Marks, very black
against his white skin. They seemed to thread
with the pattern of his veins, as if his blood ran
through the Marks, too. “For swiftness, night
vision, angelic power, to heal quickly,” he read
out loud. “Though their names are more
complex than that, and not in English.”
Book 1 Chapter 5 page 62

In the same chapter Charlotte uses persuasion runes when she and

Henry visit Axel Mortmain to inquire for Nathaniel Gray’s whereabouts.

Persuasion runes help the user to magically convince someone the user is

using it to, as proven in the text:

“Charlotte narrowed her eyes. Before

they had left the Institute, she had traced the
insides of her arms with persuasion runes. It
was the rare mundane who was totally
unsusceptible to their influence. “We have, but
they don’t seem to have progressed at all with
the case. It’s so dreadful, and we’re so
concerned about Nate, you see. If we could see
Mr. Mortmain for a moment …”
“She relaxed as the footman nodded
slowly. “I’ll inform Mr. Mortmain of your visit,” he
said, stepping back to allow them inside.
“Please wait in the vestibule.” He looked
startled, as if surprised at his own
Book 1 Chapter 5 Page 72
In Book 3 chapter 1, a Mnemosyne rune is seen by Cecily from her

brother William. Mnemosyne runes effects on the wearer allows the individual

to have a great memory and be able to remember most of the things the

individual had done, seen, touched and read.

The Runes the shadowhunters marks on their body enables them to

fight with a high advantage against demons. It acts like a kind of enhancers to

their natural ability which gives them a higher percentage on winning fights

such as warding off demons, killing them or apprehending them. The runes

applied on their body raises their chances in surviving.

Tessa Gray’s magical ability allows herself to change to other people

as long as she has something of their possession. In chapter 2 page 44

Tessa demonstrates her ability in front of the shadowhunters namely,

Charlotte, Henry, William and Jessamine. She uses one of Jessamine’s ring

clutching it on one of her hands, and remembering what the Dark Sisters had

taught her about her, she changes into a perfect copy of Jessamine

Lovelace, as proven in the text:

“It was always the same: nothing at first,

then the flicker of something at the back of her
mind, like someone lighting a candle in a dark
room. She groped her way toward it, as the
Dark Sisters had taught her. It was hard to strip
away the fear and the shyness, but she had
done it enough times now to know what to
expect—the reaching forward to touch the light
at the center of the darkness; the sense of light
and enveloping warmth, as if she were drawing
a blanket, something thick and heavy, around
herself, covering every layer of her own skin;
and then the light blazing up and surrounding
her—and she was inside it. Inside someone
else’s skin. Inside their mind. Jessamine’s


Her eyes flew open. She was still sitting

at the table, Jessamine’s ring clutched in her
hand. Her skin zinged with the sharp pins and
needles that always accompanied her
transformations. She could feel the oddness
that was the different weight of another body,
not her own; could feel the brush of
Jessamine’s light hair against her shoulders.
Too thick to be held back by the pins that had
clasped Tessa’s hair, it had come down around
her neck in a pale cascade.”
Book 1 Chapter 3 Page 44

The first time Tessa uses her ability to survive is in Chapter 2 of the

first book in order to free her from the binds that keep her body in the bed as

proven in the text:

“The Change bore down on her like a

train, almost knocking the breath out of her—
reshaping her skin, reforming her bones. She
choked back her screams and arched her
back— And it was done. Blinking, Tessa stared
up at the ceiling, then glanced sideways,
staring at her wrist, at the rope around it. There
were her hands—Emma’s hands—thin and
frail, the circle of the rope loose around her
small wrists. Triumphantly Tessa jerked her
hands free and sat up, rubbing at the red marks
where the rope had burned her skin.”
Book 1 Chapter 2 page 22

In Chapter 16 of the second book Tessa uses her ability and changes

into her own brother and orders the big automaton to seize up her brother

which halts the automaton’s attack to the shadowhunters, as proven in the


“I am Nathaniel Gray!” Tessa shouted

up at the metal giant. “And I order you in the
name of the Magister to seize this man and
hold him!”
“Nate whirled on her. “Enough of your
games, you stupid little—”
“His words were cut off suddenly as the
automaton bent and seized him in its pincered
grasp. It lifted him up, up, level with its slash of
a mouth clicking and whirring inquisitively.
Book 2 Chapter 16 page 140

