Individual Oral Planning With Support Questions

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Individual Oral Planning with Support Questions

Examines the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of two of the texts that you have studied.


Global issue
Intro ● Hook into the topic and introduce the global issue.

(1 Literary Work Non-Literary Text

Text Overview Text Overview
● Text Intro: What is the title, who is the writer, and when was ● Text Intro: What is the title, who is the creator, and when
it published? The first text I am going to discuss is... was it published? The second text I am going to discuss is...
● Overall, what is the literary text about? ● Overall, what is the non-literary text about?
● Background information - What do we know about the ● Poet information - What do we know about the poet? What
writer? What is important to know for this text? is important to know about this poem?
● Context: What background information do we need to know? ● Context: What background information do we need to
(Allusions, politics, war, social norms, etc) know? Are the contexts similar or different, and is that
significant? (allusions, politics, war, social norms, etc.)

Purpose and audience Purpose and audience

● What is the purpose of this literary text? The purpose is... ● What is the purpose of this non-literary text? The purpose
● Who is the text written for or aimed at? is...
● Who is the text aimed at?

Links and connections - Thesis statement Links and connections - Thesis statement
● How does the author develop the global issue in the BOW? ● How does the author develop the global issue in the BOW?

→ Write your thesis statement following a similar pattern to → Write your thesis statement following a similar pattern to
your Paper 1 thesis statements. Make sure to include your your Paper 1 thesis statements. Make sure to include your
Global Issue. Some questions you might answer to create Global Issue. Some questions you might answer to create
your thesis statement: your thesis statement:
○ How is the Global Issue presented in each work, and ○ How is the Global Issue presented in each work, and
what might this reveal? what might this reveal?
○ By comparing the texts [in the BOW], what is ○ By comparing the texts [in the BOW], what is
exposed about the Global Issue? exposed about the Global Issue?
○ Through a comparison of the BOW, what element(s) ○ Through a comparison of the BOW, what element(s)
of the Global Issue do we see being criticized? of the Global Issue do we see being criticized?
○ By comparing the texts, what do we better understand ○ By comparing the texts, what do we better
or see about the impact of the Global Issue? understand or see about the impact of the Global
Body of IO Literary Text – Persepolis

Literary GI- Gender roles and gender politics

Text How is the Global Issue presented in this text?
What points will you discuss in this section?
(2 min) Gender roles are deeply entrenched in the society and are enforced relentlessly on women by the patriarchs.

Topic Sentence 1
What is one main theme being communicated in the literary text? How does it relate back to the thesis?
Marji was forced to align with the standard norms of dressing lest she would have to face consequences.

