Along With The Advent of The Gate

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Along with the advent of the gate, a dimensional gate has

appeared between humanity and monsters. Ten years ago, a

gate, or what we refer to as a gate, appeared in various parts
of the world. The gate connects the human world with the
World of Magic or monsters, which we refer to as the
dungeon. Additionally, with the appearance of the gate, a gift
or power that we refer to as Awakening is also accepted by
selected humans. The selected people are known as Hunters.
There are many kinds of attackers and different kinds of
defenders, and each Hunter has unique skills. Each Hunter has
a distinct strength in addition to skill specialization; the
weakest is granted an e-rank, and the strongest among the
ease ranks can even become a country-class hunter. The
creatures in the dungeon also differ in level. Level e is the
weakest level, and level s is the strongest monster. Hunters
will receive plenty of cash benefits after completing the gate
because in the dungeon there are monostones or if you're
lucky you can get the Mana core from the defeated monsters.
Before entering the dungeon, the hunter will first detect the
gate that appears. If the gate that appears is level E, the
hunters will send Hunters with the same class or above. There
are numerous uses for monster carcasses, including the
construction of weapons and other items that can all be sold
for highly valuable currency, thus it is understandable why so
many people are drawn to the profession of hunting.
Economic hardships force Sung Jin wuk to become a hunter
because he has no choice but to do so in order to support his
sister named adultery and pay for his mother's hospital bills
because his mother had an illness that kept her asleep for
years despite the fact that he is known as the weakest Hunter.
Even when dealing with Classy monsters, Sung Jin wuk almost
died and left the gate always injured. Their son Jin wook
joined the raid where he met a Healer type Hunter named
juhi. It appears that juhi is already familiar with sung jinwook
because they offer up and read together in this raid led by a
magic type Hunter named Mr. Sun. Sung Jin wook is still
invited to hunt, or in other words, raid, because to go through
a gate the rules cannot be less than Hunters all that was done
to avoid the risk of severe death. Knowing the script by
chance, Mr. Sun was able to decipher the commander of the
carton and the Temple, which stand for first worship your
majesty and then Third, honor Your Majesty by demonstrating
your loyalty. Hunters were beginning to panic, but they were
trying to calm themselves down when one hunter tried to
open the gate, but unexpectedly a huge Guardian statue
moved and killed him. This slowly made the hunters shocked
by the events they saw while the eyes of the king of the
statues were then Sean sang. Those who disobey orders will
never return alive. The King's monument released laser light
from its eyes, killing several Hunters, and Jin Wuk quickly
ordered everyone to leave as a result. Mr. Sun had to
amputate his left hand as a result. Mr. Sun glared at the stone
carving once more and commanded, "Don't move. If you
move, you will die." One of the hunters attempted to flee
using his speed abilities, but the king's statue again burned
him, making them even more terrified. Oddly, when the
hunters didn't move, the king's statue didn't seem to react.
Seung Jin wook then realized that this statue was attacking
with a patter. He believed that there was a rule that had The
other Hunters then joined in worshiping the statue of the king
but suddenly smiled with terrible emotions the atmosphere is
tense because the statue of the king can now stand outside Jin
wook realized the second order the second command is to
praise the Lord one of the hunters then tried to recite the
praises but it was unlucky for it. When Jin Wook saw an
instrument statue, he instructed the remaining hunters to
seek cover in the area. One of the hunters was standing close
to the statue when the king's statue didn't attack him. The
instrument statue in front of Jin wook and Juhi was the same
instrument statue, and they were all perplexed because it
didn't move like the other instrument statues. Jin wook then
believed that one Statue could only be approached by one
person. Jin wook then hurried to find another instrument
statue, but before he could get there, he was thrown and was
close to the giant statue, which caused him to be attacked
with all of his might. Eventually, Jin wook was able to get
close to another instrument statue, but unfortunately, he had
to lose a leg. Juhi, a hunter healer, attempted to heal Jin
wook's leg, but his strength had worn down and he was
forced to be unable to help The remaining Hunters then
entered the altar and the other five Hunters followed Mr. Sun
at this point they are all in the altar Circle and there are six red
Flames according to the number of people in the altar Circle
immediately blue flames surrounded the altar. Mr. Sun who
became the leader of the raid this time felt that he had to be
responsible then he entered into the circle of the Altar and
immediately a red flame appeared around the altar. The
entrance that had previously been closed and the warrior
statues on it all moved, and one of the hunters saw this as an
opportunity to flee. He ran, but surprisingly, the soldier's
statue didn't attack him. He made it out, realizing that
another hunter had also managed to flee and the warrior
statue hadn't attacked him. Jaiwook then realized something
because the third commandment requires you to demonstrate
your loyalty, and this time, he knew it was a trap. He told
Hunter, who was still at the altar, not to leave the room.
