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Heredity over Fixing broken

centuries DNA

649 652

edited by Jennifer Sills

Physical Laws Shape Biology formation in seashells and zebrafish can be reproduced by Alan Tur-
ing’s simple reaction-diffusion model (3). For immune-related Toll-

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like receptor signaling, a linear response model utilizing the physi-
biology” (12 October 2012, p. 215), C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko dis- cal law of mass conservation was sufficient to show the enhancement
cuss the relevance of dynamic systems biology approaches and the of an alternative TRIF-dependent pathway in MyD88 mutant murine
concept of “attractors” to understand cell differentiation and prolifer- macrophages (4, 5). Similar biological flux redistribution in gain-of-
ation. We share their excitement in using computational models that function mutation was also observed for the energy metabolic path-
apply physical laws to cell fate decision. ways in Escherichia coli (6).
Because there are still naysayers who question whether simple With further integration of the latest experimental innovations,
physical laws operate in living systems, we want to emphasize the such as in vivo tracking of individual molecules in single cells, with
existence of numerous examples in which the laws of physics have computational models applying physical laws at different scales
been used to provide mechanistic insights on complex behaviors of (quantum or classical), the future looks optimistic for a leap in under-
living organisms. In the past two decades, numerous works in biology standing the origins of biological decisions. We hope schools and
have integrated com- colleges will inspire students to learn multidisciplinary concepts.
experimental verifica- Institute for Advanced Biosciences and Systems Biology Program, Graduate School of Media
tions. Leibler and col- and Governance, Keio University, Japan.
leagues showed, using *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
a simple mass-action
model, that bacterial 1. N. Barkai, S. Leibler, Nature 387, 913 (1997).
chemotaxis is highly 2. U. Alon, M. G. Surette, N. Barkai, S. Leibler, Nature 397, 168 (1999).
Laws of physics come to life. Patterns in zebra- robust to biochemical 3. S. Kondo, T. Miura, Science 329, 1616 (2010).
4. K. Selvarajoo et al., PLoS One 3, e3430 (2008).
fish can be reproduced by Alan Turing’s reaction- parameter variations 5. K. Selvarajoo, Cell Commun. Signal. 9, 9 (2011).
diffusion model. (1, 2). Complex pattern 6. N. Ishii et al., Science 316, 593 (2007).

Biodiversity Despite eterious impacts of selective logging for dis- nectivity for wildlife.
Selective Logging turbance-sensitive wildlife [e.g., (5, 6)], but Unfortunately, logged forests are more
recent evidence suggests that logged forests likely than primary forests to be cleared or
PRIMARY TROPICAL FORESTS ARE POWER- can have surprisingly high conservation val- burned in some (9) but not all (10) nations.
houses of biodiversity (1) but are rapidly ues. In a meta-analysis across four tropical For this reason, we do not advocate an expan-
declining in extent and are threatened even regions, selectively logged forests were by sion of logging—although this will surely
within some protected areas (2). As a result, far the most biologically similar to primary continue in many regions. Rather, we assert
non-primary forests, especially those that forests, compared with agricultural and agro- that logged forests are too vast, vulnerable,
have been selectively logged, are becoming forestry systems (1). Even after repeated,
more important to conservation efforts. intensive logging, the biodiversity of native
In the tropics, logging is almost always forests in Borneo is roughly comparable to
Letters to the Editor
selective, targeting only certain commercially that after the first cut (7). Logged forests also Letters (~300 words) discuss material published

valuable tree species above a minimum size store considerable carbon (8) and maintain in Science in the past 3 months or matters of
general interest. Letters are not acknowledged
and leaving other species unharvested. More most hydrological functions of primary for-
upon receipt. Whether published in full or in part,
than 400 million hectares of tropical for- ests. Hence, while they cannot replace pri- Letters are subject to editing for clarity and space.
est are now in permanent timber estates (3), mary forests, logged forests have great poten- Letters submitted, published, or posted elsewhere,
and at least 20% of all tropical forests were tial to enhance conservation at landscape and in print or online, will be disqualified. To submit a
logged from 2000 to 2005 (4). regional scales, act as buffer zones around Letter, go to
Biologists have often emphasized the del- protected areas, and help maintain forest con-


