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July 2011

I was recently teaching our baptismal class at church and we were discussing the three angels messages from Revelation 14 and what our responsibility as the remnant is. I posed the question to them, How many years in the future do you believe Christs coming to be? In asking the question, I had no desire to time-set, as I full well understand the dangers, given the history of our denomination. I also fully understand that we know not when our own lives might end, and therefore when Christs coming might be for us. The responses I got were mainly in three brackets within five years, within ten years and over a hundred years from now. My reason for asking the question was simple, I believe that our view of when our Saviour will return has a far greater bearing on our fulfilment of the great commission, and of taking our message for this time to the entire world, than any sermon, no matter how eloquent, that can be preached. The basic premise for my belief is that if one believes that the second coming is yet in the distant future, one does not have the impetus to work right now, as they believe there is yet plenty of time to work. Looking at it from another angle; if, somehow, Gabriel let you know that Christ would definitely return in less than week, would you live your life any differently from how you live it now? If so, what would those differences be? I believe that if we had such knowledge, many of us would make a far greater effort to reach out to our friends and family members who are not walking on the straight and narrow than we presently do. I believe that many of us that entertain the justification of sin would not even allow temptation to remain in our thoughts for even a fleeting moment. I believe that many of us that do not spend time in the study of the Word would suddenly be ardent Bible scholars. I believe that many of us that are given to using copious amounts of time on entertainment and selfish endeavours would suddenly use that time constructively and be about doing things that fit us for the kingdom of God. I would venture to add that I believe that some of us would even begin to dress, behave and eat differently. Pause and consider the above before reading on, and check if you would change anything in your life. The question is this, why would some of us make these changes to our lifestyles? Could it possibly be because deep down in our hearts we DO fully understand what we ought to be doing, and appreciate that we are falling short? Could it be that we believe that we have yet many years ahead of us and we will do the Lords work at a more opportune time? Could it be that we are at present looking to others to do the work that has been set out for us to do, but under the circumstances described above we would feel that as the work is undone, we ought to put our hands to the plough? If any of us, would make changes to our lives based on the scenario above, then it means our desire to work is influenced by when we perceive Christ will return. I am often troubled by the thought of people whose acquaintance I have made, saying to me on the judgement day, Why did you not tell us about the Saviour? I am often haunted by the thought of being on the receiving end of Christs words I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. As a member of the remnant I constantly ask myself, have I cried with a loud voice? Have I called people out of Babylon? It is very easy for us to become complacent and believe that we are waiting for the latter rain and then it is that we will work in earnest, what we do not realise is that the latter rain has begun to fall round about us and we may be unaware of it. When I ponder how we can prophesy in His name, cast out devils, doo wonderful works in His name, and yet still be lost, I am often pushed to the point of tears. At these times the words of Jeremiah come forcefully to my mind; The harvest is past , the summer is ended , and we are not saved . The judgement begun many years ago. None of us know when our probation will close. The Lord is coming soon. In light of this, let us not be slaves of the time mentality that has the ability to make us lukewarm in our outlooks, but let us be about our Fathers business, for we know not when we shall sleep. Let us not leave undone those things that we ought to do today, believing that we have tomorrow. For if we leave them undone, Christ will surely come upon us as a thief in the night.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Editorial ......................... 1 My Children................... ..2 Preaching To Rebels ..... ..3 Health In Jesus ............. ..4 Following Jesus ............. ..6 A Life Lived ................... ..7 Sanctuary Simplified .... .8


