Cpp-St. (Mixed) Ques & Ans.

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Name: ______________________________________ Batch: Date:


Section (A): Moles, Density, % Composition, Molecular formula:

1. The density of liquid mercury is 13.6 g/cm 3. How many moles of mercury are there in 1 litre of the metal?
(Hg = 200)

2. The measured density of N.T.P of a gaseous sample of compound was found to be 2 g/liter. What is the
weight of 1 mole of the gaseous sample.

3. A compound contains 25% hydrogen and 75% carbon. Determine the empirical formula of the compound.

Section (B): Principle of Atom Conservation (POAC):

4. A sample of chalk, contained clay as impurity, which loses 11% of its weight of water on prolong heating. 5 g
of chalk on heating shows a loss in weight (due to evolution of CO2 and water) by 1.1 g. Calculate % of chalk
in the sample.

5. 1 g of dry green algae absorbs 4.7  10 −3 mole of CO2 per hour photosynthesis. If the fixed carbon atoms
were all stored after photosynthesis as starch (C 6H10O5)n how long would it take for the algae to double their
own weight assuming photosynthesis takes place at a constant rate?
6. When 3 g of mixture of 1 – butene (C4H8), butane (C4H10) and an inert gas burned in excess of oxygen 8.80
g of CO2 and 4.14 g of H2O were obtained. What is percentage by mass of butane in the mixture.

Section (C): Analysis of Balanced Chemical Reaction (Mole: Mole Analysis):

7. The following process has been used to obtain iodine from oil – field brines in California.
NaI + AgNO3 ⎯⎯ → AgI + NaNO3
2AgI + Fe ⎯⎯
→ FeI2 + 2Ag
2FeI2 + 3Cl2 ⎯⎯
→ 2FeCl3 + 2I2
How many grams of AgNO3 are required in the first step for every 1.016 kg I 2 produced in the third step.

8. A fluorine disposal plant was constructed to carryout the reactions:

F2 + 2NaOH ⎯⎯ → O2 + 2NaF + H2O
2NaF + CaO + H2O ⎯⎯ → CaF2 + 2NaOH
As the plant operated, excess lime was added to bring about complete precipitation of the fluoride as CaF2.
Over a period of operation, 1900 kg of fluorine were fed into a plant and 10,000 kg of lime were required.
What was the percentage utilisation of lime. (F = 19,Ca = 40,O = 16 )

9. N2H4, Hydrazine a rocket fuel can be produced according to the following reaction:
ClNH2 + 2NH3 ⎯⎯→ N2H4 + NH4 Cl
When 1030 g ClNH2 is reacted with excess of NH3 ,480 g N2 is produced. What is the % yield of the

10. In the following equation:

FeS2 + O2 ⎯⎯→ Fe2O3 + SO2
Calculate (i) the volume of SO2 measured at NTP that would be obtained combustion of 1.2 kg of iron pyrite
(ii) the volume of air measured at NTP used in oxidation assuming that air contains 20% of oxygen by mole.
Section (D): Limiting Reagent:
11. 50 g of CaCO3 is allowed to react with 73.5 g of H 3PO4. Calculate:


(i) mass of Ca3 (PO4)2 formed

(ii) amount of unreacted reagent

12. Potassium super oxide, KO2, is used in rebreathing gas masks to generate O 2, If a reaction vessel contains
0.15 mol KO2 and 0.10 mol H2O, What is the limiting reactant. How many moles of oxygen can be produced.
2KO2 + 2H2O ⎯⎯→ 2KOH + H2O + O2

13. Equal weight of Cu metal and iodine are mixed together and the iodine is completely converted to CuI 2.
What fraction of weight of the original copper remains unreacted? (Cu = 63.5, I = 127)

14. A compound which contains one atom of X and atoms of Y for each three atoms of Z is made by mixing
5.00 g of X, 1.15  1023 atoms of Y & 0.003 mole of Z atoms. Given that only 4.40 g of compound results.
Calculate the atomic weight of Y if the atomic weight of X and Z are 60 and 80 amu respectively.

