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For my developmental theory I chose the infancy and

childhood developmental stage for my paper. In this

paper I will tell you about how I would think, feel and act
according to research and theory from the psych ebook,
erickson and freud. To start off, the first theory is from the
infant stage where I am completely dependent on being
nurtured to survive. At this stage I will cry often for no
reason at all. Sometimes I will cry when sick, hurt or
hungry. I can also cause stress to my parents if they are
truly loving and nurturing. I am also at the mercy of my
genes what have I inherited from my parents, good and
bad. While growing up i will be classified with the following
class of a easy child at 40% another 10% are classified in
the difficult children the have temper tantrums and moody
the next is slow to warm at 15% they are the shy children
who are soft spoken and not eager to new things and
adventures the remaining 35% of children do not fit into
another group. For the paper's purpose I will choose the
slow to warm as my basis for my character.we start out as
a little new born 7lbs 46ins long i am embraced in my
mother arms the next 3 years i begin to trust and mistrust
what i trust are my parents and/or caregiver from what i
wear to what i eat during this time i am trusting that all my
needs will be met flash forward three years. I am now a
toddler. I can stand, walk and carry little conversation but
u rarely speak unless spoken to i am learning new things
about my surroundings. My mom is a real estate agent
and my father is a welder i learn curse words from dad
mom always sings me asleep with hymn at this stage
erikson says i am beginning to choose my own clothes
that i want to wear so i usually choose shorts and a t-shirt i
have also began to pick out what foods i like and dislike i
have began to develop my personal independence and
control of myself this is the theory of shame and doubt this
stage is important because the parents play a large part
from being accepting that you don't like broccoli or they
parent will force you to eat. The “shame” i feel can lead to
mental health crisis like depression, anxiety, eating
disorders, and low self-esteem.the third theory i will
elaborate on is Initiative versus guilt during this
developmental phase i will learn to interact in the
world i begin to find out am i a good or bad person. I
have an amazing time in school learning new things.
I'm still shy but as the school year goes on I make
friends to play with . I am also learning things I can
and can't control like I can have a sharp pencil every
day because I sharpen them at home the night
before but Billy Joe doesn't and has to use my
sharpener or the wall sharpener. Or how i practice
the questions i miss on my math test to do better on
the next one.most kids in this stage have guilt and it
is important to limit that by telling the child this is a
learning lesson it's okay to fail you just have to try
again now that is erikson view on infancy to freuds developmental theory for this
stage of his five psychosexual stages is the anal
stage in this stage i can expect to develop bowel and
bladder control. My parents will play a large part on
how i use the bathroom. Also According to Freud,
inappropriate parental responses can result in
negative outcomes. If parents take an approach that
is too lenient, Freud suggested that an anal-
expulsive personality could develop in which the
individual has a messy, wasteful, or destructive

If parents are too strict or begin toilet training too

early, Freud believed that an anal-retentive
personality develops in which the individual is
stringent, orderly, rigid, and obsessive.

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