Recently, my children and I were with a non-SDA stranger, and she asked me what I do. I told her that besides being a postgraduate student, I am homeschooling my children. She told me how she also had continued her education while raising her children (though they went to public school) and we both lamented how difficult it was juggling the home, children, personal issues and studies. Sadly, she then asked if I am a Jehowvahs Witness. Dont get me wrong, I love how my job is an automatic witnessing opportunity, what was sad is how based on my dress, my lifestyle she assumed I was of that group, and not an SDA. Have we lost our distinctiveness that much? In the past some people would ask if I was a seven day. Nowadays, that question doesnt get asked. (Or is it that Im living in the wrong suburb?) Then she expressed concern. Let me paraphrase what she said Oh, I guess as a psychology student you do realise that children need to be socialised(A common buzzword-socialisation- given to us by naysayers when they try to discourage us from educating our children ourselves.) After which she gave me a mini-lecture on child development. I cant remember what I said but needless to say, she realised that her points were not valid for my lifestyle, beliefs and practices. Near the end of our time with her, the children got used to her and started singing songs. Of course, the only songs they know besides Twinkle, twinkle little star are Christian songs. She joined in on a few of the songs and was quite pleased that she knew some. On our way home, my son suddenly started to preach to her about how she must love Jesus. And it was as if she suddenly understood the point of homeschooling as she exclaimed Oh my sweet boy, THAT is why your mother homeschools you, so you can know what SHE wants you to know. And thats exactly it! For us as a family, homeschooling is more than just teaching ones children at home. Its more than academics and ensuring they dont learn sex education at age 10 or secularism or avoiding immodesty. Its about WHO the child becomes. And we dont want our children to like other children. We want our children to be as different and as remarkable as Jesus was. And for that to happen, the last thing the child needs is to be socialised. After all, what does socialisation mean? It means that they are saying that your child wont learn how to conform to societys standards, learn how to interact appropriately. The dictionary definition of socialisation is The adoption of the behaviour patterns of the surrounding culture. Why, as a Christian parent, would I want my child to be socialised into this worlds behaviour pattern? If I send my child to school, they spend most of their waking time with someone other than me. With children who are not raised according to biblical and spirit of prophecy standards, with teachers who dont have the same principles as we do. Is that what Deuteronomy 6:6-8 wants? And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. Until the ages of 8-10, the childs first teacher should be the mother. Then they attend a Sabbath-keeping school. (According to the counsel given us in the Spirit of Prophecy.) But friends, we have to be honest. If we perform a thorough study of what an Adventist school should be like, what should be taught, what should NOT be taught, standards of dress, the way sports should NOT be part of the curriculum, the importance of health reform, the use of fiction etcYou have to admit that (in my area at least) there is no SDA school that is following the counsel given to us. And so, many parents continue to homeschool their children even after they reach age 10. Does this mean these children are unfit to become a part of society just because they never attended school? Did Jesus suffer from an abnormality because He was educated at home? Do the children we know who have been educated properly, exhibit any maladjustments? Not at all. During lessons of character development, children learn to share. (Thats one excuse people use, that children who dont play with other children wont learn to share.) If parents are teaching their children to love others, to give to the needy, to share with their neighbours, these children do learn to be giving. And most families have more than one child anyway, so children learn to share with their siblings. p4


It was during the time of civil war, when the whole country was in chaos, the news reached the village that the big army of about five thousand rebels were marching towards a small town of about 3000 people. People knew very well what will happen if the army of rebels finds them there. They would plunder and devastate the town like great army of locust. They leave nothing behind them living. They put houses, schools, hospitals and even churches on fire mercilessly. In fact they leave towns and villages in ashes. They also have the habit of looting shops, harvesting farm, and taking animals. The worst thing they can do is to take children and recruit them to be soldiers and rapping women and killing helpless and innocent people. The small town was under panic and terror. The news made them flee from their homes and go to the deep forests leaving everything behind. No one dared to stay behind. The town was completely deserted. There was no one to be seen in the town. Police officers and some government officials fled together with the people. But Sara took the whole situation differently. She was an Adventist lady who was gifted. Her gift was to witness for Jesus Christ. To her, this was seldom opportunity one can have to witness to the cruel soldiers. She felt God was calling her to share the word of God to evil people. She decided in her mind to stay and teach the army of rebels about Jesus and Christian living. She said to herself, I am not going anywhere, I will preach to these rebels, Jesus help me It took time before she convicted her husband and children to remain in town and witness for Christ. Sara set aside her bible study guides and the bible. Then, they prayed and waited. eral they said. And that is what they did. Sara sent the gift to their leader, general. On arriving to their leader, they told him about the remaining family and what Sara did to them. The general ordered them to bring Sara to him. At this point, the faith of Sara was tested. She was afraid. She was trembling. The soldiers who collected her had big guns. The whole family prayed for her and she went to the military camp. There she saw all kinds of deadly weapons she had never seen before. By faith she saw the angels of God surrounding her otherwise that day were the last day of her life. The general looked at her from bottom up. At the moment Sara was calm, the calmness of heaven. She had her bible and song book. What is your name and which church do you belong? The army officer asked. My name is Sara sir, and I am a seventh Adventist the lady answered politely. No wonder you have this faith. I am also an Adventist. From now on, you are allowed to teach the word of God to these people anytime you want. And the general ordered no one to do any harm to neither her nor any of her family members. The soldiers loved and respect her so much. She was teaching the word of God every day. Many of the soldiers believed in Jesus. Few days before they left the broke many shops and gave plenty of gifts, like mattresses, clothes food and also many house hold tools and bring to her. They were sorry to leave behind the woman they like her so much anyway, said good bye mama and left.