In Chapter 21 of the third book Tessa uses her ability again to change

into Ithuriel, the angel that is trapped inside her clockwork angel, to save the

shadowhunters from Axel Mortmain’s automatons and to finally put an end to

Mortmain, as proven in the text:

“And there it was, a sudden blaze, a

bonfire, brighter than any spark she had ever
seen before. She reached for it, wrapping it
about herself, coils of white fire that burned and
scorched her skin. She screamed aloud—And
“Mortmain turned to run. But he was
slow, as all humans were slow. Tessa reached
out her hand, Ithuriel’s hand, and closed it
about him as he ran, lifting him on his feet. He
screamed as the angel’s grip scorched him. He
was writhing, already burning, as Tessa
tightened her grip, crushing his body to a jelly
of scarlet blood and white bones.”
Book 3 Chapter 21 Page 257

Axel Mortmain practices magic in order to take his revenge towards

the shadowhunters. For him to use magic Axel Mortmain learns magic from

scratch. As implied in the story, when Axel Mortmain is hidden by a group of

faeries, he did not spend his time idly hiding from the shadowhunters that are

looking for him but going through his Father’s vestiges after the raid of the

shadowhunters. He also spent his time learning about the shadowhunter

customs, their ways, and who are the prominent leaders that are responsible

in handling the shadowhunters of London. He admitted his study about the

shadowhunters when Charlotte and Henry visit him on his manor, as proven

in the text:


“I am a student of the occult. Since my

time in India as a young man, when I first
learned of them, I have been fascinated with
the shadow realms. For a man in my position,
with sufficient funds and more than sufficient
time, many doors are open. There are books
one may purchase, information that can be paid
for. Your knowledge is not as secret as you
might think.”
Book1 Chapter 6 Page 81

In chapter 19 Axel Mortmain uses his magic to successfully escape

from William when the shadowhunter appears inside the sanctuary and is

about to kill him. As proven in the text:

“Mortmain was gone— entirely gone.

He had vanished like a warlock might vanish, a
warlock who had trained in the practice of
magic for years.”
Book 1 Chapter 19 page 250

The other means of survival present in the series the Infernal Devices

aside from magic is the magical technological devices the Shadowhunters

uses, like William, and Axel Mortmain use to fight for survival. They are

mechanical objects interlaced with magic to be effective towards supernatural

phenomena and individuals.

Shadowhunters are more disposed in using magical devices since they

do not solely rely on magic. In the prologue of the first book, the first magical

device that appears in the series is the device called the witchlight.

Witchlights helps to provide illumination to the shadowhunters that are out in

the night shadowhunting. As proven in the text:

“It seemed to be coming from a dark
opening between two warehouses; a faint
gleam was visible within the shadows, like the
darting light of a will-o’-the-wisp.”
Book 1 Prologue page 7

In chapter 2 William Herondale uses the steele in order to open the

lock door that keeps him and Tessa inside the room. Steeles are magical pen

like a long slender twig picked clean from its smaller branches. Its use is to

draw magical runes that help and benefits the shadowhunters. Wil uses the

steele and draw an open rune on the knob to unlock it, as proven in the text:

“There was a noise like cracking glass.

The doorknob, untouched, spun—fast, then
faster, and the door sprang open, a faint puff of
smoke rising from the hinges.”
Boook 1 Chapter 2 page 25

In the same chapter Will uses a Seraph blade. It is a thin like dagger

that shadowhunters use to kill demons. Seraph blades had angel names that

shine brightly once the name of the sword is articulated. The shadowhunters

use seraph blades for fighting demons because they are more efficient than

normal blades, as proven in the text:

“Will leaped down from the table to put

himself between them. “Malik,” he said, and his
ice-white blade blazed up like a star.”