Section (E): Concentration Terms for Solutions:

15. What volume of water should be added to 50 ml of HNO3 having specific gravity 1.5 and 63% by weight to
have on molar solution.

16. Determine the volume of dilute nitric acid ( d = 1.08 g mL-1, 19% HNO3 w/W) that can be prepared by
diluting 48 mL of concentrated HNO3 with water. (d = 1.44 g mL-1, 76% w/W) .

17. A sodium hydroxide solution containing 40% by weight of pure NaOH has a specific gravity of 1.43. What
volume of this solution will be required in the preparation of 500 mL of a 0.5 NaOH solution?

18. 5 g of K2SO4 were dissolved in 250 ml of solution. How many ml of this solution should be used so that 1.2
g of BaSO4 may be precipitated from BaCl 2 solution.
K 2 SO4 + BaCl2 ⎯⎯→ BaSO 4 + KCl

19. 224 ml of CO2 at N.T.P is passed through 100 ml of 0.2 M solution of NaOH. What is the weight of Na 2CO3
2NaOH + CO2 ⎯⎯→ Na2CO3 + H2O

20. (i) If you are given a 2 M NaOH solution having density 1 gm/ml. Then write the molality of solution
(ii) Find the molarity of 5 m (molal) NaOH solution having density 1.5 gm/ml.
(iii) Find the mole fraction of solute in problem (i)
(iv) Find the mole fraction of solute in problem (ii)
(v) Find the % (w/w) of NaOH in solution in problem (i)
(vi) Find the % (w/w) of NaOH in solution in problem (ii)
(vi) Find the % (w/v) of NaOH in solution in problem (ii)
(vii) A 300 gm, 30% (w/w) NaOH solution is mixed with 500 gm 40% (w/w) NaOH solution. Find the mass
percentage (w/w) of final solution.
(ix) What is (w/v) NaOH in problem (viii) if density of final solution is 2 gm/ml.
(x) What is the molality of final solution obtained in problem, (viii)

21. Calculate the % MgO in 20 g of mixture of MgO and CaO which just reacts with 100 ml of 8 M HCl.
MgO + 2HCl ⎯⎯ → MgCl2 + H2O
CaO + 2HCl ⎯⎯
→ CaCl2 + H2O

Section (F): Oxidation Reduction and Law of Equivalence:

22. Calculate the oxidation number of underlined elements in the following compounds.
( a ) K Co ( C2O4 ) . (NH3 )2  ( b ) K 4 P 2O7 ( c ) CrO2Cl2
( d) Na2 Fe ( CN)5 NO+  ( e ) Mn3O4 ( f ) Ca ( ClO2 )2
( g) Fe (NO+ ) (H2O )5  SO4 (h ) ZnO22− (i ) Fe0.93O

23. Write balanced net ionic equations for the following reactions in acidic solution.


( a ) S4O62− ( aq) + Al ( s ) ⎯⎯→ H2S ( aq ) + Al3 + (aq )

(b ) S2O32− ( aq) + Cr2O72− ( aq) ⎯⎯→ S4O62− ( aq) + Cr 3 + (aq )
( c ) ClO3− ( aq) + As2S3 ( s ) ⎯⎯→ Cl− ( aq) + H2 AsO4− (aq ) + HSO 4− (aq )
( d) HNO2 ( aq) ⎯⎯→ NO3− + NO ( g)

→ I2 + H2O. Find the ratio of coefficients of IO−4 ,I− and I2 .

24. Consider the reaction H+ + IO−4 + I− ⎯⎯

25. The mixture of CuS (molecular weight = M 1) and Cu2S (molecular weight = M2) oxidised by KMnO4 (molecular
weight = M3) in acidic medium, the product obtained are Cu2+, SO2. Find the equivalent weight of CuS,Cu 2S
and KMnO4 respectively.

Section (G): Titrations

26. A dilute solution of H2SO4 is made by adding 5 mL of 3N H2SO4 to 245 mL of water. Find the normality and
molarity of the solution.

27. 25 ml of solution of Fe2+ ions was titrated with a solution of the oxidizing agent Cr2 O72 − . 50 ml of 0.01 M
K2Cr2O7 solution was required. What is the molarity of the Fe2+ solution.