When the town people heard that the soldiers were gone they came back to the village to find most of their things stolen. No building was put on fire. For the sake of Sara hospitality, the general ordered them not to destroy the village. They could not In a matter of hours the big group of soldiers arrived in town. believe seeing Sara and her family safe and sound. Sara gave They were tired, hungry and mad because they expected to find back the entire gift given to her by the rebels because she knew people who will care for them. When Sara saw them she went they took from her neighbors. The neighbors were happy to get ahead and met them. Greetings she greeted them. I am here to back some of their possessions and the liked her even more. save you, when everybody else was running, I decided to stay. I knew you will be hungry and tired and will need someone to Stop and think about the story of Sara. What is God calling you help you. This is why; my family and I decided to stay behind to to do? Are you willing to say yes to Him? It may cost you your help you. Sit under the shade of mango tree, I will prepare food friends and family. It may cost you some popularity. It may cost and water for you. you things you value highly. It may cost you your life. But when This amazed the soldiers. They asked her, Where did you get the courage to stay, tell us? Well, she began, I trust in God and his son Jesus Christ. And I also like to care for the needs of other people Most of all, I obey the words of my God by his grace.

you say yes to God, you can be assured that your life will take on new meaning and purpose. And you will not be alone, because when Jesus gave his disciples his great commission to go and make disciples of all nations, he told them, Surely I am with you always (Matthew 28:20). He did not spare them from persecution or death, but he enabled them to change the course of Sara prepared food very quickly. At this point she had a group history. Because they did say yes, we have the good news that of few soldiers to feed those who came to spy the town. They ate leads to eternal life. Let us not forget that. and were satisfied. Can you tell us about your God now? They asked her. To start her bibles studies, she opened the book of The Christian life is more than willingness to do what Jesus Matthew .She read chapter Matthew 5. The soldiers listened asks us to do, it is costly obedience. If anyone would come after carefully. They were very quiet. Many of them believed in Jesus me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me Christ. Well, thanks for the good news. We will not keep this Matthew 16:24. Can you say yes even to that? good message for ourselves, but we will share them to our gen-


VEGETARIAN DIET THROUGH THE AGES 1. IN EDEN "God said, ... every herb that yields seed ... and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food." Gen 1:29. "God gave our first parents the food He designed that the race should eat." CD 81. even if they were to be killed for refusing to partake of the King's food and wine. 4 BC 1166-7. "Daniel was but eighteen years old when brought into a heathen court in service to the King of Babylon, and because of his youth his noble resistance of wrong and his steadfast adherence to the right are the more admirable. His noble example should bring strength to the tried and tempted, even at the present day." 4T 570.