Jaiwook also noticed that after one of the hunters left, the red
ring surrounding the altar had vanished, and the blue flames
had also vanished one by one within the allotted time. The
warrior statues did not attack even then. Even though he
survived and took a stand, Jin Wook had the guts to order Mr.
Sun to go get Juhi even though he was the weakest and least
trustworthy Hunter. The two of them finally left Jin Wook
alone when he was confronted by the warrior statues in front
of him. The blue flames had all disappeared and the entrance
had also closed. The warrior statues are now beginning to
attack Jin Wok only with the sword left by Mr. Kim. Jin Wook
tried to survive as best he could but the great distance
between him and the warrior statues made it difficult. Jin
Wook has the choice to accept or reject it on the screen. The
screen reads, "Congratulations, you have become a player,"
and then, in an instant, a blinding light envelops Jin Wook's
body. When Jin Wook opens his eyes, he is in a hospital. He
has two seconds to make a decision. If he rejects, Jin Wook
will die there. Because Jin wook could see that one of his legs
was still intact and did not feel any injuries to his body, he had
assumed that the incident at the temple and the twin
dungeon was merely a dream. Then, two men who belonged
to the Korean Hunter investigation Association, a special
organization that looks into Hunter Hunter activities in Korea
and maintains a balance between Hunters to prevent
violence, met Jin Wook at the hospital. The five Hunters who
had survived were reportedly active as usual, and Jin wook
had reportedly been sleeping for three days at the hospital.
Juvi, however, is still receiving treatment for serious trauma.
When a group of hunters from the White Tiger Guild went to
the location, they only saw Jin Wook himself on an altar in the
room told by the hunter who was still alive disappeared. Jin
Wook was confused because it was obvious that at the time of
the terrible events he experienced, they were real. The
association of investigators came to see Jin Wook because he
suspected that Jinwoo had a double Awakening. After all, it
was impossible to survive such a violent event. The
association member then explained that while typically a
hunter only experiences one Awakening, there are some
circumstances in which a hunter may experience multiple
Awakenings and increase their power. The association
member then displayed a Hunter's strength detector, which
Jin wook held and read as was. that was incredibly low
considering the weakest Hunter could obtain. When his
younger sister arrived home, Jin woke up to an incoming
message that said, "This is a system that will help Player
Development if you don't comply with the system you will be
penalized." Soon after the two investigators left and
apologized for suspecting Jin Wook, his sister Zinna came to
visit him. However, when she arrived, it turned out that only
he could see the mysterious screen in front of her. If players
successfully follow the system's instructions, they will receive
rewards or prizes. Players will also receive an incoming
message with instructions to prepare to be strong and see a
mission that must be performed within a set amount of time.
Although Jin Wook finds this absurd and refuses to participate
in the mission that must be finished today, a message stating
that he would be punished for failing to complete the mission
appeared once more after the allotted time had passed. Jin
Wook then felt a powerful earthquake and realized that he
was now in a desert. A giant centipede monster then
appeared nearby and was about to attack him. Once more, a
message from the system arrives with the mission of the
current punishment being to survive the monster attack for
the rest of one's life; this time, Jin Wook cannot refuse
because it could endanger his life. Jin Wook is currently being
punished by the system; he is in the desert and must survive
for four hours while dodging the onslaught of a large
centipede monster with all of his strength. Fortunately, the
time allotted has passed. After Jin Wook recovered and went
back to the hospital, a message from the system appeared
with rewards for successfully completing the mission. From
that point on, Jin Wook stopped ignoring the system and
began completing the daily missions that were given to him.
His current mission is to train physically by starting push-ups,
running, and other exercises. When Jin Wook had grown
weary of this, the message from the system reappeared,
offering him a gift in the form of recovery. He accepted this
gift and went home In addition to the player status screen,
which is a place to store weapons or other items, there is also
an inventory screen where players can store skills or strengths
that can be used. When Jin Wook checks the system, his
status is still Level One and he will earn points if he completes
the given Mission. Jin began to enjoy it and thought it was a
game when another communication arrived, this time a
mysterious box. The mystery box that Jin Wook received
included a key, which he used to immediately enter the
dungeon. The location of the key's use is also indicated. Jin
Wook then makes his way to the destination, which is at the
station's pleasant entrance. This dungeon is unique from
other dungeons because common people are unaware that it
exists. Jin Wok young was interested and gave it a try.
