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Carbon Dioxide

This is my presentation about carbon dioxide make sure you

listen because there will be a quiz at the end.
What is Carbon Dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is a colourless odourless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds.

There is 0.03 % of carbon dioxide in the air.

carbon dioxide is one of 109 gases.

Can Carbon dioxide kill you?

Carbon dioxide can not kill you if you breathe it in.

Carbon dioxide can cause irritation to the eyes nose and

throat if highly concentrated.
what is carbon dioxides
scientific name.

Like all gases carbon dioxide has a scientific name co2.

scientists use special code words to make gases easier to

remember like nitrogen is N and oxygen is o2.
Who discovered carbon

Joseph Black, a Scottish chemist and physician, first identified carbon

dioxide in the 1750s.
Quiz time

What body parts if highly concentrated can carbon

dioxide affect?

What is carbon dioxides special name?

Who was the first person to discover carbon dioxide.

How many gases are there?

Thank you!

Thank you of listening to my presentation and i hope

you all enjoyed it!

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