2. AFTER THE FALL OF MAN. Upon leaving Eden to gain his livelihood by tilling the earth under the curse of sin, 5. JOHN THE BAPTISTS work and his temperate habits man received permission to eat also ' the herb of the field.' as a reformer are recorded in Luke 1:15 -17 and Mark 1:6. His Gen 3:18, 23." MH 296. diet was chiefly locusts and wild honey. The word locust has 3. ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. "The Lord said to more than one meaning, and here it is used to mean locust Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you." Ex pods and beans of the carob tree common in Palestine. Please 16:4. "In choosing man's food in Eden, the Lord showed what read 5 BC 303 - 306. "John the Baptist was a reformer His was the best diet; in the choice made for Israel He taught the diet, purely vegetable, of locusts and wild honey, was a resame lesson." MH 311."God might have provided flesh as eas- buke to the indulgence of appetite, and the gluttony that eveily as manna, but a restriction was placed upon the people for rywhere prevailed." CD 71. "The experience of Enoch and their good." CD 378. God "opened the doors of heaven, had John the Baptist represents what ours should be." 8T 329. rained down manna on them to eat, and given them of the 6. GOD'S DIET FOR MAN TODAY. Again and again I bread of heaven. Men ate angel's food." PS 78: 23-25. have been shown that God is trying to lead us back, step by 4. DANIEL AND HIS COMPANIONS. Daniel and his step, to His original design -- that man should subsist upon fellows decided to be given "vegetables to eat and water to the natural products of the earth. Among those who are waitdrink," and in ten days their countenance appeared better ing for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be and fatter" than other students. When they were tested at the done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We end of the course they were found to be "ten times better than should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work all the" wise men of Babylon. Dan 1:8, 12,15, 18-20. "Daniel's steadily toward it. CH 450 (CD 380). "Grains, fruits, nuts parents had trained him in his childhood to habits of strict and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our createmperance." "Daniel and tor." M H 296. This diet includes also varieties of beans or his companions enjoyed legumes (MH 299), and roots or tubers (CD 271, 363). "As far the benefits of correct as possible we are to come back to God's original plan." CD training and education in 488. early life... Then they de- 7. DIET IN THE LIFE TO COME. "Grains and fruits precided to be true to the les- pared free from grease, and in as natural a condition as possisons given them in child- ble, should be the food for the tables of all who claim to be hood." CD154, 29. "They preparing for translation to heaven." CD 64. Concerning the decided that as flesh-meat food of the redeemed it is written, "And I saw a table of pure had not composed their silver; it was many miles in length, yet our eyes could extend diet in the past, 'it should over it. I saw the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, not come into their diet in figs, pomegranates, grapes and many other kinds of fruit." the future." They chose to EW 19 (1T 69). p5 maintain their decision Continued From p2...Another common excuse is that children wont know how to interact with others. I went to school before I was 7 but I am still struggling with overcoming shyness. On the other hand, unless in a place with too many strangers, too much noise (as is the case with many children!) my are relaxed around strangers, even greeting them before they are greeted, conversing, complimenting, talking about Jesus etc. Children can learn from their parents how to be examples and lights in society. I know various youths who have been homeschooled according to biblical standards. They are caring, highly motivated over-achievers whose primary aim in life is to please God and serve man. Thats what I want my children to grow up to become. I dont want them to conform to the behaviour they see around them from other children. Why would I want my children to become bullies? Liars? Learn to emulate those who watch television? Learn to become like children who watch and listen to secular songs? I want my children to be different. I want them to be a peculiar people. I want them to be like Jesus, not like the world. The only culture I want my children to conform to is the one that is polished, refined, holy and pure. Socialisation? No thank you. Not for my family unless it cannot be avoided.

