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Recruitment & Selection

Edinburgh Napier University

Checklist for recruitment process Establishing a Vacancy & Authorisation

Use the Recruitment Project Planner to identify key dates e.g. shortlisting, interviewing etc. Form the interview panel, as per the requirements of the Appointment Panel Constitution document. Ensure that all panel members have attended R&S trainingwithin the last 2 years, if not please ask them to sign up to attend R& S Training for panel members (all panel members must have attended R&S training in the last 2 years or cannot sit on the panel). Prepare your Advertand Role Description(part 1 only, unless a new role for evaluation) forms (using the up-to-date templates available on the intranet) . Sample Role Description Forms are available on the HR intranet along with Guidance. If the role isa Grade 3 post or above please ensure that the role description includes the following statements: Skills Level in NVQ/SVQ Level 3 or above and Competence in English (in order to comply with the Points Based Immigration scheme). If you are unsure about the grading of the post or if it is a new role which requires job evaluation, please contact Pay and Reward.You will need to complete part 1 and part 2 of theRole Description Form. Complete the On-line Staffing Authorisation F orm (SAF),ensure that you attach the advert, role description & any additional information beforesubmitting for authorisation (this will automatically be directed to the HR mailbox for final sign -off once it has been approved by the appropriate authorisers ).

Once Authorisation has been received

Your HR Adviser will contact you once notification is received by HRthat the SAF has been authorised,to confirm where you would like the advert placed. HR are currently running a 3 month pilot of Web Based Advertising Only.All vacancies will be placed, the Edinburgh Napier Internet vacancies page, the Staff Intranet vacancies page and with the Job Centre plus. Additionally all support vacancies will be placed on S1jobs.Please note that we advertise all vacancies for a minimum of 2 weeks. Your HR Adviser will create the vacancy on the Vacancy Management System and notify you and your Recruitment Contact that it is ready to receive applications. Please refer to the How Do I guide for recruitment contacts. The Recruitment Contact should add the panel members to the vacancy (so that they can view the applications) and advise the panel members that this has been done. You may need to send them the link to the system which is although it can 5 Checklist for recruitment process

Recruitment & Selection

Edinburgh Napier University

also be accessed by the HR intranet. It is not possible to give an External Assessor access to the Vacancy Management System. If yo ur panel member has not used the Vacancy Management System before, please send them a link to the How Do I guide. Recruitment Contacts will receive email notification of each application as it is submitted. Depending on personal preference they can configure their Outlook mail box to either not receive these notifications, move them into a specific folder or to automatically forward them to the recruiting manager.

Start Recruitment File

Place the original advert, role description and person spec ification inside the file.

Prepare Application Packs

Applications are all made online. Paper or Word based application forms are only available to people who have a disability and as a result are unable to use our online application form. Anyone in this situation is asked to contact the HR team, in the first instance to discuss their needs and HR will let the Recruitment Contact know if a Word or paper based application is needed.

Completed Application Forms

Each completed on-line application formis acknowledged automatically. Each time one is completed the Recruitment Contact will receive the email notification. Each application has a default status of Rejected and this should remain unchanged at this stage. If a hardcopy or Worddocument application form is received the Recruitment Contact must transfer the application details on to the Vacancy Management System.

After the Closing Date

Let the short-listing panel know that the vacancy is closed and that they are now able to view all the applications online via the Vacancy Management System. Download candidate details into Excel and use them to prepare the Short-listing Matrix. Send this along with the Guidanceand a proposed Interview Timetable to the short-listing panel. NB The University guarantees an interview to all disabled applicants provided they meet the essential selection criteria of the post.

Interview Arrangements
Once the proposed interview timetable and short-listing matrix have been returned by the short-listing panel, file these documents in the recruitment file. Update the 6 Checklist for recruitment process