“The blade sheared neatly through her

throat. Completely severed, her head struck the
ground, rolling and bumping soaked in blackish
Book 1 Chapter 2 page 31

The shadowhunters uses the pyxis to trap demon consciousness and

energies after they have slayed them. It is so to prevent the previous demons


from taking another shape and be reborn again. As stated by William, proven

in the text:

“Demons don’t have souls; their

consciousness comes from a sort of energy,
which can sometimes be trapped and stored.
The Pyxis contains them safely”
Book 1 Chapter 4 page 51

In Chapter 5 when Jessamine and Tessa makes their promenade in

Hyde Park, they unintentionally wander of the path and met a hobgoblin that

wants to attack them. Jessamine uses her Parasol to defend herself and

Tessa from the hobgoblin and ends up killing it. The Parasol does not have

any magic laced in it. It is one of the inventions Henry made for her. The

parasol changes into weapon when its mechanism is triggered, as presented

in the text:

“Jessamine raised her parasol,

and with a flick of Jessamine’s wrist, the
parasol burst open like a flower. The
goblin screamed. He screamed and fell
back and rolled on the ground, still
screaming. Blood streamed from a
wound in his cheek, staining his ragged
gray jacket.”

Book 1 Chapter 6 page 79

The Sensor’s initial function is to sense demon energies that are near

a shadowhunter. It allows the shadowhunter to be alerted from any demons

that are lurking in the dark whilst they are shadowhunting, as proven in the


“Henry picked up a square brass object

with multiple buttons. “Well, over here, this is a
Sensor. It senses when demons are near.” He
moved toward Magnus, and the Sensor made a
loud wailing noise.”

Book 3 Chapter 12 page157

The Phosphor is one of Henry’s inventions he announces in a dinner

and demonstrates in front of Tessa, Will, Jessamine and James that gave out

a blinding white light that took the light from the gasolier after the blinding

light had subsided, as its results.

“I’ve gotten my Phosphor to work at

last.” Henry proudly brandished the object.
“Watch.” Will moved to object, but it was too
late; Henry had already pressed the button.
There was a blinding flare of light and a
whooshing sound, and the room was plunged
into blackness. Tessa gave a yelp of surprise,
and Jem laughed softly.”

Book 1 Chapter 7 page 95-96

The second time Henry demonstrates the phosphor is when the

enclave is having a meeting inside the library, as proven in the text:

“Yes!” Henry held the Phosphor up

proudly. “This is it. And I can promise it works
as advertised. See?”
“Now, there’s no need for a
demonstration,” Benedict began hastily, but it
was too late. Henry had already pressed the
button. There was a bright flash, and the lights
in the library winked out suddenly, leaving
Tessa staring at an unlit black square in the
floor. Gasps rose up from below. There was a
shriek, and something crashed to the ground
and shattered. Rising above it all was the
sound of Benedict Lightwood, swearing
Book 1 Chapter 10 Page 125-126


The third time the Phosphor is used in Chapter 11 when Will is

supposed to signal the other shadowhunters lying in wait outside of De

Quincy’s house, instead of releasing a blinding light the room erupted in

flames which although the Phosphor is malfunctioning it help Will to cause

chaos in the room, killing a number of vampires with the fire, as proven in the


“He pressed the button. Instead there

was a great whoosh of sound as the flames of
the candelabras shot toward the ceiling. Sparks
flew, scattering the floor with glowing embers,
catching in the curtains, in the skirts of
women’s dresses. Suddenly the room was full
of billowing black smoke and screams—high-
pitched and horrible.”

Book 1 Chapter 11 page 142

In Book 2 chapter 13, the Mortal sword is used towards Jessamine

after the Theresa and William caught her secretly meeting with Nathaniel.

The Mortal sword is a magical sword that makes any Nephilim tells the truth

when they touch it, as proven in the text:

“It’s all right,” said a soft voice at her

shoulder. It was Sophie. “He won’t hurt her with
it. The Mortal Sword makes Nephilim tell the

Book 2 Chapter 13 page 194

In chapter 12, Magnus helps Henry in completing the Portal. Its sole

purpose is to provide transportation where one wishes to go as long as the

individual imagines vividly the place where it wants to go. The shadowhunters

of the Institute along with three silent brothers use the portal in order to aid
William and Tessa and to stop Axel Mortmain in his plans of destroying the

shadowhunters and ruling London with his automatons.

Axel Mortmain’s means of survival using magic and technology is by

creating a human-like mechanical dolls and animating them with demon souls

in a binding spell in order for the mechanical dolls to move and take orders

for him.