FLESH AS FOOD. 1. IN EDEN. "It was contrary to His plan to have the life of any creature taken. There was to be no death in Eden." CD 373. "Meat is not essential for health or strength, else the Lord made a mistake when He provided food for Adam and Eve before their fall. All the elements of nutrition are contained in the fruits, vegetables, and grains." CD 395. 2. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. The inhabitants of the antediluvian world were intemperate in eating and drinking. They would have flesh meats, although God had at that time given man no permission to eat animal food." CH 109. "They delighted in destroying the life of animals; and the use of flesh for food rendered them still more cruel and bloodthirsty, until they came to regard human life with astonishing indifference." PP 92. They even had altars on which they offered "human sacrifices." PP 99. 3. AFTER THE FLOOD. "The diet appointed man in the beginning did not include animal food. Not till after the flood, when every green thing on the earth had been destroyed, did man receive permission to eat flesh." MH 311 (CD 374), Gen 9:3 -4. 4. WHY FLESH WAS PERMITTED: (a) FOOD SHROTAGE- PECULIAR CIRCUMUSTANCE. "Every living substance upon the face of the earth upon which man could subsist had been destroyed (Gen 7:23) therefore, god gave Noah permission to eat of the clean beasts which he had taken with him into the ark. (Gen 9:3) ...As God had formerly given them the herb of the ground and fruit of the field, now, in the peculiar circumstances in which they are placed He permits them to eat animal food. Yet I saw that the flesh of animals was not the most health article of food for man." 3SG 76 (also PP 107). (b) TO SHORTEN LIFE SPAN. After the flood the people ate largely of animal food... And He permitted that long-lived race to eat animal food to shorten their sinful lives. Soon after the flood the race began to rapidly decrease in size, and in length of years." CD 373. 5. HOW TO EAT FLESH: (a) EAT ONLY CLEAN MEAT. After the flood God gave permission to eat clean meat Gen 9:3. "The Israelites were permitted the use of animal food, but under careful restrictions, which tended to lessen the evil results." MH 311-312. See Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy chapter 14. (b) EAT NO BLOOD OR FAT. Study Gen 9:3-4, Lev 3:1617, 17:10-14, Acts 15:20, 29, 21:25. "Of the meats permitted, the eating of the fat and the blood was strictly forbidden ... No creature that was torn, that had died of itself, or from which the blood had not been carefully drained, could be used as food." MH 312. "1Samuel 2:12-16 Priests eat only sodden flesh, flesh which had been boiled until the blood was extracted from it. The priests that were sons of Belial, wished raw flesh that could be

roasted with the blood in it, thus giving flavor to the flesh. There are men at the present day, who, like the sons of Eli, prefer flesh cooked in a manner to retain the blood. Very little flesh would be eaten if God's requirements were followed. The blood gives flavor. Flesh sodden (put over the fire in cold water and cooked slowly) is almost tasteless." Bible Handbook, by S.N. Haskell, Page 154. In these offerings the fat was to be burned upon the altar The sons of Belial... not only demanded more than their right, but refused to wait even until the fat had been burned as an offering to God." PP 576. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF FLESH MEAT 1. UNNATURAL "The eating of flesh is unnatural." CD 380. "The use of tea, tobacco and flesh meats ... these hurtful stimulants... unnatural stimulants is destructive to health and has a benumbing influence upon the brain, making it impossible to appreciate eternal things. IT 548-9. 2. CORRUPTS "Brain, bone, and muscle" is "in unwholesome condition ...entire system" becomes "gross and corrupted." CD 387. 3. PERVERTS: CD 190, 399. (a) Destroys relish for "a plain, wholesome, and nutritious diet." CD 158. (b) "Flesh food ... creates an appetite for liquor." CD 268 (487) 4. STRENGTHENS LOWER PASSIONS: (a) "The animal nature is strengthened and the spiritual nature weakened." CD 383. (b) "Meat... excite and strengthen the lower passions, and ... deaden the moral powers." CD 390 (c) Secret vice (masturbation) is encouraged in children. CD 399-400 (see also CH 616-622). 5. "DEVELOPMENT of the physical, mental, and spiritual powers" (a) is hindered and (b) their health is also endangered (CD 402, 382). 6. MIND ENFEEBLED (a) "A flesh meat diet... contaminates the blood... stimulates the lower animal passions. It enfeebles keen perception and vigor of thought to the understanding of God and the truth, and a knowledge of themselves." CD 384. (b) "Flesh meat... create disease and insubordination." CD 375. "The unmanageable spirit that the world is exhibiting today." 1 BC1102. 7. (a) "DISEASE in cattle is making meat eating a dangerous matter. The Lord's curse is upon the earth, upon man, upon beasts, upon the fish in the sea; and as transgression becomes almost universal, the curse will be permitted to become as broad and as deep as the transgression. Disease is contracted by the use of meat." CD 411 (1898). "Disease is accumulating rapidly. The curse of God is upon the earth, because man has cursed it." CD 357 (1899). "Disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men." CD 356 (1902). On fish read MH 314-315. TBC