28. It requires 40 ml of 1 M Ce4+ to titrate 20 ml of 1 M Sn4+. What is the oxidation sate of the cerium in the

29. 3 mole of a mixture of FeSO 4 and Fe2(SO4)3 required 100 ml of 2 M KMnO 4 solution in acidic medium.
Calculate mole fraction of FeSO4 in the mixture.

30. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted 0.40 g of the ore into its ferrous ion.
The ferrous ion required 40.00 mL of 0.1 N solution of KMnO4 for titration.
(i) How many milliequivalents of KMnO4 does 42.00 mL of 0.1 N solution represents?
(ii) How many equivalents of iron were present in the sample of the ore taken for analysis?
(iii) How many grams of iron were present in the sample?
(iv) What is the percentage of iron in the ore?
(v) What is the molarity of KMnO4 solution used?
(vi) How many moles of KMnO 4 were used for titration? (Fe = 56)

31. Calculate the mass of oxalic acid which can be oxidized by 100 ml of MnO −4 solution, 10 ml of which is
capable of oxidizing 50 ml of 1 N I- to I2.

32. How many ml of 0.3 M K2Cr2O7 (acidic) is required for complete oxidation of 5 ml of 0.2 M SnC2O4 solution.

33. Mass of KHC2O4 (Potassium acid oxalate) required to reduce 100 ml of 0.02 M KMnO4 in acidic medium is
xg and to neutralise 100 mL of 0.05 M Ca(OH) 2 is yg, then find the relation between x & y.

34. Potassium acid oxalate K 2C2O4.3H2C2O4.4H2O can be oxidized by MnO −4 in acid medium. Calculate the
volume of 0.1 M KMnO 4 reacting in acid solution with one gram of the acid oxalate.

35. What volume at NTP of gaseous ammonia will be required to be passed into 30 cc of 1 N H2SO4 solution to
bring down the acid strength of the later to 0.2 N.

Section (H): Titration (Miscellaneous)

36. 50 gm of sample of Ca(OH)2 is divided in 50 ml of 0.5 N HCl solution. The excess of HCl was titrated with
0.3 N NaOH. The volume of NaOH used was 20 cc. Calculate % purity of Ca(OH)2.

37. A solution contains Na2CO3 and NaHCO3.20ml of this solution required 4 ml of 1N HCl for titration with Ph
indicator. The titration was repeated with the same volume of the solution but with MeOH, 10.5 ml of 1N HCl
was required this time. Calculate the amount of Na2CO3 & NaHCO3.


38. A solution contains a mixture of Na 2CO3 and NaOH. Using Ph as indicator 25 ml of mixture required 19.5 ml
of 0.995 N HCl for the end point. Which MeOH, 25 ml of the solution required 25 ml of the same HCl for the
end point. Calculate gms/L of each substance in the mixture.

39. 0.5 M KMnO4 solution completely reacts with 0.5 M FeC 2O4 solution under acidic conditions where the
products are Fe3 + ,CO2 and Mn2 + . The volume of FeC2O4 used is 125 ml. What volume of KMnO4 was used.

40. The iodine content of a solution was determined by the titration with cerium (IV) sulphate in the presence of
HCl, in which I- is converted to ICI. A 250 ml sample of the solution required 20 ml of 0.058 N Ce4+ solution.
What is the iodide concentrated in the original solution in gm/It.

41. 5 g of pyrolusite (impure MnO2) were heated with conc. HCl and Cl2 evolved was passed through excess of
KI solution. The iodine liberated required 40 mL of hypo solution. Find the % MnO 2 in the pyrolusite.

42. A piece of brass weighing 220 mg was dissolved and prepared for iodometric titration. Excess KI was
added and the liberated iodine required 30 ml of 0.08 M hyposolution. Find the % of Cu in the brass.