In order for Axel Mortmain to carry out his revenge toward the

shadowhunters after the unjustifiable death of his adoptive parents and the

request for recompense unanswered, he pursues the arts of magic by

indulging himself to the shadow world and learning about the shadowhunters.

He also continues the dream of his Father, John Thaddeus Shade, to create

a clockwork army who will protect the downworlders towards shadowhunters.

Axel Mortmain utilizes his knowledge both in magic and in technology to

complete his army of automatons. In the Book series, Mortmain is already

halfway into completing his automatons. In Chapter 18 Axel Mortmain

invades the Institute with the use of his automatons, as proven in the text:

“The steps of the Institute were no

longer empty; they were teeming, but not with
people. Clockwork monsters swarmed up them,
their movements jerky, their faces blank and

Book 1 Chapter 18 page 221

His invasion to the Institute is to steal the pyxis in the armory and

kidnap Theresa in order to acquire the missing pieces of his clockwork army.

Although he failed to kidnap Theresa, he successfully stole the pyxis with the

help of Nathaniel, Theresa’s brother.


In Chapter 16 when Mortmain finally acquired the last puzzle by

convincing Tessa to change on his Father’s body by deceiving her about his

intentions in wanting to see and talk to his Father one last time, as proven in

the text:

“The tiny flare of panic inside Tessa was

growing and spreading. This was no touching
reunion between father and son. This was
something Mortmain wanted, needed from the
warlock John Shade. She began to struggle, to
try to extricate herself from the Change, but it
held her with a grip like iron. Not since the Dark
Sisters had trained her had she been unable to
extricate herself from a Change, but though
John Shade was dead, she could feel the
steely hold of his will on her, keeping her
prisoned in his body and forcing that body into
action. In horror she saw her own hand reach
for the pen, dip the nib in the ink, and begin to
Book 3 Chapter 16 Page 199

In chapter 18, Axel Mortmain explains to Tessa the power he talks

about when he completes his demonic automatons, as proven in the text:

“An automaton body animated by a

demon spirit. Downworlders already have their
ways of capturing demon energies and using
them. I used them myself to power the
automatons you’ve seen before. But Armaros
and his brothers are different. They are demons
with the carapaces of automatons. They can
think and reason. They are not easily outwitted.
And they are very difficult to kill.”
Book 3 Chapter 18 page 214

Right after Axel Mortmain had created the very first automatons that

are animated with demon energies he demonstrated to Tessa what they are

capable of doing by showing her how the automatons destroy and burn a
village in Chapter 18 page 220. Thus the creatures who are designed to

destroy the Nephilim are created.

In the series, Teresa Gray, Axel Mortmain, and the shadowhunters rely

on magic to fend for themselves. They utilize magic as they see fit and how

they are able to make it as their own ace up on their sleeve. The use of magic

can be tricky at times and brings destruction especially if the person who

wants to learn it has ill intentions. The power magic also be overwhelming

that it corrupts the mind of the person having power in its hands just like what

the shadowhunters that raided the house of the warlock couple and Axel

Mortmain when he was still young. They did not only kill his parents but also

collected spoils from them just like other supernatural beings who died on

their hands.


Chapter 5


This chapter consists of four parts namely: (1) Summary,

summarizes the purpose of the study, research methodology; (2) Findings,

findings of the study, (3) Conclusions, presents the conclusions made after

completing the study; and (3) Recommendations, offers recommendations in

view of the results drawn.


This study analyzed the Infernal Devices Trilogy. Particularly, it

answered the following questions: Who are the heroes and villains portrayed

in the Infernal Devices series? What are the struggles of the characters in the

Infernal Devices series? How do the characters use magic and technology to

survive in the Infernal Devices series?

The study used content analysis and employed Formalistic Approach,

the Strain Theory and the concept of survival in analyzing the Book Series

and in answering the problems. The study had undergone procedures of

analysis: The researcher collected all relevant information in the university

library of Mindanao State University – General Santos City. The researcher

also gathered information pertinent to this study in the theses compilation

found in the English Department of the said University. Aside from the library

technique, the researcher applied the online research technique that served

as support to the gathered data. The researcher explored online materials

related to the study such as theses compilation at the said department, online

articles, Portable Document Format (PDF’s), Books, and Dictionary of

Literary of Terms. Second, the researcher read the Book Series with

adequate comprehension to offer comprehensive characterization as well as

to discern the roles and character traits of the major character. Third, the

researcher read the Book Series several times that were used in the study

and proceeded to the analysis and presentation of data.

