ENoLL Member AntioquiaLL

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Antioquia, Department of Knowledge Living Lab, Colombia

'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge' Living Lab, which is found in Colombia, is a new economic model for regional development as Territorial s Living Lab (TLL) and is aimed at development of the Department of Antioquia as a Territory of Knowledge, from the strengthening of entrepreneurship in Antioquia and the creation of ventures in the 125 municipalities of the 9 subregions of the Department, including its capital Medellin for their productivity and competitiveness, through intensive, productive and efficient use of ICT as a means of appropriation of Open and Collaborative Innovation with direct and extensive involvement of citizen citizens, impacting more than 6 million of people.
Description With the Certification for the Department of Antioquia (www.antioquia.gov.co), as a (www.antioquia.gov.co Member of the European Network of Living Labs, ENoLL, and with the support and coparticipation with its network, it develops a joint multi sectoral collaborative strategy, multi-sectoral about ICT as a tool for Open Innovation, with broad and direct participation of the citizens. Antioquia, Department of Knowledge Living Lab, is a ne economic Antioquia, Lab, new development model, which incorporates integrally with a systemic and holistic approach, everything that has been leading the region in relation to strategic planning and appropriation of the ICT led to education, innovation, research and generat generating ventures during the last 7 years. Department of Antioquia is prepared to structure, implement and consolidate the project of Living Lab Antioquia, Department of Knowledge (including the City of Medellin: Antioquia, Knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medellin and its Metropolitan Area: www.metropol.gov.co as www.metropol.gov.co) the largest appropriation model of Science and Technology in Colombia and Latin America, through intensive, productive and efficient use of ICT as an instrument of Open and and Collaborative Innovation. As a member of ENoLL, we want to share experiences, knowledge and methodologies with the existing network of Living Labs around the world through national and international collaborative work, involving all actors of society in the collaborative Department of Antioquia, with a joint organized multisectoral between the State, the productive sector, academia and civil society organizations, by highlighting the direct and collective participation of citizens, as the basis of a Living Lab model. References and Track Record Antioquia is leading the country in research. Research groups located throughout the department running 26% of research projects carried out at the national level. Of the 71 groups ranked by Colciencias as excellence in the country, 26 are in Medellin, 37% and 37%, 600 graduates in doctoral programs, 200 are located in Antioquia, 33%. This region showed greater connectivity and ICT infrastructure of the country, mainly over 4,350 public educational institutions, without having the private, all of which have com computers with Internet. Likewise, the growing boom in new businesses and strengthening of entrepreneurship throughout the department.

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Their key attributes and key success factor of Antioquia, Department of Knowledge LL is the enormous capacity for creativity of its population, shown for years by the strength of creativity its people in the country's business innovation. In the Department of Antioquia ( (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antioquia), we hope to receive ), knowledge of the methodologies of the open innovation that is generated in this network ledge by co-participation of all Livings Labs, that allow us to generate a dynamic active participation participation of all actors in the Antioquia Institutional Network (http://bit.ly/iyQo66 With http://bit.ly/iyQo66). our Living Lab we want to participate in the development of open architecture, in the management in research and innovation, in the incubation of joint projects, together with our European partners and co founding members: The Territories of Tomorrow rs co-founding Foundation (http://bit.ly/mejszk), European Network Digital Cities ( http://bit.ly/mejszk), (http://bit.ly/mdd6e8) and the European Association of Arts, Education and New Technologies ARENOTECH Education (http://bit.ly/iTpLfB). Antioquia, Knowledge' The contribution that 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge Living Lab make to The European Network of Living Labs, ENoLL, lies in sharing the experience of the , implementation of multisectoral coordination model, with which it is put into motion a great "Territory of Knowledge" with more than six (6) million population, involving 125 municipalities (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Municipios_de_Antioquia with its political, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Municipios_de_Antioquia) http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Municipios_de_Antioquia social and cultural dynamics, for a positive and unprecedented transformation, in a context of enormous social problems, marked by violence, corruption, drug traff trafficking, guerrillas, paramilitaries and more recently environmental disasters, with a wave of torrential rain, that has left more than 2 million Colombians victims, and for that reason we are looking to this pilot as a model for other countries and developi regions, and a developing reality of social and economic transformation, not only from our Department of Antioquia and its subregions, but also for Colombia. Given the characteristics of the Antioquia, Department of Knowledge Living Lab, its Antioquia, Knowledge scale, and the diversity of actors involved in this project in all regions of the Department of Antioquia, we can share experiences in the areas of co co-creation, co-design, exploration, experimentation and evaluation. Also, our Living Lab can participate in virtually all work participate groups, but if we want to emphasize in particular this Thematic Sub Groups: 1. Social Innovation. Social Inclusion; 2. Thematic Tourism. Culture Services; 3. Regional, territorial and Rural Development of Smart Regions; and 4. Sec Security. Contact Fundacin Pas del Conocimiento (Country of Knowledge Foundation) Foundation), Phones: 057-300 259 58 03 and 057 312 290 66 53, 300 Francisco Javier Roldn V., President, , Mail: frajaro@paisdelconocimiento.org Twitter: @PaisdelSaber Web Site: www.paisdelconocimiento.org/AntioquiaLL Medelln - Colombia

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