43. A mixture containing As2O3 and As2O5 required 20 ml of 0.05 N iodine for titration. The resulting solution is
then acidified and excess of KI was added. The liberated iodine required 1.116 g hypo (Na 2S2O3.5H2O) of
complete reaction. Calculate the mass of the mixture. The reactions are
As2O3 + 2I2 + 2H2O ⎯⎯ → As2O5 + 4H+ + 4I−
As2O5 + 4H+ + 4I− ⎯⎯
→ As2O3 + 2I2 + 2H2O

Section (I): Special Concentration Terms:

44. 5 litre of a solution of H 2O2 with x M strength is diluted to 5.5 litre. This 5.5 litre H 2O2 solution gives 28 litre
O2 at NTP. Find the value of x.

45. A bottle labelled with ‘’12VH2O’’ contain 700 ml solution. If a student mix 300 ml water in it what is the g/litre
strength, normality and volume strength of final solution.

46. 50 ml of an aqueous solution of H2O2 were treated with an excess of KI solution and dilute H2SO4, the
liberated iodine required 20 ml of 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution for complete interaction. Calculate the
concentration of H2O2 in g/ .

47. What is the % of free SO 3 in an oleum that is labelled as ‘104.5% H2SO4’?

48. If excess water is added into a 100 g bottle sample labelled as ‘’ 112% H 2SO4’’ and is reacted with 5.3 g
Na2CO3, then find the volume of CO2 evolved at 1 atm pressure and 300 K temperature after the completion
of the reaction: R = 0.0821 L atm mol−1 K −1 
H2 SO4 + Na2CO3 ⎯⎯→ Na2SO 4 + H2O + CO2

49. 100 kg hard water containing 5 g MgSO4. Find hardness.

50. Calculate the hardness of water sample which contains 0.001 mol MgSO4 per litre of water.

51. A 200 g sample of hard water is passed through the column of cation exchange resin, in which Ca+2 is
exchange by H+. The outlet water of column required 50 ml of 0.1 M NaOH for complete neutralization.
What is the concentration of Ca2+ ion in ppm?

Only one correct:-


1. Four 1 litre flasks are separately filled with the gases H 2, He, O2 and O3 at the same temperature and
pressure. The ratio of total number of atoms of these gases present in different flask would be
(A) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 : 2 : 3 (C) 2 : 1 : 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2 : 2 : 1

2. Which of the following contains the greatest number of atoms?

(A) 1.0 g of butane (C4H10) (B) 1.0 g of nitrogen (N2)
(C) 1.0 g of silver (Ag) (D) 1.0 g of water (H 2O)

3. A gaseous mixture contains CO 2 (g) and N2O (g) in a 2 : 5 ratio by mass. The ratio of the number of
molecules of CO2 (g) and N2O (g) is
(A) 5 : 2 (B) 2 : 5 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 5 : 4
4. The atomic weight of two elements A and B are 40 and 80 respectively. If x g A contains y atoms, how
many atoms are present in 2x g of B?
y y
(A) (B) (C) y (D) 2y
2 4
5. The vapour density of a mixture containing an equal number of moles of methane and ethane at STP is
(A) 11.5 (B) 11.0 (C) 23 (D) 12.0

6. Density of ozone relative to oxygen is under the same temperature & pressure
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 1.5 (D) 2.5

7. A nugget of gold and quartz was found to contain x g of gold and y g of quartz and has density d. If the
densities gold and quartz are d1 and d2 respectively then the correct relation is:
x y x+y x y x+y x+y x y
(A) + = (B) xd1 + yd2 = ( x + y ) d (C) + = (D) + + =0
d1 d2 d d2 d1 d d d1 d2


8. 25.4 g of iodine and 14.2 g of chlorine are made to react completely to yield a mixture of ICI and ICl 3.
Calculate the number of moles of ICl and ICl3 formed.
(A) 0.1 mole , 0.1 mole (B) 0.1 mole, 0.2 mole (C) 0.5 mole, 0.5 mole(D) 0.2 mole, 0.2 mole

9. What weights of P4O6 and P 4O10 will be produced by the combustion of 31 g of P4 in 32 g of oxygen leaving
no P4 and O2.
(A) 2.75g, 219.5 g (B) 27.5g, 35.5g (C) 55g, 71g (D) 17.5g, 192.5g

