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1. A plant virus is found to consist of uniform cylindrical particles of 150 A in a diameter and 5000
A long. The specific volume of the virus is 0.75 cm3/g . If the virus is considered to be a single
particle, find its molecular weight. [IIT 1999 ]
[Ans. 7.095 × 10 ]
2. Calculate molarity of water if its density is 1000 kg/m3 . [IIT 2003]
[Ans. 55.55 ]
3. 20% surface sites have absorbed N 2 . On heating N 2 gas is evolved from sites and were collected
at 0.001 atm and 298 K in a container of volume 2.46 cm3 . Density of surface sites is
6.023 × 1014 / cm 2 and surface area is 1000 cm3 . Find out the number of surface sites occupied per
molecule of N 2 . [IIT 2005 ]
[Ans. 2]
4. The reaction, 2C + O 2 → 2CO is carried out by taking 24 g of carbon and 96 g O 2 , find out :
(a) Which reactant is left in excess ?
(b) How much of it is left ?
(c) How many mole of CO are formed ?
(d) How many g of other reactant should be taken so that nothing is left at the end of reaction
? [Roorkee 1986 ]
[Ans. (a) O2 (b) 2 mole of O 2 (c) 2 mole of CO (d) 72 ]
5. A mixture 20 mL of CO, CH 4 and N 2 was burnt in excess of O 2 resulting in reduction of 13 mL
of volume. The residual gas was then treated with KOH solution to show a contraction of 14 mL
in volume. Calculate volume of CO, CH 4 and N 2 in mixture. All measurements are made at
constant pressure and temperature. [IIT 1995 ]
[Ans. a = 10 mL ; b = 4 mL ; c = 6 mL ]
6. Calculate molality of 1 litre solution of 93% H 2SO 4 by volume. The density of solution is
1.84 g mL−1 . [IIT 1990 ]
[Ans. 10.42 ]
7. A mixture of HCOOH and H 2C2O 4 is heated with conc. H 2SO 4 . The gas produced is collected
and on treating with KOH solution the volume of the gas decreases by th . Calculate molar ratio
of two acids in original mixture. [Roorkee 1990]
[Ans. 4 : 1 ]
8. A sample of Mg was burnt in air to give a mixture of MgO and Mg 3 N 2 . The ash was dissolved in
60 Meq of HCl and the resulting solution was back titrated with NaOH. 12 Meq of NaOH were
required to reach the end point. An excess of NaOH was then added and the solution distilled. The
ammonia released was then trapped in 10 Meq of second acid solution. Back titration of this
solution required 6 Meq of the base. Calculate the percentage of Mg burnt to the nitride.
[Roorkee 1998 ]
[Ans. 27.27 ]
9. For the reaction, N 2O5 ( g ) → 2NO 2 ( g ) + 0.5 O 2 ( g ) , calculate the mole fraction of N 2O5 ( g )
decomposed at a constant volume and temperature, if the initial pressure is 600 mm Hg and the
pressure at any time is 960 mm Hg. Assume ideal gas behaviour. [IIT 1998]
[Ans. 0.4]
10. n -butane is produced by the monobromination of ethane followed by Wurtz reaction. Calculate
the volume of ethane at NTP to produce 55 g n -butane if the bromination takes place with 90%
yield and the Wurtz reaction with 85% yield. [IIT 1989]
[Ans. 55.53 litre ]
11. A mixture in which the mole ratio of H 2 and O 2 is 2 : 1 is used to prepare water by the reaction,
2H 2 ( g ) + O 2 ( g ) → 2H 2O( g )
The total pressure in the container is 0.8 atm at 200C before the reaction. Determine the final
pressure at 1200C after reaction assuming 80% yield of water. [Roorkee 1999]
[Ans. 0.787 atm]
12. 8.0575 × 10−2 kg of Glauber’s salt is dissolved in water to obtain 1 dm3 of a solution of density
1077.2 kg m −3 . Calculate the molarity, molality and mole fraction of Na 2SO 4 in solution.
[IIT 1994]
[Ans. Molarity = 0.2502 M, Molality = 0.24 m, Mole fraction = 4.3 × 10 ]
13. A solid mixture 5 g consists of lead nitrate and sodium nitrate was heated below 6000C until