Formalistic Approach was used to identify the struggles of the three

main characters, the protagonist, the hunter, and the villain and their use of

magic and technology as their respective means to survive on the book

series. The Strain Theory was used to determine how the characters react to

the stress and how their actions affected the series as from reactions, coping

up and solutions towards the strain they experienced on the book series.


The researcher’s findings on the characters portrayal and how they

struggled to survive from their respective strains from their stressors are the


The Hero Theresa Gray on the series the Infernal Devices has an oval

face, gray eyes, and smooth brown hair. She was characterized as being

strong, mature on her outlook in life, selfless, and outspoken, likes to read

books, can be very curious, hates being told what she can and cannot do and

understand. The second Hero or the alternative Hero, William Herondale has


thick black, curly hair, a handsome face, and has purplish blue eyes. He was

characterized as someone who was a good strategist, has a mysterious

character and difficult personality, who likes to read books and memorized

poems like Theresa. Lastly, Axel Mortmain the villain on the series was a

small jovial man with a very ordinary face, his eyes are very light gray. He

was characterized as being manipulative, deceitful, and evil.

The Hero Theresa Gray struggled in the series were all caused by

Axel Mortmain as he manipulated people to obey all his commands. Her first

struggles were from the Dark Sisters, followed by the betrayal of her brother

Nathaniel Gray, Jessamine’s betrayal, and then the death of her brother, and

lastly, her struggle from Axel Mortmain. William Herondale struggled began

from his childhood when the demon Marbas deceived him to a curse,

followed by the death of her older sister Ella, him pushing away people, then

his meeting with Theresa Gray and began falling in love for her. Additionally,

he struggled from between his romantic love towards Theresa and his love

and respect for James. He also struggled on lifting the curse the demon

Marbas put on him. The villain Axel Mortmain struggled from the death of his

adoptive parents and having Theresa on his side to use her for his plans.

Theresa used her ability to change to any person by connecting with

them through their materials possessions and her magical clockwork angel

necklace to survive on the series. The shadowhunters like William Herondale

used magic called runes and magical items and technological devices such

as the witchlight, a steele, seraph blades, the pyxis, the mortal sword, the
phosphor, the sensor, and the Portal. Axel Mortmain used the automatons to

survive and carry out his revenge towards the shadowhunters.


The results of the present study entitled Magic and Technology in

Urban Fantasy: A New Criticism of Strain in Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal


The three main characters on the book series, Theresa Gray, William

Herondale, and Axel Mortmain has different personality, characteristics and

beliefs due from their different circumstances and experiences on their life.

The struggles the characters Theresa Gray, William Herondale and

Axel Mortmain went through on the series justified their actions and

motivations from the actions they made in response to alleviate their stress

from those struggles.

The characters on the book series the Infernal Devices thought of

and created different ways on employing magic whether on material things or

used the conventional way of how magic was usually handled and used

either to defend their life and to attack threatening individuals. Their

inventions aided them as they struggle to survive on their society.


In the light of the preceding findings, the following are recommended:

1. A study on the female protagonists of Cassandra Clare's book



2. A study on the supernatural characters on the other books series of

Cassandra Clare

3. A study on the Characters in the other Book Series of the Author


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Appendix A

The Clockwork Angel (2010)

Cassandra Clare


London in the Victorian Era


Theresa Gray –The first protagonist of the series, a sixteen year old American girl

with an oval face, gray eyes and smooth brown hair. She has an ability to change to

anyone by connecting through the person’s material possession.

William Herondale –The second protagonist of the series, a sixteen year old

promising shadowhunter with purplish blue eyes, and thick, curly black hair.

James Carstairs –William Herondale’s parabatai, he is a sixteen years old

shadowhunter, with silver hair and eyes, his body is slender which heightens his

youthful features.

Charlotte Branwell –is the head of the London Institute, she is a short woman,

smart looking with eyes that are like a bird.