10. 0.005 mole of LiAIH in ether solution was placed in a flask and 74g (1 mole) of t – butyl alcohol. The product
LiAIHC12H27O3 weighed 12.7 g. Calculate the percentage yield of the reaction if Li atoms are conserved?
(Li = 7, Al = 27, H = 1,C = 12,O = 16 )
(A) 25% (B) 75% (C) 100% (D) 15%

11. 21.6 g of silver coin is dissolved in HNO3. When NaCl is added to this solution, all silver is precipitated as
AgCl. The weight of AgCl is found 14.35 g then calculate % of silver in coin.
(A) 50% (B) 75% (C) 100% (D) 15%
12. NX is produced by the following step of reactions
M + X2 ⎯⎯ → MX2
MX2 + X2 ⎯⎯
→ M3 X8
M3 X8 + N2CO3 ⎯⎯ → NX + CO2 + M3 O 4
How much M (metal) is consumed to produce 206 gm of NX. (Take at wt of M = 56, N = 23, X = 80)
14 7
(A) 42 gm (B) 56 gm (C) gm (D) gm
3 4
13. For the reaction 2P + Q → R, 8 mol of P and 5 mol of Q will produce
(A) 8 mol of R (B) 5 mol of R (C) 4 mol of R (D) 13 mol of R

14. Equal weight of ‘X’ (At.wt = 36) and ‘Y’ (At.wt = 24) are reacted to form the compound X2Y3. Then
(A) X is the limiting reagent
(B) Y is the limiting reagent
(C) No reactant left over and mass of X2Y3 formed is double the mass of ‘X’ taken
(D) none of these


SECTION (D): Concentration terms for dilutions

15. If 500 ml of 1 M solution of glucose is mixed with 500 ml of 1M solution of glucose final molarity of solution
will be:
(A) 1 M (B) 0.5 M (C) 2 M (D) 1.5 M

16. The volume of water that must be added to a mixture of 250 ml of 0.6 M HCl and 750 ml of 0.2 M HCl to
obtained 0.25 M solution of HCl is:
(A) 0.75 (B) 100 ml (C) 200 ml (D) 300 ml

17. Mole fraction of A in H2O is 0.2. The molality of A in H 2O is:

(A) 13.8 (B) 15.5 (C) 14.5 (D) 16.8

18. What is the molarity of H2SO4 solution that has a density of 1.84 g/cc and contains 98% by mass of H2SO4.
(Given atomic mass of S = 32)
(A) 4.18 M (B) 8.14 M (C) 18.4 M (D) 18 M

19. The molarity of the solution containing 2.8% mass volume solution of KOH. (atomic mass of K = 39) is:
(A) 0.1 M (B) 0.5 M (C) 0.2 M (D) 1 M

20. The molality of a sulphuric acid solution is 0.2 mol/kg. Calculate the total weight of the solution containing
one kg of solvent.
(A) 1000 g (B) 1098.6 g (C) 980.4 g (D) 1019.6 g


21. Which of the following is a redox reaction?

(A) 2CrO24− + 2H+ ⎯⎯ → Cr2O72 − + H2O (B) CuSO4 + 4NH3 ⎯⎯ → Cu (NH3 )4  SO 4
(C) Na2 S2 O3 + I2 ⎯⎯
→ Na2S 4 O6 + NaI (D) Cr2 O72 − + 2OH− ⎯⎯
→ 2CrO24− + H2O

22. In which of the following reactions is there a change in the oxidation number of nitrogen atoms
(A) 2NO2 ⎯⎯ → N2O4 (B) NH3 + H2 O ⎯⎯ → NH4+ + OH−
(C) N2 O5 + H2O ⎯⎯
→ 2HNO3 (D) None

23. In the reaction

xHI + yHNO3 ⎯⎯→ NO + I2 + H2O
(A) x = 3, y = 2 (B) x = 2, y = 3 (C) x = 6, y = 2 (D) x = 6, y = 1
24. For the redox reaction
MnO−4 + C2O24− + H+ ⎯⎯→ Mn2 + + CO2 + H2O
The correct stoichiometric coefficient of MnO−4 ,C2O24− and H+ are respectively
(A) 2,5,16 (B) 16,5,2 (C) 5,16,2 (D) 2,16,5