weight of residue was constant. If the loss in weight is 28% find the amount of lead nitrate and
sodium nitrate in mixture. [IIT 1990]
[Ans. a = 3.32 g b = 1.68 g ]
14. A mixture of ethane (C2 H 6 ) and ethane (C2 H 4 ) occupies 40 litre at 100 atm at 400 K. The mixture
reacts completely with 130 g of O 2 to produce CO 2 and H 2O . Assuming ideal gas behaviour,
calculate the mole fractions of C2 H 4 and C2 H 6 in the mixture. [IIT 1995]
[Ans. C2 H 6 = 0.66,C2H 4 = 0.34 ]
15. A sample of hard water contains 96 ppm of SO 24− and 183 ppm of HCO3− , with Ca 2+ as the only
cation. How many moles of CaO will be required to remove HCO3− from 1000 kg of this water ?
If 1000 kg of this water is treated with the amount of CaO calculated above, what will be the
concentration (in ppm) of residual Ca 2+ ions (Assume CaCO3 to be completely insoluble in water)
? If the Ca 2+ ions in one litre of treated water are completely exchanged with hydrogen ions, what
will be its pH (One ppm means one part of the substance in one million part of water,
weight/weights) ? [IIT 1997]
[Ans. Moles of CaO required = 1.5, Ca ions left in solution are of CaSO 4 = 40 ppm,
pH = − log 2 × 10−3 = 2.6989 ]
16. 1 g charcoal is placed in 100 mL of 0.5 M CH 3COOH to form an adsorbed mono-layer of acertic
acid molecule and thereby the molarity of CH 3COOH reduces to 0.49. Calculate the surface area
of charcoal adsorbed by each molecule of acetic acid. Surface area of charcoal = 3.01 × 102 m 2 / g
. [IIT 2003]
[Ans. = 5 × 10−19 m 2 ]
17. Calculate the amount of calcium oxide required to react completely with 852 g of P4O10 .
[IIT 2005]
[Ans. wCaO = 1008 g ]
18. Calculate no. of oxalic acid molecules in 100 mL of 0.02 N oxalic acid. [Roorkee 1992]
[Ans. 6.023 × 1020 ]
19. How many milli-litre of 0.5 M H 2SO 4 are needed to dissolve 0.5 g of copper II carbonate ?
[IIT 1999]
[Ans. V = 8.097 mL ]
20. What is the strength in g per litre of a solution of H 2SO 4 , 12mL of which neutralized 15 mL of
N/10 NaOH solution ? [Roorkee 1987]
[Ans. 6.125 g/litre]
21. The formula weight of an acid is 82.0. 100 cm3 of a solution of this acid containing 39.0g of the
acid per litre were completely neutralised by 95.0 cm3 of aqueous NaOH containing 40.0 g of
NaOH per litre. What is the basicity of the acid ? [Roorkee 2000]
[Ans. n = 2 , acid is diabasic]
22. Upon mixing 45.0 mL of 0.25 M lead nitrate solution with 25 mL of 0.10 M chromic sulphate,
precipitation of lead sulphate takes place. How many moles of lead sulphate are formed ? Also
Calculate the molar concentrations of the species left behind in final solution. Assume that lead
sulphate is completely insoluble. [IIT 1993 ]
2+ − 3+
[Ans. PbSO 4 = 0.0075, Pb = 0.0536 M, NO3 = 0.32 M, Cr = 0.0714 M]
23. 0.50 g of a mixture of K 2CO3 and Li 2CO3 required 30 mL of 0.25 N HCl solution for
neutralization. What is % composition of mixture ? [Roorkee 1998]
[Ans. K 2CO3 = 96%, Li 2CO3 = 4% ]
24. 1.20 g sample of Na 2CO3 and K 2CO3 was dissolved in water to form 100 mL of a solution. 20
mL of this solution required 40 mL of 0.1N HCl for complete neutralization. Calculate the weight
of Na 2CO3 in mixture. If another 20 mL of this solution is treated with excess of BaCl2 , what will
be the weight of precipitate ? [Roorkee 1997]
[Ans. Wt. of BaCO3 = 0.394 g ]
25. 5 mL of 8 N HNO3 , 4.8 mL of 5 N HCl and a certain volume of 17 M H 2SO 4 are mixed together
and made upto 2 litre. 30 mL of this acid mixture exactly neutralizes 429 mL of Na 2CO3 solution
containing 1 g Na 2CO3 . 10H 2O in 100 mL of water. Calculate the amount of sulphate ions in g
present in solution. [IIT 1985]
[Ans. Weight of SO 4 = 6.528 g ]


