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On Page 2-4

From the beginning of the scene from ‘giving us port’ to the end of Page 4.I would
use a central profile spot to demonstrate to the audience Sheila and Gerald are the
focus as they ar5e engaged continuing family legacy. Sheila is marrying to a good
family with good connections. I would communicate this by using a profile spot to
create a soft edged beam= target only Sheila and Gerald – this would be ideal
because the lighting allows to focus on performers without spilling into unwanted
areas. I would choose the colour of Mayan sun – to communicate delicateness in the
young couple’s love. The lighting would gradually fade up and would be of a bright
intensity to show the engagement is an important occurrence and a main event- to
predict the irony later the scene as the audience finds out. However, when Mr Birling
is not speaking, I would use a side birdie to indicate hiding on the stage- his shadow
is created as his opinion /being still lurks around. Therefore, his opinion is still very
much important especially for the welfare of the companies-he is showing he is more
business-orientated. I would choose the colour brown as it is a very harsh colour.
The birdie would best be suited to a low intensity as Mr Birling getting engaged but
he still has an influence on Gerald- wanting him to be best suited for his family.
On Page5-7
The lighting from the beginning of the scene will be a light blue. I would use a gobo
to project the light blue light. It comes up immediately on cue – the colour choice
suggests airiness- everything to do with the engagement is flowing and going as
expected. I would use a set of side Fresnel to light up all the stage evenly. The barn
doors would help me to achieve the beam of light being spread a lot when fit onto
front of Fresnel .When Gerald brandishes the ring – from Sheila’ lines” Oh-Gerald-
You’ve got this… to «Careful, I never let it go out of my sight» Sheila is surprised I
would use a light pink with a low intensity to show the audience the sensitivity of this
part of act one and her young femininity coming through. The centre Fresnel would
focus on the top half of Sheila’s body- medium sized beam. The gobo slid in front of
the Fresnel would be silhouettes of 2D roses – which would be displayed a slight
pink. This is because of the gel that is light pink which is put in front of the lens. For
the rest of scene, the lighting will return back to the light blue- Mr Birling is
becoming more fond of Gerald-things appear to be going smoothly.

3)On Pages 8-10

On Page 8, When Gerald and Mr Birling are mainly talking-This happens from the e
line” No,thanks.. to “Not even my mother” this part should reflect success -Mr Birling
is keen to determine he is of more importance by referring to himself as “Lord
Mayor». I would use side par cans on the left and right of the stage. For This part –
the left side par cans. The gel would be orange to project a bright beam of orange
light.The colour orange would be appropriate for MR Birling and Gerald’s talk
because orange connotates success. The light would be of a bright intensity to show
Mr Birling’s importance in this part- as he boasts the roles he acclaimed due to his
upper middle class status. The beam of light would be focuses on Mr Birling face
and the feet of Gerald- as both Gerald and Mr Birling are seated in the corner of the
dining room-Mr Birling is in his wooden-mahogany cushioned armchair and Gerald in
a regular dining chair. This implies to the audience Mr Birling is an impressionable
character and likes to create an impression on Gerald. The lighting remains this way
until Eric’s «You’ve piled on a bit tonight father «I would use the right side par cans a
w medium bema to create a circle around Eric to reflect his isolation or distance from
family members such as Mr Birling- he is not understood or told of family events
such as the engagement. The right par cans would focus onto the feet of Eric-
showing he is not considered as important in the family- his opinions or ideas are not
influential or very much considered. I would use a low intensity light projecting the
colour of a medium Gray. The distance of family is depicted through the colour
choice of a Medium Gray.
Pages 11-13
On Pages 11-13, From when the inspector enters. I would try to covey the abstract
idea when the inspector enters everyone’s mood is affected. To do this I would use
a centrally positioned flood lighting because it lights large areas of the stage- which
can further show how other characters like Mr Birling- when he starts to appear more
startled and resistive to the inspector. The audience will gain a sense of the airiness
are not as perfection as they appear in society. I would use a gobo over the lens of
the Fresnel of the silhouettes of trees to create the idea something is not
right/eerie/creeping up on them. The gel would be medium green as the light
projected would suggest mystery due to inspector’s sudden appearance. The floods
of light would hang over all characters in the scene to shown uneasiness settling
amongst them. The wide flood of light would have a low intensity to add to eeriness.
This colour would come up on cue to indicate unexpectedness/abnormality.

Pages 14-16
On page 14-16 the lighting would be a flood light centrally positioned in a medium
green colour – to communicate Mr Birling’s still resistive manner and heavily
influence on Gerald as Gerald sides with him. Howbeit, every time Eric interjects with
a difference of opinion to his dominant father trying to maintain authority with the
Inspector. This makes him appear chaotic and not in charge. The flood lights would
fade up and change to a medium yellow. The medium yellow communicates to the
audience the unflattering atmosphere.

Page 16 ‘Sheila has now entered’ – page 18

I would like there to be side Fresnel on either side of Sheila that a maintained for this
whole part. The Fresnel on the right would be a paler daffodil yellow to show Sheila
detaching form idea she is not responsible- her guard and innocent front has been
uncovered. The beam of light would focus on her face- it would be a bright intensity
to communicate strong feelings. The pale daffodil light would be projected through a
gel. Whereas the group of Fresnel on the left would communicate an abstract idea to
the audience that she feels trapped-surrounded by idea she is guilty- cannot be let
free easily due to her status of upper middle class. I would light up a large rea
around her and use a gel to produce a dark blue cover which would have a gobo
projecting the image of chains to communicate this message to the audience. Dark
blue signifies her struggle to see positive side.
Page 19-21
I would fade up the lighting but return to Fresnel. The side Fresnel on the right would
downcast the confusion between all characters as they try to settle and accept
responsibility would change the floodlight, so it is positioned at the side. I would use
gel to produce a beam of light to cover a large area and focus on all character’s
faces. I would use a magenta gel to create magenta lighting to show the audience
there is more to the story. For the inspector, the side Fresnel on the left would create
a small area of lighting surrounding him to show he represents different views to
Birlings. The colour chroma green would be ideal because it signifies the inspector
respects all life including Eva Smith. The chroma green would have a mid-intensity-
to further impact how characters struggle to understand the inspector he is not easy
to read from the way he comes across but constantly questioning and disregarding
their status and achievements in life.

Suggested improvements:
 When referring to colours, also mention they are 'gels'
 In 2 you mention a gobo, but what are you projecting?
 Flood lights are usually used in groups, so make them plural
 Some of the lighting colour justifications wouldn't be clear for the audience.
For example, the discussion of green representing how the Inspector respects
all life is not clear.
 In general, outstanding use of lighting terminology, with clear justification in
specific moments. You can further consider fade in ad out times.

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