Examples Analysis
Identify a range of examples to support your first topic sentence.
The medium shot in the first panel shows Marjane and the guardians from the waist
On page 133: upwards. The guardians frown with displeasure and both seemed vexed and
provoked as captured visually through their facial expressions. Marji’s choice of
Panel 1- “Their job was to put us back to the straight and narrow clothing / shoes and the Michael Jackson batch were clear signs of flouting the rules
by explaining the duties of Muslim women”. Guardians of the yet she chose to wear those as an expression of her identity and liberation. However,
revolution exercised their authority and displayed a flawed idea of she soon realizes that she is in trouble. Furthermore, a caption on the top of the panel
righteousness when Marjane wore western clothing. used as a transitional text from the previous panels includes the phrase, “Their job
was to put us back to the straight and narrow by explaining the duties of Muslim
women ''. Guardians of the revolution exercised their authority and displayed a
Panel 9- After downgrading and verbal abuse in the previous flawed idea of righteousness when Marjane wore western clothing. They had a
panels, the guardians of the revolution ordered Marjane to sit in commanding tone which held the power of enforcing obedience and exhibited power
the vehicle and go to the HQ in order to receive her punishment and dominion.
for violating the rules of the state. The same shows their
ownership of power and authority. Theocracy made stringent The compilation of the Nike shoes, the denim jacket, and the Michael Jackson
button symbolizes America’s pop culture in the 80s. Marjane’s decision to wear the
norms for women to follow which led to oppression. same foreshadows how she tried to reinvent herself and take control of her life.
However, panels on page 133 showcased that the government gave certain
The gaze of the totalitarian state. It is strained upon a gendered oppressive groups and individuals rights to further their cause. This could be seen
body and that is the politics in it. through the rough treatment that Marjane experienced when confronted by the
guardians of revolution, “Lower your scarf, you little whore”. They looked at the
blasphemous pieces of her clothing in panel 2 (punk shoes) and panel 6 (Michael
Rehearsed responses, the text has tutored her into lying. Finding
Jackson Jacket) through close up shots revealing how theocracy made stringent
her norms for women to follow which led to oppression.
Constantly lying to escape the violent and coercive.  
As panels progressed, Marjane showed quite a bit of ingenuity in working her way
out of the situation. Marjane lied in a state of distress and panic. “No, it’s Malcolm
X, the leader of the black Muslims in America”. Marjane played dumb in order to
get out of trouble. The same could be seen from the close proximity of the speech
bubbles. “Don’t give me that, it’s Michael Jackson” “Who, I don’t know him”. 
Quick responses prevented the guardians from knowing that she was lying. The
quick succession of panels from the point where she was caught to the point where
she is being called in for questioning and punishment and all of this as a young kid,
brings out the dilemma theocracy made people experience.
Other than that, the panels show a contrast between ideologies presented in the
graphic novel. Marjane’s desire for freedom and actions of revolt as a teen
represented a liberal, free and avant-garde nature while fundamentalists hold
conventional mindsets ruled by theocracy.

● Identify the literary or structural feature within the example.

● What does the language tell the reader about the text and the
Global Issue?
● Why has the writer used this type of language or structure?
● How do these texts fit in with the writer’s and creator’s wider
body of work?
● Evaluation - was the author’s choice effective for the BOW and
the audience?

All subject-specific language from the IB glossary should be

included in the analysis to help you support your argument.

Topic Sentence 2
What is another main idea communicated in the literary text? How does it relate to the thesis and GI?
Additionally, the text...
Additionally, the text unfolds the flux experienced by Marji due to the confusion of who to trust in a world that keeps on evolving.

Additionally, the text unfolds the constant state of flux experienced by Marji due to the changing circumstances making it difficult for her to trust
Examples Analysis

As observed when marji states “the loser will be tortured” while in the
next panel the narration box states, “feeling of diabolic power” and “I
was overwhelmed” exposes the swift change in emotions represented
through successive panels. Allowing the readers to sympathize with
Marji as she tries to find solace in her mother’s arm further exposing
her struggle to find meaning of the world around her.

The feelings experienced by Marji undergo a quick shift as represented in the

successive panels

Emotion of marji change in quick succesion

quick succesion of panels brings out the dillema experinced

[2MIN] Topic Sentence 3

In regard to the author’s other works, how is the global issue communicated?
In this How does it relate to the main idea and thesis in the primary source?
section Additionally, the texts.
the other
texts from
your authors Furthermore, the text constantly explores her identity in the chaotic times by experenting and playing various roles.