25. 28NO3− + 3As2S3 + 4H2O ⎯⎯→ 6AsO34− + 28NO + 9SO 24− + H+

What will be the equivalent mass of As2S3 in above reaction
M.w.t M.w.t M.w.t M.w.t
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 24 28
2− 2− 2−
26. The oxidation states of sulphur in the anions SO3 ,S2O 4 andS2O6 follow the order
(A) S2 O32 −  S2 O24−  SO32 − (B) S2 O24−  SO32 −  S2O62 −
(C) SO32 −  S2O24−  S2O62 − (D) S2 O24−  S2 O62 −  SO32 −

27. When ZnS is boiled with strong nitric acid, the product are zinc nitrate, sulphuric acid and nitrogen dioxide.
What are the changes in the oxidation numbers of Zn, S and N?
(A) 2,4,1 (B) 2,6,2 (C) 0,4,2 (D) 0,8,1

28. In the following final results is

0.1 mol CH4 + 3.01 1023 molecules CH4 − 9.6g CH4 = x mole H atoms :
(A) 0 mol H atom (B) 0.2 mol H atom (C) 0.3 mol H atom (D) 0.4 mol H atom


29. Which of the following relations is incorrect

(A) 3N Al2 ( SO 4 )3 = 0.5M Al2 ( SO 4 )3 (B) 3 MH2SO 4 = 6NH2SO 4
(C) 1MH3 PO 4 = 1/ 3 N H3 PO 4 (D) 1 M Al2 ( SO 4 )3 = 6N Al2 ( SO 4 )3

30. The mass of oxalic acid crystals (H2C2O4 .2H2O ) required to prepare 50 mL of a 0.2 N solution is
(A) 4.5 g (B) 6.3 g (C) 0.63 g (D) 0.45 g


31. 125 ml of 63% (w/v) H2C2O4.2H 2O is made to react with 125 mL of a 40% (w/v) NaOH solution. The
resulting solution is
(A) neutral (B) acidic (C) strongly acidic (D) alkaline

32. A certain weight of pure CaCO 3 is made to react completely with 200 mL of an HCl solution to give 224 mL
of CO2 gas at STP. The normality of the HCl is
(A) 0.05N (B) 0.1N (C) 1.0N (D) 0.2 N

33. The volume of 1.5 MH3PO4 solution required to neutralize exactly 90 mL of a 0.5 M Ba(OH)2 solution is
(A) 10 mL (B) 30 mL (C) 20 mL (D) 60 mL
34. x m mol of KIO3 react completely with y m mol of KI to give I2 quantitavely. Then
(A) x = y (B) 5x = y (C) x = 5y (D) x  y

35. Volume V1 ml of 0.1 MK2Cr2O7 is needed for completely oxidation of 0.678g N2H4 in acidic medium. The
volume of 0.3 M KMnO 4 needed for same oxidation in acidic medium will be
2 5
(A) V1 (B) V1 (C) 113V1 (D) can' t say
5 2
36. 25 ml of a 0.1 M solution of a stable cation transition metal Z reacts exactly with 25 ml of 0.04 M acidic
KMnO4 solution. Which of the following is most likely to represent the change in oxidation state of Z
(A) Z + → Z2 + (B) Z2 + → Z3 + (C) Z3 + → Z 4 + (D) Z2 + → Z 4 +
37. How many litres of Cl2 at S.T.P will be liberated by the oxidation of NaCl with 10 g of acidic KMnO4
(A) 3.54 litres (B) 7.08 litres (C) 1.77 litres (D) None of these

38. If equal volumes of 0.1 M KMnO 4 and 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 solutions are allowed to Oxidise. Fe2 + to Fe3 + in acidic
medium, then Fe2 + oxidised will be
(A) more by KMnO4 (B) more by K2Cr2O7
(C) equal in both cases (D) can’t be determined