Henry Branwell –is an awkward man, with hair the color of ginger. He is the

husband of Charlotte Branwell.

Jessamine Lovelace –Theresa considers Jessamine as an English rose, with her

creamy complexion and soft lips.

Aunt Harriet –she has almost identical features with Nathaniel Gray.

Sophie Collins –is the maidservant of the Institute. She has a beautiful face despite

having a huge scar.

Cecily Herondale –has an almost identical features with her brother, William

Herondale, she has short black hair, delicate features and violet blue eyes.

Ella Herondale –she is William’s older sister.

Benedict Lightwood –the man who wants to replace Charlotte as head of the

London institute.

Gabriel Lightwood –he has a grudge towards William for embarrassing her sister at

a Christmas party of the Clave in the Institute. Until the present, he hated William

until knowing Cecily. He is tall, has a lanky body with sharp features like his Father

Benedict, and green eyes.

Gideon Lightwood –is Gabriel’s older brother. He proposes to Sophie in the series.

Consul Josiah Wayland –the leader of all the shadowhunters residing in London.

The Silent Brothers –are a sort of doctors for the shadowhunters. They had

hallowed out eyes and mouth stitched close, wearing heavy robes.

Magnus Bane –is a warlock from London that aids the shadowhunters. He has blck

hair, blue cat like eyes, and brown skin.

Emma Bayliss –is a girl no more than fourteen years old that had died on an alley

after being stabbed repeatedly.

Camille Belcourt –is the vampire informant of Charlotte Branwell that helped the

shadowhunters to infiltrate De Quincy’s party.


Alexi De Quincy –is the head of the night children, or the whole community of

vapmires, in London.

Axel Mortmain –is a small jovial man with an ordinary face.

Nathaniel Gray –Theresa’s brother, he has fair blonde hair, looks he inherited from

their parents.

Mrs. Black –she is short and plump, with small sunken eyes deep into her skull.

Mrs. Dark –she is tall compared to her sister, with bony pinched face, coclorless hair

scrape tightly on the back of her head.

Miranda –she is one of Axel mortmain’s earlier inventions. She has eyes huge eyes

like a frog that protrudes like a frog. There is something ageless on her face.

The Coachman –a very tall man with almost identical features with Miranda. Just

like Miranda he is also one of Axel Mortmain’s earlier inventions.


Theresa Gray arrives in London in the hopes of living with his brother,
Nathaniel Gray who have beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, after their last
blood relative, Aunt Harriet who have almost the same blonde hair and blue
eyes as her brother, died from a high fever. After meeting the Dark Sisters, an
odd pair of short and tall women, discovers her brother missing and an ability
to change into anyone if she have something of their belonging. The she is
rescued by William Herondale, a handsome young shadowhunter, and brings
her to the Institute.

From their she meets the other shadowhunters like Charlotte Branwell
the head of the London Institute, a small woman with smart eyes like a birds,
Henry Branwell, a ginger haired, tall man, Jessamine Lovelace who
exemplifies the English rose with her fair complexion and beautiful face and

lastly, James Carstairs with his pale silvery hair and eyes, had slender
physique and the same age as William Herondale.

With the aid of the shadowhunters they investigates the disappearance

of Theresa Gray’s brother leading them to Axel Mortmain, a small energetic
business man, the employer of Axel Mortmain. Axel Mortmain supplies them
with the information about the Magister who is so keen on obtaining Theresa.
The Magister according to him is Alexi De Quincy the head of the London
vampire clan the “Night Children” who have pale bluish skin and a demeanor
that closely resembles of a Russian Prince from a book.

From the information gain by Charlotte and Henry, she immediately

calls for a meeting with the other influential shadowhunters to plan for their
raid on De Quincy’s coming party. With the help of Camille Belcourt the
vampire informant of Charlotte Branwell who have golden locks of blonde hair,
pale skin and vibrant green eyes, Theresa Gray and William Herondale are
able to infiltrate De Quincy’s party by Theresa changing into Camille and
William pretending to be her human subjugate. In the party Theresa meets
Magnus Bane a famous warlock in London with his black hair, brown skin and
catlike eyes, who guide them on the whole duration of the party. In the party
Theresa Gray finds her missing brother at the center of the podium badly

