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TO: Aaron Cornell, Principal

Ashlee Babko, Guidance Counselor

FROM: Alexander Hess

DATE: October 13, 2022

SUBJECT: Doing Well and Behaving Well in High School

Doing well and behaving in school has a massive impact on your future for when they go
to post-secondary school after high school. Getting good grades in high school can build
your transcript and make it look good. It is good for students to understand just how
much their transcript can affect their future. Your transcript can help you get in to a
college that you want or to get a good job that you want.

A student’s grades can show a lot about that student and how well they do in school.
Student’s grades are very important if that student is trying to go to college or a post-
secondary school after high school. A student’s grades can show how much they pay
attention in their class in high school.

A student’s behaver can show a lot about their character. It is good to have one to two
recommendation letter from you former teachers for college. Your teachers will right
you recommendation letters to assist you.

That is why I think that doing good in school and behaving well in school is very
important for your future.

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