39. Find the volume of strength of H 2O2 solution prepared by mixing of 250 ml of 3N H2O2& 750 ml of 1 N H2O2
(A) 1.5 V (B) 8.4 V (C) 5.6 V (D) 11.2 V

40. Bottle (A) contain 320 ml of H2O2 solution & labbled with 10 V H2O2 & Bottle (B) contain 80 ml H2O2 having
normality 5 N. If bottle (A) & bottle (B) mixed & solution filled in bottle (C). Select the correct label for bottal
(C) in term of volume strength & in term of g/litre.
(A) 13.6 '' V " & 41.285 g / (B) 11.2'' V " & 0.68 g /
(C) 5.6 '' V " & 0.68 g / (D) 5.6 " V " & 41.285 g /

41. Temporary hardness is due to HCO3− of Mg2 + and Ca2 + . It is removed by addition of CaO.
Ca (HCO3 )2 + CaO ⎯⎯
→ 2CaCO3 + H2O
Mass of CaO required to precipitate 2g CacO 3 in the above reaction is:
(A) 2.00 g (B) 0.56 g (C) 0.28 g (D) 1.12 g



1. 68 mol 2. 44.8 g 3. CH4 4. 25%

5. Approx 8 hours 6. 58% 7. 1.360 kg 8. 28%

9. 75% 10. (i) 448 (ii) 3080 L 11. (i) 51.66 g; (ii) 5/12 moles of H3PO4

12. H2O limiting reagent 0.05 mol of O2 13. 0.75 14. 70

15. 700 ml 16. 256 ml 17. 17.5 mL 18. 44.8

19. 1.06 g 20. (i) 2.17 m (ii) 6.25 M (iii) 0.038 (iv) 0.082 (v) 8% (vi) 16.67% (vii) 25%

(viii) 36.25% (ix) 72.5% (x) 14.2 m 21. 30% 22. (a) +3(b) +5(c) +6(d) +2

(e) 8/3 or (2 and 3) (f) +3 (g) +1 (h) +2(i) 200/93=2.15

23. ( a ) S4O62− ( aq) + 6A ( s ) + 20H+ ⎯⎯→ 4H2S ( aq ) + 6Al3 + (aq ) + 6H2O

(b ) 6S2O32− ( aq) + Cr2O72− ( aq) + 14H+ ⎯⎯→ 3S4O62− (aq ) + 2Cr 3 + (aq ) + 7H2O
( c )14ClO3− ( aq) + 3As2S3 ( s ) + 18H2O ⎯⎯→14Cl− (aq ) + 6H2 AsO 4− (aq ) + 9HSO 4− (aq ) + 15H+
( d) 7IO3− ( aq) + 6Re ( s ) + 3H2O ⎯⎯→ 6ReO4− ( aq ) + 7I− (aq ) + 6H+
( e ) 3HNO2 ( aq) ⎯⎯→ HNO3 + 2NO3 + 2NO ( g) + H2O
M1 M2 M3
24.1 : 7 : 4 25. , , 26.0.06 N and 0.03 M 27.0.12 M
6 8 5

28. +3 29. 30.(i) 4.2; (ii) 0.004 (iii) 0.224 g (iv) 56% (v) 0.02 M;

(vi) 0.0008 mole. 31.22.5 g 32.2.22 ml 33.2x = y

34.V = 31.68 ml 35.537.6 ml 36. 1.406% 37.0.424 gm; 0.21 gm

38.23.2 gm, 22.28 gm 39.7.5 ml 40.0.254 g/lt 41.3.48%

42.69% 43.0.5 g 44.x = 0.5 45. 25.5 gm/lit, 1.5 N,

8.4 V 46.0.68 g / 47.20% 48. 1.23 litre

49.41.66 ppm 50.100 ppm 51. 500 ppm

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C

5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A

9. B 10. C 11. A 12. A

13. C 14. C 15. A 16. C

17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D

21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A

25. D 26. AB 27. D 28. A

29. C 30. C 31. A 32. B

33. C 34. B 35. A 36. D

37. A 38. B 39. B 40. A

41 B


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