Examples Analysis

The veil:
Eby asks “What do you want to be?” while the thought bubble of In the opening of the novel when Eby asks Marji “what do you want
Marji states “prophet” she says “a doctor” to be” Marji is certain she wants to be a prophet. But in the next
chapter ‘The Bicycle’ the narration box states, “so I put my prophetic
“Women a prophet?” destiny aside” the use of direct gaze brings out Marji’s role as a
‘revolutionary’ as the novel progresses. Marji’s constant
experimentation brings forth the chaos experinced inside her head as it
The veil “I wanted to be justice, love and wrath”, The bicycle “I resonates with the volatile times of the country.
had to take action and put aside prophetic destiny” “The cell “I
took a bath to experience a cell” and The party “we will torture
As the novel progresses, Marji is seen to experiment with varied roles and identities
as she observes in her enviornemnt
7:06 PM
The Bicycle “My name is Che Guevara” and “I put my prophetic constant need to fit in the conflicted environment makes her experince various
destiny aside for a while”. identities...
“You think I look like Marx? Lets talk about something else” Gurpreet Kaur
“For a revolution to success the entire population must support it” 7:06 PM
“God where are you; that night he did not come” Her constant experimentation brings forth the constant chaos that she experiences
inside her head as it resonates with the volatile times that her country faces
Body of IO Non-Literary Text - Mini Thesis (feel free to swap the order of literary / language texts)
How is the Global Issue presented in this text?
Non- What points will you discuss in this section?
Literary Gay’s writing brings out the alienation experienced by the minority. Through anecdotes she aims to heighten the obstacles faced by
Text women o assert their identity.

(4 min) Topic Sentence 1

What is one main theme being communicated in the non-literary text? How does it relate back to the thesis?
Firstly, the text appeal to pathos to highlight the alienation experienced by women as men control their identity.

Examples Analysis
Identify a range of examples to support your first topic sentence.

 Women “allowed” to wear and code “banned” women Through her anecdotes Gay brings how women are
 President Donald Trump states “dress like women” controlled and moulded as per the desires of men. The use
of active verbs such as “allowed” and “banned” suggest the
restriction placed on women. Motivating readers to take
charge rather than being puppets of the oppressive

When president Trump dictates his staff to “dress like

women” the use analogy exposes the stereotypical mindset
of men to make women objects of gaze further ensuring
that women have no space to express their identity rather
they are forced to align with the oppressive social construct.

● Identify the literary, visual or structural feature within the

● What does the language tell the reader about the text and
the Global Issue?
● Why has the creator used this type of language or
● What similarities and differences are important to point
out, particularly with reference to the Global Issue and
● How does these texts fit in with the writer’s and creator’s
wider body of work?
● Evaluation - was the author’s choice effective for the BOW
and the audience?

All subject-specific language from the IB glossary should be

included in the analysis to help you support your argument.

Topic Sentence 2
What is another main idea communicated in the non-literary text? How does it relate back to the thesis?
Moving on, The expectation imposed on women to conform to the notions of being "women-like" are exposed using linguistic techniques.

Examples Analysis
Gay never aligned with the standard expectations of dressing like a
 “And always I felt out of place and, always, felt out of place- woman or taking up jobs that were considered "fit for women" .
The use
because I was not dressing-and did not want to dress- like a of hyphenated sentence, “and did not want to dress”, further
woman in the expected sense”
emphasizes her negation of the social norms which she was
expected to fulfill. Thus, always making her a misfit in a society
that was gouverned by conventional values.

When she states, “I felt out place always” and “did not want to
dress like woman” reveals the struggle that Gay faces towards
meeting the expectations set by the superior gender.
-she felt weighed down by the expectations of behaving like a
women and dressing like a women even when initially she was
choosing not to behave like one.

The use of parallelism through the repetition of “To dress like a

women” suggests the categories that women are expected to fulfil.
The idea of looking presentable is being set by men further
objectifying women, evoking a feeling of frustration as women
are constantly alienated and treated unjustly.

In this Topic Sentence 3

section In regard to the author’s other works, how is the global issue communicated?
references How does it relate to the main idea and thesis in the primary source?
the other Additionally, the texts...
texts from
your authors Examples Analysis
Conclusion ● Restate thesis/message / Global Issue
● How do the texts develop the wider ideas that the writers and creators were trying to communicate?
(1 min) ● Why is this topic or Global Issue important or significant? Perhaps related to the context of what is going on in
the world (synthesize ideas).
● How are the concepts in the texts relevant or lasting to the contemporary reader?

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