And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two

brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. They immediately left their nets and followed Him. Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets. He called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. (Matthew 4:18-22) Who were these four men who left everything behind them to follow Jesus, a man who had just appeared on the scene of that small world around the lake of Capernaum, and yet a man whom they were waiting for to come, the Messiah? We read in the above text that Peter and Andrew were casting their nets at the time Jesus called them, and said to them I will make you fishers of men. On the other hand, James and John were mending their nets, but at their calling, the four immediately left everything and followed Jesus. Sometimes, we too can be caught casting our drag net not for fish, but for the cares of this world, for our materialistic worries which keep us away from Gods calling. As fishermen untangle their catch from their net, so do we tend to untangle worldly things for personal possession. On the other hand we see how fishermen tend to their net to prepare for the next catch. Even so, we too can tend to our worldly net to prepare ourselves for more possessions. Jesus said to the four fishermen, leave your nets and follow Me. In our case, can it mean that we too must leave something to follow Jesus? Having exercised this trade myself, I know by experience how hard fisherman work at sea, and also at port when they return from their fishing trip. Leaving their father and the boat with all its equipment and maybe some other hired hands, wasnt an easy decision. And yet, without any hesitation, these four men dropped their nets and followed Jesus. They had to change their whole life style and trust in the Lord. They had to give up their lively hood, families and friends, because they believed what was written in the Holy Scriptures. They were simple minded men, but educated enough

to understand the testimonies of the prophets, and the law of God. They were waiting for the Messiah to come, they knew who He was through Scripture and they believed the Word of God. When the Messiah did come, they did not hesitate or doubt to have second thoughts to answer to their calling. They were ordinary Jewish believers who kept the law of Moses, and went to the synagogue for spiritual instruction and worship every Sabbath. They respected the teachings and traditions of the Pharisees and priests, but when the moment came to choose, they decided to follow Jesus, a carpenters son. What about us? What is it that may be holding us back from following Jesus? Are we willing and able to drop our fishing net, our cares of this world, and follow Him? Today we have something much greater than the Apostles had to recognize that Jesus is calling, and asking us to follow Him. We have the testimony of the Apostles themselves. These four fishermen were eye witnesses to the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah that they were waiting for, the Saviour of the world and of each one of us individually, if we just say, Yes, I follow You! When we believe the testimony of the Scriptures, the Apostles and the others who wrote the New Testament writings, then we are on the way to heed the calling to follow Jesus. When we continue to read the Bible and believe that it is Gods written word, and God Himself talking to us, He will start to make a change in our life as we ourselves start to follow Jesus and drop those nets which keep us stagnated day by day. Jesus said in Mark 8:34, Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Do we hear Jesus calling? Or are we as fishermen sometimes say entangled in the nets. Let Jesus untangle us from the net of our world. After all, isnt it time we dropped our net? One day, one of these fishermen asked Jesus, See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have? So Jesus said to them, Assuredly I say to you, that ... everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. Isnt it a wonderful promise?


Monday, October 3, 2009. Its been one week and two days.