Recruitment & Selection

Edinburgh Napier University

status of applicants invited to interview to Invite to Interview Ensure that internal applicants who are not short listed are notified personally or in writing by a member of the appointment panel. Send Reject Letters to the unsuccessful candidates (if applicable) using the excel download from the Vacancy Management System. Before performing the merge add in an addition column for date and time. Update these with the relevant information and these can be merged into the letter at the same time. Check that the proposed interview timetable has the following information: y Names of appointment panel y Date, location and time of interview y Reporting instructions for candidates y Details of selection exercises (if any) Check each application form to see if any adjustments to interview arrangements have been requested because of a disability. Book Interview Room, ensure that the room layout, equipment is suitable and that refreshmentswill be available for candidates and interviewers. Make any selection exercise arrangements (including equipment, interview room requirements) and agree in advance the weighting attached to the exercise . Make any arrangements for tour of department (If applicable). Finalise interview timetable, and Interview Assessment Forms please note that at the end of the interview the Chairperson of the panel should correlate the panelmembers feedback and comments on the Chairpersons Scoring Sheet for each candidate. Prepare Interview Invite letters (using candidate information from the Vacancy Management System, enclosing Interview Expenses Claim Form (if candidate is travelling outwith EH20) and the relevant Campus Map. Write /e-mailReference Request Letters and Forms(also available is an Academic Reference Request Form for School and University Leavers ONLY with no previous employment history) (2 per candidate, unless internal or zero hours, where only 1 is necessary), enclosing / attaching a copy of the Role Description.Referree details by looking at the individual application can be found in the Vacancy Management System. Write to theExternal Assessor using the template letter (if applicable), enclosing a One Off Payment Form, Expenses Claim Form for externals (Fin4 form, from Finance) and a Campus Map, as well as a set of interview papers. Send a set of interview papers to each member of panel, comprising of: y Interview timetable y Advert y Job description and person specification y Chairs record sheet (for chairperson only) 7
Checklist for recruitment process

Recruitment & Selection

Edinburgh Napier University

y y y

Interview assessment form, one for each candidate Copy of application forms (select Invite to Interview criteria when generating reporting in Vacancy Management System) Details of the selection exercise (if applicable)

Arrange for visitor parking by Contacting Security (if necessary). Arrange for a member of staff to greet the candidates when they arrive and photocopy their documentation as per the guidelines in the EligibilityDocument Checklist (educational certificates, passport or other acceptable proof of ID) . These documents should be verified and signed by the chairpersonfor all applicants. Interviews will be refused if the candidate fails to bring the required documentation to interview.

After the Interviews

Ensure that the chair of the panel has completed and si gned the interview timetable, chairpersons scoring sheet and candidates photocopied documentation brought to interview.Update the status of every applicant on the Vacancy Management System e.g. not appointed or appointed. If not already received, chase references for successful candidate. If a referee is non-contactable, ask the candidate to name another referee . When two satisfactory references have been rece ived, the chairperson may verbally offer the post to the successful candidate A member of the appointments panel should notify any unsuccessful internal candidates personally and offer feedback (Feedback Guidance is available on the HR intranet). Send Reject Letters using excel extract from Vacancy Management System for mail merge file. Merge candidates with status of not appointed Send a completed Appointment Form for the successful candidate to HR along with: the successful candidates application form, job description, person spec, a copy of the interview timetable, photocopies of their ID and qualifications and 2 references. In exceptional circumstances where you wish to appoint a candidate above the bottom of the salary scale, a justification must be provided using the criteria in the Salary on Appointment Guideline s. HR will then issue a contract of employment along with all the relevant new start documents to the successful candidate . If the appointment is for a non-EEA worker, the recruitment panel is required to 8
Checklist for recruitment process

Recruitment & Selection

Edinburgh Napier University

confirm that the Resident Labour Market Test has been followed and the role cannot be filled by a resident worker. If the appointment is for a non-EEA worker HR will check all the required documentation has been provided and all eligibility criteria has been met. HR will process a certificate of sponsorship number and send an offer letter to the successful candidate. If the appointment is for a non-EEA worker they will be required to bring original proof of their entry clearance or leave to remain to HR on or before their start date so that all documents can be verified and copies can be taken. If they fail to do this they cannot commence employment. The post file including all the paperwork should be returned to Human Resources within 3 months of the job offer. This should include: y Job Description and Person Specification y Shortlisting Matrix y Interview Timetable y All references for candidates interviewed y All photocopied ID for candidates interviewed y All Interview assessment forms (including any additional notes taken) y Chairpersons Summary sheet (signed by the chairperson of the panel) There is no need to send copies of online applic ations as these continue to be stored electronically for 3 months after the appointment date of the successful candidate. Once HR has advised that an acceptance has been received from the successful candidate, prepare and send reject letter to the hold candidates (if any). Prepare for the local and corporate Inductionof the successful candidate(via L&D). If an employee does not start on their agreed start date, notify HR immediately.

Checklist for recruitment process

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