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10/14/22, 3:44 AM CZ’s Principles | Binance Blog

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CZ’s Principles

This is a work-in-progress document that I try to note down some of the principles I follow.
Not all principles have right or wrongs, most are just how I do/view things.

1. General Principles

1.1. Be Fair

This is a broad principle covering many aspects of life, from personal relationships, work
colleagues, to business deals. I do believe in treating people fairly. Do not take advantage of
others and do not let others take advantage of you. You won’t go very far in life if you cannot
get this balance right. It’s easier said than done. Everyone is subjective and slightly skewed in
favor of themselves. You need to resist that and be as objective as possible.

1.2. Build long term, win-win, relationships or deals

People overuse these words and give it a bad rep. But I believe it. Success is built over the
long term, and to maintain healthy long term relationships, one has to create and engage in 1/1

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