sustained only by medications and the ventilators. After that, The most anxious, terrifying, scary, and faith-building week I didnt feel I had the strength to continue writing this story, of my life. It was around 2:00 A.M. on a Friday that I heard a knowing what the outcome would be, knowing that I would commotion coming from upstairs. Before I had a chance to actually be telling the story of how my father died. get out of bed, my little brother was banging on my door yellWhen I prayed, I could go on and on about why my dads life ing for me to come quickly because something was wrong should be spared to be there with my mom, to be there for with dad. My mom came out of the bathroom where my fahis children, to continue guiding and being a father to us, to ther had been vomiting up blood and said we needed to get minister to people at church, to be a mighty vessel to win him to the hospital. By the expression on her face I knew it souls for Christ. I honestly couldnt see one good thing comwas serious. ing from his death. So I prayed, Therefore I say unto you, As we helped my father on the stairs he had to sit down after Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that about three steps, too weak to continue. Was this really hap- you receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24. I pening? Was I living a normal life just ten minutes before? prayed, God, you know what I desire. I believe it. Please Is my father going to die on the steps? My mom yelled to call grant it. God had other plans, but the wonderful thing is 911. While my sister called the paramedics, mom was calling that Gods plan is perfect. He cant make a mistake. He her friends and prayer chains. I got on the floor and prayed doesnt mess up and nothing happens unless Divine love perthat my dads life would be spared. After what seemed like an mits it. eternity, the ambulance finally arrived. One month ago to the day my dad, the best man I ever knew Dad had enough strength to walk down the stairs and get on and probably ever will know, passed away. Even though it the stretcher. My sister and I followed the ambulance to our has only been a month, this month without him seems tiny towns hospital. We knew there wasnt much that could longer then the twenty-two years I had with him. be done for him there with one doctor and one nurse to minSince my fathers passing, heaven has become so much more ister to three patients. They took my father to the ER and my real to me. Its where I long to be. Earth has nothing to offer mother got down on her knees right there and pleaded and me. Its full of sadness, heartache, death, and disappointbegged for my fathers life. I prayed that God would honor ment. Even the things that are beautiful or bring happiness her prayer. are marred by sin. When we heard screaming and yelling from the back, we ran While we were in the hospital those ten days, I saw each perto the emergency room doors; but no one came out. I didnt son that was in the critical care unit had a family that was know what was going on; but my heart was in my throat. I being affected by their illness. The anxiety, fear, and uncercant explain the feeling. My mom came out and said dad had tainty that we were experiencing was their companion as thrown up again; but he was still conscious. After a while, I well. I learned that I should pray for others with the same could only pray that God would take what was in my heart earnestness that I wanted people to pray for my dad. and accept it as a prayer because I had no more words. Every night I pray for my friends and family because I want Since that last journal entry my life has changed completely. them to be in heaven. I want other people who have experiI had originally started writing about what happened because enced loss to feel the joy of reunion with their loved ones, or I wanted to let my friends know what was going on and to the feeling of peace that comes with no longer dealing with continue to ask for prayer. But the very night I was writing the struggles of life. When we get to heaven, and walk beside that entry the the crystal sea with ever flowing streams and Jesus is by our doctor came to side, all that perplexed us here on earth He is going to make talk to my family plain. When we wonder about the dark providences that we and said that went through on earth, Jesus will tell us that it was to perfect there was noth- our character. When we recall the times that our finite minds ing else they saw only confusion and broken promises, He is going to could do for my show us the most beautiful and perfect harmony; and so father, that he right now, although I cant understand Gods plan, I know had a zero prog- God is tenderly and continually working for our good. And with that thought, I am comforted. nosis and that his life was being


Did God create every thing good? Genesis 1:27,31 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good Note: God spoke directly to man and everything that God made was perfect and good. The absence of sin - this is what enabled man to live in the presence of God. What separated man from God? What is sin? Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you. 1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law After the fall of man, what did God give them as a symbol of salvation? Genesis 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them. Note: Skins come from animals and one or two animals had to die in order for them to have these coats. An animal sacrifice was required to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. This was the first symbol of salvation that Jesus' life was to cover the sin of man. Adam and Eve were in the Most holy place and they were driven out of the presence of God (Gen 3:24), but God would have them come back and this process is seen in the sanctuary. The detailed plan was revealed to Moses. Salvation is to restore humanity to God once more. What did God instruct Moses to build? Exodus 25:8 And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them How is God going to save us? Where is this way of salvation revealed to us? Psalms 77:13 Thy way, Oh God, is in the sanctuary Note: Gods way [of salvation] is in the sanctuary. What God was revealing through the sanctuary was the plan of redemption that would bring the sin-separated man at-one-ment or united with God. The Sanctuary service provided an illustration of the way the sinner was to repent and atone for his sins. Was there a courtyard in earthly sanctuary? Ex 27:9 And you must make the courtyard of the tabernacle What furniture was in the courtyard? Exodus 29:18 And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the Lord. Exodus 30:18 Thou shalt also make a laver of brass, ... and thou shalt put water therein. NOTE: The altar of burnt offerings (Exodus 27:1-8) is where animals were sacrificed. It was located in the courtyard just outside the entrance of the sanctuary. The laver (Exodus 30:17-21; 38:8) was a large wash basin of brass located between the entrance of the sanctuary and the altar of burnt offerings. There priests washed their hands and feet before entering the sanctuary or offering a sacrifice. The water represented baptism, cleansing from sin, and the new birth.

This newsletter is authored by members of the SDA church whose desire is to provide a thought provoking newsletter for Adventists dwelling on the banks of Jordan; in the process appealing to entire fidelity to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.

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