After the raid in De Quincy’s house the shadowhunters brings

Nathaniel Gray in the Institute to cure him from the magical concoctions the
vampires gave him and to answer some questions Charlotte wants to ask.
After some days of recuperating Nathaniel Gray informs the shadowhunters a
mansion of De Quincy where he is possibly hiding. Charlotte immediately
springs into action calling the others for another raid leaving Nataniel Gray,
Theresa, Jessamine who have taken a liking towards Theresa’s brother,
James and William who are still dubious towards Nathaniel. After some while
of Charlotte and Henry’s departure in the Institute the bell rings loudly
indicating a non shadowhunter knocking on their front door. It reveals Axel
Mortmain who is oddly dressed from unknown occasion. He offers another
information about the Dark Sisters who will be executing a spell of
necromancy in one of the house De Quincy owns to bind demon energy in the

William Herondale being hungry for action when Charlotte have left him
and James in the Institute immediately go to the given address with his
parabatai, his covenant brother, James Carstairs leaving the other three with
three servants in the Institute. The door of the Institute bell rings again
revealing Axel Mortmain with a number of automatons in his wake. Nathaniel
Gray runs towards him and hug his legs worshipping him like some powerful
God. It’s when Nathaniel Gray and Axel Mortmain reveal how they weave a
believable story to fool the shadowhunters into leaving the Institute so they
can infiltrate it without problem. Jessamine and Thomas, a tall, broad
shouldered man, one of the servants of the Institute blocks the advancing
automatons while Sophie, the beautiful, scarred face, maidservant of the

Institute, and Theresa Gray runs towards the sanctuary. The only place
downworlders can go inside the Institute that serves as their refuge.

Axel Mortmain corners Theresa Gray inside the sanctuary after he

successfully deceives Jessamine by copying William Herondale’s voice into
opening the door. With the assistance of the automatons, Axel Mortmain
orders them in holding Jessamine and Sophie outside the sanctuary whilst he
convince Theresa in coming with him by offering her the truth about her real
parents. Theresa Gray accomplish on deceiving Axel Mortmain in her death
when he lunges towards her to get the knife away from her which she
threateningly points on her heart. Within the tight second, Theresa Gray,
changes on a previous body she had changed into when the Dark Sisters
were still teaching her about her powers. The woman she changes into is shot
on the heart and had immediate death thus convenient from all the blood that
spurts out of her body when she collapses on the fountain.

The aftermath of Axel Mortmain and Nathaniel Grays betrayal is the

death of the London Institute’s servant, the cook who had opened the door
and is stab by an automaton and Thomas, who laid his life to protect the
shadowhunters. And because of the infiltration that just happened Theresa
Gray accepts her faith that she is no longer welcome in the Institute from what
happened. Only to be ask by Charlotte if she is willing to stay inside in the

Appendix B

The Clockwork Prince (2011)

Cassandra Clare

Theresa Gray finds safety and comfort in the Institute with the
shadowhunters. But it did not last long when Charlotte Branwell's position as
the head of the Institute are threatened by Benedict Lightwood. The cause of
this challenge for the position is later found out, when the latter is suffering
from demon pox. A sickness develop from indulging one's desire with
supernatural beings. Benedict Lightwood only conceded when he is
confronted by Charlotte.

Amidst Charlotte's predicament for her position, Theresa, William and

James continues to investigates about Axel Mortmain's past and discovers the
deep root of his hatred toward the shadowhunters after travelling to York and
ask the documents pertaining about Axel Mortmain's adoptive parents to
Aloysius Starkweather.

Along their journey they encounters a automaton bearing a warning to

stop their investigations about the magister. They realize that someone is
betraying them, relaying their plans to Mortmain. Even with this predicaments
Theresa Gray finds herself drawn to James Carstairs company. William
Herondale also goes through a change that he never thought will happen. The
walls that he keeps around him is slowly crumbling down as Theresa
unconsciously influences him. His attention is divided between Theresa and
Cecily, his sister, who he also never thought will see again. Soon Theresa
finds herself between the predicaments of love.

