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Luka qartvelishvili 9b class

The cave of diros

Cape Matapan (also known as Cape Tainaron) is a small mass of land located at the end of the
Manai Peninsula in Greece. Diros cave, located on the very tip of the cape, is believed to be the
front door to Hades’ abode, his classic Underworld of Greek mythology.
Chapter 1: “The mythologies and myths”
To the Spartans, this area was a place of worship where human sacrifices were slain and
dedicated to the Sea-God, Poseidon, whose realm merges with the entrance to Hades’
Underworld. Vast temples to the Gods were erected on the cape. One specifically dedicated to
Poseidon was built directly above the gateway to the underworld. The temple may have served
as a place to encourage protection by the Sea-God to keep watch over the God of the
Underworld’s front door. To ensure the door stays closed, keeping the dead contained within
the Underworld. Needless to say, the pictures of Diros cave are quite breathtaking and have a
surreal sense of something sinister hiding in the vast, dark shadows. I am sure secrets are
abound within the earthen walls. The cave has only been superficially explored. A path could
exist, hidden deep within the bowels of the cave, that leads into the Underworld.

Chapter 2: “The factual proof and information

The Alepotrypa cave is an archaeological site in the Mani region of the Peloponnese peninsula.
In addition to being inhabited by early farmers, this site was used for burial and cult purposes.
Archaeological evidence has revealed that this is one of the largest Neolithic burial sites ever
found in Europe. Two adult human skeletons were found at the site from a burial dating to the
4th millennium BC, as well as remains from at least 170 separate people. Archaeologists are
uncertain about the significance of a Mycenaen ossuary, which has been dated to the 2 nd
millennium BC and appears to have been reburied at Alepotrypa. While there is no direct
evidence, it is possible that the ossuary may link Alepotrypa to Tainaron, which was regarded as
the entrance to Hades in classical mythology.

Chapter 3: “Visiting”
The Diros Caves or the front door to Hades’ abode as known in greek mythology is located in
the Bay of Diros on the western coast of the Lakonian peninsula of the Mani in the southern
Peloponnese of Greece. The twenty-five minute tour is 1500 metres underground, the first part
by punt on an underwater lake, and later by foot. This tour has now been cut to be shorter due
to pandemic restrictions. This trip has been cut to about 900 meters and ks now about 15
minutes long, I would suggest going there after the pandemic is over.

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