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Daily Plan
Objective. Use the app, Speech Blub, to support students in speech/language
 Materials: Android or iPad to access Speech Blub.
 Background knowledge: Speech Blub accesses background knowledge by asking a few
questions about the students interests and milestones. The answers help the students get
the most out of the app, as the activities are based on prior knowledge and topics that
interest them.
 Direct Instruction: Speech Blubs can be used alone while working 1-1 with a child.
 Guided Teaching. Speech Blub can be connected to the class whiteboard for bigger
class activities.
 Closure and Assessment: At the end of the activity Speech Blub creates an assessment
that asks a series of questions to determine their progress. When the assessment is
completed, the app will personalize the content and create a customized learning plans
for the next activity.

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