However, as soon as he entered, the gate abruptly closed. Jin
Wook felt some regret and feared he wouldn't be able to
return. Another notification states that you must have killed
the boss or used this Hearthstone in order to exit the
dungeon. Jin Wook received as a reward following the
punishment mission in the desert, and a short while later, he
sensed the presence of a terrifying A wolf monster with
bloodshot eyes and pointed teeth attacked Jin Wook at the
end of the hallway; its name was Steel Fangrakin. The
monster attacked again, but Jin Wook was surprisingly able to
avoid it. He wondered how his body could be this light now
that Jin Wook was confident and threw his first punch, the
monster was knocked out of boredom. Jin Wook panicked as
he realized that even against Frankie monsters, he was injured
and nearly dead, and now he has to face a much stronger
monster. A few strikes on the monster failed to kill it, so Jin
wook reasoned that a magic weapon must be used. Jin wook
remembered that he had previously used Mr. Kim's weapon
while in a double dungeon. Unsure whether the weapon was
still there or not, Jin wook opened the inventory on the
system screen. Fortunately, the weapon was still there, so he
took it and immediately killed the monster, sending the
message. The wolf monster gave Jin Wook five points, which
he could use to boost his strength, speed, endurance,
intelligence, or any other attribute that Jin Wolf desired. This
time, Jin Wook contributed the points he had earned to his
strength. In this system, there is also a market where we can
sell the goods of the monsters we defeat; items that have
been sold can be exchanged for gold and will be in the player's
inventory. Jin wook is now beginning to understand how this
system works and can continue to be strong if he levels up as
long as monsters are defeated. This time, he received canines.
Even though he had defeated numerous monsters, the gate
wouldn't open, and from a great distance, a pack of wolves
appeared in front of Jin Wook. However, Jin Wook is now
confident and can easily defeat the wolves because he has
improved his strength level. As the fighting intensifies, the
system sends out another message that reads, "You have
earned the title of wolf Slayer despite having defeated
everyone." Jinwook circled the quick dungeon before running
across a troop of gorilla monsters known as the Razer claw
briga and the Black Shadow Rasm, but Jin Wook defeated him
with ease. After feeling Eve's strength in his body for a short
while, Jin Wook sensed her great power in the basement. He
was unsure whether to approach her, but if he didn't, he
wouldn't know the full extent of her power. When Jin Wook
entered the room, he was startled by a monster's quick attack.
Jin Wook was thrown and his sword was broken with just one
blow. Now, Jin Wook is facing a giant snake monster named
Blue Poison Jin Wook attempted to survive, but the gap in
strength was too great to overcome him. Nevertheless, his
enthusiasm and steadfastness persisted. Jin Wook desired to
be freed from the shadows of the past, where he had been
one of the least powerful people who was constantly
despised. Now that his fighting spirit had increased, he must
be able to defeat this monster. Eventually, Jin Wook was able
to hurt the monster, but his weapon had been thrown.
Despite this, he Once the boss has been defeated, a
notification stating that the dungeon will return to normal
appears. When Jin Wook was about to leave for home, a
soldier approached him and informed him that a large
monster had emerged from a nearby dungeon that could not
be stopped, and that Jin Wook could now feel a monster's
instincts without realizing it. Jin Wook hurried to the scene
and observed the hunters being overpowered by the monsters
there. Jin Wook also observed Juvi fighting, and it appeared
that Juhi was still traumatized from the battle. Jinwook only
stated that he was now regularly exercising and considering
his already muscular body, he thought he shouldn't add any
more points to his strength. However, smartly, he wants to
maximize the points he receives, so this time he added his
points for agility. Despite having new abilities, Jinwook is still
having difficulty earning money due to the level that the
Hunter Union recognizes him as ranky because by chance, an
above Hunter. Hunters can purchase shield weapons or
specialized clothing to aid them in battle, but the hefty cost
makes it nearly impossible for some to get fighting gear.
Hunters are known for their severe fighting gear. The gate
they would pass through this time is ranks, and Jin, one of
them because he is the son of a Korean millionaire, added the
points acquired for sense or detection before they left. This is
Jin Wook's first sea rank gate in the first raid for Jin Hall. Jin
Wook also asked a chuang dong Suk why there aren't any
healer type ghosts there. H Wang dong Sook replied that we
are all attack type hunters and are used to coming in and out
of the gates here without thinking. The hunters then entered
the dungeon. Jin Wook thinks Jinho is a strange and humorous
person. The hunters now arrived at the cave pass. When they
reached the spider monster's lair, the monsters were asleep,
and Jin wook realized that something was wrong with this
team. They thought they didn't want to fight the boss because
they just wanted to take the plentiful monostones around the
boss lair, but if they had to kill him, it would be a loss because
if the boss is defeated and they can't take them, the dungeon
would be closed forever.

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