1. Number of atoms in 558.5 g Fe (at. wt. 55.85) is : [AIEEE 2002]

(a) Twice that in 60 g carbon (b) 6.023 × 1022
(c) Half in 8 g He (d) 558.5 × 6.023 × 1023
2. Which of the following changes with increase in temperature : [AIEEE 2002]
(a) Molality (b) Weight fraction of solute
(c) Fraction of solute present in water (d) Mole fraction
3. In a compound C, H, N atoms are present in 9 : 1 3.5 by weight, Molecular weight of compound
is 108. Its molecular formula is : [AIEEE 2002]
(a) C2H 6 N 2 (b) C3 H 4 N
(c) C6 H8 N 2 (d) C9 H12 N 3
4. What volume of hydrogen gas at 273K and 1 atm pressure will be consumed in obtaining 21.6g of
elemental boron (at. mass = 10.8) from the reduction of boron trichloride with hydrogen:
[AIEEE 2003]
(a) 44.8 L (b) 22.4 L (c) 89.4 L (d) 67.2 L
5. 6.02 × 1020 molecules of urea are present in 100 mL solution. The concentration of urea solution
is : [AIEEE 2004]
(a) 0.1M (b) 0.01M (c) 0.02M (d) 0.001M
6. Two solutions of a substance (non-electrolyte) are mixed in the following manner 480 mL of 1.5
M of first solution with 520 mL of 1.2 M of second solution. The molarity of final solution is :
[AIEEE 2005]
(a) 1.20 M (b) 1.50 M (c) 1.344 M (d) 2.70 M
7. If 1/6, in place of 1/12, mass of carbon atom is taken to be the relative atomic mass unit, the mass
of one mole of a substance will: [AIEEE 2005]
(a) Decrease twice (b) Increase two folds
(c) Remains unchanges (d) Be a function of the molecular mass of element
8. How many moles of magnesium phosphate Mg3(PO 4 ) 2 will contain 0.25 mole of oxygen atoms:
[AIEEE 2006]
−2 −2
(a) 0.02 (b) 3.125  10 (c) 1.25  10 (d) 2.5  10−2
9. Density of 2.05 M solution of acetic acid in water is 1.02 g/mL. The molality of same solution is
(a) 1.14 mol kg −1 (b) 3.28 mol kg −1
(c) 2.28 mol kg −1 (d) 0.44 mol kg −1
10. In the reaction :
+ −
2Al( s ) + 6HCl( aq ) → 2Al3( aq .) + 6Cl ( aq ) + 3H 2 ( g )

[AIEEE 2007]
(a) 6 litre HCl( aq.) is consumed for every 3L H 2( g ) produced
(b) 33.6 litre H 2( g ) is produced regardless of temperature and pressure for every mole Al that
(c) 67.2 litre H 2( g ) at STP is produced for every mole Al that reacts
(d) 11.2 litre H 2( g ) at STP is produced for every mole HCl( aq.) consumed

11. The density (in g mL−1 ) of a 3.60 M sulphuric acid solution that is 29% H 2SO 4
(Molar mass = 98 g mol−1 ) by mass will be: [AIEEE 2007]
(a) 1.64 (b) 1.88 (c) 1.22 (d) 1.45
12. How many moles of electron weigh one kilogram : [IIT 2002]
(a) 6.023 × 1023 (b) × 1023
6.023× 10 1
(c) (d) × 108
9.108 9.108  6.023
13. Which has the maximum number of atoms : [IIT 2003]
(a) 24 g C (12) (b) 56 g Fe (56)
(c) 27 g Al (27) (d) 108 g Ag (108)
14. Consider a titration of potassium dichromate solution with acidified Mohr’s salt solution using
diphenylamine as indicator. The number of moles of Mohr’s salt required per mole of dichromate
is : [IIT 2007]
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
56 56 57
15. Given that the abundant of isotope Fe , Fe and Fe are 5%, 90% and 5% respectively, the
atomic mass of Fe is : [IIT 2009]
55.85 (b) 55.95 (c) 55.75 (d) 56.05
16. 25 mL of a solution of barium hydroxide on titration with 0.1 molar solution of hydrochloric acid
gave a titre value of 35 mL. The molarity of barium hydroxide is : [AIEEE 2004]
(a) 0.28 (b) 0.35 (c) 0.07 (d) 0.14
17. To neutralize completely 20 mL of 0.1 M aqueous KOH solution required is :
[AIEEE 2004]
(a) 60 mL (b) 20 mL (c) 40 mL (d) 10 mL
18. The normality of 0.3 M phosphorous acid H 3PO3 is : [IIT 1999]
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.9 (c) 0.3 (d) 0.6
19. An aqueous solution of 6.3 g oxalic acid dehydrate is made upto 250 mL. The volume of
0.1NNaOH required to completely neutralize 10 mL of this solution is: [IIT 2001]
(a) 40 mL (b) 20 mL (c) 10 mL (d) 4 mL


1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b)

6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (d)

11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b)

16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (a)

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