Published by AAAS
Asian vulture Sugar for
recovery? flowers

653 659 Comment on “Large Volcanic Aerosol

Load in the Stratosphere Linked to
Asian Monsoon Transport”
Michael Fromm, Gerald Nedoluha,
Zdenek Charvát
Bourassa et al. (Reports, 6 July 2012, p. 78) report on
and important to ignore, given their large con- individual whose identity is readily apparent the 13 June 2011 eruption of the Nabro volcano and
servation potential. We should strive to retain from the data. The OECD Privacy Principles satellite observations of stratospheric aerosol that they
and better manage them. are enacted in over 80 countries worldwide attribute to troposphere to stratosphere ascent via the
DAVID P. EDWARDS* AND WILLIAM F. LAURANCE ( Privacy Principle Asian monsoon. They claim (citing another source) that
the 13 June top injection height was well below the tro-
Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Sci- No. 1 states: “There should be limits to the popause. We will show that the 13 June Nabro erup-
ence and School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook collection of personal data and any such data tion plume was clearly stratospheric and contained both
University, Cairns, QLD 4878, Australia.
should be obtained by lawful and fair means volcanic gases and aerosols. Moreover, we will show
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: and, where appropriate, with the knowledge height-resolved stratospheric sulfur dioxide and volca- or consent of the data subject.” The princi- nic aerosol enhancements 1 to 3 days old, unaffected by
the Asian monsoon, precisely connected to the volcano.
References ple is neutral regarding the manner of collec- The observed stratospheric aerosols and gases are fully
1. L. Gibson et al., Nature 478, 378 (2011). tion. Personal information may be collected explained by the 13 June eruption and do not require a
2. W. F. Laurance et al., Nature 489, 290 (2012). directly from an individual or indirectly from monsoon vehicle.
3. J. Blaser, A. Sarre, D. Poore, S. Johnson, Status of Tropical
Forest Management (International Tropical Timber third parties, or it may be synthesized from Full text at
Organization, Japan, 2011). other sources, as with “data mining.”
4. G. P. Asner, T. K. Rudel, T. M. Aide, R. S. DeFries, R. Emerson, Computer scientists and engineers often Comment on “Large Volcanic Aerosol
Conserv. Biol. 23, 1386 (2009).
5. W. F. Laurance, S. G. Laurance, Biotropica 28, 310 (1996).
don’t know that recording a person’s name Load in the Stratosphere Linked to
6. I. A. Bowles, R. E. Rice, R. A. Mittermeier, G. A. B. Fonseca, against erstwhile anonymous data is techni- Asian Monsoon Transport”
Science 280, 1899 (1998). cally an act of collection. Even if the consent
7. D. P. Edwards et al., Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B 278, 82 form signed at the time of the original collec- J.-P. Vernier, L. W. Thomason, T. D. Fairlie,
(2011). P. Minnis, R. Palikonda, K. M. Bedka
8. F. E. Putz et al., Conserv. Lett. 5, 296 (2012). tion includes a disclaimer that absolute ano-
Bourassa et al. (Reports, 6 July 2012, p. 78) have sug-
9. G. P. Asner et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 12947 nymity cannot be guaranteed, re-identifying gested that deep convection associated with the Asian
(2006). the information later signifies a new collec- monsoon played a critical role in transporting sulfur
10. D. L. A. Gaveau et al., Conserv. Lett. 5, 142 (2012).
tion. The new collection of personal infor- dioxide associated with the Nabro volcanic eruption
mation requires its own consent; the original (13 June 2011) from the upper troposphere (9 to 14
Legal Limits to Data disclaimer does not apply when third parties kilometers) into the lower stratosphere. An analysis
of the CALIPSO lidar data indicates, however, that the
take data and process it beyond the origi-
Re-Identification nal purpose for collection. Educating those
main part of the Nabro volcanic plume was injected
directly into the lower stratosphere during the initial
YANIV ERLICH AT THE WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE with this capability about the legal meaning eruption well before reaching the Asian monsoon deep
for Biomedical Research used his hacking of collection should restrain the misuse of convective region.
skills to decipher the names of anonymous DNA data, at least in those jurisdictions that Full text at
DNA donors (“Genealogy databases enable strive to enforce the OECD principles. It also
naming of anonymous DNA donors,” J. implies that bioinformaticians working “with Response to Comments on “Large
Bohannon, News and Analysis, 18 January, little more than the Internet” to attach names Volcanic Aerosol Load in the
p. 262). A little-known legal technicality in to samples may need ethics approval, just as Stratosphere Linked to Asian
international data privacy laws could curb they would if they were taking fresh samples Monsoon Transport”
the privacy threats of reverse identifica- from the people concerned. STEPHEN WILSON
Adam E. Bourassa, Alan Robock, William
tion from genomes. “Personal information” Lockstep Consulting Pty Ltd, Five Dock (Sydney) NSW 2046, J. Randel, Terry Deshler, Landon A. Rieger,
is usually defined as any data relating to an Australia. E-mail: Nicholas D. Lloyd, E. J. Llewellyn, Douglas A.
Fromm et al. and Vernier et al. suggest that their anal-
NextGenVOICES yses of satellite measurements indicate that the main
part of the Nabro volcanic plume from the eruption
on 13 June 2011 was directly injected into the strato-
Science Communication’s Future: Last Call sphere. We address these analyses and, in addition,
show that both wind trajectories and height-resolved
You have one more week to respond to the NextGen VOICES survey! profiles of sulfur dioxide indicate that although the
Share your thoughts about this question: eruption column may have extended higher than the
Ideally, how will scientists share their results with each other and the public in 50 years? Smithsonian report we highlighted, it was overwhelm-
ingly tropospheric. Additionally, the height-resolved
To submit, go to sulfur dioxide profiles provide further convincing evi-
Deadline for submissions is 15 February. A selection of the best responses will be published in the 5 April dence for convective transport of volcanic gas to the
issue of Science. Submissions should be 250 words or less. Anonymous submissions will not be considered. stratosphere from deep convection associated with the
Please submit only once. Asian monsoon.
Full text at SCIENCE VOL 339 8 FEBRUARY 2013 647

Published by AAAS

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