Appendix C

The Clockwork Angel (2013)

Cassandra Clare

Theresa Gray and James Carstairs are engage at the age of sixteen
and seventeen but their engagement is always put on hold when Gabriel
Lightwood knocks on the Institutes door covered in blood saying his father
became a huge worm as the last stage of demon pox overtook him. After the
death of their Father, Gabriel and Gideon Lightwood finds their refuge in the
Institute after their house got confiscated by the enclave.

The brothers help continue to train Sophie Collins, the attractive

maidservant of the institute that have a huge scar on her face, Theresa Gray
and Cecily Herondale. The two find themselves attracted to the two other
girls. Gabriel towards Cecily, which William disapproves of, Gideon towards

When Consul Wayland visits the Institute, he is tall and muscular drape
in a cape with runes etched on them, and convince the brothers to find fault of
Charlotte Branwell that will end her being disqualified woth the position. The
brothers agrees on their task only to decieve Consul Wayland with their
missive about Charlotte's nonexistent absurd hats.

After Jessamine was sent to the silent city when the othets found out
that she is the one spying and betraying her after Theresa and William
attended the party hosted by Benedict Lightwood when he was still alive.
Jessamine and Nathaniel Gray have been meeting up in secret in guise of the
previous courting the latter that leads Jessamine to betray the shadowhunters
because of false love directed to her by Nathaniel Gray. Her arrival back in
the Institute cause Theresa to be taken away by Mrs. Black when a second
carriage have trailed behind the one Jessamine is riding. The second carriage
contains a lot of automatons that stall the other shadowhunters that give Mrs.
Black time to snatch Theresa and killing Jessamine in the process.

William Herondale decides to go after Theresa after his and James talk
about their feelings toward the girl. He ask William to save Theresa for his
sake whilst he recuperates from his worsening health after Mortmain have
bought all of the Yin Fen. Whilst in the carriage with Mrs. Black, Theresa
thinks of a way to get off from the speeding carriage. When she successfully
distracts Mrs. Black she throws her body weight into the door of the carriage
and breaks the door open flinging herself on the ravine awaiting for her. The
reason she survive the fall is her magical clockwork angel that hangs on her
throat who protects her from death defying situations.

While William is travelling he felt that string that binds him and James
from their parabatai brotherhood snap it indicates that James died and his
heart is broken because he lost his bestfriend who he treated like a brother.
But he still keep on going forward to Tessa to keep his promise to James.

Meanwhile Mrs. Black is able to track down Theresa and brings her to
Mortmain. The two of them confronted and she realize Axel Mortmain's
reason as to why he wants to have Tessa. It is to talk for the last time to his
Father but it is only half the truth because when Theresa changed into his
Father she is suddenly overcome with the consciousness of John Thaddeus
Shade and gave Mortmain the last enchantments he needed to complete his
powerful automatons.

In the institute the shadowhunters are preparing to aid Willian

Herondale on getting Theresa back and stop Axel Mortmain on his plans
completely defying Consul Waylands prohibitions. With the help of Magnus
Bane, Henry Branwell is able to complete the portal they use to transport in
Cadair Idris in Wales.

With the shadowhunters struggles with their allies, with loe and the
impending threat of Axel Mortmain toward the whole existence of the
shadowhunters, it is up to the shadowhunters living in the Institute and the
three silent brothers who wants to help them, and Magnus Bane to aid William
Herondale, rescue Theresa Gray and stop Axel Mortmain.

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Abe, Eve Pauline Y.

Address: Purok Riverside, Zone 1, Flying-A, Mc Arthur Highway,
Digos City, Dava Del Sur
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: June 28,1999
Age: 19 years old
Civil Status: Single
Culture Affiliation: Bagobo/B’laan
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father: Nestor A. Abe Sr.
Mother: Letecia Y. Abe
Organization: College English Club (CEC),Valoraex Book Club
Degree: Bachelor of Arts in English
Major: Linguistics and Literature

College: Mindanao State University –General Santos City

Brgy. Fatima, General Santos City, SOCKSARGEN
Bachelor of Arts in English
A. Y. 2015 - 2019
High School: Holy Cross Academy of Digos
Gallarde Street, Zone 3, Digos City Davao del Sur
A. Y. 2010 - 2014
Elementary School: Digos City Central Elementary School –Digos City
Zone 1, Digos City, Davao del Sur
A. Y. 2006 - 2010

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