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Group member :
Ali hassan l1f21bsse0281
Saad mehmood l1f21bsse0251
Section :O6
The purpose of a vehicle management project in object-oriented
programming (OOP) using C++ would likely be to create a program that
can manage and organize information about vehicles, such as their
make, model, year, and current status (e.g. rented or available). The
scope of the project would depend on the specific requirements and
goals, but it could include features such as adding and removing vehicles
from the system, searching and filtering vehicles by certain criteria, and
generating reports on vehicle usage and availability. The project would
likely use OOP concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and
polymorphism to model the different types of vehicles and their

Objectives of project
Functional objectives of a vehicle management project in OOP C++
would include specific tasks or functionality that the program is
expected to perform, such as:
1::Adding new vehicles to the system, including information such as
make, model, year, and current status
2::Removing vehicles from the system
3::Searching and filtering vehicles by specific criteria such as make,
model, year, and status
4::Generating reports on vehicle usage and availability
5::Updating and editing existing vehicle informationProviding a user-
friendly interface for performing these tasks
Non-functional objectives would include
the characteristics of the program that are not directly related to its
functionality but are important to the overall quality of the program such
1::Performance: The program should perform quickly and efficiently,
even with a large number of vehicles in the system.
2::Scalability: The program should be able to handle a large number of
vehicles without crashing or slowing down.
3::Security: The program should protect sensitive information and
prevent unauthorized access.
4::Reliability: The program should be stable and work correctly without
crashing or producing errors.

1::Improved Efficiency: A vehicle management project can help to
improve the efficiency of managing a fleet of vehicles by automating
tasks such as scheduling maintenance, tracking fuel consumption, and
monitoring driver performance.
2::Better Utilization of Resources: A vehicle management project can
help to optimize the utilization of vehicles and other resources by
providing real-time information on vehicle availability, location, and
3::Cost Savings: A vehicle management project can help to reduce costs
by providing tools for tracking and controlling expenses such as fuel
costs, maintenance costs, and insurance costs.
4::Increased Productivity: A vehicle management project can help to
increase productivity by providing tools for scheduling, tracking and
monitoring driver performance, and other tasks.
5::Better Decision Making: A vehicle management project can provide
real-time data and analytics, which can help managers make better
decisions by providing insights into the performance and efficiency of
their fleet.

Working of project:
The program would use objects, which are instances of classes, to represent individual vehicles
in the system. Users would be able to interact with the program through a user interface, such
as a command-line interface or a graphical user interface, to perform tasks such as adding new
vehicles, removing vehicles, searching and filtering vehicles, and generating reports.

When a new vehicle is added, an object of the corresponding class would be created and the
required information such as make, model, year, and current status would be passed to the
constructor of that class. As the vehicles are removed the objects would be deleted from the
As the user searches and filters the vehicles, the program would use polymorphism to ensure
that the correct method is called for the appropriate class, regardless of the type of vehicle.
When generating reports, the program would also use polymorphism to ensure that the correct
method is called for each vehicle to generate the report.

Finally, the program would use inheritance to ensure that the correct behavior
and properties are used for each type of vehicle, and encapsulation to ensure that
the implementation details of the classes are hidden from the user.
UML diagram:

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